Celebration (5 page)

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Authors: Ella Ardent

BOOK: Celebration
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“All mine,” he whispered in his rough burglar voice. He fingered her, his sure touch driving her to distraction. He moved in and out of her slowly, so slowly that Joanna knew he was trying to last, too. “Maybe I won’t even share you with Mike,” he threatened. “Maybe I’ll steal you away and keep you for myself.”

Joanna moaned her agreement with that idea. She wriggled against him, squirming as he commanded her response. He caught his breath and moved faster, desire overwhelming him, too.

Joanna struggled then, wanting to make him come right away. She heard his breathing accelerate. She felt his fingers on her wet puss, she moaned when his finger and thumb closed around her clitoris in that pinch that could send her to the moon. She felt Mike get bigger and harder, bucked against him as best she could, then he fulfilled her hope and pinched her hard. She screamed into the gag even as she felt him surge into her, filling her and satisfying her in one electrifying moment.

This was her future, and Joanna couldn’t imagine a better one.

She was already dozing when Mike pulled out of her with a sigh. She decided then that she’d sleep on her flight. She was barely paying attention when Mike freed her ankles. She moved to stand up, but he flipped her over the back of the armchair. She landed with her legs up and her back on the seat. Before she could move, her ankles were taped together. Mike quickly wound the tape around her hips, binding her in a kneeling posture. She struggled as he picked her up into his arms.

What was he doing?

She was going to miss her flight!

“Mike will be back soon,” he whispered to her, still playing their game. “This time, he’d going to find out how bad you are, Joanna. Maybe he won’t marry you. Maybe he’ll just abandon you and you can be all mine.”

Joanna tried to cry out that there was no time, that she had to go to the airport soon, but Mike ignored her. To her dismay, he put her into one of the large moving cartons that they’d emptied. He sat her on the bottom, then jammed packing materials all around her. She couldn’t even wriggle and certainly couldn’t kick the sides of the box to draw attention to herself.

“All these cartons,” he whispered even as adrenaline shot through her. “How long will it take Mike to find you?”

Joanna tried to shout but no sound came out. Burglar Mike closed the box and she heard him tape it shut. It was dark in the box. She heard other empty boxes being moved to either side and on top, then Mike’s whisper came through the crack.

“It’s not your choice, Joanna. You’re powerless. Admit that you’re out of control and enjoy yourself.”

Joanna wriggled. She squirmed and she tried to cry out. She made no difference in her situation at all.

“Rex used to have a list,” he whispered and Joanna’s thoughts flew.

She remembered that list. It had been what she’d had to beg for, before Rex would take her into the Plume that first time—even if he didn’t, not then.

“I surrender to desire,” Mike whispered.

Joanna repeated the sentence in her thoughts.

“To be trussed and tied,” he continued, as if he’d given her time to repeat the words.

Joanna did, if silently.

“To be harnessed and hog-tied.”

Joanna again let the words echo in her thoughts. She felt her sex begin to tingle and admitted to herself that this was exciting. She had to forget about her plan. She had to trust Mike.

“To be shackled and shared,” he continued and she shivered.

That was the best part, being shackled and shared. Joanna thought the words and a delicious sense of powerlessness flooded through her.

“You’re mine,” he said, and she knew it was true.

“All mine, forever,” he added, and Joanna didn’t want to be anywhere else. “I’ll do what I want to you, when I want to do it. You’ll thank me and beg for more, from now through the end of time.”

Joanna nodded to herself, knowing that was exactly true.

“Wait until Mike finds you.” He chuckled then she heard him go into the bedroom. He came back wearing his boots and she strained her ears until she heard him leave the apartment and the deadbolt lock.

He was gone.

She was abandoned.

She was captive.


Joanna nearly came right then and there. She tipped back her head and closed her eyes, letting the liberating sense of futility wash over her. Her sex was practically buzzing, her anticipation rising with record speed, but then it was easy to imagine all the ways Mike could punish her.

He left her time to think about it.

He left her time to realize that he was ensuring she missed her flight.

He left her time to recognize how much she liked when he impulsively mixed things up.

He left her time to get so hot and horny that she was sure she’d come with a single touch.

Then Joanna heard the keys in the lock of the door. She smelled pizza and knew the next part of the game was on. Her heart skipped a beat, then pounded hard. Her sex throbbed with hunger.

Mike played it perfectly, calling her name as if he had no idea where she was. She heard him walking around. She struggled and moaned, because she thought she should, but she made almost no noise. She heard him looking for her in every room, and then the closets, and out on the balcony. She didn’t know whether to be thrilled or relieved when she heard him moving the empty boxes, and she shivered when she heard the knife cutting open the tape on this one.

“Joanna!” he said, as if shocked. “What have you been doing while I was out getting pizza?” He reached down and pulled off her hood, leaving Joanna blinking in the sudden light. Mike’s expression was one of surprise, but the glint in his eyes gave him away. He looked predatory.


Ready to claim her again.

Maybe she wouldn’t even catch a flight the next day. Maybe he’d keep her helpless here until the wedding. Joanna nearly fainted with desire. She tried to make a sound, maybe to protest her innocence, but Mike scowled suddenly.

“You couldn’t have done this yourself,” he growled, his rough tone thrilling her all over again. “I’ll bet you’ve got a secret lover. I’ll bet you chose this apartment because you found some hot guy to share you, maybe one who lives right in the building.”

Joanna moaned in protest, but Mike shook his head. “I’m going to have to teach you a lesson. You get shared when I say so, and not before.”

He reached into the box with purpose, easily lifting her out into his arms. Joanna squirmed and moaned, inviting him to punish her.

“You’ve been very naughty, Joanna, and it’s up to me to discipline you.” Mike carried her into the bedroom and tossed her on the bed. He ran his hand over her red butt, as if in disapproval, then slapped her once hard. Joanna cried out into her gag.

“Well, then,” he said, his low voice making her shiver. “It’s a good thing we found our box of toys. You’re not leaving this apartment, Joanna, until I know you can be trusted to behave.”

As she watched, he set out her corset and boots, her shackles and the velvet hood that blindfolded her. Joanna’s heart was racing. He held the riding crop before her and she stretched forward, as if to kiss it through her gag.

“Very good, Joanna. We’ll start with you helping me to bind you into a pretty package. You’d better prove how much you want to please me or we won’t even get married.”

Joanna nodded obedience and Mike smiled. He cut her bonds free, urged her toward the mirror and began to bind her to his satisfaction.

It was funny but Joanna no longer could remember why it was so important that she hurry to the airport to catch that particular flight.

She also knew as she watched Mike secure her in her corset that she had to find a way to get even with him for this game.

Even better, she’d do it before their wedding night.


* * *


Athena was painting her toenails when the phone rang. It was early evening on a Saturday in London, a perfect time of day. She had the windows open and the curtains of her bedroom fluttered in the warm spring breeze. The hyacinths were blooming in the garden and the smell was heavenly.

It was a lot better than the smell of drywall dust and paint. She’d been working hard, but on this night, she was going out to celebrate. Julius was in the adjacent shower, whistling to himself. The sound made Athena smile.

It was all so fucking domestic. She knew she wouldn’t love it forever, but she loved it for now and was willing to see how long it lasted.

She answered the phone on the third ring, assuming it was about the renovations, but was happily surprised.

“Got a minute?” Rex asked and Athena smiled.

“Always for you,” she teased, putting the brush back into the bottle of nail polish. “How are you?”

“Getting better.” Rex sounded decisive, which was reassuring. Athena remembered his one bout with depression and never wanted to see him like that again.

“And the bitch?” she asked, keeping her tone light. “Did you let her live, just so she could regret what she’s done to you?”

Rex cleared his throat. “Did Julius tell you about the baby?”

“He did.” Athena carried on before Rex had time to ask about that. “But as much as I think you’d be a great dad, she was a bitch to trick you into it. People should choose to become parents, Rex.”

“You can tell me what you really think, you know.”

Athena smiled at his joking tone. “Haha. I don’t like people taking advantage of you.”

“It doesn’t happen often.”

“But it still makes me mad. Tell me she’s not celebrating the fact that she manipulated her way into getting what she wanted.”

“I don’t know but I don’t care. What’s done is done.”

“And what’s important is the future,” she agreed, very glad she hadn’t had to talk him into this attitude. He’d made a lot of progress since his dinner with Julius. “What are you going to do next?”

“I was thinking of accepting your invitation.”

“Oh, you got it! I wasn’t sure. I’m considering this an RSVP and a firm commitment. I’ll see you here. You have to come a few days early.”

“To help?”

“To catch up. But mostly I want to put you to work.”

“Doing what?”

“You’ll see. You’re going to love this place.”

“What kind of party is it?”

Athena smiled at the curiosity he couldn’t disguise. “A surprise party. A revelation and a new beginning.”

“Sounds mysterious—and interesting.”

“Of course, it’s both. It’s

Rex laughed.

“Come on the Wednesday before.”

“Consider it done. You’ve got to give me your address, though. Julius only gave me your phone number and I see that you’re unlisted.”

Athena told him and he read it back to her, making sure he had it right. Everything was in the details, according to Rex.

“If I remember correctly, a lot of the flights to London get in really early in the morning. I’m not crazy enough to knock on your door before noon. Any suggestions for a good breakfast?”

“Come here. My cook will feed you and my housekeeper will show you to your room whenever you arrive. If you’re lucky, she might even tuck you in.”

“Is she cute?”

“She is gorgeous, particularly in latex.” Athena paused. “Demanding, though. You might like that for a change.”

Rex cleared his throat. “Just what kind of house do you have, Athena?”

“One of ill-repute, of course. I have some standards, you know.”

He laughed again, sounding more like his old self.

“It’s a house full of surprises, just like me,” she said then. Julius came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and she waved him to silence. “Where are you, anyway, Rex?”

“Back in town. In a hotel. I cleaned out my condo and it’s listed for sale. I was going to head out after seeing Julius last night but he told me about a party that some former Plume members might be attending. I thought I’d check it out first.”

“Sounds great.”

“Anyone you want me to say hello to?”

“All of them!” Athena said.


“Really. I want them all to come here, for the party.”

“Is there room?”

Athena laughed. “I’ve got that covered.”

“But they won’t all be able to afford the trip.”

“Then as many as possible. Raffle off plane tickets or something, Rex. Be a sugar daddy, they love that about you. I’ve invited the ones I found, but it’s not nearly enough.” Amanda had already told Athena that most members wouldn’t be able to make the trip, but Athena was sure Rex could be more persuasive.

It might be good for him.

“Maybe I’ll host a little competition,” Rex mused, and Athena heard the anticipation in his voice.

“Consider it prep work, Rex. You’re going to need all the stamina you can find for my party, so you’d better start building it up.”

“And why is that?”

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