Cayman Desires (4 page)

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Authors: Sabel Simmons

BOOK: Cayman Desires
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“Ray, my boy, it is
time you set things right.  You cannot continue living the life you have for
the past six years.  It is time for you to….”

Raymond stood glaring
down at his uncle, disbelief in his eyes.  “Time I set things right?   I do not
believe what I am hearing.  You know the full story, Uncle Miguel!   Mom made
sure to tell you every juicy detail!   She basked in the fact that she was right
about Clarissa all along!  That she was only after me for what I could offer
her in the hotel business!  I am not the one who walked out on her! So tell me,
uncle dear, what I am supposed to set right!”

Miguel turned away and
went to stand before the window, staring out to the sea.  His voice gave away
his age.   “Maybe it’s time we all set things right.  Me, for starters.”   He
rubbed his eyes and turned back to Raymond.  “My boy, I have done many things
in my life I am not too proud off…”

A soft groan from the
couch drew everyone’s attention at the same time as Robby came hobbling into
the room, cheerfully singing a nursery rhyme.  He noticed Clarissa on the
couch, struggling to sit upright.

Rissa, have you come to visit us?”   His chirpy voice and the name only Raymond
used to call her, made Clarissa groan.  Her gaze searched the room and clashed
with Raymond’s fiery gaze.  His face was set in an inscrutable mask and his
lips tightly pressed in a thin line.  It was as if he were looking right
through her.  Nearly six years and he still could not forgive her … in fact; he
looked at her as if he hated her!

“Look, Dad!  It’s my
merm … mermaid!” 

He rushed over to
Clarissa and sat down next to her on the couch, his hand clutching hers in his.  
Raymond stared at the pair on the couch, his heart contracting in his chest.

Clarissa could not
breathe; it felt as if she was drowning.  Floating and drowning at the same
time. Her voice croaked when she managed to ask, “How … how old is he?”   Her agonizing
gaze fastened on Raymond’s shuttered features.   His lips pressed together even

Robert startled at her raised voice and looked at his dad in confusion.

Retha’s quiet voice
answered her.  “He’ll be five in January.”

Clarissa’s breath was
stuck somewhere between her lungs and her throat and she gasped to get some air
into her lungs.

Five in January! That
meant he was conceived directly after I left!  Oh, my God, how could he!

struggled upright and pushed up from the couch, swaying slightly, but when
Raymond’s hand came out to assist her, she slapped it away. Slanting him a
fierce glare, she rushed past him.

“Clarissa, dear, where
are you going?  You cannot run off like that, you just fainted.  Sit down and
have a cup of tea.”

“NO … I have to … I
have … I’m fine, thank you Miguel.  Please excuse me, I have to go.” 

With her head held
high, she walked past Raymond and kept her gaze straight ahead, even though she
could feel his fierce eyes piercing over her.

“Well then, Ray, you’ll
have to walk her home. We cannot let the poor girl out alone.  What if she
faints again?”

“NO!  That won’t be

“Of course, Uncle. 
Shall we, Miss Langston?”  

Not waiting for her
response, Raymond took her arm in a punishing grip and half pushed, half pulled
her through the door.  Once outside, she started struggling, desperate to pull
her arm from his grip.

“Let me go!  I do not
want you to touch me!  Let me go, I said!” 

Her demands fell on
death ears. Raymond continued down the path with her in tow, her arm still in
his strong grip.

“Where to?” He barked
in a barely controlled voice.

“I said LET ME GO!”  

Ignoring her, he kept
going and neared the bend where they bumped into each other.   “Unless you tell
me where to go, I will haul you into the hotel in front of everyone!”

“Take the left turn
ahead. I stay in the cottage down the beach path.  Let me go Raymond!  I can
walk by myself!”

“Yes, I’m sure you can,
but at least this way I am not tempted to strangle you!”  

That shut her up
immediately, but the anger at his manhandling of her and what she just learned
simmered inside her all the way to her cottage.

He threw the door open,
pushed her through and followed her in.   She swung around and her long hair
stung his face in the process.  His eyes followed the swaying strands of hair,
shimmering in the light and his breath got wedged in his throat.

“How dare you!” 

The anger and hurt in
her eyes hit him straight in the gut.  Then he remembered the pain and despair
that he felt when he realized that the management of a prestige Princeton hotel
meant more to her, than his love.

His gaze turned molten
silver and he stepped close to her, gripped her upper arms and pulled her up
against him, his warm breath whispered against her face.

“How dare I?  How dare
I what?  Continue with my life?  Have more in my life than a shallow
backstabber who desired nothing more than the glory of a Princeton hotel on her
portfolio!  Someone, who fed on my connections and expertise to get ahead!” 

By now he was shouting
at her, clutching her so hard it felt as if her arms would snap.

“Raymond … you’re
hurting me!”   Immediately he flung her away from him, fisting his hands by his
side.  His eyes still flashed fire at her.

“How dare you,
Clarissa? How dare you stand in judgment off me!  You … the one who made the
choice, the one who walked away!”

“You didn’t give me a
choice!  You were the one that did not want to give it a change!  I begged ….”

“Don’t be a hypocrite,
Clarissa.  You made your choice before you even bothered to tell me.  It seems
your memory of what really happened is a bit blurry.  So do not even try to
justify what you did!   No relationship would have withstood a separation like
this!  You knew that!  Now that I know where you were send to I realize it even
more.  You knew it would not work, that is why you only told me after you
already accepted the job!  Don’t even try to deny it!”

Clarissa stared at
him.  Hurt flashed in her eyes.  Her heart contracted in despair.  He would
never forgive her. The fact that he married someone else within months of her
leaving was testimony to that.  But he was right; she knew it would not work. 
A man as virile and strong as Raymond needed his woman with him. Not just for
physical satisfaction, but for emotional satisfaction as well.

“And let’s not forget
how you managed to get this job on top of everything. When I found that out
…!”  His expression turned viscous and he swung away from her.

 “What do you mean? I
got this job on my own, I …”

His low growl silenced
her and noticing that his restrain hung on a thin thread, she choked back the
rest of her sentence.

She bit her lip and
turned away, tears blurring her vision.  In her deepest heart, she had hoped
that one day they would meet again and they would pick up where they had left
off … that the years of separation would not have killed their love. Now … she
knew better.  He did not love her anymore.

‘Where … where is your
wife?” Behind her, he cursed.

“Damn you!  Is that all
you can say!  After all these years, that is all you are interested in!”

He spun her around and
her breath woofed out of her as she slammed into his hard chest.  Their eyes
met and she read the loathing in his blazing gaze.  His eyes moved over her
face and came to rest on her rosy mouth. Her pink tongue nervously came out to
wet her lips and he cursed again.

“Damn you!” 

His face moved into
hers and his mouth closed over hers in a possessive, passionate kiss.  A hard
kiss, a kiss meant to punish.  A kiss similar to the last one he gave her six
years ago!  Yet she could not stop herself from responding.  Her arms moved
over his shoulders, clasped his neck and pulled him closer.  His arms closed
around her and he held her so tight she could hardly breathe.

His tongue circled her
mouth, and as she gasped, his tongue surged inside to spar with hers in an
age-old dance of passion.  A passion so strong she felt the molten fire running
through her veins to pool between her thighs.

He groaned, pushed her
away from him and glared at her in the dim light. 

“Funny isn’t it … how
much lust we have for each other … even though we hate each other so strongly!”

He slammed out the
cottage, leaving Clarissa with a bruised mouth and once again with a bruised

Chapter Four


Trying to avoid Raymond and the St
Claire’s over the next few days proved futile.  It seemed everywhere she
turned, there they were.  Eventually she resorted to nearly locking herself in
her office. At least there, she knew she would be safe.

Safe from Raymond’s’
blazing eyes … filled with … honestly, she was not sure with what!  Some days
he glared at her with hatred and loathing, other days with spiteful amusement,
but always … oh yes … always lustful!   It was as though he challenged her to
deny what his presence did to her.  Challenged her to disregard the fact that
he was a married man, with a son … and take him up on his unspoken offer …

It did not make her
safe against Bette however.  Since meeting Raymond, she totally forgot about
the love of her life and was totally besotted with Ray. She could not stop
marveling at all his qualities … as she was at this very moment!

“Come on Clarissa, you
cannot deny that he is an absolute dish! Who would have thought that Mr. St
Claire has such a sexy nephew!  Those eyes … they look right through you … a
shiver run down my spine every time he looks at me!  Imagine looking into those
eyes hovering above you in the heat of the moment … ooohh, I get quivers just
thinking about it!”  She hugged herself and Clarissa glared at her in disgust.

“For goodness sake,
Bette, I thought you were hooked up for life.  Your own words if my memory
serves me right?”

“Well yes, but that
doesn’t mean I can’t fantasize about the sexiest guy I have ever come across! 
Be honest … don’t those tight buns of his make your hands itch to … hmmm…”

Clarissa groaned and
turned to her office.  

“No Miss Langston,
don’t run off now, I would love to hear your opinion on my …em … buns…”

Raymond’s amused voice
filled her senses and she felt the shiver Bette just described, run down her
spine.  Oh, God, just his voice turned her legs to jelly, never mind his eyes
and his tight … buns!

She gripped the door
handle and turned around to face him, noticing Bette’s burning face in the
process.  Served her right!

“Oh, Mr. St Claire …
uhm … how long have you been standing there?”  Bette’s voice was thin and
trembling slightly.

“Long enough to know
how much my … em … physique is being appreciated…”  He laughed in genuine
amusement.   “Relax, Bette is it?”  She nodded.  “With the total indifference
from certain other females, yours are truly appreciated!”

She giggled, blushed
and turned to Clarissa.  “Would you excuse me, please … Kevin is waiting for me
… oh and before I forget, Trace phoned earlier and asked me to remind you to be
ready for your date at eight tonight,” she said leaving the office.

That wiped the sardonic
smile off his mouth immediately.  He glared at her.  “Another poor soul already
hooked up, Miss Langston?”

She looked at him in
disbelief.  “Who are you to make a comment like that?  You who went off, got
married, and had a son before my heels were even cold from leaving!  You are
such a hypocrite!”

She walked closer to
him all the while she was talking and were nose to nose with him by the time
her tirade came to an end.  Close enough to notice regret, loss and sadness in
his eyes. Or did she?  The expressions were so fleeting she might have imagined
them; for once again, his eyes turned a molten black and filled with rage and

“And you believe it was
as easy as all that!   You have no one but yourself to blame!”

With that accusation
ringing in her ears, he once again dragged her against his hard chest and his
lips were on hers. She felt as though he devoured her – as he did every time he
kissed her. His emotions were so strong in the kiss that it astounded her. Once
again, she could not help herself.  She gave as good as she got.  She kissed
him back with all the pent-up emotion and longing that lay dormant for so long.

She could feel his body
react to her passion and she cherished in it. Her arms wrapped around his neck
and her fingers tangled in the hair at his nape. Her mouth opened like a ripe
blossom under his and their tongues tangled in a match of pure passion.

Raymond groaned and
pulled her tighter against his hard body.  She could feel the hard ridge of his
arousal against her stomach and she sighed into his mouth, her body sighed into
his. She felt his body solidifying and he pulled away from her abruptly.

“No … not again … never
again!”  He spun away and started towards the door.

“Ray wait!  What did
you mean … when you said I only had myself to blame? And why did you never tell
me that Miguel St Claire is you uncle!”

He swung his head
around and pinned her with a contemptuous stare. 

“You have to ask?  Your
memory really is short, is it not!  Try to figure it out for yourself, my
darling.  You were always good at it.  Believing you always knew what others
felt or needed!  As far as Uncle Miguel is concerned …” He threw his arms
wide.  “Your … continued employment in this hotel group is the reason for
that!  But then again … you always knew whom he was all along, didn’t you?”

With that sardonic
remark, he stomped out of the office and slammed the door behind him.  Clarissa
covered her mouth with her hand, smothering the sobs that shook her body.

He believed she knew
his connection with the St Claire’s!  How could he!  They were together for two
years in an intimate relationship. Two years, in which he never had any
connection with or even spoke about Miguel.  How could he believe she knew he
was his uncle?

   She did not even know who Miguel St
Claire was, or that he owned the Princeton Group, until she met him five years
ago on their first holiday trip down here!

Raymond listened with half an ear to his
son chattering away next to him.  They were walking down to the beach for a
swim.  Something his small son insisted on doing every single morning.  Not
that he minded. He thoroughly enjoyed spending so much time with the little
one.  Back in Manchester, he was too busy to spend any quality time with him.

He sighed.  It was a
good thing he allowed his uncle to talk him into joining them for a holiday. He
desperately needed a break. He had been working at a neck break pace for the
past six years.

Ever since Clarissa
left, work was all he had.  He put all his energy into work.  Long hours, day
in and day out, week after week … even weekends.  It was no wonder Robert were
so clingy since they came to the island; he had neglected him horribly.

He looked down at the
bubbling boy walking next to him.  Taking long steps, with wide swinging arms,
in what he imagined, must be an imitation of him.  He smiled and stroked the
near black hair.  He looked closer at the little face, trying to find something
of Linda in him.   However, as everyone always said, he was a splitting image
of his father and there was no sign of the petite blond woman that mothered

He wiped a hand over
his tired eyes.  He had not been sleeping since he ran into Clarissa.  His
heart contracted.  Since her departure, he barred his heart against emotions,
vowing that no one would ever be able to make him care again.  To love someone
hurt and he promised himself it would never happen again.

Now … after nearly six
years, the one that jeopardized that promise was the same one who compelled him
to make that promise in the first place.

Yet … she used him,
betrayed him.  Horribly betrayed him and now she attempted to shift all the
blame on his shoulders.  He would not allow her to get under his skin again …
ever again!

Robbie’s excited shouts
shuttered his pondering and brought him back to the present.   “Look Dad!  It’s
Rissa!” His shorts legs pumping furiously, he ran towards his mermaid just
coming out of the sea.  Her body glistened like that of a bronzed goddess,
water streamed down her wet body like the fingers of a hungry lover.

His hungry eyes
followed one rivulet of water from her shoulder over the slope of her full
breast, down her flat tummy until it disappeared in the bright pink bikini
bottom.  He swallowed hard at the lump in his throat and swung furious eyes on

Clarissa looked up and
smiled when her eyes fell on the little boy running towards her and had to
brace herself when he threw himself through the air into her arms.  The breath wheezed
out of her and she struggled to keep her footing.  Not realizing that he nearly
toppled them over, he beamed at her and wrapped his arms around her neck.

“Rissa, I longed for
you!”  Clarissa smiled and tenderly wiped the black hair from his brow.

“You mean you missed

His smiling face
answered the question, as did the low rumble next to her.

“Yeah … I’m sure that’s
what he meant. You have to actually love someone to long for them.” 

Her eyes lifted to his
and his fiery gaze captured hers and refused to let go, the message in them one
of loathing.  When Robby started wiggling, she realized that her grip around
his body has tightened and she slowly lowered him to the sand.  Her breathing
was shallow and uneven.

Would she ever get used
to seeing him look at her that way, all the while longing for love to shine
from his eyes, rather than distaste and loathing?  Worse than that, would she
survive not seeing him again once he leaves in a few weeks even though he made
it clear he hates her now?  A low sob escaped her and she swung away, briskly
walking towards her cottage.

“I must say I am
surprised to see you up so early,” Raymond growled softly behind her.

She glanced back at
him.  His lips were pressed together and his jaw tight. Robby happily followed
a step behind him, trying to step into his feet imprints in the sand.

“Why is that?”

“Well, after your hot
date …”

He allowed the sentence
to dangle and her heart tightened remembering how their nights used to end
after they went on dates.

“I have to work … and
besides, it’s none of your business.”  She increased her pace, longing for the
privacy of her cottage, away from his probing eyes.

“Guess not.  Tell me,
do you still have the stamina you used to?”  

Her breath caught in
her throat and she speared a glance at him, stopped mid-stride and slammed her
fists on her hips.

He turned towards her,
his gaze caressing a trail of heat down her body that had her skin burn all the
way to her toes and back. Belatedly she realized that she was standing in front
of him in a skimpy bikini and no towel!  She felt her nipples tingle in
response to his hot gaze and wrapped her arms around waist so that he did not

“You are crude!”   His
black eyebrow shot towards his hairline and he slowly grinned.

“Now whatever are you
thinking about?  Tsk, tsk, I was merely referring to your ability to party into
all hours of the night!” 

His eyes moved over her
face, hesitated on her lips and slid down to stare at her breasts. His slow
smirk told her he noticed the effect he had on her.

“Well, I see you are
the one with the … em … luscious thoughts!  Does that mean he was not able to
satisfy you … or that you just do not have what it takes any …?”

“Raymond!  Stop it! 
How dare you talk to me that way!  I am not some cheap …Oh!”  

Words escaped her and
she felt hot tears burning her eyes.  She swung around and furiously started
jogging away.

His hard hand around
her elbow brought her up short and he roughly hauled her back against his warm
body.  All the way, up against him, so that she felt every hard ridge and
muscle straining against her near naked body.

His warm breath
feathered against her neck and she nearly fainted when he placed a soft kiss at
the base of her neck. His lips nuzzled her skin softly and he drew the skin
between his lips and sucked hard. Her neck fell backwards against his shoulder
and she felt herself go weak and hot all over.

“Remember Rissa?   All
those long, hot nights we used to have.  Nights where you could not get enough,
kept on asking for more and more, begging me to go faster, harder … deeper.”

His hands tightened
around her arms, licking the tingling spot on her neck first before he sucked
hard, kissing her neck as only a lover would.  She felt weightless in his arms.
The fact that he was marking her neck did not even register in her fevered
mind.  Suddenly he roughly pushed her away from him.  She slowly turned around
and stared at him with shuttered eyes, trying desperately to hide her
heightened desire. His face was grim, hard, and before he opened his mouth, she
knew what was coming.

“But then, we both know
why you kept my desires burning constantly, don’t we?  You gave sleeping your
way to the top a new meaning!”

In horror, she stared
at the red flush darkening his check, only then realizing that she had slapped

Robby’s shocked face
shook her to her stomach, and she swung around to run as fast as she could,
away from the man staring at her with a shuttered look in his eyes.

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