Cecilia's Mate (8 page)

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Authors: April Zyon

BOOK: Cecilia's Mate
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your clit, Cecilia. Rub that tight little nub for me.” Draven was adjusting
himself over her, each movement changing how his cock slid into her.

between them, she touched her fingertips to her clit and began to rub, sobbing
his name as the feelings that were coming from him pumping in and out of her
body had her flying higher and higher.

“Please, Sir.” She shivered, the force of her
pleasure doubling at those two small words.

look on his face when she said those words nearly had her coming apart. But
something held her back. Leaning in, Draven pressed a hard kiss to her lips.
“Come for me, Cecilia,” he said in a demanding tone.

was his demand far more than anything that had her screaming as she climaxed.
She came hard, her body shaking, and felt her nails biting into Draven’s back.
She whimpered and needed him to come with her.

few more hard thrusts and she felt it. The shudder rippled through his body
before his cock pulsated in her sheath. Draven collapsed over her, wrapping his
arms around her to hold her tight as his seed filled her.

felt each pulse of his seed into her waiting womb and closed her eyes. “Will
you hold me, please? Just keep me close?”

don’t even have to ask.” Pressing his lips to her cheek, he rolled them so she
was lying on top. Then he covered her up, tucking the blankets around her
gently before once more wrapping her in his arms. “Sleep for a little while,
Cecilia. Then we need to get up for the official welcome back meal.”

She rubbed her cheek to his chest and drifted off into sleep.






were just over a week into their trip. So far life was good. Cecilia and Sadie
had become fast friends and Cece was once more learning all about her brother
and enjoying the reunion with him. She turned and started up the ramp that led
to the zero gravity chambers and nodded at the officers she passed.

had found she loved being in the zero gravity chambers. She loved floating
around and even more when she could have them slide the protective metal
shields away from the force field so she could simply watch the stars as they
sped past them. Her hand on the pad, she watched the doors sliding open and
stepped into the antechamber.

turned and looked back out into the hall, then waved at the officer who was at
the control panel and her guard that had started to follow her around as well.
They would watch over her and the door, so she knew she was safe. That done,
she hit the release and the door closed. The one behind her then opened and she
floated out of the small anteroom and into the massive zero gravity chamber.

* * *

in there again.”

over at the screen, Draven chuckled softly. Cecilia loved the zero grav rooms.
“Keep an eye on her. Make sure she doesn’t try for another concussion today if
you would, please?”

sir,” the younger officer said.

his head slightly, Draven headed for Bracken’s office. Palm to the scanner, he
went in when the door opened. “Here’s the latest,” he said, passing over the
data pad. The look on his friend’s face had him stalling the action out.
“What’s wrong?”

marshal needs a video conference with me this afternoon. Sadie and myself, I
suppose I should say. I want you and Cecilia there, too. This has to do with
the family drama going on back planetside. They’ve been doing an intensive
investigation ever since I turned over the diaries. With Sadie being of one of
the original ancestral lineages, they tend to take such things rather

but are you sure you want us there? This involves you and her more than it does
us. Or rather me. I’ll mention it to Cecilia, and I’m sure she’ll want to be
there to learn firsthand what’s going on, but me?”

have a feeling she’ll need you there for moral support at the very least,
Draven. The message I got was short, to the point, and didn’t sound good.”

let that roll around in his head for a minute before nodding. “All right, I’ll
be there.” Because Bracken was right. If the news was upsetting, Cecilia might
need him. “When’s this video call going to happen?”

hours from now.” Bracken rubbed his hands over his face. “I have to go find my
wife and let her know this is happening. You should go find my sister. She’ll
need to brace herself for whatever is coming of this.”

sir,” he said. Draven set the data pad back on Bracken’s desk and went back out
onto the command deck. He went over to the security screens and saw Cecilia
floating in the middle of the zero grav room. Picking up a headset, he turned
on the speakers in the room. She would hear a clicking noise and hopefully not
come out of her skin when he spoke. “Sorry, little one, but I need you to come
out now. I’ll meet you down there. It’s important.”

* * *

moved to the sides so that she could grab the handholds and began to pull
herself to the anteroom of the zero gravity chamber. She knew it had to be
important for Draven to interrupt her time there. Once she was down she pressed
her hand to the keypad and stepped into the corridor. Seeing Draven approaching
her, she felt that familiar heat between her legs and the ache in her breasts.

he was before her she moved so she could put her hand on his chest and
whispered, “Draven.”

smiled, leaning down so he could give her the kiss she ached for. “I’m sorry I
had to cut your time short, Cecilia. Come, we need to speak privately,” he said
softly. His gaze darted to a corner where she knew a camera was.

had her frowning but she nodded. Her hand in his, she moved along with him
through the corridors and didn’t speak for a while. “I think I’d like to try to
paint in zero grav. Do you think Bracken would let me attempt it?”

shot her a confused look and seemed to be trying to think up some sort of
answer. “Uh, maybe?” He really didn’t sound all that sure. “You can ask. Just
make sure I’m there for the answer, because I really want to know how that
turns out for you firsthand.”

will. I just wanted to ask you first to see what you might think about it.” She
could do things to make sure the paint didn’t get onto the walls. “I think it
would be fabulous to try to create something new in zero G.”

not sure how that will work out for you, but if anyone can figure it out I know
you can, Cecilia.” Squeezing her fingers, he led her off the lift and down the
corridor to their quarters. Once inside he urged her over to the sofa and sat
down on the ottoman, facing her. “Bracken received a message from the marshal
about a video call that will be happening in just under three hours. He wants
us to both be there for this. He’s pretty sure it has to do with the
investigation that the offices have been conducting into your mother and Sadie’s
mother’s activities.”

She felt herself going pale. She felt a bit ill, actually. “Hopefully the
marshal’s office will be telling us they’re seeing to it that our mothers are
getting the help and punishment they both need.” Cece fully believed that both
her mother and Sadie’s needed serious mental help.

took her hands in his and gave them a squeeze. “If not, we’ll definitely
mention it,” he said softly. “I wanted you to have a little bit of warning
about this so you could prepare yourself as much as is possible in a situation
like this. Your brother isn’t actually clear on the topic of this video call.
But he said the tone of the message didn’t sound good, so he’s a little

stay with me, right?”

will be there. Bracken said I should be there, and seeing you now I completely
agree. I won’t be going anywhere, little one. I swear it.”

How long do we have before this meeting takes places?”

a couple more hours before the call will come through,” he said, pressing a kiss
to her cheek. “We can spend that time right here, or we can get something to
eat, or we can do anything else you want. We’re not getting naked, though. I
don’t think either of us is in the right head space for this.”

was just thinking of maybe getting something light to eat. I skipped breakfast
this morning and I’m feeling it now.” She forced a smile.

know, I’m learning to read the many expressions you have, Cecilia. When you
begin to worry you chew your inner lip and get a little furrow between your
eyes.” Lifting a hand, he rubbed a finger lightly to the spot he’d mentioned.
“Try not to worry, little one. We are solid, you and I. No one can pull us

Cecilia nodded, knowing he was
right. Draven would be her rock, always, and that made the future and the
impending call seem far easier to deal with.





next to Draven while they waited on the video conference to begin, Cecilia was
starting to get nervous. Ten minutes ago Bracken had let them know the
marshal’s offices were setting up the links, but the marshal herself was
delayed getting out of a meeting. They were all sitting around waiting for the
call to begin. Sadie looked oddly serene, while Bracken seemed impatient if the
drumming of his fingers on the arm of his chair was any indication.

her side Draven sat quietly, a calming presence as he held her hand tightly in
one of his. Catching her looking his way, he smiled slightly and began to rub
his thumb up and down her knuckles.

the call began, Cece squeezed his hand once more. She looked to the marshal and
the others that were around the room with her. How odd. It was the ruling
council. What was happening?

sat up straighter in his chair with a frown. “Marshal, a pleasure to see you as
always. But I must admit I’m more than a little confused at the moment. I don’t
mean to rush you into anything, but would you mind telling us what might be
going on?”

good, you have Lt. Colonel Draven Ackermann with you,” the marshal stated. “You
see,” she took a seat and waited for the men around her to sit as well before
continuing, “
the colonel petitioned to marry Ms.
Kauller he had to submit a DNA sample.” They all saw her folding her hands
before she began to chat again. “We have news,” she said before taking another
deep breath. “Lt. Colonel Ackermann, you were raised as an orphan, correct?”

shifted next to her when everyone on the screen turned their attention his way.
“Yes, ma’am. My father died a couple of months before my birth. My mother passed
within two days after I was born. She was heartbroken and gave up, from what
the medical staff reported.”

marshal accepted a data pad from an unseen aide and flashed through several
images before she settled upon one. “Actually, they weren’t your birth
parents.” She didn’t prevaricate, simply stated. “They had stolen you from your
true birth family. Typically we don’t test DNA but as you were marrying into
one of the off branches of an original family we have laws in place.” They all
watched as she took a deep breath. “Lt. Colonel Ackermann, you yourself are
from an original house. A house that we all thought ended when your parents
were murdered and everyone thought you had died as well. You see, there was a
dead baby boy left at the scene and he was dressed in your clothing. We feel
that the people who had stolen you had lost their son and exchanged the two of
you. From what we have learned they were employees of your parents.”

was nothing but silence in the room Cecilia sat in. Draven’s grip on her hand
tightened. “Oh,” he finally said. A glance to him showed he was a little pale
and looked slightly uncomfortable. “I don’t really see what that has to do with
anything, but thank you for letting me know, ma’am.”

it changes quite a bit,” the marshal said. “Your status within society has
changed dramatically.” She sighed, rubbing her temples as she did so. “It also
means that should you wish to one day become marshal you can as only the
original houses can retain that position. But more than that, it means you have
titles, lands, and monies that are all part of that heritage. I knew your
parents,” she stated softly. “I should have known that you belonged to them and
for that I am so sorry. You look so much like your mother and father. If you
would like I will send you the video archives of their video and photo

seemed to pale even more when she looked his direction again. Suddenly, he got
up. “Excuse me.” He gave a slight bow to the screen before walking briskly out
of Bracken’s office.

her brother muttered. “If you’ll give us a moment, Marshal.” He didn’t wait for
an answer. He instead slapped a hand on the remote pad for the video screen and
put the conversation on hold while shooting her a look. “Go find him, Cecilia.”

nodded, then rose quickly and raced after Draven. She finally found him in an
empty room. “Draven?” she asked before reaching out to touch him. Her hand on
his arm, she moved in closer. “Hey, it’s just you and me. Remember, no matter
what happened in the call nothing would change between us, right?”

stared at her and nodded. He pulled her into his arms, wrapping them around her
as he pressed his cheek to hers. “By the stars, why the fuck would they tell me
any of that?” he whispered. “I was more than happy with my life. I have you. I
don’t need anything else. But to tell me that. I feel like I don’t know myself
anymore. Everything I thought was true was a lie.”

are still you, Draven. You know that as well as I do. It doesn’t matter. All
that matters is the two of us. The past is just that, the past. Right now, the
present and the future is all that matters. You are you. You just have more
options now if you ever wanted to use them. If you don’t, I’m more than happy
to keep you all to myself.”

feel like everything’s been tossed around,” he muttered. With a sigh he lifted
his head so he could meet her gaze. “The only constant, my rock in all of this,
is you. I can’t even begin to process any of this right now. I’m not even sure
I want to, or will ever want to. I’m curious, but I don’t know if I want to
take the marshal up on her offer of the files. You’re right—the past is the
past. Why upset what I’ve always known with something I can’t have anyway,

might one day change your mind and if you do we will be together in this. I’m
not leaving, honey, not now and not ever. We have a future together.”

are forever,” he said. Cupping her face, he kissed her, hard and fast. When he
pulled back a few minutes later she felt mildly light-headed. “We should get
back in there before your brother sends some of the guards looking for us.”
Draven shook his head. “If I was really smart I’d toss you over my shoulder,
take you back to our rooms, and hide out there until they finished that damned

nodded and took a deep breath. “Okay, then. Just know that I’m here with you.
No matter what, okay?” She touched his cheek and smiled. “I love you.”

placed another gentler kiss to her lips before taking her hand in his. Heaving
a sigh, Draven rolled his shoulders before they left the room and returned to
Bracken’s office. Walking in, he gave a nod to her brother, then sat down,
pulling her onto his lap. At her look he slipped his arms around her waist to
hold her in place and rested his chin on her shoulder.

getting more than a little impatient. Are we good to continue?” Bracken asked.

sorry about that,” Draven said.

worries, Draven. That was a lot to try and process with all of them watching.”
A moment later the screen returned to a live shot of the marshal and the
others. “Apologies for the delay, Marshal. Shall we continue?”

course,” the marshal said with a nod. She looked to Draven once more and added,
“You should know that the word slipped out on our home world who you truly are
and I’m afraid

” She now looked to Cecilia.
“I’m afraid that the Kauller parents are raising a bit of a fuss that she’s
with you now. To say that your mother is pissed is an understatement. Most
mothers would be happy that their child was bonding with a male from one of the
first families, but she’s livid. If I had to guess I would say it’s because
it’s Cecilia who has bonded with him instead of one of her older and more
malleable daughters.”

is nothing she can do about it. Bracken has taken over as my guardian, so it’s
too bad. Draven is mine.”

didn’t say she could do anything about it. I just warned you that she’s very
pissed. I would suggest you watch yourselves, carefully.”

nodded and looked back at Draven. How he could love her with all the hell she
was bringing into his life was beyond her.

love you,” he breathed in her ear. “Soon it won’t matter. We’ll be married
officially and there is nothing she can do to stop that. You are out of their
reach, and they’re annoyed they can’t use you to their own gains so they are
getting desperate.”

she murmured. Once more she looked at the marshal. “Is there anything else you
need from us?”

you are both welcome to leave. When you are ready to learn your true family
name, Draven, let me know?” she added softly.

you, ma’am,” he said. Urging Cece off his lap, Draven stood. “If you wouldn’t
mind, please send it through. I may never look at it, but I’d like to have it
on the chance I feel the need.”

course.” The woman then looked to Bracken. “Colonel, we still have things to

took the moment to drag Draven out of there before they were drawn into some
other conversation that might or might not upset the man she loved.

squeezed her hand as they left the office. Draven pulled her across the
corridor into his office and sealed the doors behind them. “Should I feel sorry
that we abandoned your brother and Sadie to the marshal and her gaggle of

at all,” Cecilia told him with a grin and began to undo the buttons of his suit
jacket. “I think you do, however, need to get naked with me.”

here?” He looked around his office. “Not exactly the most comfortable location
I would have chosen. You sure you don’t want to go to our quarters instead?
Where we have a bed, and better locks on the door.”

can we? You don’t think we’ll be caught up along the way, do you?” If so, she
might have to actually hurt someone. She loved this man and when she wanted and
needed him, she needed it then.

take the maintenance corridors. That way we won’t run into anyone, at least not
right now.” When she continued to stare at him he rolled his eyes. “There are
corridors through some of the walls along the outer shell of the ship. Between
many of the rooms and the outside protective siding. A lot of electrical and
piping runs through there. They tend to be very warm, though, so when a team
has to go in we open several doors to get airflow through. I only mention this
because there hasn’t been a team in there recently so be ready to start
sweating the moment we step into them. On the up side of things, we’ll be down
to our floor quickly, and we’ll come out within twenty meters of our quarters.
That’s the only portion we have to traverse in the general corridors.”

fine with me. We’ll be able to get naked the moment that we walk into our

kept a tight hold on her hand as he led her through the dimly lit corridors.
They were much narrower than the general ones and definitely hotter. He’d been
right about that; she’d started sweating within moments of entering the
corridors. There were no portals to see out, no markings of any kind that she
could see, and yet Draven seemed to know exactly where he was going through the
maze. When she was about ready to beg him to stop moving, he pushed open a
door. The blast of cooler air sent a shiver through her as they stepped back
out into the main corridors of the ship.

Right, remind me the next time we do that I need to get naked.” Okay so she was
teasing him, mostly. “And here we are.”

entered the code and waved her into their quarters. “Strip,” he told her as
soon as the door sealed behind them. He set the locks, then began to stalk her
slowly so she was backing toward their sleeping room. “I want you in the shower
quickly, Cecilia. Facing the wall, hands on it, and your feet spread apart.”

had a full-body shiver at the dominance in his tone and licked her lips. “Yes,
Sir.” She did as he instructed, stripped out of her clothing, then got into the
shower. She didn’t turn it on, simply stood there as he told her to.

joined her a few minutes later and got the water going on their preset. Sliding
a hand down her spine, he leaned in against her to press kisses on her
shoulder. “Thank you for being there when I needed you today, little one. You
have no idea what that means to me.”

would be there for me, that’s what’s important. We are together. Always.
Doesn’t matter. I will always be there for you,” she told him without missing a

he slid his hand around her waist to her lower belly. Pushing her hair to the
side, he pressed his mouth to her neck, sucking and nibbling on her skin. His
hand slipped lower until he could tease her clit with a finger. “Are you wet
for me, Cecilia?”

Sir. I am always wet when you touch me.” And when he took that tone of voice
with her it made her even more so. The way he would growl, that low rumble of
sound. She loved it.

what I like to hear.” He bit down a little harder on her shoulder, scraping his
teeth slowly over her skin. “Stars but I feel this need to devour you, little
one. Turn around to face me, arms around my neck.”

turned and looked up at him, a happy grin on her face. Licking her lips, she
wrapped her arms around him and shivered. “Like this?” she whispered. She
wanted to tug his head down to her and kiss him. She needed him, desperately.

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