Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series)
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When he was thanking her
in front of everyone, it looked like he had pure lust oozing out of his eyes for her. Maybe Michael didn’t ask Brady for a favor the night she lost the skee-ball bet, maybe Brady really wanted to go out with her. Whatever happened in the past didn’t matter now because Brady sure looked interested today and she knew Michael did not put Brady up to this.
































Chapter 6


Brady stood in the clubhouse of the golf course looking around for Jane. It had been an hour since the event had ended. Albert, of course, was awarded best dressed. He was a vision in plaid, high socks and a sweater vest. Albert told Brady when Brady handed Albert his prize that he “took his costume parties seriously.” Boy would Brady be nervous to go shopping with Albert. He could only imagine Albert picking out a nice purple shirt with pineapples across the front and flamingo clam digger pants for Brady to wear.

Where had Jane gone off too? After his speech he had to shake hands with a bunch of people and lost track of where she went. He hoped she had not taken off yet, he wanted to thank her personally instead
of in front of a large crow. Also, possibly ask her to go for a drink, a man could only hope.

Brady was making
a big risk running a fund-raiser at such short notice but Jane did a fantastic job, he knew he could count on her. He couldn’t believe how much they raised for Special Olympics. Yes he put in a good chunk of change of his own but for a week’s notice they raised a lot of money. He knew Randy would be proud of him.

Brady saw Lucy wa
ndering around the banquet hall packing up loose items so he went up to her.  She was a cute girl. She looked fresh out of college, medium length brown hair, brown eyes and dark rimmed glasses. He should keep her in mind for any of his friends who were looking for a nice girl.

“Hey Lucy, thank you again for helping out this past week, I know it was tough but I really appreciate all you did to make this event such a success.”

“No problem Mr. Matthews, it was a joy working with you again and we are so grateful for your contributions to our organization, because of you, our athletes are able to train in better facilities.”

“You can call me Brady, and I’
m glad. Do you happen to know where Jane Bradley went? I wanted to shake her hand and thank her again before I left.” Brady asked

“Yes, I just said b
ye to her. She was headed for her car.”

Brady yelled thanks to Lucy
as he ran out to the parking lot. He spotted Jane, she was parked under a giant shade tree, his preferred parking spot as well. He always liked to keep his car in the shade and away from the Atlanta heat, he assumed Jane had the same thought since she had a sun shade in her windshield. She was cuter than ever struggling with a giant box and trying to fit it into her little sedan. He rushed over to help her right before the box slipped out of her hands. He lifted it up startling her. Her eyes went big and they looked a little red. Was she crying? Brady did notice her wipe her face when he was making his speech. Maybe he actually made an impression on her today, he could only hope so.

Jane all but whispered a t
hank you and opened the trunk so he could place the box she was struggling with in her car.   

“Anything else you need to put in here?” Brady asked dusting off his shirt.

“No that is about it, thank you though.”

Listen…hey,” they both said at the same time. Brady told her to go first but Jane gestured for him to proceed. Brady shrugged his shoulders and continued his thoughts.

“I wanted to thank you personally for helping out this week and making this happen for the organiza
tion and for me. I know I didn’t give you a lot of time to accomplish all my demands but I knew you could pull it off. Michael talked my ear off about how great of an organizer you are.”

shyly looked away and replied, “Your welcome.” Her gaze came back to his and she smiled. “It was quite a task, but I had fun doing it and the athletes are so amazing. I admire you for spending so much time with them.”

Was that a compliment she paid him? Man maybe asking her to help with this event was turning out to be a great idea. He watched her fidget in her shoes and
brush her hair behind her ears.

“Thank you, I wouldn’t choose any other organization to work with.
” Brady took a deep breath. “I’m pretty hungry after all that work and packing up, would you like to catch a bite to eat?”

This was it, was she actually going to let her defenses down and go out with him? He saw her struggling with an answer he just hoped it was in favor of him.

As Brady waited for her answer, he couldn’t help but stare at her beauty.
Even right now after working all day, outside in the hot Atlanta heat, she looked beautiful. Her eyes were as blue as the sky and her hair fell in soft waves over her shoulders. What he wouldn’t give to run his hands through her mane and kiss her up her neck and across her jaw ending right on her plump lips.

Jane looked up at him and said, “I would love to but I have plans with Luke and Molly tonight
. I haven’t seen them since Molly claimed Luke was going to receive the ‘best blow job ever’ in the middle of Dave and Busters.”  Jane said while using air quotes.

Brady l
aughed. She was sweet, sexy and funny, a lethal combination. “Alright, well…” he was interrupted by Jane when she said, “You can always come along if you would like.”

Hallelujah! The heavens parted and angels began to sing in his head. Holy crap, she just invited him to go to dinner with her. He for sure thought he was going to be let down once again tonight leading him to conjure up another way to see her. But thank God
something in Jane’s brain changed because he was getting his chance his chance to finally be with her and he was not going to let go of it.

“That would
be great. I’m kind of sweaty and gross, would you mind if I went back home to take a shower? I’ll pick you up at your place and then we can head on over to the restaurant.”

e smiled and his heart melted, God she was beautiful. She had such a fresh, sexy look. Nothing he had seen before, throw in her sweet nature and hidden sex kitten, she was one hell of a woman. Jane interrupted his thoughts when she said, “Sounds great.”

They exchanged information and Brady turned to walk to his car with a little bit of extra pep in his step being careful not to trip and embarrass himself. He got his chance
with the lovely Jane, yes they might not be entirely alone but if he knew Molly like he thought he did, he was sure something was going to “come up” and Luke and Molly would have to leave early leaving Brady and Jane tom themselves. This was turning out to be a great day.




Molly just got done toweling off her wet body, walked over to her very naked and very sexy fiancé and was about to straddle him when her phone started ringing. 

“Just leave it babe, you can call whoever it is back.” Luke said while running his hands up her inner thigh and pulling her into place on top of his lap. 

“Mm, your cock feels so good between my legs. You know if I’m not careful you are going to rub me raw.”

“That’s what I’
m going for darling.” Luke said while nibbling on Molly’s neck.

“You are incorrigible.” Molly said while gently swatting the side of his arm. “If we are doing this again, we are doing it my way.” 

“And what way is that sweet tits?”

Molly did a one eighty on Luke’s lap so her back was facing Luke’s chest and straddled his lap. She
took in his entire heated arousal in her throbbing center and started rocking up and down.

“Fuck, babe you are so hot.” Luke murmured.

“Mmmmm…you feel so good inside of me.” Molly moaned. 

Luke ran his hands up Molly’s sides and started caressing her breasts and turning her nipples into swollen nubs. Molly arched back giving Luke more access. He kissed her up and down
her neck as Molly continued to rock up and down occasionally pulling all the way out and then slamming back down on his length. They both moaned at the same time and Luke slid one hand down to Molly’s swollen clit and started gently rubbing it. Molly nearly exploded right there.

“Oh God, Luke….mmm

Luke started working her swollen center more while massaging her breasts with the other hand. Molly was panti
ng ready to sexually combust when a heat of raw pleasure came over her, the same time Luke began shuttering. Molly screamed at the top of her lungs and then leaned back exhausted against Luke’s chest. He pulled her down on the bed and gently rubbed her back as she curled into his shoulder.

Molly wasn’t sure how long they laid there but her phone kept ringing and she knew it had to be Jane, no one else would call that many times in a row. She ha
d that big fund-raiser event so something must have happened after her and Luke left because why else would Jane be constantly calling Molly when she was going to see her in a couple of hours in person?

“I better get that” Molly whispered into Luke’s ear.

“I’m going to choke Jane when I see her. Doesn’t she know I have the sexiest woman in my arms and I am enjoying my post sex relaxation?” Luke thought the same thing Molly did. Jane would be the only one who would call Molly that many times in a matter of minutes. Luke murmured, “My God, my cock is still throbbing make sure you mention that to Jane when you talk to her.”

Molly laughed. “I’
m sure she would love to hear that information.” Molly played with his throbbing center, lightly stroking him up and down.

Luke breath
ed in hard and said, “What you’re doing right now would be a dream but you better return Jane’s phone call before she loses her mind. I will take a rain check on the stroking though. You have the softest hands. I wouldn’t want them to miss out on an opportunity and deprive them such satisfaction.”

Molly laughed
as she got up and did her sexiest strut to the phone. She glanced over at Luke. He was propped up on one elbow just gazing at her in adoration. She was so lucky to have such a loving, sexy and honest man.

glanced down at her phone, yup four missed calls from Jane. It must be important.

“How did you know it was Jane?” Molly asked just making sure she was right about Luke’s intuitions.

“Who else calls you four times in a row?” Luke stated

Molly nodded her head in agreement and redialed Jane’s number in her phone. Jane picked up right away and answered in with a panicked voice.

“Hello?” Jane said on the other line.

“Hey Janey Bear it’s me, sorry I missed your calls, I was busy creaming all over Luke.”

“Oh Jesus Christ Molly, I do not want to hear about your horizontal Olympics, this is an emergency.”

Molly slightly panicked, “What’s wrong doll? Is everything ok? Did something happen at your event? Are you in the hospital?” The word hospital made Luke jump to his feet and throw pants on, he was ready to go. God he was adorable.

g is wrong, what was I thinking? God I’m such an idiot.” Molly was a little confused from Jane’s confession.

he hesitated at first. “So you’re not in the hospital?” Luke rolled his eyes, stripped his pants off and started doing the helicopter with his dick in front of Molly making her giggle.

“This is not funny, Molly!”
Molly stopped giggling but couldn’t wipe the smirk off her face.

“Sorry Sweetie, I was not laughing at you.” She swatted Luke and told him to go take another shower. “Start from the beginning, what’s going on?

Jane exhaled into the phone and explained to Molly that Brady Matthews was the main contributor of the fundraising event, which Molly would have found out if she did not leave the event early with Luke to take care of some un-finished business in the bedroom. Jane continued to tell Molly how Brady hired her specifically for the job and thanked her in front of a bunch of people and how apparently he was very attractive today. Molly could not help but chuckle from her friend’s rambling. Boy, her friend had it bad for him. 

“Then I was at my car about to leave and he asked me to dinner. He looked so damn sexy
with his hair all messy and his green eyes were cutting through me, I told him I couldn’t.”

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