Celestial Love (2 page)

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Authors: Juli Blood

BOOK: Celestial Love
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It’s simply that with all the other things that are going on and needing my attention, I just can’t do everything.  I gave the planning over to you because I know that you love this kind of thing and are very good at it.  I also knew that you wouldn’t try to force your ideas and opinions on me.

“The reception, however, is a completely different topic,” Kalea
’s voice seemed to be hiding a giggle.  Raising her hands she said.  “I won’t be there and you can do whatever you think is appropriate as long as you don’t offend Mother, Father or Crown Prince Bryan’s staff.”

Giggles escaped Alexis more easily than Princess Kalea
, and so it was with a broad smile and sparkling green eyes that she said, “Oh great! So instead of the traditional dinner, ballroom dancing, and lively music, we could show recordings of when you were young and have strange foods from the space stations and things like that?”  Alexis barely got it all out before laughing so hard she couldn’t speak.

“Um, I would skip the recordings
of my childhood but, if you want, I guess space rations are fine.  Ooh!  I know!  You can give Gilbert the platform and the star charts and he can talk for days about the wonders of space.”  Now they were both laughing so hard they couldn’t stop the tears from slipping down their cheeks.

May I ask, what is so funny?”  They both spun toward the sound of the voice near the entrance of the Rose Arbor. Prince Randolph, with his classic tall, dark, and handsome looks had paused in the entry.

Randy!” Alexis almost shouted when she saw him suddenly standing there.  “What are you doing sneaking around out here?” she demanded as she quickly checked her hair and made sure it hadn’t frizzed in the humidity.

“First of all I wasn’t sneaking.  I
’m just coming back to the palace from further in the garden.  Secondly, you still haven’t answered my question about what was so funny,” Randolph answered with a smile and a wink at his younger sister, Kalea, who was still smiling, yet trying to look innocent.

“You scared me so bad that I…I don’t remember,” Alexis answered.  Her chin raised in determination as she dared
her husband to argue with her.

“Very well then, perhaps you can tell me
, Kalea?”  Randolph, dressed in casual slacks and navy blue shirt both showing smudges of dirt, moved into the Arbor and sat down between the ladies as he wrapped his arm around Alexis’s shoulders and gave her a gentle squeeze.

Just then Princess Kalea’s
AVID buzzed.  “I would love to Randy, but I need to go.  Buzz me later, Alexis, if you have any other questions.”  Kalea dropped a quick kiss on her brother’s’ cheek as she rose and then smiled as she answered and turned to go.

“Saved by the buzz,” Randolph snickered as he turned his gaze back to Alexis.  “So how are plans coming for the wedding?” he asked as he kissed her cheek and started working his way toward her ear.

“Randy, stop it!”  Alexis half-heartedly pulled away only to be pulled more securely into her husband’s embrace.

“You sure don’t like answering questions today do you?”  Rand
y teased, just before he started nibbling her neck.

“What?”  Alexis asked in a very distracted voice.  “Oh
, questions well…uh I can’t seem to…uh…”  Not being able to articulate, Alexis just turned her head and kissed him back so passionately that Randolph forgot the questions too.


“Sorry I’m late.  Alexis and I were discussing the wedding.  So what tests do we need to do today?” Kalea asked, deciding to get straight to the point.

“No apology necessary
, Your Highness, we understand your busy schedule.  This visit is more of a formality than anything else since you had your yearly exam only a month ago.”  Dr. Wingate, dressed in light green medical scrubs gave off a grandfatherly air even though he was just beginning his fifties, with more salt than pepper in his hair and an extra 40 pounds.  He smiled as he continued.  “I thought that, with all the stress lately, it might be good to see how you are doing.”

“Thank you
, Doctor.  I’m fine,” Kalea answered.

“Yes, well
, let me just run a few scans and ask you a few questions then you can be on your way.”  With a smile Dr. Wingate motioned for her to lie down on the exam table and she complied.

“Now then,” he began
, “how have you been sleeping?”


“About how many hours a night would that be?” he asked again.

“Between five and seven.”  Kalea kept her answers short and direct as she really didn’t feel this exam was necessary.

“Good, good. Now, have you been eating regularly?” the doctor continued.


“Any unusual aches or pains, headaches, things like that?”


“Are you having difficulty concentrating or focusing on a given task?”

“Only when I’
m interrupted, otherwise no.”

, well that would be a problem.  Have you been exercising regularly?” Dr. Wingate asked as he moved to a second display panel at the foot of the exam table.


“Have you experienced any difficulty in preparing for the wedding and everything?”

Though he was vague Kalea knew exactly what he was asking.  However, not feeling the need to go into detail
, either, she simply said, “My preparations are complete.  I’m just waiting on the results of your findings.  Please remember, with everything that will be happening on the 13
and 14
, I need those results as quickly as possible.”

“I understand.  We shall have the results to you several hours before the ceremony.  It is still scheduled for
sundown on the 14
, isn’t it?” he asked.

“Yes, sundown,” Kalea answered secretly wondering if she would regret not having the ceremony in the garden
, after all.  However, it was too late now, and Crown Prince Bryan might not approve of an outdoor ceremony.  From all her research it appeared that his people seemed to prefer indoor ceremonies.

“Good!  Now
, if there are any issues that come up, we need to be made aware of them immediately.  You understand?” the doctor gently pressed for more information.

“Of course.  Are we finished?”  Kalea sat up on the edge of the table and asked.

“Yes, I will let you know the results, but preliminary scans show that you are perfectly healthy.”  His gray eyes sparkled with laughter as she hopped off the table like she had since she was a child.

Absently brushing her skirt down
, Kalea turned toward the door.  “Thank you.  I will expect your call on the evening of the 13
or morning of the 14
at the latest.”  With a quick smile she was out the door and on her way to the shuttle bay.  If she hurried she could get the fitting done and still catch the sunset.



Thirty-seven hours on a shuttle, even a nice one, was not Bryan’s idea of fun.  Feeling tired and cranky with a desire for nothing more than a change of air and some
room to walk, Bryan allowed only one security agent ahead of him off the shuttle.

There, b
efore him, stood a single pair of servants.  At least he assumed they were servants; they didn’t look like anything else.  The taller of the two was dressed in a simple outfit of light brown, loose fitting slacks and shirt, with darker brown epaulettes on his shoulders. The second man was dressed in a darker shade of brown with no adornment of any kind and his shirt seemed rather long as it reached almost to his knees.

“Good day
, Crown Prince Alexandros,” the taller man spoke as he bowed slightly.

“Good day
,” Bryan answered, slightly surprised by the man’s use of his language.

“Crown Prince Alexandros, my name is Edward
, and I will be your interpreter.  We realize that you have had a long journey.  We wish that we could let you rest immediately. However, with all that must be done before the wedding, I am afraid we must ask you to complete your medical evaluation first.  I assure you that it is painless and should not take more than a few hours.  You could possibly even sleep through most of it,” Edward said, trying to lighten the impact of his request.

Bryan had schooled his features as Edward spoke and now with complete control of voice and expression he
answered.  “I was unaware of the need for a medical evaluation.” 

Pausing for a moment he then continued.
  “However, if you will see that my staff is made comfortable, I don’t see that it will be a problem.”  By this time all of his staff, roughly 40 people, had disembarked the shuttle.

“Yes of course.”  Indicating the man to his right
, Edward said, “This is Jon and he will escort your staff to their quarters.  Are there any of your staff members that are married or in need of special accommodations?”

“No.  Normal accommodations should be fine.  Why?  Is there a problem?” Bryan asked.

“No, Your Highness.  It is just that with all the guests for the wedding and their staff we are putting two staff members per room until the guests leave.  I hope this won’t be an inconvenience, but you understand.”  Edward again bowed slightly.

“I understand.  Leo is my personal assistant so he will need quarters closest to mine if not attached.  Otherwise it shouldn’t be a problem.”
Bryan answered.

good, Sir.” Edward turned to Jon and with a brief and quiet conversation Jon stretched out his arm and indicated a corridor to their left.

Turning t
o Leo, Bryan said, “Follow Jon and help pair off the staff.  I will meet you as soon as I can.  Don’t bother asking questions.  I don’t think Jon can understand you.”

“Yes sir.” Leo responded then looked over his shoulder and with a nod of his
bald head signaled the staff to follow him.

“Right this way
, Your Highness.”  Edward indicated a corridor to his left and then waited for Crown Prince Bryan and his security detail to precede him.

The corridors were painted
in a light shade of gray and they had several doors on either side.  It was the door at the end of the corridor that surprised Bryan.  As they approached the door it automatically opened and there before him was a large expanse of rich green grass, a few trees surrounded by flowers and a simple stone path.

“The Med Lab is this way
Your Highness.” Edward indicated a similar stone path leading off to the right.

Tearing his eyes from the view before him
, Bryan walked the path taking deep cleansing breaths of fresh air touched with the scent of flowers.  Not wanting to gawk, he forced his stride to remain constant while his senses reveled in the beauty displayed on both sides of the path.

Far too soon they reached the Med Lab
. A three story white stone building with large windows that acted like mirrors.  The glass doors opened as he approached and some of his apprehension returned.

Your Highness, if you will please come into this room.” Edward pointed to a room off to the left.  “You will find a private room with an examination table.  Please just lie down and relax. I will bring the doctor in just a moment.” He then turned and walked farther into the building.

Bryan walked into the room and was pleased to see that it had a large window looking out over the lawn.  He looked out the window while his guards quickly searched the r
oom and then took up positions, one near the examination table and the other by the door.

Turning, Bryan noticed that the examination table looked more like a bed than the exam tables he was used to.  It was slightly higher off the floor than a bed but looked just as comfortable.

Not wanting to doze off and be caught unawares, Bryan turned back to look out the window.  After a few moments his mind began to wander, and, as seemed to be the norm of late, its favorite topic was his soon to be wife.  Remembering the recording of her walking in what he had thought was a holographic chamber he realized it was most likely a very real garden like the one outside the window.  Wanting to go back outside and experience it more fully he shifted from one foot to the other and glanced over his shoulder.

Bryan turned away from the window just as the door opened and in walked Edward and an older man in light green medical scrubs.  The man’s gray eyes slowly looked him over from head to toe. 

Bryan wasn’t sure what he was looking for but he was fairly certain what he saw.  At 5’8” Bryan considered himself to be of average height.  With sandy brown hair, brown eyes and only because of Leo’s insistence, a freshly shaved face, he wouldn’t have been surprised to find that his eyes looked bruised from his lack of sleep.

“Dr. Wingate would ask that you lie down and relax. His first scans will only take a few minutes.  Then he will need to ask you some questions.”  Edward spoke calmly and clearly which surprisingly helped Bryan relax.

Moving over to the exam table, Bryan sat down and shifted around as he lay down.  Turning his head to the side he gazed out the window at the clear blue sky.  He was fascinated by the fluffy white clouds.  He was used to a hazy sky with gray and black clouds of pollution and filth.

Dr. Wingate performed all the scans quickly and efficiently. He was impressed with the prince’s overall health but the signs of living without the sun and fresh air were very evident.  The prince was so pale he looked truly white.  His lung capacity rated normal but just barely, and his system seemed to be low on several vital nutrients and minerals.

I am ready to ask the questions,” Dr. Wingate said.  Edward nodded and they began.

“Your Highness
, have you ever sustained any injuries such as a broken bone or a concussion?” he asked and Edward quickly translated.

“Yes, I crac
ked a rib once but no concussions. I have only suffered one blow to the head and it did not result in a concussion, much to my twin brother’s dismay.”  Bryan answered with a slight smirk.

Edward translated this for Dr. Wingate and they continued with questions ranging from illnesses to eating and exercise habits.  The question and answer session had been
going on for over ten minutes when one of the medical screens beeped and the screen flashed.

Noting the concern on the
prince’s face Dr. Wingate quickly assured him through Edward. “That is just telling me that the results of some of the tests I performed have been completed.”

Bryan nodded
, but didn’t comment.

Dr. Wingate checked the machine and then returned.  “You’re in good health, Crown Prince Alexandros. Congratulations.  However, your titer indicates that you would be susceptible to several of the diseases found on our world.  This is nothing
with which to concern yourself however, because we have vaccines available for you and your staff.

“Unlike previous
vaccines that took about two weeks to become effective, these take only a matter of hours.  They are completely safe and you will barely notice them.  With your permission, I will administer them to you and your guards immediately while Edward sends someone to retrieve your staff.  Shall we?”  Dr. Wingate had turned away from Crown Prince Bryan during his explanation as he prepared the vaccines at a side workstation.  He therefore missed the look of near panic on Bryan’s face and the movement of one of his guards who now stood between the Crown Prince and the Doctor.

“Dr. Wingate
,” Edward called calmly to get the Doctor’s attention.  “I believe they are a little leery of vaccinations.”

Noting the odd tenor of Edwards’s voice
, Dr. Wingate turned slowly with his hands empty to show the guard that he was no threat.  “Do you have a medical member on your staff, Crown Prince Alexandros?” he asked.

Edward quickly translated both the question and the answer which was, “No.”

“I see.”  Dr. Wingate knew that without the vaccines the entire staff and the Crown Prince could become deathly ill.  But without someone they trusted to prove to them that the vaccines were harmless what could he do?

After a moment’s thought Dr. Wingate said, “I have a suggestion.  What if we vaccinate two of your staff members?  You could then see that they
are not poisoned and that the vaccinations are safe.  Either that or we wait for a medical professional of yours to arrive. But the delay may increase your risk of becoming sick.  Princess Kalea will not be happy with me if I let her husband become ill.  Why, it could even delay the wedding.  Oh, that would definitely not be good.”

doctor had begun to pace at his mention of delay and his gestures had grown quite dramatic at the mention of Princess Kalea being unhappy with him.  Suddenly, he turned to Crown Prince Alexandros and said, “I know! I will prepare a double dose of the vaccine in one vial.  I will then give myself a dose, change the injector and give you the other half. That way you will know that I haven’t poisoned you.  What do you say?”

Edward, who had been having difficulty keeping up with the Doctor in his excitement was
, finally able to finish the translation and catch his breath.  Patiently he waited to relay whatever answer Crown Prince Bryan gave. 

Finally the answer came, “My death will not benefit the alliance for either side, whether that death is through poison, disease or accident.  Therefore, I will let you vaccinate myself and my staff
, but, not until I have sent a communication to my home world explaining the situation.  After I have confirmed that the message has reached our first relay station, I will allow the procedure.  If they don’t hear from me after the wedding and regularly thereafter an investigation will be launched.  Do you understand?” Bryan asked.

Following the translation Edward assured him that everyone understood.  Bryan nodded and sent one of the guards to bring the staff while he prepared to send the message.  In his heart he knew that the “investigation” would probably take place at gun point but reason told him
that there would be no benefit for anyone to kill him given the situation.

The staff arrived and received their vaccinations before the message, sent from his shuttle, reached the relay station
, but Bryan didn’t mind.  It gave him time to watch for reactions to the vaccines.  He was pleased to note that there didn’t seem to be any.

Bryan lay back down on the exam table and rested while he waited
. Leo, who had remained this time, woke him when the message relay confirmation arrived.  The sun was setting on the horizon and the beautiful display of colors captured Bryan’s attention the moment his eyes opened.  Only in pictures had he ever seen such colors in the sky.  They drew him and without even realizing it, he rose and moved to the window as he took it all in.

As the colors changed and danced on the clouds Dr. Wingate moved up to him and gently rubbed the injection site with a cool swab and then administered the vaccine.  So caught up in the moment, the beauty, and the desire to praise God the Creator, Bryan barely noticed.

A calm soothing feeling seemed to gently relax his body as the sun dipped behind the distant horizon.  As the colors faded to gray Bryan moved back to the exam table and sat on its side.  Filled with awe at the sight and the relaxing feelings he was experiencing he didn’t notice when he laid back down and fell asleep.  Nor did he notice that both of his guards and Leo were also asleep on the floor at their posts.

Dr. Wingate called in the med teams and soon
the three men were moved to different rooms.   Each man would be monitored to assure that he remained sedated for the appropriate amount of time.

Dr. Wingate and his team quickly set to work.  “Jackie, reprogram the clocks. We have only two and a half hours to finish this and find a way to make them think that nothing’s happened.  Nurse, is the room sealed?”

“Yes Doctor.”

“Good.  Let’s begin.”

Two hours later they finished the delicate procedure, all the tests had been run as best they could, and their tracks covered.  Placing the guards and Leo back into their original positions in the room and supporting them with low power energy braces each man was simultaneously given a stimulant to rouse them from their slumber.

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