Cavern of the Blood Zombies (2011) (16 page)

Read Cavern of the Blood Zombies (2011) Online

Authors: Lei Xu

Tags: #Suspense/Thriller

BOOK: Cavern of the Blood Zombies (2011)
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He had a point, and I told myself that it wouldn’t be such a big deal to lose a finger or two anyway. So I took a deep breath, and began to stretch my two trembling fingers towards her mouth. When I had almost reached her lips, a voice beside my ear said, “Stop.”

Chapter Twenty-One

My God, I thought, that’s Uncle Three’s voice, but isn’t he still up on the cliff? How could he sound so close to me? Turning around to look for him, I saw only Fats—nobody else was there. Then I heard Uncle Three again. “Your hand is warm and alive now but the minute you put it in that corpse’s mouth, you’ll be dead meat. Don’t be so stupid.”

I listened hard to find the source of the voice—it seemed to be coming from under the jade platform and baffled, I asked, “Uncle Three, how did you get beneath this platform?”

“I’ll explain to you later,” my uncle’s voice replied. “Just now, do as I tell you—lower the woman’s head, press your thumb against her throat, and then hit her on the back of the head once. Remember to push on her throat with your thumb or she’ll swallow the key.” I nodded and obeyed, pressing on the throat of the female corpse and lightly striking the back of her head. The key flew out of her mouth, landing on the jade platform.

I immediately felt my shoulders relax as the arms of the female corpse fell away from me and her body lay flat on the platform. I let out a long sigh of relief as I realized I had been released from the dead woman’s embrace. Then I heard Uncle Three speaking from below, “Nephew, is Fats still next to you?”

I lifted my head and saw that Fats had already picked up the key and was inspecting it carefully. “Yes, he is,” I nodded.

“Take a look,” Uncle Three said in the Hangzhou dialect, “and tell me if he casts a shadow.”

I didn’t understand what my uncle meant. Obediently I glanced sideways at Fats’s feet but saw only the jade bed where his shadow should have been. Without raising my head, I was unable to see if his shadow was visible or not. “I can’t see him clearly right now,” I said.

Uncle Three sounded agitated as he told me, “Listen to me. I’ll tell you something—don’t be scared. On the way here just now, I looked closely at that guy’s body. You have to be careful. Fats is not human.”

I glanced at Fats and noticed his pink and ruddy complexion. Judging by the way he looked and the way he moved, it seemed impossible for him to be a ghost. “Uncle Three,” I asked, “could you have seen someone else instead?”

“No, it was definitely him,” my uncle assured me, “I’m not mistaken. Didn’t he urge you to put your hand into the female corpse’s mouth just now? He was trying to kill you.”

In a panic, I blurted out, “So you’re saying Fats is a ghost?”

Uncle Three answered, “Yes. No matter what he says, don’t believe him. Now, be quick! Find something nearby to protect yourself against the evil that he plans to do to you.”

At this moment, Fats gave me a look that held both anger and resentment, making me believe at least half of what my uncle claimed was true. I felt around nervously and found the belt that I had pulled from the waist of the armored corpse. Guessing that our ancestors carved spells on their belts to protect themselves from evil, I grabbed it.

Although the words on the belt were badly faded, I could still identify the text as that of the State of Lu. Could this corpse really be the Ruler of Dead Soldiers? Was this woman next to him his wife?

As these thoughts ran through my mind, my eyes were working overtime. I had already scanned the text once and although I didn’t understand most of it, there were a few words I easily recognized. Traced in gold powder, they said The Ruler of Yinxi—the king of the western underworld—this was indeed a spell to ward off evil spirits. I was delighted.

A disturbing question popped into my head and I asked Uncle Three, “Something’s not right. This jade bed isn’t transparent. How can you see us?”

“I don’t know,” my uncle told me, “I can see you clearly from below, as if the bed were made of window glass. When I came to this spot, you were just about to put your hand into the female corpse’s mouth to take the key. So I yelled out to stop you, and luckily you could hear me. Otherwise, it would have been terrible if you had put your hand between her jaws.”

I was even more confused, and still felt something was wrong. This jade bed was quite narrow and the two corpses on it were jammed close together, covering the entire bed. What’s more, the moon beams weren’t particularly bright. To be able to see through two corpses so clearly under such a small amount of moonlight seemed highly improbable, even if the bed was somehow transparent.

I glanced over at Fats again and saw that he was still examining the key. Suddenly I was sure something was askew.

Fats was the kind of guy who would have interrupted my uncle’s speech, even if he did not understand the Hangzhou dialect that Uncle Three was using. And it was completely out of character for Fats to sit still for so long staring at a key in silence.

I got off the jade bed and patted his beefy shoulder to see how Fats would respond, but to my shock, his reaction was completely out of control. Staring at me in fury, he bellowed, “You goddamn kid—you’ve been lying to me all this time!” Raising his hand that still held the dagger I had thrown to him, he began to stab in my direction.

Taking several steps backward, I screamed, “What the hell are you doing?”

His eyes were bloodred and he didn’t seem to be able to hear me. Rushing towards me, he tried to stab me again. His movements were precise and forceful, and I figured if I didn’t run, I was going to get hurt. I raced down the steps, with Fats behind me. “It’s no good to run from me, you bastard,” he roared, grinding his teeth with rage as if I had just murdered his father.

I ran for my life. Fats had a gross and bloated body, but he could move like an Olympic racer. The tunnel I was following was a short one and in a second I would be at the end of the burial platform. Behind that, the area was filled with vines. If I stepped on one, I would again soon be hanging upside down like a sausage.

Could Fats really be a devil, intending to pull me down into hell and make me suffer? But what kind of devil ran about the earth stabbing people with a knife?

As my thoughts wandered, the tunnel before me ended. I halted abruptly and lashed the belt in my hand towards Fats as though I were wielding a whip. He dodged away and I charged over to bite his hand that clutched the dagger, thinking, I’m probably the first person in the world who dared to bite the hand of a ghost. Fats screamed in pain. The dagger dropped to the ground and I kicked it far out of reach.

Fats grabbed me, threw me to the ground and muttered, “I’ll fucking strangle you, you son of a bitch,” as he put me in a headlock. I wrapped the belt around his neck, thinking, Play dirty, will you, fat man—I can do that too.

I pulled tightly on the belt and he pressed his grip tightly around my neck, each of us desperately trying to strangle the other before we were suffocated ourselves. Fats was fighting to the death, choking me so viciously that I almost bit off my tongue. Repaying him in kind, I used all the strength I had. But the belt which looked so well-preserved was weak with age. As I pulled on it, it popped and broke into two pieces.

The leather that the belt was made of was ornamented with pieces of copper that flew all over the place when the belt broke in two. The piece of copper engraved with the words
The Ruler of Yinxi
landed straight in my mouth and I felt a bitter liquid roll down my throat. Knowing that the piece had recently been on a dead body, I choked with nausea and a cloud of mist appeared before my eyes as if I had fallen into a thick, black fog.

What’s happened to me? I wondered, could Fats have choked me to death so quickly? The taste of bitterness grew stronger and stronger in my mouth. The cloud before my eyes turned clearer by the second and I woke up with a start to find that I was pressed down on the jade bed. Fats had his hands tightly around my neck, his arms were tightly hooked around my shoulders, and his eyes had turned to a shade of brilliant green.

The copper key with the dark green pearl was still inside the female corpse’s mouth, and her arms still tightly embraced me. Suddenly I realized that during the past few minutes I had been under the power of an illusion.

Turning my head, I looked at the green-eyed fox-corpse. His mask was still on the ground and the two eyeballs inside his narrow sockets had rolled in our direction as he stared straight at us.

I thought to myself, Shit! No wonder Fats had told me earlier not to look at this—the green eyes of that fox-corpse had a dreadful power. Fats was still strangling me with enormous strength and if that copper piece had ever really been in my mouth, it had by now completely dissolved. Suddenly from the corner of my eye I spotted the purple-enameled gold box in the hands of the fox-corpse. Stretching out my arm, I grabbed it and hit Fats on the head with it as hard as I could.

Fats never loosened his grip—if anything he held on to my neck tighter than ever. You plan to choke me to death and rip my neck from my body, I thought, and I knew I had to stop this guy somehow, so I hit him again even harder than before. Then there was a strange sound, Fats’s eyes rolled back into his head, and he fell forward onto my body, releasing his stranglehold on my throat. Coughing up blood, I suddenly saw the green eyes of the fox-corpse open wide and staring in Fats’s direction, emitting a surge of power that forced me to look into them.

I felt as though I was again losing control of my mind—there was nothing for me to do but push Fats on top of the corpse, since I no longer cared for him very much at all. His huge body completely covered the corpse and since I could no longer see that dreadful green-eyed stare, I began to regain my mental equilibrium.

I rubbed my neck, which was bruised with huge fingerprints and so swollen that its shape was distorted. My whole body hurt. The powerful hypnotic stare of that green-eyed fox-corpse was not to be underestimated.

Picking up the purple-enameled gold box I had just used as a weapon, I found it had a tiny keyhole. “Hmm,” I grunted and looked over at the female corpse’s mouth, as I muttered to myself, “Could that key open this box?”

And then I saw the corpse’s belt, torn in two, with little bits of copper scattered everywhere. Suddenly the memory of the taste of copper filled my mouth like blood.

Chapter Twenty-Two

The box felt heavy and looked like the ones that contained Buddhist relics. But at the time this box was made, Buddhism had not yet come to China, so whatever was inside couldn’t be a sacred relic. I shook my head as I asked myself, Could the devil’s imperial seal that Fats talked about earlier be inside this box?

The key was still in the female corpse’s mouth. I pulled myself together, reached under her tongue with two fingers, grabbed the key, and carefully began to remove it. When the key was halfway out, I noticed a very fine string of silk thread tied to it that went all the way down the dead woman’s throat. The end of this thread seemed to be tied to something and I realized this could be a very bad sign.

Grandfather had told me that ingenious Chinese craftsmen of the Shang dynasty were able to place crossbows inside a dead body which were usually triggered by pulling a gold thread. Once a grave robber removed the jade or the pearls that had been concealed within a corpse’s mouth or asshole, the motion would tug the thread that triggered the trap, and bolts would shoot out of the corpse. Because the distance between the robber and the dead body was usually very close when this happened, it was impossible to avoid the attack. Heaven knew how many grave robbers died from this trap, but I didn’t want to be one of them.

Pressing the stomach of the dead woman, I felt some hard objects under her skin. Lucky that I’m such a slow and cautious guy, I thought. If Fats or Panzi were doing this, by now they would most likely have been fooled and killed by this trap designed to kill grave robbers like us. I shivered with fear and relief.

The thread tied to the key was made of gold; it could be pulled but not twisted. I pinched it with my fingernails until I broke it, and cautiously removing the key, I inserted it in the keyhole of the box. It fit perfectly.

But was there anything dangerous inside the box? There could well be other traps so I decided it was best to keep it locked for now.

Suddenly I felt a ferocious intensity coming from the female corpse. Her embracing arms fell from my shoulders at last. Her face instantly caved in upon itself, like a rotting orange. An indescribable noise came from her throat that made me clap my hands over my ears. As I shivered in disbelieving horror, the perfect beauty in front of me became a mummified corpse. Her withered, putrefied body fell onto the jade platform, shrinking and becoming smaller by the second.

It was an appalling spectacle. Evidently the pearl on the key had prevented her from rotting over the past centuries. I stuffed the box and its key into my bag, thinking I’d spent too much time already in this place. Then I went to find Fats.

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