Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series) (3 page)

BOOK: Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series)
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He grabbed Jane’s hand and led her out to the dance floor. He was not much of a dancer but he did it every now and then when he was either extremely drunk or needed a reason to get close to a very attractive lady, this time it was the latter.  

The music was blaring and the typical re-mixes and techno tunes were playing but with a sexy red dressed woman in his hands he was feeling it tonight. He wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her close, they rocked together in perfect synchronization. Her curves melted perfectly into his in every way. It was like she was made specifically for him. She turned in his arms so her back was to him and started backing her booty up on him. He had to start thinking of his grand-mother to relieve any naughty thoughts. He didn’t need to embarrass himself with any tightness in his jeans right now. Yup Grandma is what he needed to think about, but my God Jane was a vixen. He tried to think of another way they could dance where her ass was grinding is overly excited pelvis.

He turned her around in his arms so she was facing him again but no matter what he did now he was turned on, because she was running her hands up his chest and down his arms as she slowly twisted and turned and moved her way up and down his body. Yea he was a goner. His jeans lost any space that was left in them. Okay maybe dancing was a bad idea, who knew his world was going to be rocked tonight when he decided to take the newbie out with Marc. 




Jane didn’t know what got into her but she was having one hell of a time. She lost all her inhibitions and went for it. She moved up and down and pretty much treated Brady like her own stripper pole. It must had been the drinks in her, because next thing she knew she wrapped her arms around Brady’s neck and moved against his very obvious erection, spurring him on even further. She wanted to nibble on his ear but refrained, she just brought her face real close to his so she could encompass his electrifying scent. She felt a low groan come from the back of his throat. The sound made her feel empowered, something she had not felt in quite some time. She was getting great satisfaction out of turning this extremely attractive man on with no thought of taking him home or taking this any further then the night club. 

“You are slowly killing me woman” Brady whispered in her ear.  

“I know and I can tell you are enjoying it.” She said as she rubbed up against his crotch.

He groaned again and pulled her even closer. Uh oh, did she go too far? She hoped he didn’t think this was going anywhere? What if he thought he could have his way with her, just use her for what he wanted and leave her the next morning? Why wouldn’t he, it’s not like they were in a committed relationship, this was what single life was like, wasn’t it? Dabbling here and there and having fun? Maybe it’s her turn to let loose and have a little fun. No one said she had to make a commitment or even sleep with the man. She should just let go, push all negative thoughts to the back of her head because right now she was in the arms of the sexiest man she had ever met and he was clearly turned on by her.

She tilted her head up toward him and licked her lips, clearly indicating she was ready for him to take charge. He looked at her, grinned and leaned down so close to her she thought she might pass out. They were completely still on the dance floor and he was so close to her she could practically taste him. He stayed like that for what seemed like forever, she almost threw herself at him just to get it over with but she needed to be patient and play hard to get…not throwing herself at him like some horny teenager. Finally he started to move again and very slowly was about to place his lips on hers when there was a slight tap on her shoulder. Jane nearly jumped out of her high heels. 

Chica, we have to go.” Molly said

Irritated Jane asked why under her breath. 

Molly leaned in her ear and said “George just walked in with the office hooker and I know you don’t want to be involved in any drama crazed reality show scene tonight.”

All color drained from Jane’s face. She completely went still and fear started seeping into the confident woman that was once on the dance floor. Molly smiled at Brady and grabbed Jane by the arm.

“Come on Jane, let’s get out of here. Alby pulled his car to the front and he is going to take us home.”

Jane nodded, smiled the best she could at Brady and took off with Molly. So much for the confident girl in the red dress, she thought. The mention of George’s name along with that bitch that
ruined her relationship made her turn green and she was going to lose all the contents in her stomach if she didn’t get out of the bar quick. 














































Chapter 3


Brady stood in the middle of the dance floor shocked, what just happened? A minute ago he had the sexiest woman he had ever met in his arms inches from asking her to go somewhere more private when out of nowhere her friend came over whispered something in her ear, freezing Jane completely stiff. Then her friend escorted Jane away, leaving Brady all alone and confused as hell. He was so shocked it didn’t even register to him to chase after her and make sure she was ok. What the hell just happened?

The next morning Brady was still perplexed and it annoyed him that he cared so much. She was just another girl he met at Deuces, why did it matter so much to him? Maybe because it was the first time in a long time he was genuinely interested in someone, rather than just trying to scratch an itch he might have. He didn’t even scratch as much as people thought he did. He thought about his interaction with Jane was pretty sure she was enjoying herself last night. One clue that she was into him was when she sucked in her breath when he was millimeters away from kissing her. Damn, double damn. He needed to figure out a way to see her again without looking too desperate. He would talk to Michael, maybe he could come up with a way to get Jane’s attention.

Damn, Brady was going to get slack for looking like some love sick puppy begging his buddy to set up another date for him but he didn’t care. Jane had made an impression on him. He saw something different in her than any other woman. She was sweet and sultry but mysterious at the same time. He was intrigued and he needed more time with her, he needed to figure out why Jane turned his stomach into knots.




Michael sat in his brand new house thinking about last night. When he was traded to the Braves he knew he would be in the same city as Molly and Jane but he had no clue he would run into them one of the first nights he was out. It was so good to see both of them, it brought back all the amazing memories they had together but Michael couldn’t help but feel a little bitter toward Jane. They were such good friends in college and after they graduated as well. But once George proposed to her she cut off all communication with Michael. He had a real hard time dealing with the loss of their friendship so he diverted his attention elsewhere. That was when he decided to marry Kelly and start a life with her.

He wanted to reconnect with Jane but didn’t know how to push pass the hurtful feelings he had. He would just have to talk to her about them, this was a chance for him to rekindle what he had in college with Molly and Jane and he didn’t want to lose it. He knew having friends in a new city would be nice and maybe it would give Kelly a chance to meet some new people. He worried about her since the move. She was very mad and reluctant to move. All of a sudden, Michael’s thoughts were interrupted by his phone ringing. He looked down at his caller ID, Brady.

“Hey Brady, how’s it going?”

“Pretty good, how are you feeling after last night?”

“Good actually, I didn’t have much to drink. I saw that you got a little comfortable with my friend Jane.” Michael thought about how Jane was all over Brady and vice versa. It bothered him a little. He was not sure if it was because he didn’t get to spend time with Jane last night or if it was because he always harbored feelings for her.

“Yea, I was actually calling you about her.” Michael heard Brady clear his throat. “God this is embarrassing. I was wondering if you could possibly set something up where we all hang out again. I want to get to know Jane some more. She was pretty amazing, but she was also a little stand off-
ish. I am afraid if I ask her out myself she might turn me down and say no.”

Michael laughed, “A girl turning you down? I don’t believe it.”

“Well in any case, do you think you can set something up?”

Michael thought about it. Did he really want Brady pursuing Jane? Well it was not like Michael could pursue her himself. He was married and Jane never thought of Michael that way. George was an awful human to Jane and if he could pick anyone to help Jane become herself again, Brady was a good option. He was fun, nice and could help Jane come alive again. He was a little nervous about Brady’s reputation for having so many women but after meeting Brady and getting to know him, he seemed like a really nice guy. Why not, Jane could use a little fun.

Michael replied, “Yea, I will call Jane and see if her and Molly want to hang out. I miss them and it would give me a good opportunity to catch up as well.”

“Thanks man, I appreciate it.”

“Just don’t hurt her, alright?” Michael said in a serious tone.

“You got it, I promise to be an upstanding gentleman.”

“I will text you the details later.”

Michael hung up the phone and hoped the phone number he still had for Jane was the right one. He needed to push past his distaste for what happened when George and Jane got engaged and help bring the friend he used to know back from the dead.




What was she thinking last night just throwing herself at Brady Matthews like that? She was somewhat grateful George walked in and Molly escorted her out to Albert’s car. She so much enjoyed the intimate and very sexy dancing she was doing with Brady but lord knows she would have been hurt somehow so she was grateful their private soiree stopped before it even had a chance to begin. 

She couldn’t believe she was so bold though. When she was dating George she really toned down her out-going personality and eventually lost herself. She didn’t realize the change in her personality until she left George that was when she noticed how much she changed because of him. It was like George brain washed her and turned her into a robot. She always thought she wanted to be a wife, who took care of her husband and be a mother but ever since she started her own business, her goals in life changed. She wanted to be successful and able to provide for herself. Show the world that she didn’t need George, or any man for that matter, to have the ability to take care of her, to take care of herself.

Her phone rang displaying a number she didn’t recognize, it was an Atlanta area code so she answered it thinking maybe it was a new client.

“Hello” Jane answered.

“Janey Bear, how are you sweetie?” Michael’s voice said from the other line.

Mikey! Hey handsome, where are you calling from?”

“Oh I got a new number once I moved out here. Sometimes it is nice to change numbers so you can throw the press off and un-wanted phone calls.”   

“Oh you are such a smart man.” Jane replied, “What’s going on? I’m so sorry I didn’t spend that much time with you the last night, I got a little carried away with my drinks and acted a bit slutty.”

Michael laughingly said, “Yes you did, but it was good to see you let loose. I’ve been worried about you. You haven’t returned any of my e-mails in quite some time, two years to be exact.”

Jane cringed when Michael called her out on dropping off the face of the earth from their relationship. Michael was the one person she could count on to talk to and give her sound advice. She loved Molly but Molly’s theory was sex solved everything. When Jane was dating George, he took over her life and separated her from her friends, Michael being one of them. She felt bad that she stopped talking to Michael, they were always so close. Molly and Michael were crazy together and would always made sure they were the life of the party but when it came to Jane and Michael, they were connected on an emotional level. They always leaned on each other when they needed to talk or needed advice. She didn’t talk to Michael when George cheated on her because she couldn’t face the embarrassment and feared how he would feel about her all of a sudden reaching out to him.

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