Celestial Love (32 page)

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Authors: Juli Blood

BOOK: Celestial Love
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‘Do you do that indoors or out?’ Bryan asked.

‘I can do both but today I’m planning on out.’ Kalea answered as she reached the garden and began to walk as part of her cool down routine.

‘Anything is better than nothing.  When will breakfast be ready?’ Bryan asked.

Kalea checked her
AVID and smiled.  ‘Fifteen minutes but I must admit I’m tempted to delay it.’

‘Why?’ Bryan asked as he pulled on a workout shirt.

‘I’m hot and sweaty and not looking my best.  I can’t shower and get ready fast enough,’ Kalea admitted.

Bryan stopped putting on his shoes and sat up straight. ‘Kalea, Jasmine said something yesterday in the garden that I had never considered before.  She said it must be wonderful to be respected for who you are instead of how you look.  I understand about wanting to feel fresh and clean but please don’t worry that I will think less of you if you aren’t perfectly put together every time we meet.’

The emotions behind the words made Kalea pause in her cool down routine.  Was that what was really worrying her?  ‘All right Bryan, at some point we are going to have to be comfortable with each other no matter what.  I guess of all the ‘imperfect’ ways you could see me this isn’t the worst.  I’ll see you on the balcony in just a few minutes.’

‘I won’t even comb my hair so we’ll both be a bit of a mess.’  Bryan teased and Kalea laughed as she finished her stretches.


Kalea smiled as she walked onto the balcony and found Bryan with his hair in disarray and dressed to workout. 
Bryan turned and said, “No fair.  You said you were a mess.  You look wonderful.”

They both laughed as Bryan tried to finger comb his hair.  Kalea was suspicious that he had purposely made it worse just to make her feel better.

Walking over to the buffet Kalea picked up a plate and began to make selections.  “Technically, I said I was hot and sweaty, which is still true.  You just assumed that I would look a mess.”

Bryan smiled and joined her at the buffet.  “True, but it made you laugh.”

“That it did.”  Kalea agreed as she moved over to the table and took a seat.  She waited for him to join her and then offered her hand.  Bryan accepted it and quickly said the blessing.

“I’ve noticed you seem to always say the same prayer at meals.  Is this a common custom, or simply a habit?” Kalea asked.

Bryan thought about it for a moment and realized that it was probably more habit than anything else.  “I’m sorry to say it is mostly habit.”

Kalea shrugged but didn’t comment further as they ate.  Silently Bryan apologized to God for developing a habit instead of being sincere.

“So where did you go running this morning?” Bryan asked as he got up for seconds.

“The forest trail,” Kalea answered.  “Don’t worry, Danielson was with me.”  She added as she felt his concern.

“You’ll have to show me some time,” Bryan said as he returned.  “I’ve never been on a forest trail before.”

It didn’t take them long to finish breakfast and then Kalea lead Bryan down to the lower level of the palace where the workout rooms were located.

“I thought we’d be outside?” Bryan questioned.

“We will but we need the equipment first,” Kalea explained as she quickly gathered up various things that Bryan didn’t recognize.  Putting them in a tote she led him
back to the lift and then out to the garden.

She sorted the equipment and then together they used each piece and Kalea showed him how it worked.  By the time they were done Bryan was pleasantly sore and seriously impressed with his new wife.

“Now we’re off to the showers.” Kalea said as she pointed to the equipment while looking at Danielson and at his nod walked away.

“Do you often make him put things away for you?” Bryan asked thinking this might have been the first time he’d seen her do something like that.

“Not often,” Kalea answered but didn’t elaborate.



Linda arrived just after Kalea stepped from the shower.  She wasn’t sure how Linda did that but she wasn’t going to ask.

“You have a message from Queen Nadia.”  Linda said after Kalea took her place at the table.

“Oh, thank you.” Kalea said as she put on her
AVID and then checked the message.

‘Bryan, did you get the message about the garden party?’ Kalea asked as Linda dried and combed her hair.

‘No.  What garden party?’ Bryan answered.  He’d indulged in a long soak in a hot bath before so he was still shaving.

‘Apparently there is to be a garden party this afternoon for us and about 150 guests.  I guess Mother talked Alexis out of a formal event.’ Kalea explained.

‘Does that disappoint you?’ Bryan asked.

‘No, I’m just trying to decide what to wear.’ Kalea answered.

‘I’m sure you’ll find something appropriate.  After I’m ready I’ll go find Jasmine and let her know.’ Bryan said and when Kalea didn’t answer he just shrugged and finished getting ready. 


Bryan looked across the sea of people filling the palace garden and was simply amazed.  Ladies in dresses and hats, gentlemen in slacks and short sleeved shirts with collars roamed the paths and clustered together to talk. 

‘Stay close, I don’t want to lose you in this crowd.’  Kalea said over the link and was surprised when Bryan lifted her hand and tucked it into the crook of his elbow.

“Shall we?”  He said with a smile and together they waded in.

Jasmine stayed close too, but as the afternoon wore on she ventured farther and farther from their side.  Finally the announcement that dinner was ready brought the crowd into the palace and to the main dining hall.

Several long tables filled the center with smaller round tables clustered on either side.  Secretly hoping for a smaller table Bryan didn’t seem the least surprised when they were led to the head of the center tables.

King Douglas and Queen Nadia, Queen Larraine, and King Charles were there with their spouses.  Randolph and Alexis sat across from Bryan and Kalea since Gilbert and Rose were at Space Port 5.  Looking around, Bryan found Jasmine being led to a seat beside Alexis.

The conversation was lively and the food delicious but Bryan doubted he would remember even one new name of all the people he’d been introduced to.  Nor was he surprised when King Charles leaned over and said softly.  “Your flight leaves at 2:00 a.m.  Your security detail will come to escort you to the transport.”



Normally, the trip to Space Port 5 would have  taken about seven hours, but Father's decision to disguise their true identity, posing them as a freighter, and traveling hours in the wrong direction, added an additional 34 hours to their trip!   They had been traveling for over two, very long, days! 

Gilbert didn’t even know they were coming so she hoped he had rested on Holy Day because it was almost
day and she wanted an update.  She also wanted to get off this ship and move.

Kalea’s frustration mounted when she had to
wait to disembark until the area was secured.  It wouldn’t have been so bad except it took twice as long as normal because no one had been expecting them.  Bryan was no help as he was still sleeping and she decided to be kind and not wake him until they could actually get off the ship.

“It’s secure, Princess

“Finally!  Sorry
, Danielson, I know it wasn’t your fault.  I just need off this freighter,” Kalea said as she started for the door.  “Oh, I need to wake Bryan,” she mumbled to herself as she turned and headed to his berth.

“Bryan,” Kalea called.
  “Wake up Bryan, we’ve arrived.”

growl sounded from the other side of the door.

‘Bryan, it’s me,’ Kalea said via the link.  ‘We can finally get off this ship.’ 
Bad mood adding to her own she said, ‘Listen, I can barely handle my own frustration right now so I’m leaving.  When you get yourself together you can join me on the space port.’

Turning, Kalea was almost to the ship’s door when Bryan said via the link, ‘Sorry, I think I must have felt your frustration even
in my sleep.  I admit to being grumpy when awakened but it isn’t usually this bad.  I’m right behind you.’

“I know.” Kalea answered
aloud without turning around.

“Are you angry with me?” Bryan whispered aft
er they were out of the shuttle.

“No, I’m
just sick of being in that freighter and really needing to stretch,” Kalea explained without slowing her pace or taking her eyes from her path.

‘It got to you didn’t it?’ Bryan asked over the link.  Kalea stopped, took a deep breath and then start
ed walking again this time a little slower, but not much.

They kept walking until they reached the largest common area on the space port.  Filled with plants, flowers, small trees and a few small waterfalls
, it was a garden in space.  Finding an empty bench in a well-designed nook, Kalea sat and took several long, deep breaths.

Finally looking Bryan in the eye
, she answered via the link, ‘Yes. I think it was a combination of the longer than expected trip here and the Moon Station 4 incident.  Either way nearly three days in a freight transport ship was just too much.’

‘Is this area helping?’
he asked taking a moment to really look around.

‘Yes.  I’m just so frustrated with myself for letting it get to me.  I thought I had conquered this
, and now it’s back,’ she admitted while studying a nearby flower.

‘Actually,’ Bryan replied.
‘I think you have conquered it.  Everyone on that ship was getting edgy because of the delay and unusual traveling conditions.  There were none of the usual comforts.  I’m actually amazed everyone handled it so well.  I know that if it hadn’t been for our talks, I would have probably gone a little crazy.’

‘I’m sure the history of Estar Beta was riveting,’ Kalea said sarcastically.

‘Well, admittedly that was just the first day.  Earlier today since it was Holy Day we had several wonderful discussions.  It was also nice when you had everyone sharing stories of life on Estar Beta.  You have to admit you were doing fine until this evening.’  At her nod he continued.  ‘Admittedly, I would have liked to talk about other things, but you didn’t seem to want to delve into anything personal so I didn’t push.’

‘I didn’t want to overwhelm you with my stress and frustration.  It took all of my concentration to keep my emotions from flowing to you.  I knew that if I used the link at all you would be flooded with my emotional battle,’ Kalea admitted.

‘Maybe I could have helped?  It worked before,’ he said.

‘Perhaps, but this was more than just my temper.  Besides, it’s not like we
’ve had a lot of “normal” time to get to know one another.  Everything has been crazy since the wedding and I’d like you to learn about some of my strengths before you know all of my weaknesses,’ Kalea added a small self-deprecating smile as she shifted her attention back to Bryan.

‘Oh, I don’t know.  I think I’ve seen quite a few strengths already.  After all
, this is a two way street.  You will be exposed to my strengths and my struggles just as completely.  Wow!  That is a really eye-opening realization.  Sometimes I forget all the implications and benefits of this link and just get caught up in the fun of it.’

, we will have a lifetime to explore this amazing, wonderful, and terrifying oneness together.’ Kalea replied, glad that she was starting to feel normal again.  “I guess we should go find Gilbert.”

“Or just let Franklin let him pass,” Bryan answered aloud also as he tipped his head to the left.

Franklin stood guard giving them the privacy he felt they needed.  He realized they were linked but he still didn’t let anyone disturb them.

, Kalea made her way over to Gilbert who stood talking to a man that looked familiar but with only a view of his back she couldn’t place him.  Then he turned and Kalea raised her arms and stepped forward as she said, “Uncle Evan, what a wonderful surprise!  Did you just get back or were you waiting for us?”

Holding her an extra moment Evan then released her and said, “Oh, I ran into Gilbert here
the other day and we’ve been visiting.  He let me know you had arrived and I came right over.”

“What a blessing.  Oh, Uncle Evan
, this is my husband Crown Prince Bryan Alexandros of Saxionias.”  Leaning in she whispered, “We just call him Bryan.”

“Good to know,” h
e whispered back with a smile before greeting Bryan.  “It’s nice to meet you young man. Gilbert has told me a little about you.  I hope we have time to visit before you set off again.”

“That will depend on Gilbert, I believe,” Bryan answered.  “However
, I am pleased to meet another member of Kalea’s family.  How are you related?”

King Douglas is my older brother.  We had a sister but she went to her rest shortly after Kalea was born,” Evan answered, a little impressed that Bryan was trying to understand all the family connections.

“I have a twin brother.  I think he must be feeling the pressure now that I’ve abdicated the throne to
him.  He was planning on an exciting military career.  Actually, he left Saxionias several months ago to do some exploring.  Father had to notify him from afar and he hasn’t made it back yet, at least not before I left.  I’m not sure he’ll be thrilled with the idea of being king.”

“I know I wouldn’t have been,” Evan re
plied and then added.  “I didn’t really do the military career, just the exploration.  I recently resigned my professorship and am again out exploring the universe.”

“Does Mother know?” Kalea asked a bit surprised.

“Yes,” Evan answered.  “But she refuses to accept my resignation and has simply placed me on an extended sabbatical.  She thinks this way I will have to return to teaching sooner or later.  I tried to tell her it wasn’t going to happen but she can be stubborn.”

“She prefers to call it
‘determined’,” Gilbert inserted and succeeded in getting everyone’s attention.  “If you would follow me, I believe I have something of interest to show you.”

“Oh, Gilbert, I almost forgot,
I brought someone for you.” Kalea said and then glanced around.  “Franklin, where is he?”

“He is waiting for your summons in the cargo bay.  He didn’t know where to go so he waited with the ship we arrived on,” Franklin answered.

“Well, have him report to whatever hanger we are headed to,” Kalea ordered and then turned her attention back to Gilbert.  “We brought you a programmer that Bryan had among his staff.  His name is Benjamin Kellman and he has already helped in the investigation, according to Queen Larraine.”  Stepping closer she whispered, "He was interrogated and found to be trustworthy, so Father sent him to help.”

Stopping, Gilbert looked to Franklin and said, “It's Hanger 12 at the end of Corridor 7.”  Franklin nodded and then turned to Pierce who quickly headed in the opposite direction to retrieve Benjamin.

They were nearly there, so Gilbert saved his questions for later.  He planned to ask several, mostly to Bryan.  Opening the hanger door Gilbert held up his hand in a staying gesture and then knelt to pick up what looked like a ball.  He pressed a pattern into it and then slipped it into his pocket.  “Added security,” he stated as he then led them into the bay.

When the lights came up Kalea gasped.

Bryan was glad that he was capable of schooling his features because otherwise his jaw would be on the floor.  Obviously Kalea hadn’t planned on anything like this either.  Taking in the smooth lines and sheer size he wondered how the arrival of a ship of this size with obvious military potential would be received.

“Gilbert, it’s huge!” Kalea said with amazement.

“It was to be Father’s new command ship,” Gilbert replied calmly.

“But…I’m going to need Jackson.  We’re also going to need a full
crew complement and additional supplies for them.”  Turning to Bryan she asked, “How will your Father and the other leaders of Saxionias react to our arriving in this ship?”

“Good question,” Bryan began.  “I assume that this is fully armed and capable of all that a command ship would normally be used for?”  At Gilbert
’s nod he wiped his hand over his face and continued, “That being the case there might be a little concern. If I notify my father and the Assembly - they are similar to your Advisory Board - anyway, if I contact them in advance, I think they will understand.  Actually it might work to your advantage.”

“What do you mean?” Evan asked
his curiosity peeked.

y father and the Assembly have no idea why it is so important that Princess Kalea come with the Environmental Restoration Teams. Nor does my Father understand what it means that Princess Kalea will one day be queen.  It’s been explained to him repeatedly, but he simply refuses to believe it.  Perhaps her arriving in this ship will help to make it clear that Princess Kalea is everything your government has always claimed she is,” Bryan explained.

‘It will certainly be different than Jasmine’s arrival to Estar Beta,’ Kalea shared privately over the link.  Bryan had to fight the laughter that the comparison provoked.

“As long as it doesn’t start a war, we should be fine,” Gilbert said as he led everyone into the ship and on a brief tour.  He purposely avoided the weapons and engineering areas as well as the fighter bays.  They toured the captain’s quarters, crew quarters, galley, common areas, and ended in the garden on the ship's lower level.  The garden actually also functioned as part of the waste water processing plant.  By using natural methods of water purification through soil and plant filtration it decreased the need for chemical cleansing techniques, though few would ever notice as only the far edge of the garden area held the bulrushes and other plants that were primarily involved in the process.

“I love the garden,” Kalea enthused as she relaxed and tried not to think about the responsibility this ship carried with it.  “It was ingenious to include it.”

“Father didn’t want all of Estar Beta left behind,” Gilbert explained as he remembered the discussions they had prior to the ship being built.  “He needed it to have a valid purpose to justify the use of this much space.  The engineers wanted another storage bay but Father, of course, won in the end.  He calls it the Atrium.”

Gilbert and Kalea shared a smile over that and then Kale
a turned to Franklin, “You need to send for Jackson immediately.  We will need to make a complete crew list and get them here.”  Pausing to think, Kalea didn’t expect Franklin to answer but he did.

“Your Highness, when I reset my
AVID, I had several messages waiting.  One was from Jackson notifying me of his arrival on 2
Day.  Another was from King Douglas, instructing me to remind you to reset your AVID.”  Franklin was an expert at concealing his emotions, but Kalea didn’t even have to look to see the spark of laughter in his eyes.  As soon as he had mentioned resetting his AVID she had found the small button on hers to do the same.

“I’m not sure how you initiate the reset,” Bryan
said as he looked at his AVID.

“Here,” Kalea reached for his arm and showed him the small button at the top left of the display.  “They designed it to be a little hard to press so it wouldn’t get bumped unintentionally.”

Kalea’s AVID started flashing and she realized she had messages too.  “Gilbert,” she called as she saw him leaving the garden area.  He stopped and turned so she continued, “I need to check messages and get a good workout in.  Should I move onto the ship or take quarters on the space port until we are ready to launch?”  Walking back he stopped before her as he replied.

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