Celestial Love (33 page)

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Authors: Juli Blood

BOOK: Celestial Love
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“I guess it’s your decision
, but I would suggest taking quarters on the space port.  I’m not sure how much longer it will take to get everything finished before you can launch.”  Glancing over her shoulder, he made sure Bryan was out of hearing when he continued softly, “It might be easier to maintain the ship's integrity if you and Bryan were not aboard.  Also, are you sure about this Benjamin Kellman?”

“As sure as we can be
,” Kalea answered and then pointed out the obvious. “Bryan is my husband and though he doesn’t have security clearance yet, one day soon, he will.  Work as best you can with Benjamin and plan on him coming with Bryan and me when we leave.  Maybe he will prove useful later.  This is all going to be done in a rushed manner which is rarely good, so do your best and pray to the Holy One for wisdom and guidance, and then leave the outcome to Him.”

Gilbert nodded just as her
AVID beeped.  Benjamin had arrived.

Kalea smiled and turned back to the garden.  “Franklin, we will need quarters on the space port until the ship is ready to launch.  I need a good workout so I am going to try out the ship
’s fitness equipment while you make the arrangements.”

Turning to where Bryan and Uncle Evan were talking, Kalea said with a smile, “Bryan
, while I work out why don’t you um…” She shrugged then turned and said, “Uncle Evan, if you could meet us later for a meal, I would appreciate it.”

Of course dear,” Uncle Evan answered.  “Bryan and I will be happy to meet you later.  After all what newly married woman wants her groom to see her all sweaty?  Come along Crown Prince Bryan, we can take a walk and get to know one another better.”

“You’re sure?”
Bryan asked, and Uncle Evan replied, “Certainly.”

Bryan glanced back and
she smiled then said via the link.  ‘He probably just wants time to get to know you when I’m not there.  Have fun.’

‘I’ll try.’ Bryan answered as he tried to catch up with what her Uncle Evan was saying.

Kalea could hear her Uncle tell Bryan that he meant no disrespect but he was going to call him Bryan from now on since they were family and his title was just too long.  Smiling, Kalea retraced her steps to the fitness area they had passed earlier and began to work out some of her remaining anxiety while she listened to her many messages all of which were from her Father.



Clean but now physically exhausted
, Kalea joined Uncle Evan, Bryan, Gilbert and Rose for what she hoped was the evening meal.  “I really miss the sun in the sky,” she mumbled to herself as she took her seat at the table.

“Don’t worry, you’ll adjust,” Uncle Evan whispered as he took the seat to her left and Bryan claimed the one on her right.

Listening to the conversation around the table Kalea felt too tired to think and simply ate.  Everyone noticed, so they didn’t try to include her, although they did give her opportunities to join in.  Finally Kalea said, “I’m sorry everyone, but I’m going to go get some rest.  I’ll see you all tomorrow, won’t I?” she asked looking straight at her Uncle Evan.

“Oh, certainly
, My Dear,” he answered.  “Now off with you.  I have several more stories of your youth to share with Bryan that you probably don’t want to relive.”

Kalea gave him a mock frown and then said, “Well if you didn’t, I suppose Gilbert would.  Good night all.”  With a wave she
slipped out into the corridor and followed Danielson to the suite of rooms she and Bryan would share.  Franklin had thought of everything and so after making sure she was in the room with her things, she collapsed on the bed and slept.



Bryan was a little concerned that Kalea seemed so tired but he realized that he didn’t really remember her sleeping much on the shuttle.  He
had assumed she was sleeping when he was but now he wondered.

Gilbert was distracted.  He and Benjamin had only stopped working long enough to eat and Bryan was sure that was only so Rose wouldn’t be upset.  Bryan didn’t envy Gilbert his work, but
he did wish he could find some way to help.  Having sent Leo back to Saxionias with his personal shuttle, he felt completely cut off.  With nothing to occupy his time he had spent the evening conversing with Uncle Evan, and though that was enjoyable, he wondered if this was a taste of what his life would be like when things calmed down and he returned to Estar Beta.

Not liking the direction of his thoughts, Bryan
soon excused himself and followed Pierce to his suite.  Once he entered he found Danielson guarding the door to Kalea’s bedroom and was a bit surprised.  It must have shown in his expression because Danielson said, “Standard practice when off world.  Your men are coming.  They were delayed by the local authorities.  Franklin finally got it straightened out and is bringing them in now.  They are quartered across the hall as are we.”

“Thank you for explaining.  I got used to not having them every moment at the palace.  Perhaps I am more tired than I thought.”  Bryan shrugged and entered his room.  Part of him wanted to give himself a severe talking to
, but instead he just went to bed.



awoke and prepared for her day with a good long shower and a meaningful time reading the Ancient Writings and committing her way unto the Holy One.

Only when her stomach really got her attention did she decide to seek out food and company.  Exiting her bedroom she was surprised to find Bryan and Uncle Evan eating.  There was no room to sit at the small table in front of the cushioned seats, b
ecause it was heavily loaded with food.

morning!” She greeted them as she grabbed a plate and began to fill it.

morning.  Although local time it is almost mid-day,” Uncle Evan pointed out before taking another bite.

“Oh, is it that late?” Kalea asked as she took the third seat.

“Yes, but since I think you needed the sleep, I didn’t want to disturb you,” Bryan answered.

“I did
need it, thanks,” Kalea said between bites.

The sound of a throat clearing brought everyone’s attention around to Franklin
, who was standing just inside the door.  “Excuse the interruption, Your Highness, but I thought you would want to know that the first transport has arrived.  Gilbert also asked that you contact him after you’ve eaten.”

“Thank you, Franklin,” Kalea replied and then turned back to the others.  “It sounds like I have a busy day.  What will you two be doing?”

When neither of them answered immediately Kalea grew concerned.  She quickly tried to think of something that Bryan could help with but came up blank.  Most everything on her agenda involved organizing the arriving staff and working with Jackson on familiarizing themselves with the ship's newer technologies and weapons systems. 

There really wasn’t anything he could help with.  Plus with
the change in policy regarding the Saxionias delegation Kalea couldn’t include Bryan until all the codes were established and the system secure. 

The irony of the situation didn
’t escape her that Benjamin, Bryan’s friend and staff member was helping to increase the security of those very systems.

“I think I’ll explore the station, I mean space port, Bryan finally said.

“I’ll join you,” Evan said as if he didn’t know every nook and cranny already.

“You’ll have to let me know how it compares to one of your space stations,” Kalea said in an effort to try to smooth things over and make them seem normal.

‘I really do understand.  I’ll be fine,’ Bryan said via the link.

‘This isn’t
really a honeymoon though is it?’ Kalea asked.

We knew it wouldn’t be.  I know you’re going to be busy and just wish I could help.  I’m not used to not being needed or useful,’ Bryan admitted.

“You two need to remember you’re not alone,” Uncle Evan said as he set his plate down.  “Here and on Estar Beta we will understand that you’re having a private conversation and not mind
all that much, but elsewhere, it will draw unwanted attention.  Many don’t understand our special gift and there is no way of knowing how it will be received should they learn of it.  For your safety and privacy I suggest you remember to use your gift very carefully and with discretion.”

“Sorry, Uncle Evan,” Kalea apologized silently chastising herself for being so careless.
  Hadn’t she mentioned this very issue to Bryan just last week?

“I apologize also,
Sir.  I must admit to being fascinated by this amazing gift.  However, I also see your point.  I can test and know its limitations whereas others would just have to trust.  Something few do willingly to this type of phenomenon.  I probably should have been more cautious at first, but the concept so captivated me, I just rushed in.  Not my normal reaction I assure you.”

“As we explore today
, we can discuss it further,” Evan said as he noticed they had both finished eating.  “For now I suggest that we send Kalea off to her tasks and we set off on our own adventure.”

Kalea stood and hugged her
uncle, giving him an extra squeeze and then looked at Bryan but wasn’t sure what would be best.  Finally she shrugged and said, “Call me when you are ready to eat again.  Then we will at least all be on the same, slightly off schedule.”  Everyone laughed as the door closed behind her.

“That was odd
,” Evan said once he was sure the door was securely closed.

“Yes,” Bryan admitted as he flopped back down into his chair.  “We were both so busy on Estar Beta
after the ceremony that we were always just coming and going.  We’ve had a few talks but our going separate ways never felt like a farewell before. It didn’t seem so bad at the palace but now…”

“You’ve heard stories about Kalea from me and I’m sure others in the family
, but I don’t think anyone has laid it out for you, so I will.”  Evan looked Bryan in the eye as he continued making sure Bryan got the message.  “Kalea has never had a relationship with a man that she was not related to.  Her role in life has been clear since her birth and clearer still since her youth.  She attended University, but she never really felt drawn to any of the young men and to be honest most seemed intimidated by her.  She’s smart, confident and will someday be queen.  That’s hard for many men to deal with.

“This situation is even more unusual and, unfortunately, this puts more of a burden on you than normal.  You’re married to a woman you don’t know, who’s really busy right now a
nd who has very limited experience with this type of intimate relationship.  You have to get to know her.  The real her and not just who she will be someday.  The good news is that you do have a few advantages, the link being one of them.  Use it.  If I understood Gilbert correctly, it will be at least several days before the ship is ready to launch.  Now, I suspect that once you arrive at Saxionias you will be as busy as Kalea, so use this time to work on getting to know her, and building that relationship,” Evan instructed as he rose from his seat and pointed to the door.

As they entered the corridor he continued, “From this morning’s conversation I’ll assume you feel you have nothing of importance to do
here, but I disagree.  This is a divinely appointed opportunity for you to gain some much needed ground in your relationship.  I suggest thinking of ways to help Kalea relax when she is with you.  Pay attention to any feelings that she will be unconsciously sharing with you via the link.  If she seems tense or annoyed, ask if she has a moment and share a funny experience or a joke to make her laugh.  If she’s frustrated, encourage her to tell you why and express her feelings so she can focus again. You might even contact Queen Nadia and get a list of her favorite foods and see if you can have them served.

Oh, and I know for a fact she likes a special candy called milk caramel.  They are hard to find and therefore rather expensive, but I saw some in one of the shops here on the space port.  I’ll show you and you can surprise her with them whenever you feel she needs it most.  I know this might seem like a lot of advice but I get the feeling you could use it.”

Bryan was listening
carefully and saw the wisdom in Evan’s words.  However, he still had some concerns that he didn’t feel comfortable voicing.  “I see the wisdom in what you’re saying, and I’ll do my best over the next few days.”

“It’s a start, and right now that’s just what you need.  A mission and a plan,” Evan said with a smile.

A bit surprised that Evan could read him so clearly he smiled and nodded as they made their way into the shopping area of the space port.  For the next few hours they browsed the shops and purchased the space port's entire supply of milk caramel.  Bryan also sent off a request to Queen Nadia regarding Kalea’s favorite foods, and he added activities as well.

When they finally decided to eat again
, Kalea wasn’t able to get away so they dined in one of the food establishments. Bryan shared more of what his life had been like and why he had agreed to marry Kalea the way he had.

“So you feel your twin brother can step into your shoes?” Evan asked as they sat enjoying some unusual but delicious desert that he couldn’t even pronounce.

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