Celestial Love (22 page)

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Authors: Juli Blood

BOOK: Celestial Love
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“I know what you’re saying and what you’re not saying, Sir,” Bryan began
; silently praying that he could prove Saxionias had nothing to do with the destruction of SC-17.  “I will contact my Father immediately and see if arrangements can be made.  I also would like to say that I am honored by your willingness to trust me in this matter.”

“I’ll admit it’s a risk on my part,” King Douglas conceded as he pushed back his chair and stood
, making his way around his desk to stand before Bryan.  “Yet everything I have read concerning you, and the fact that you came to us with the information willingly, leads me to believe that you are a man of your word and that your faith is real.  It is my prayer that this trial will simply strengthen the ties between our two worlds.”

“That is my prayer as well,” Bryan replied as he
stood and held out his hand to the King, who accepted it and then pulled Bryan in to a half hug.

“I received word that they have secured two additional satellites
, so with the increased speed of transmissions I should hear back from my father within hours,” Bryan said as he leaned back from the unexpected embrace.  Again hoping and praying that he could maintain their trust when he revealed the information about the fuel.

“I understand.  Also, if your
father needs some time to contemplate letting his daughter travel so far from home I can sympathize,” King Douglas replied with a sigh and a smile. 

an was sure that wouldn’t be an issue but he didn’t comment.  Knowing that his father would act in the best interests of Saxionias, regardless of the impact on his daughter, Jasmine would most likely be arriving as soon as possible.  He also knew that it was his mother who would need to be convinced, not that she had any say in the matter but it would make life easier on all of them.



Kalea left the library in time to see Bryan coming from her
father’s office.  “Hello again,” Kalea said with a smile when he turned her way.

“Yes, hello
, are you finished for the day?” Bryan answered just a little distractedly.

“So what exciting news did Father have this
time?” Kalea asked as he came to a stop before her.

“I’m not sure it’s exciting but it seems that my sister Jasmine will be coming to visit while we are on our trip and back on

“Interesting.  I detect the hand of the Royal Council and at least one specific advisor in this, am I right?” Kalea asked as she linked her arm through his and headed toward the nearest lift.

“I’m not sure about an advisor but yes, the Royal Council made the request,” Bryan answered surprised that Kalea seemed to be leading them to the shuttle bay.

“That’s only because you haven’t met the
Advisory Board yet.  It is an interesting group of men and women from all over Estar Beta as well as various space ports.  Each member has some area of expertise or critical trade connection.  The final decisions are wholly the responsibility of the Royal Council but they try to consider the opinions and suggestions of the Advisory Board since its members are influential in a variety of ways,” Kalea explained as they walked the tunnel down to the shuttle bay.

“As a matter of fact, you will undoubtedly be one of the most influential members upon our return to Estar Beta.” Kalea added as she guided him toward his shuttle.  “After all you will be able to represent
Saxionias and help greatly in our continued relations with them in the future.  Of course as my husband you will have added influence here as well.”

Slightly distracted, Bryan latched on to that comment and asked, “I’ll be on the
Advisory Board?”

“Of course, I was sure you knew,” Kalea said with a
touch of confusion.  Then releasing his arm since they had reached his shuttle, she smiled and headed back toward the tunnel calling out over her shoulder.  “Tell Jasmine I can’t wait to meet her.  I hope she can arrive before we leave or maybe meet us at one of the space ports on our trip.”

“I’ll see what Father has to say,
” Bryan replied, reeling from the rapid subject changes and this surprising bit of information on his new life.  Watching as Kalea disappeared down the tunnel.

Shaking his head and t
rying to refocus his thoughts, Bryan entered his shuttle.  Finding the shuttle crew all in attendance he scanned the group for his communications officer.  When he saw him Bryan said, “D’Angelo, I need to send a classified message to King Alexandros but first I need to know if you have received any information back yet today.”

“Your Highness, I just came from informing
Leo that a message had arrived; it is encrypted for your eyes only,” D’Angelo replied as he gestured toward the cramped communication room located just behind the cockpit of the shuttle.

Bryan followed D’Angelo to the room that he often referred to as a closet and took the only seat available.  D’Angelo reached over his shoulder and queued up the message then when everything was ready he backed out and secured the door.

Placing his hand on the scanner, Bryan waited while the message was downloaded from the secure satellite and then decrypted using the DNA scan from his palm as well as verifying each finger print.  Soon the message appeared and he listened as his father’s irritated voice came through the small speaker he held to his ear with his other hand.

“Bryan this situation with SC-17 was not in any way supported or knowingly supplied by any of the ruling members of
Saxionias.  We have launched a full scale investigation into both the missing Nitroplast 7 and the fuel.  Unfortunately, I have no additional information at this time regarding either one.

“It is imperative that you do whatever is necessary to convince the Royal Council of Estar Beta that we did not sanction nor initiate this attack.  Bryan, I know you understand the seriousness of this
development but I’m sorry to say that our situation is only worsening by the day.  We need this alliance now more than ever.

“As for the delays and the honeymoon…I feel it is poor
timing but if it will ease any suspicion then the time is granted.  Perhaps though, you could suggest that the Environmental Restoration teams come directly here when you and your bride leave for the honeymoon.  That would give them a two week head start and allow them to have some results to transmit back when you arrive.  I’m sure they can begin without Princess Kalea so why delay on her account?”

Bryan cringed at the flippant attitude of his father regarding Princes
s Kalea but he knew it wouldn’t change before he met her and perhaps not even then.  He wondered what might have happened to make his father say that their situation was worsening, but with no explanation, Bryan was left in the dark.  He did take hope in his father’s apparent willingness to strengthen the alliance and it was on that note that he prepared, encrypted and then sent the message asking that Jasmine come immediately to Estar Beta to ease tensions.

Bryan took a few minutes to exchange greetings and comments with the crew.  He wasn’t surprised that they all seemed very pleased with both the facilities and the wonders of the planet.  Since most of them would not be staying long he encouraged them to get out and enjoy the wonders of the gardens.

With no new information or suspects regarding the chemicals, Bryan contacted Leo via the AVID and then joined him and Nathan in the converted conference room that was serving as his temporary office.  Bryan quickly briefed them on the update from Saxionias and Estar Beta’s Royal Council's request for Jasmine to visit while he returned to Saxionias with Princess Kalea.

“Will Princess Jasmine have authority here?” Nathan asked as he tried to imagine such a thing.

“No,” Bryan answered and then explained.  “The Royal Council here doesn’t fully understand our customs just as we don’t fully understand theirs.  King Douglas seems to grasp the differences the most and he suggested Jasmine as a way to appease the Royal Council and Advisory Board here without causing tensions to rise at home.”

“Princess Jasmine will simply be a guest of the
royal family until Princess Kalea and I return from Saxionias.  With all that needs doing on Saxionias that could easily take a minimum of six months, if not more,” Bryan finished.

“So, I will still report to you and the Royal Council here?” Nathan asked just to make sure he was completely clear.

“Correct,” Bryan answered and then turned to Leo.  “Where are we with the evaluation teams?”

“All the planetary teams have been dispatched.  The space po
rt team leaders are waiting for final approval before they launch.  Both branches are scheduled to report daily and have only had a few problems of translation with their AVIDs.  Edward assures me that they are continuing to work on the translation software and he hopes to issue all new AVIDs within the next week or so,” Leo answered as he checked his data pad to make sure he hadn’t missed anything.

“What about Gregory?  Has he made any more progress in helping Prince Randolph?” Bryan asked.

Leo switched data pads and after reviewing Gregory’s report he simply handed it to Crown Prince Bryan as he said, “Here’s his report but I’m not sure what it says.”

Bryan took a moment to read it over and realized that the technical terms were what had confused Leo.  Thankfully, chemistry had been his minor at
university and so he was familiar with the terminology.  For Nathan and Leo’s benefit he summarized the report.

“Gregory has helped them process another seven chemicals.  He
knows that they would have had no trouble identifying them without him but he was able to speed up the process.  None of the additional chemicals are unique and so no additional suspicion has been directed at Saxionias.  He is, however, learning quite a bit as they explain their neutralizing methods for each chemical in order to re-establish the natural environment as quickly as possible.”

Both Nathan and Leo nodded but didn’t comment as they weren’
t sure what to say.  “All right, Leo, let’s verify with Prince Gilbert the locations and flight schedules and get those last teams launched.  Adjusting the teams so you and Nate were both free was necessary, even if it does delay things.”  Leo nodded and tapped his AVID to locate Edward. Arrangements were made and the meeting adjourned.

Bryan then asked, “Leo, has Edward mentioned anything regarding the rescheduling of the social events that we were to attend?”

“Edward did mention that due to all the changes in Princess Kalea’s schedule they were still trying to determine which events would be held, but no decisions have been made as yet,” Leo replied.

“Very well.  I will see if I can spea
k with Princess Kalea this evening so we can plan accordingly,” Bryan said as he then turned back to Nathan and asked.  “Are you having any difficulties with our staff?”

Nathan took a moment to answer and in that pause Bryan understood a lot.  “It is a bit of adjustment,” Nathan said trying not to add to Bryan’s burdens. 

“Nate this is very simple,” Bryan said.  “I need everything to run as if I was here.  I know you can handle this but if there is a specific person or persons that are causing trouble they can be replaced.”  Pausing for a moment Bryan then continued.  “On second thought I hereby authorize you to replace any and all members on any of the teams as necessary.  It might even be a good idea to do that very thing just before I leave to emphasize your authority and still give me an opportunity to back you up.”

Nathan wasn’t sure if the delay in getting replacements would slow things down more than the delays caused by the troublemakers.  He did however see that simply having this distinct authority would probably calm some of the issues.  In response, he simply nodded.

“I mean it, Nate.” Bryan said for emphasis and then turned to Leo.  “In a subtle way make sure word gets around that Nathan has this additional authority.  The sooner certain parties know, the sooner we will know who needs travel arrangements.”

Nathan continued to dwell on
his new authority because Prince Bryan’s last statement was clear.  Someone was leaving Estar Beta and it was up to Nate to decide who.


Both Kalea and Bryan met in the garden as the sky began to show the changing colors of sunset.

“Is this how you welcome every Holy Day?” Bryan asked as he joined her on the bench beneath the ancient oak.

“No, but many,” Kalea answered with a smile.  “So, do you think we can make it a full day without another major incident?  I would love to share a Holy Sabbath Day with you.”

“I guess we will just have to ask the Lord to bless us with a peaceful day of worship,” Bryan answered.

“That sounds lovely, a “peaceful day of worship,’” Kalea said and released a small sigh.

“I was wondering if you had any plans for tomorrow after the
service?” Bryan asked.

“Lunch with the family and then I thought we’d spend the day together with Rose and Gilbert.  I don’t see them often since they live off world,” Kalea answered.

“Good.  I like those plans.  It will be wonderful to set aside the cares of this week and just spend time together talking about something other than SC-17.” Bryan admitted.

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