Cayman Desires (6 page)

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Authors: Sabel Simmons

BOOK: Cayman Desires
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“Oh … Trace!”  Relief
resonated from her voice.

His mischievous grin
would have melted many a heart. He spread his arms wide.

“Now who else would be
so forward as to manhandle a feared pirate in public?  E’ning, my lady pirate. 
You are looking beautiful as always!”

He took her by the
shoulders, spun her in a full circle, and gave a low whistle when she faced him

“Hm … mmm .. Hm … you
are going to break some poor sailors’ heart tonight that is for sure!”

She laughed with him,
her eyes shining in merriment.  “And you, dashing sir, some poor tavern

He draped his arm
around her and steered her towards the bar.  “What can I get Lady Red to
drink?”   She glanced at him with a question in her eyes.  He wiggled his
eyebrows at her.  “Well, you are a pirate!  Every pirate must have a feared

She burst out
laughing.  “And Lady Red is going to make all those sailors quiver in their

Laughingly they got
their drinks and took a leisurely walk around the pool, Clarissa waving at
people as she passed them by.

Throughout it all, she
was constantly aware of where Raymond was. The time he got up to take Robert to
the restroom, the time he took a stroll with Miguel and stood chatting with
Bette and her boyfriend, Kevin.  Even the times a petite blond woman hung on
his arm, draped around him like a vine.

At times, she felt his
burning eyes on her, causing tingles to shiver down her body.  Eventually she
realized she could not continue walking circles around them. Miguel was already
shooting questioning glances her way.

With apprehension, she
guided Trace towards them, all the time aware of Raymond’s unwavering gaze
fixed on her.  As they neared their table, she glanced towards him and her
steps faltered.  His gaze was hot, literally sweltering with fire, the eye
patch removed long ago.  An unspoken promise gleamed in them.

Her breath caught in
her throat and she swallowed.  When Trace glanced down at her, she realized
that she clutched his elbow in her anxiety of the inevitable meeting with him
beside her.

His gaze followed hers
and he sensed the sexual tension emanating between the two of them.   He
frowned, he knew who Raymond was, have met him a few years ago in Manchester
and have great respect for the man he was. What was the connection between
them?  Was he the reason Clarissa would not love another?

“Trace, how delightful
to see you again!  I am so glad you are here to look after our girl!”   Miguel
pumped Trace’s hand vigorously and thumbed him on the back.

Raymond’s mouth
tightened beholding Miguel’s actions and glared at Trace.  He took his hand
briefly in a hard grip and merely gritted through clenched teeth, “Michaels”.

They stood chatting for
a while about the festival and Miguel encouraged Trace to talk about his
Agency, which he did with enthusiasm.  Trace was very passionate about what he
did and enjoyed every minute of it.

Robby’s hand crept into
hers and he tugged at her hand.  “Rissa, you look very nice.”   She laughed
down at him.

“Thank you, sailor
man!”   At her words, he proudly swirled around, showing off his white and blue
sailor suit with a red bandana around his head.  He looked like a small replica
of a modern sailor.

To escape the
relentless scowl of the man standing opposite her, she quietly excused herself,
indicating that she was going to show Robby around.  He happily hopped next to
her, chatting incessantly.

Raymond found them a
half hour later where they sat on the lawn, each with a laden plate of food in
front of them.  Robby still chatted away excitedly about Blackbeard ever since
she told him the legendary tale.  His eyes brightened when it lit on his dad.

“Dad!  Come sit with
us.   Rissa said you are a modern day Blackbeard!”

His eyebrows lifted.   
“I am?  Now why is that, Miss Langston?”

Clarissa glanced up at
him, but before she could respond, Robby piped up:  “Cause you are always
glaring at her and you are dressed like him!”

He speared a glance at
her.  “I am, am I? Mayhap I’ll show your Rissa later on exactly how Blackbeard
would treat a wench like her!”

She blushed as his hot
gaze trailed over her face and came to rest on her full breasts straining
against the silk blouse.  Retha’s arrival offered Clarissa respite from
sparring with him.  Retha grabbed Robby by the hand.

“Come on imp, the
street parade is about to start.”

“Jaai!   Rissa told me
about all the different boats people build and the dancing and singing in the
street!   Are you coming too, Daddy?”

He grasped his fathers’
hand and pulled him along.   Clarissa let out a brief sigh of relief, but even
before its birth, Raymond seized her hand and pulled her along.

“We can’t leave you
behind to miss out on all the fun, now can we?”

She tried to pull her
hand out of his, but his grip only tightened and she had no other choice but to
follow them down to the main street where the parade was about to begin.

People all around them
laughed and danced to the music drifting from all the different floats. Slowly
following along to the center fountain where everyone gathered for a street

Raymond’s grip shifted
around her hand and he plated his fingers through hers, his thumb gently
rubbing the veins on her wrist.  She felt the heat shimmering inside her and
blood rushed through her veins.  How could such a simple gesture set her blood

They reached the center
fountain and met up with Bette, Kevin and Trace.   Bette’s excitement was
evident in the energy she exuded in her dancing movements.   She grabbed Kevin
and pulled him amidst the dancing couples, calling out to Clarissa:  “Come Boss
… let’s have some fun!”

Trace immediately took
Clarissa’s hand and followed them, forcing Raymond to relinquish his hold on
her.  Laughingly she joined in the fun and followed Trace’s dance steps he
changed all the time in tune with the music.

She relaxed completely
and for a while totally forgot about the tension between Raymond and her.  She
laughed and danced until she was breathless.  Now and then, her eye caught
Raymond’s, who still stood motionless on the same spot, his eyes trained on her

Raymond felt the anger
escalate in him, higher and higher, until he felt he ready to explode.  Every
time Michaels caught her in his arms after a twirl, pulled her close and danced
in circles with her, he wanted to rip his throat out! What right did he have to
put his hands on her?  As though she belonged to him!

Retha placed a hand on
his arm.  “Calm down, son, she is having fun for a change.”  He barely glanced
at her and she sighed.  “I think Robby had enough fun for tonight. He is
literally falling asleep on his feet.  We are taking him to bed.”  He
acknowledged her with a nod, his eyes still glued on Clarissa.

When Trace pulled
Clarissa close and bend down to kiss her full lips, something exploded in
Raymond. Without even realizing it, he moved towards them, murder in his eyes.

He seized her by the
hand, and before Trace could react, hauled her with him down the street back to
the Hotel.  Clarissa had to run to keep up with him and tried to tug her hand
out of his.

“Ray, what are you
doing?  Let me go!”

Without breaking his
stride or looking at her, he growled:  “If you know what is good for you at
this stage, Clarissa, you will just shut up!”

They reached her
cottage and he threw the door open and slammed it shut the minute she was
inside after him.  He jerked her around and up against him.  His eyes burned
into hers like blazing embers.

“You should have known
better to openly challenge me, honey.”  His voice was soft and harsh, yet
smooth as silk.  The anger within, thinly veiled.

“Ray, what are you
talking about?”  Desperately she tried to put some distance between them, but
his hands tightened around her arms.

“Throwing lover boy in
my face, the whole evening!   Pushing against him like a bitch in heat!”

She blanched, anger
intensified inside her like a volcano.  “How dare you!”

He yanked her higher
against him, his voice thick with anger.  “I dare!  I warned you yesterday
morning!  You are mine!”

She realized that even
though a volcano of heat slowly sizzled inside her, his had already erupted and
she started struggling in earnest.

“Let me go!”

Instead, his one arm
folded around her waist like a steel band, his other moved up to grip her chin
roughly between his fingers.  He forced her face up, his blazing eyes fastened
on her quivering lips.  He held her so tight she could not move, and she
beseeched softly:  “Ray, please…”

His hard gaze fixed on
her.  “Please … you use that word so nicely, my darling.  Be aware, that before
this night is over … you will say it many times more!   You compared me to
Blackbeard … well wench … I will show you Blackbeard!”

His head lowered and
his mouth closed over hers.  He kissed her hard, forcing his tongue between her
shocked lips immediately, going deep, allowing her no quarter. He was marking
his territory, telling her with his mouth that he was the master. His burning
fury still pulsated through his body.

His mouth slanted
across hers, hurting her and she moaned.  He let go of her chin and his hand
wound around her body to settle on her bottom, drawing her hard against him. 
She felt the hard ridge of his arousal press against her stomach and
immediately a rush of heat spread down her body to pool between her legs.

His lips softened
against hers. Her arms crept helplessly around his shoulders and she caught his
head in her hands.  Her fingers curled in the hair at the nape of his neck. 
Her mouth opened wider under his and her tongue met his, stroke for stroke.

Passion erupted with a
volcanic force between them.  They gasped for air, but would not let go of each
other’s mouth.  It was as if they could not get enough of each other. As if,
they were trying to erase the last six years in a kiss of a moment.

Raymond’s lips left
hers to trail a line of fire down her throat in urgent, hot kisses.  She gasped
to catch a breath as his hard hands fastened around her breasts, urgently
kneading and softly pinching her already aroused nipples to painful hardness.

He drew away and within
seconds, her boots, leather pants and panties, flew across the floor. He pushed
his pants and jockeys down and dragged her tight against him.

The heat of his heavy
arousal was like a hot iron against her stomach.  His head lowered and his
mouth captured hers again and with his hands beneath her bottom, he lifted her
up against him, moved her legs around his body and rubbed his engorged shaft
against the heat at the juncture of her legs.

She moaned and her legs
locked behind his back.  He felt the heat and the wetness embrace the length of
his shaft and he growled. When she rubbed slightly against him, he lost the
last vestige of control and he moved forward, pressed her back against the wall
and surged inside her with brute force, filling her to the hilt.

Her cry hardly
registered in his brain as her heat enveloped him, tightly nestled inside her
core.  It was too much for him, her heat and the tight muscles closing around
him like a glove.   He started moving inside her with barely controlled force,
thrusting relentlessly, desperately seeking release.

Clarissa cried out when
he seared into her, her body protesting the force with which he entered her. 
It has been six years since he had been there, and now her body was tight and
unaccustomed to such rough treatment.

When he surged forward
the third time, her body caught up with his, she felt the intense pressure
building to the point of pain in her loins, and she hung on for dear life.  She
felt her body erupt within seconds thereafter and cried out as stars exploded
in her head.  Immediately followed by his loud grunt; he stiffened against her
as his warm seed spilled deep inside her.

His legs trembled
beneath him with the force of his release, he felt like a student that just had
his first sexual experience.  Never before has it been this intense, this
quick, this satisfying.  He pressed against her and felt the heat rising inside
him again. He stiffened when he felt her muscles straining against his still
hard length inside her.

He pulled her legs down
and stepped away from her.  Clarissa slumped against the wall, her legs like
rubber.  She pushed up against the wall and lifted her heavy eyelids.  She
gasped.  Raymond stared at her with disgust searing from his eyes.

She reached for him. 

He took another step
back, bent down to pull his pants up and snapped it shut, swung around and
stormed out of her cabana with a bang of the door.

Her teeth started
clattering; she folded her arms around her waist and staggered to her bedroom
where she fell on her bed, curling into a small ball.

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