Celestial Love (6 page)

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Authors: Juli Blood

BOOK: Celestial Love
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Leo tried not to laugh as he pictured Queen Alexandros’ reaction to such a statement.  Much less her reaction should they actually send her son home for going to breakfast in semi
- casual attire.  Bryan dressed quickly and they were on their way by five till seven.  Edward met them in the hallway and escorted them to the dining room. 

Lavishly decorated, the furniture was made of solid cherry
wood.  Gold fixtures and frames reflected the light, and plants and flower arrangements graced the table and sideboards.  Servants dressed in cream seemed to blend in with the wallpaper that covered the walls from chair rail to ceiling.  The place settings were white gold, and complimented the elegance of the dinning chamber.

Six people stood around the table.  King Douglas stood at the far end facing him. 
Nodding a greeting to the one man at the table that he had previously met Bryan quickly surveyed the rest of those present.  On the king’s right was a woman similar in appearance to the picture he had seen of Princess Kalea, only older.  Assuming that she was Queen Nadia, he bowed to her.

Two younger couples
, obviously Princess Kalea’s brothers and their wives, stood one on either side of the table. Edward took his place on Bryan’s left as the King spoke.

morning, Crown Prince Alexandros,” King Douglas said as he approached and reached out to shake Bryan’s hand. “Welcome to our home.”

Edward quickly translated and Bryan replied
as he accepted the handshake. “Thank you, Your Majesty, and thank you for this opportunity to meet Queen Nadia and the rest of Princess Kalea’s immediate family.  It’s an honor.”

“Please be seated.”  The k
ing invited, and everyone took their places.

“Will Princess Kalea be joining us?” Bryan asked.

“No, I’m afraid she chose to have a traditional wedding so almost no one will see her today prior to the wedding ceremony,” Queen Nadia answered.  Edward quickly translated and he was the first to notice that Prince Bryan relaxed just a tad as he finished.

“Let me introduce you to my family
, Crown Prince Alexandros,” the king said as he raised his arm to gesture.

As Edward translated
, Bryan quickly replied, “Your Majesty, please, call me Bryan.”

he understood, the king smiled and turned to his right.  “Very well.  This is my eldest son Gilbert and his wife Rose Lynn.  Gilbert is currently stationed on one of our farthest space ports and enjoys it so much that he only comes home for very important events.  We are blessed that he felt this was one of them.”  Edward translated as the royal family were amused at Gilbert’s expense.

Bryan nodded and smiled as the k
ing then gestured to the couple on his left.  “This is my second son Randolph and his wife Alexis.  Alexis has been working very hard in preparation for tonight’s wedding ceremony.  She and Randolph will be here for a few more weeks before they journey to your planet to begin the environmental analysis necessary to determine the most efficient and effective course of action in repairing it.”

Again Bryan
nodded and smiled somewhat surprised that Prince Randolph himself would be leading the environmental analysis team.  He had thought they were to simply be observers or ambassadors.

“Shall we eat?” Queen Nadia asked

“Oh yes.  Let us pray.”  The king then bowed his head and asked a special blessing on the bride and groom as well as the food.  Because of the need for translation conversation was slow but Bryan didn’t mind.  At least they didn’t exclude him as he had seen others do when translation was necessary.  And though the conversation was interesting it primarily focused on the wedding and everyone’s plans for today.

, however, was fascinated by the food.  Whole grain breads, fresh fruits in abundance, bowls of nuts and several varieties of juice, though he noticed most of the family drank only water.

Food like this was unheard of at home.  He was used to nutritional supplements and vitamin drinks that closely resembled mud.  So he ate until he was so full he wondered how he would ever be able to eat anything at the luncheon this afternoon.

Though, from the menu that they were describing, it sounded like lunch would also be a feast.  Silently he wondered if this was all just for the wedding or if they ate like this regularly?  If so he would be tempted never to go home again.

As everyone finished eating
, Randolph leaned over and asked, “Would you have some time this morning?  I have some questions regarding your planet that I would like to ask.”

“Certainly,” Bryan replied when he understood.  “Where would you like to meet?”

“I was hoping you wouldn’t mind meeting in my office.  It isn’t with the other offices here in the palace; it is out back in the garden.  If you’re available?” Randolph asked glancing warily over his shoulder at Alexis.

I’d be happy too.  I’m sure Edward can show me the way,” Bryan answered.

Before Edward even finished translating Randolph broke in.  “How about now?  If we hurry I should be able to
have us back in plenty of time to freshen up before the luncheon.” 

Edward was a bit surprised by Prince Randolph’s rapid whispers and frequent glances at the family, but he did his best to translate quickly and quietly.

Bryan was also surprised; but with one quick nod, Randolph was out of his chair and addressing his father.  “Father, Prince Bryan and I are going to the garden.  We’ll be back later.  Thanks for breakfast, it was really good.”

Surprise registered on everyone’s face as Prince Randolph kissed first his wife’s cheek and then his mother’s
, before quickly strolling out the room. 

Bryan, not wanting to be rude,
hastily bowed and then followed on Randolph’s heels so as not to get left behind.  Edward also bowed and then hurried to catch up.

As the door closed behind Edward, King Douglas burst out laughing.
He was soon joined by everyone else except Alexis who had planned on Randolph’s help with the luncheon.

“I haven’t seen Randy make that kind of
an exit since he was rushing off to meet you while you were courting,” King Douglas said with a smile.

“Apparently I don’t hold the same appeal now
,” Alexis replied.

“Oh, it’s not you,”
Gilbert hastened to reassure her. “It’s all the work you wanted him to do for the luncheon.” Everyone laughed this time, including Alexis.

Prince Bryan spent the rest of the morning working with Randolph and Edward in the various greenhouses located out in the garden. 
Even Leo was involved as he had to bring out data chips and attachments so they would work with Estar Beta’s information system to help with the translation of certain species of plants.

Princess Kalea spent the morning in prayer and meditation, with a few moments of panic thrown in to keep things interest
ing.  The afternoon was a bit more intense for everyone.  Trying to continue her mental preparations while three maids and her mother worked on getting her dressed and her hair done just so.

Prince Bryan, on the other hand, was introduced to so many people he was sure that the only person on this planet he hadn’t met was his bride.  And though he was
starving at the luncheon he got to eat very little because of all the questions that Edward was faithfully translating for him.

When Bryan realized that it was less than an hour before the wedding he used his newly updated
AVID to summon Leo.  As Leo suddenly appeared at his side, the guests weren’t offended when Bryan left immediately.

Rushing back upstairs Br
yan found his formal black suit, white dress shirt and royal blue sash displaying the royal crest pressed and ready.  His black shoes were polished to perfection.

fter a quick shower and another shave, he began to dress.  He was just tucking in his shirt when there was a knock at the door.  Leo answered, it was Alexis.

“Oh, Prince Bryan.  Please forgive me.  After all the preparations today I laid down to take a nap just after the lunch
eon was running smoothly.  Moments ago, as I finished dressing, Randy came in to tell me that you had had to leave in a hurry.

“One glance at the clock and I ju
st about slapped him.  I am so sorry that he didn’t get you out earlier so you could get ready.  Oh, please forgive me?” Alexis was beside herself with remorse.  Thankfully she had brought Edward along to translate and he added his own apology to hers when he finished.

ank you for your concern but I’m fine.  As you can see I am almost ready, so all is forgiven.  Now I need someone to show me the way to the Sanctuary,” Bryan grinned at the look of relief on both their faces.

“I will be happy to do that
, Your Highness,” Edward volunteered.

“Thank you,
” Bryan said as he adjusted the sash over his suit coat.

“No, thank
you, for being so understanding,” Alexis said as she turned and hurried out of the room and down the hall.

Bryan watched her go as he sat down and put on his shoes.  “Edward, I hate to bring this up now
, but there was no rehearsal for this ceremony.  I don’t know if your wedding ceremonies are the same as ours.  I would really like to know what is expected of me before I make a fool of myself in front of everyone.”

“Oh, my
, how could we have forgotten?” Edward exclaimed. “Well, Your Highness, your part is actually quite simple.  At the beginning of the ceremony you step onto the dais and face the crowd.  Gilbert will show you were to stand.”  As he continued to explain they began walking to the Sanctuary, with Leo and the prince’s honor guard close on their heels – dressed to the nines.

“Princess Kalea will enter the Sanctuary at the rear and walk up the aisle to stand beside you.  You will turn and face the ministers.  The minister that came with you
, as well as Pastor Joseph, will each perform part of the ceremony.  They worked out the particulars yesterday and this morning.”  Reaching the main floor, Edward gestured to the right and they entered the garden.

“At the end of the ceremony you will turn back to the congregation and be
introduced by both ministers.  Then you will both walk down the aisle and back to the palace.  Any questions?”

“Yes, do I hold her hand or kiss her during the ceremony?” Bryan asked.

“No. This is the traditional ceremony so no contact is involved,” Edward answered as they approached the side door to a large stone building, two stories tall with large windows and enormous wooden doors.

Stepping inside, Edward le
d them to the front of the Sanctuary.  Edward showed Leo where to sit. Prince Bryan’s honor guard automatically lined up opposite Princess Kalea’s honor guard, which stood on her side of the church. 

Gilbert and Randolph were standing
before the front row of seats and they approached as soon as they saw Crown Prince Bryan and Edward enter.  With Edward translating they soon explained where they would be standing and where Bryan would stand.

Feeling a little more comfortable about the ceremony, Bryan turned toward the front of the Sanctuary and closed his eyes to pray.  “Father, I thank you for an interesting and rather rapid day.  I was so busy that I didn’t have time to fret and I appreciate that.  However, now is the moment that I have wondered about for months - my

“Please help me not to make a fool of myself.  Though my greatest concern is that I not make a fool of
You.  Please grant me peace and wisdom as I enter into this holiest of unions.  I am not sure what Princess Kalea expects of me, but I know what You expect of me.  I pray that You will help me to be the husband, and when the time is right, the father, You want me to be.

“Please be with Princess Kalea as she also takes this step tonight.  Give
her peace and understanding, just in case I do make a fool of myself.”  Releasing a slow sigh, he refocused and continued, “Thank You Father for being everywhere, especially here with me tonight.  Please be with my family as they are so far away and may they enjoy the holographic copy of the ceremony that will be on the next transport home.  Let them know that I love them and miss them but also that I understand they couldn’t be here tonight.  Thank You Father for loving all of us, and for giving my world another chance through this union.  May we glorify You in our lives.  In Jesus’ name I pray.  May Thy will be done. Amen.”

The music began just as Bryan opened his eyes.  It was beautiful, soft and yet cheerful.  The beauty of the Sanctuary struck him as he noticed the flowers and greenery artistically placed all around the room.
The light brown stone of the walls with darker brown swirls provided a perfect backdrop for the red and white flowers that were in amongst the greenery. The fresh flowers scenting the air made him take a deep breath for the sheer joy of breathing in their fragrance.  Randolph and Gilbert took their places.  Taking another deep breath for courage, Bryan took his place and looked to the rear of the Sanctuary.

The Ministers walked out and took their places behind him as the music changed again.  The honor guards snapped to attention and the doors at the back opened.

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