Celestial Love (31 page)

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Authors: Juli Blood

BOOK: Celestial Love
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At the sound of the door closing Bryan asked, “Did
you learn anything else from him?”

“Not really,” Kyle answered.  “I think he’s telling the truth about not knowing exactly who hired him.  He really is convinced that it is someone from among the
royals, though he didn’t say why.  If I may ask, Your Highness, is there really a jurisdiction issue?”

“No,” King Douglas answered for him.  “We are simply holding him until we can solve this conspiracy.  Once we know who is
responsible, justice will be served.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.  I was hoping that was the plan.”  Looking to Bryan
, Kyle then gave a short bow and left.

Kalea was curious and asked, “How did your men know that he was using an invalid code word if it was listed as the one for this time?”

Bryan smiled and then answered, “My father and the Assembly require a list every year so we make one and submit it.  Nathan didn’t think that was very secure, so we decided to choose a number between 1 and 10 each year and shift the true code words by that number.  This year the number was four so that code word was four months old.  Only my father and my direct team members know of this additional security measure.”

“Your men were very convincing in their efforts to glean information from the imposter,” King Douglas said as he stood from behind his desk.  “I was about to send in our forces when your men suddenly bound Roma
n and escorted him first to Nathan and then to us.”

“We’ve found it is easier to get information from someone when they feel you believe their lie,” Bryan replied, hoping that his men hadn’t endangered the trust that he was trying so hard to rebuild and expand.

“Very true.”  King Douglas commented before he sent them off with, “You two have preparations to make, I’m sure.”

“Do we have a departure time?” Kalea asked as she stood from her chair.

“Your Mother insisted on dinner together tonight to welcome Jasmine, so after that.  I suggest you be packed and ready,” King Douglas said as he stepped around his desk and enveloped Kalea in a quick unexpected hug.  “See you at dinner.”

Bryan nodded and held the door for Kalea.  Again it struck him how different their families were and he felt saddened by his family’s reserve.

Jasmine joined them in the corridor as she returned from the garden.  “Is everything alright?” she asked, seeing them.

“It seems one of your security detail was an imposter.  He is being held until further notice,” Bryan explained.

“My, that seems odd.”  Jasmine said and then asked, “So do we dress formally for dinner and if so how much time do I have to get ready?”

we don’t,” Kalea answered.  “And today will be more casual than normal because there is so much going on.  You needn’t change at all if you don’t wish to.”

“Good, then I will be in the garden if you could send someone for
me when it is time to gather?”  Jasmine smiled and at Kalea’s nod she turned and left quickly so she could savor the garden as long as possible.

“I must admit I’m surprised,” Bryan said as he watched the door close behind his sister.

“Why?” Kalea asked as she started toward the stairs that led to their suites.

“Jasmine wasn’t the least bit disappointed that dinner wasn’t formal tonight,” Bryan answe
red.  “I thought she would be.  She always seemed to enjoy getting all dressed up and spending hours in front of the mirror for even the most mundane events.”

“Maybe she’s just tired from her trip
,” Kalea said, waiting as Bryan stepped in front of her to open the door to their sitting room.

“Perhaps,” Bryan said
, and then changed topics.  “I suppose Leo and I had better start packing.”

“No,” Kalea said reaching out to stop him with a hand on his arm.  “Leo can’t know when we are leaving.  It would be better if you could keep him busy elsewhere so he doesn’t realize that we are leaving so soon. 
I’m sure he’s a loyal subject but the fact is the more people that know when we are leaving, the more likely the wrong people will find out.”

“Yes, you’re right.  I’m just distracted I guess,” Bryan rubbed his temples as he tried to get his thoughts back on track.  “Perhaps I should just take a few things and have Leo send the rest later?”

“I’m not sure how long we will be on Space Port 5,” Kalea said as she wondered if he didn’t know how to pack or if he just didn’t want to.  “If you need some help I’m nearly done and could help you,” she offered.

“No, I mean I think Edward sent my luggage somewhere an
d I was going to have Leo ask but…I guess I should just have Edward return it.”  Bryan was frustrated at himself for not having thought of this and for sounding like either a snob or an idiot - he couldn’t decide which.

“I think I have the perfect solution,” Kalea said as she opened the door to
their sitting room.  Bryan hadn’t yet entered her rooms and wasn’t sure if she expected him to follow or not so he hovered in the doorway leading from the sitting room to what was clearly her bedroom.

Kalea disappeared inside what appeared to be a closet and soon returned with two black objects, one in each hand.  “These should do,” she said, holding them out to him.

Accepting them, he knew he would have to admit that he had no idea what they were.  Thankfully Kalea didn’t seem to expect him to know as she began to explain what they were.

“These are a new form of luggage that I’m testing out,” Kalea said as she took one back and began to show him how they worked.  “These bags have two very nice extra features.  The first is that they expand to hold an enormous amount.  That’s why I have extra.  Anyway, you load them up
with as much as you can and then close them like this.”  She demonstrated and then walked to one she had already packed that was sitting near her bed.  “Once you close it you hit this button and it removes all the air from the bag and somehow also prevents things from wrinkling, or so they claim.

“The second nice feature is that they have antigravity technology so they are extremely easy to move even when they are full to capacity.  I was going to suggest you try them but with everything that’s been happening I forgot.”  Kalea had a touch of excitement in her voice.

“You seem excited about this,” Bryan said with a question in his expression.

“Yes, I love trying new things that make life more efficient or at least more interesting,” Kalea answered with a smile.

“Well, I guess I had better get started,” Bryan said as he turned back toward his room.  Seeing Kalea standing in front of her bed was really starting to distract him and he couldn’t afford that particular line of thought right now.

“Do you want my help?” Kalea asked.

Bryan paused for a moment but then said, “No.  I appreciate the offer but I should be fine.”  Smiling, he quickly left and once in his suite began to pack with diligence.  He tried to think of anything other than the picture his mind had conjured of Kalea in his room, touching his clothes.  ‘One day, Lord, but for now please keep my thoughts where they belong,’ Bryan prayed.




Exhausted and angry, Gilbert dropped down into a chair in one of the common areas of Space Port 5 to think.  For two days all he seemed to have accomplished was make Rose mad and question every idea he had ‘till he was nearly insane with indecision.  Closing his eyes he prayed for help, and then just sat there waiting for inspiration or sleep, whichever came first.

, Gilbert, what are you doing here?” A voice called to him from just a few feet away.  Opening his eyes Gilbert smiled at his often wandering uncle.

“Uncle Evan
, how are you?” Gilbert asked as he rose to meet him with a handshake and a sideways hug.

“Oh, I’m fine.  I couldn’t take another moment of campus life so I packed my bags and decided to travel for a while.  The life of a Professor isn’t as wonderful as it seems,”
he joked.

“Well, right now I might just consider it,” Gilbert mumbled as he led
them down the corridor to the shuttle bay he was working in.  “Are you enjoying your travels?”

“Yes.  It’s nice to
explore again.”  Evan lived a very diverse life as the second son and very few people knew his many exploits.  He was thought of as what they saw – a healthy, man with enough money to keep him happy and enough hobbies to keep him busy.

Average in height and looks he blended in well
and used this and his skill with languages in his service to the crown.  “So what brings you to Space Port 5?”

Waiting until they had reached the hanger
, Gilbert, secured the entrance and then did a quick electronic security sweep.  “Honestly, trouble,” Gilbert answered.  He knew his uncle had security clearance and he was praising the Holy One for sending help, even if it was just someone to talk to.

“You see, Unc
le Evan, someone managed to breach our highest level of security in Kalea’s personal shuttle.  We don’t know who, how or when exactly they did it and she needs to have a secure vessel to travel in as soon as possible.  I’ve been working on the problem for two days straight and I can’t seem to think anymore.  Every time I start programming, I start to question everything to the point that nothing is getting done.  There’s so much to do - not just here but also on Estar Beta with the SC-17 disaster and now this security breach and who knows what all’s gone wrong since I left.”  Gilbert paced the hanger as he vented and he didn’t notice the subtle change in his uncle’s expression.

“What do you know
, Gilbert?” Uncle Evan asked calmly.

“What?” Gilbert asked.

“What do you know about the problem before you?  What happened to Kalea’s shuttle because of the breach?  Exactly what part of the program was altered?” Evan asked, trying not only to get information but to also help Gilbert focus on just one problem.

“There were two changes to the program for Kalea’s shuttle.  First her ASRS activated when she tried to re-enter Estar Beta’s atmosphere.  Secondly, when the ASRS was activated it didn’t send the proper notification to the palace. 
We may not have found her as quickly as we did if they hadn’t missed the medical evaluation notification.  Thankfully, Dr. Wingate knew where she was and we were able to get to her.  Unfortunately, Moon Station 4 will not be available as a Secure Location again until some significant repairs are made.”

Evan chuckled at that and even Gilbert smiled.  “Kalea ever forgive you for locking her in that escape pod and leaving her there?” Evan asked.

“I think so but then again, maybe not.”  Gilbert could still picture the mess on Moon Station 4 and was very thankful that he didn’t have to deal with that right now.

“Do you know the motive behind the change to the program?” Evan asked.

“No,” Gilbert answered and began to pace again.  “Kalea was on an unscheduled flight when it happened.  She wasn’t expected to leave Estar Beta at all until she left for Saxionias.  But her original plans have changed several times now it seems.  She is still going to Saxionias - the question is just when and how.”

“So, you can’t be sure if the motive was to determine where the secure locations are located or to keep Kalea from
Saxionias?” Evan summarized.

“Those are the least malicious possible motives but not the only ones I’ve come up with,” Gilbert stopped pacing long enough to point out.

“Very true.” Evan commented as he automatically considered other options.  Taking a moment he took another look around.  “So will this be Kalea’s new ship?”

“Yes and no,” Gilbert answered as he turned to look at it again.  “This ship was commissioned by Father to be his new command sh
ip and it has several interesting new features.  None of the old security programs had been installed and so we felt that this would be the safest choice for Kalea.  The only problem is that it does need the ASRS program, Kalea’s special bio identification program and all the other safety and security programs that we normally use and I can’t seem to trust anything anymore, including myself,” Gilbert admitted as he ran his fingers through his hair.

Evan realized the true burden that Gilbert was carrying and it had nothing to do with programming the systems.
It had everything to do with keeping his little sister safe.

“Let’s think this through from a different perspective,” Evan suggested.
“Gilbert, if you wanted to breach a security system, what would be your first line of attack?  Now remember, you know the system is encrypted, guarded and designed to catch you testing it.”

Gilbert smiled as he realized his
uncle knew a lot more about his programming style than he had expected.  “I tried that and I could only come up with two possible ways they were able to breach the system.  It was either by having a physical access point and system clearance to get to the program or some type of code reading and transmitting device was used and then removed before I found it.”

“Excellent!” Evan cried as he slapped Gilbert on the back.  “You’ve solved the mystery.”

“What? No I haven’t,” Gilbert denied.

“Ah, but you have.  Oh, you haven’t solved the crime but you h
ave determined that whoever breached the system had to have some type of physical contact with the shuttle.  So, have whoever is in charge of Douglas’ security review the surveillance footage from the shuttle bay - for the past year if necessary - and see if they can find anyone without proper authorization making any type of physical contact with Kalea’s shuttle.  In the meantime, you can modify or create new programs for this ship and make security around it as tight as possible so it doesn’t happen again.”

Several seconds passed before Gilbert
slowly started to nod his head.  Turning again to the ship, he studied her fine lines and sheer size.  Unlike Kalea’s personal shuttle that comfortably seated four this ship was designed to carry a crew of nearly 100 and was fully capable of defending itself.  It even had 5 small shuttle craft in its launch bay in addition to its 25 fighters.  They were small, but fast.  The biggest problem he had was finding secure locations where this ship could dock.

“I see your point Uncle Evan.  I needed a new perspective
; and now I need sleep.”  Turning to his uncle he said, “Rose is not really happy with me right now.  How about you come back with me and work some of your charm on her while I get some rest.  When I wake up, I will make peace with her and start fresh.  Please?”

“Sure, I would love to see Rose again and enjoy some of her delicious cooking,” Evan said as he watched Gilbert activate the ship's basic security system and then the hangers.  Just before they cleared the hanger doorway, Gilbert pulled a little ball from his pocket
, pushed a panel of it in, and set it on the floor just inside the door.  Once it was placed he cleared the doorway and the door closed.  “What was that last little number?” Evan couldn’t help but ask.

“A fully independent motion sensor I developed earlier this year.  I only made 4 prototypes but with everything going on I forgot to get Randy and Kalea’s opinion on them.  I always check with them first and then show them to Father.  It’s saved me a few embarrassing moments over the years,” Gilbert chucked as he remembered a few of his less-than-successful ideas.

“So, why is Rose upset with you?” Evan asked to divert any questions about why he was interested in the new invention.

“Oh, we had to leave Estar Beta so quickly she didn’t get to say good bye to anyone
, and we ended up leaving almost everything behind.  She didn’t mind that though because she thought we were going home, only to find out we were coming here and that we needed to stay silent until Kalea and Bryan arrive,” Gilbert explained.

“Bryan?  Who’s Bryan?” Evan ask
ed.  He had been out of the area for almost half a year and was only now catching up on all his correspondence.

“Crown Prince Bryan Alexandros is Kalea’s husband
, and was the leader of the Saxionias delegation on Estar Beta until it was discovered that a new experimental fuel that Saxionias is in the process of developing was used to increase the effectiveness of the Nitroplast 7 used to destroy SC-17.  Now he is trying to ensure that the agreement he sacrificed his crown and freedom for doesn’t fall apart,” Gilbert explained.

“Could he be the one trying to sabotage Kalea’s
shuttle?” Evan asked wondering how badly he might want his crown back.

“He didn’t,” Gilbert said.  “He and Kalea were able to link.  She’s been paying attention and she feels that he is being sincere.  It’s hard to argue with her on that one.”

Stopping outside the door to the Royal Suite, Gilbert waited for the scan that verified his identity and opened the door.  “Rose Dear, I’m back and I found Uncle Evan while I was out.  I brought him back for dinner. I hope you don’t mind?”

Rose had come from the seating area off to the right and at seeing Gilbert’s Uncle
, quickly schooled her expression.  “Why, Uncle Evan, what a pleasant surprise!  I hadn’t heard that you were back from your sabbatical yet.”

“Sabbatical my foot,” Evan declared as he moved forward for
a quick hug.  “I quit, but Nadia refused my letter of resignation.  What does a man have to do?”

“When it comes to my mother there isn’t much you can do to change her mind,” Gilbert said as he gave
Rose a quick hug followed by a kiss on the cheek.  “I need to rest a bit, Dear.  Would you mind spending some time with Uncle Evan?  I seem to be getting a headache.”

“Of course,
I would love to spend time with Uncle Evan.  You rest and I will call you when dinner is ready,” Rose answered knowing exactly why he had brought Evan home.

Gilbert kissed her again, and then with a wave passed into the other room and closed the door.

“He’s using you, you know,” Rose said as she turned back to Evan.

“Yes, but he warn
ed me first,” and they both chuckled.


Dinner with Jasmine last night had been pleasant but it was easy to tell that she was tired and not really comfortable.  Kalea hoped that she would adjust quickly and secretly wondered if she would relax more fully after they were gone.

As she lay in bed Kalea realized that this was the first morning since her wedding day when she didn’t have to rush off somewhere.  It almost felt like Holy Day instead of just another 5

Thinking through her options for today Kalea was equally pleased that everything was in readiness so she could spend the day as she pleased.  Reaching over she reduced the privacy tint from the windows and smiled at the clear skies. 

“I need to get outside.” Kalea admitted to herself and jumped out of bed and quickly dressed for a run.  Within ten minutes she was warming up in the garden and then she and Danielson took the path out toward the forest.

‘Kalea, I can’t tell exactly what you’re feeling, what’s going on?’ Bryan asked via the link as he woke and realized something was different.  He didn’t think she was upset the feelings were more pleasant than that but they were different somehow too.

‘I’m running.’ Kalea answered simply.

‘Since you don’t seem worried I’m going to guess you’re running for exercise.’ Bryan replied wondering if Kalea could feel his smile.

‘Yes.  I needed to get outside and with all that’s been going on lately I’m out of my normal routine.  Plus, with all the reports I’ve read about Saxionias, I realized this might be my last run outside until I return home.’ Kalea explained, glad that she could carry on a conversation without disrupting her breathing.

‘True, although Saxionias does have excellent workout facilities.  Though I admit they are nothing compared to the open air here.’ Bryan said, stretching before he got up to get dressed.  ‘Kalea, do we have anyone expecting us for a while?’

‘Nothing is planned.  Not that that seems to matter lately.’ Kalea answered as she started back up the long hill from the forest to the palace.

‘Then I’m going to follow your example.  I’ve been
indulging in so many wonderful foods but I haven’t been maintaining my workout schedule either.  Mind if I join you?’ Bryan asked.

‘I wouldn’t mind at all, but I’m almost done.  I’m just finishing my five mile run.  If you’d like to join me for breakfast on the balcony you could join me for strength training after.’

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