Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series) (19 page)

BOOK: Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series)
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“Crazy Irish man?” Aodhan said with a smirk on his face and watched as she turned back around and marked her place in the journal before she closed it.

“Absolutely nuts. Is everyone ready to go and eat?”

“Shanna sent me for you and the chocolate.” he said and quickly backed away as she scooted the chair she was sitting in back.

Lara stood and turned to face him. Aodhan for the first time realized she was wearing a dress and that she wore it well.

“I’ll get the hot chocolate.” Lara said and walked over to the counter.

As Lara turned to walk back to the door she ran smack into Aodhan. Lara gave him an annoyed look and started to step around him. Aodhan grabbed her by the waist and spun her right back into him. He pulled her close and leaned over and kissed her gently on one cheek and the other.

Ta tu go h-alainnh.
You are beautiful.” He said in her ear as he inhaled her scent. “And you smell soo good.”

Lara stood as still as she could manage and wondered if the perfume was a good idea. Aodhan turned his head and lightly brushed his lips against hers. Lara stiffened and felt her heart skip another beat. She tried to catch her breath as she looked into his eyes.

The bag in her hand fell and the soft thud on the wood floor made her blink. Lara’s head cleared a little as she took in a shaky breath. Pushing his hands off her waist she took a step back. Lara let out a huge sigh or
Silent Scream
as she called them sometimes. Why was it that she got all muddle headed around him. She should be furious at him. Lara walked around him and started to head to the door.

“You dropped something.” he said trying to hide the shakiness in his voice.

Lara turned to him and watched as he scooped up the leather pouch. She walked up to Aodhan and snatched it out of his hands tying the strings onto her belt. He stood watching her as she finished tying the pouch and crossed her arms
in front of her looking seriously upset. What he did not know was that she was more upset at herself than at him.

“We can’t and shouldn’t even think of. Of this.” she said and stepped up to him. Lara reached up and touched his lips. He kissed her fingers and she took her hand away.

“Why not?” He asked and it hit him. “Bevin right? It is an arranged marriage. Neither of us wishes to be married at least to each other anyway.”

“You may not like the fact that you are and it does not matter. You
going to be married. I am
going to be the
woman. It’s just not right. It might seem selfish to you but I want the man I end up with to want to be with me.
me. I don’t share.”

Aodhan gave her a pained look. “You are not selfish. I believe in being loyal to just one woman. This is a bit more complicated than that.” he took a step back from her so he wouldn’t upset her anymore.

She turned to the door. “I just can’t. I have to focus on what is happening now. My son, training and the battle. I don’t need any more complications.”

Lara walked out. He followed her out closing the door behind him. As he walked behind her Aodhan noticed a little something on her left shoulder peeking out through both sides of one of the straps. As upset as she was. Now was not the time to bring it up and he really didn’t know what came over him. Scratch that he did. Aodhan thought to himself that it has got to be too soon to feel like this. He wondered if it was because they have been through so much together in such a short amount of time. Aodhan decided to think on it later when his head was clearer.

As Lara pulled the handle to the front door she stopped and turned to Aodhan. He had to sidestep to make sure he didn’t bump into her.

“There is a favor I would like to ask of you.”

“Really? What type of favor?” he asked and stepped closer raising an eyebrow.

She rolled her eyes at him and let out a huge sigh. “It’s for Kedryn.”

“Anything for Kedryn. What do you need me to do?”

“Tomorrow is his seventeenth birthday. I don’t have anything for him and his gift is kind of in another realm.” she said as she gnawed on the side of her lower lip looking seriously annoyed.

Aodhan reached up and ran his thumb over her lip. “With everything going on I am surprised you have been able to keep track.”

She pushed his hand away and nervously wrung her hands. “I made sure I kept track. Especially since we stepped through the portal.”

“Leave it to me. There are a couple of items I can think of that Kedryn needs. Carrick will have to get Shanna’s permission but I believe that she will let them go sentimental or not.”

Lara leaned into Aodhan kissing him full on the lips and backed away. “Thanks.” she said and turned a little pink as she realized what she had just done. Lara quickly turned and walked through the doors.

Aodhan watched her walk through to the entryway and said under his


Chapter 14

As Lara stepped through to the entryway she studied the inside of the main house. The more she looked around the more she fell in love with it. Every room was beautifully decorated. She hadn’t noticed the first time she came through the doors. Aodhan walked through the door past her to the fireplace where all of the men were sitting.

“I must have been really concentrating on getting that bath to not notice this.” she said.

The carved doorways and crown molding had delicate floral detail in the open kitchen where Shanna and Annie were arranging food on large platters. The design changed into carved Celtic knot work in the living area where the stone fireplace was. She walked over to the side of the fireplace and studied the mantle which had a carved Celtic knot design and a cross carved into the stone.

Her eyes roamed to an open door to what could be considered a den off to the side. The doorway was intricately carved with what looked to be tall oak trees surrounding it. Her eyes drifted from the carved wood work to the furniture and to the people surrounding her.

“Where is Emma?”

“She is going to stay at her Aunt’s while you are here. Emma usually stays in the cottage.” Shanna answered as she walked out of the kitchen.

“I didn’t mean to kick her out. I can always move my things to the barracks.”

“Emma is just fine at her aunts. She has a room there where she stays when we have company. It’s not a problem at all.”

“As long as you are sure.” she said and gave Shanna a relieved smile.

“Please, this way to the dining room.” Shanna grabbed Annie’s hand and led them through the kitchen into a room with a long dark oak table and chairs.

Lara looked up at a huge crystal, antler and candle lit chandelier that would be the envy of some of the well off curators she knew. She sat down and before they ate Shanna gave an Irish Blessing.

“May love and laughter light your days and warm your heart and home. May good and faithful friends be yours wherever you may roam. May all life's passing seasons bring the best to you and yours!”

“Praise God. Let’s eat!” Carrick said.

Shanna went all out with the spread. There was pheasant, pork, potatoes, greens, rolls, gravy and more heaped onto the table. Even white and red wine and milk on the table.

“Shanna you outdid yourself. I have not eaten this good in a very, very long time.” Eion said.

“Thank you. I did have a little help from Emma and Annie. Emma’s the one that suggested the milk for Kedryn.” she said and winked at Kedryn and reached over to fill Carrick’s goblet as he turned to Eion.

“After we are done here Eion would you tell us one of your tales? Annie
hasn’t had the pleasure of hearing you spin one yet. That is an experience I would like her to have. The finest storyteller of all three lands.” Carrick said

“You flatter me. Of course I will.” Eion said.

The conversation was minimal since they were all ravenously hungry after the day of training and the emotional drain. Kedryn noticed that Aodhan’s eyes kept roaming over to Lara and that his mom was avoiding looking at him. He leaned close to Eion so that only he could hear.

“You seeing what I’m seeing?” Kedryn asked looking from his mom to Aodhan.

“I hope it does not complicate things.” Eion whispered back.

“It won’t. Mom is pretty stubborn that way. Besides if what I overheard is true. If Aodhan is engaged, she will pull away from him as fast as possible.”

Scanlon leaned over to Kedryn and said loud enough for him and Eion to hear.

“If you’re not going to share. Enough of the whispering.” He gave a sly grin at them knowing exactly what was being discussed.

Once everyone had eaten their fill and were all leaning back heavy in their chairs Shanna stood and started clearing away the plates. She stacked as much as she could and took them into the kitchen. Annie followed close behind with a goblet in each hand. Lara stood up to help.

“Let me help you with those." Lara said as she grabbed hers, Kedryn’s and Eion’s plate. She purposefully avoided Aodhan who was holding his up for her. As she walked into the kitchen she heard Scanlon let out a little laugh.

“Shut up scout boy.” Aodhan said.

Shanna watched as Lara walked into the kitchen with some plates and politely scolded her.

“I appreciate the help. You are our guest and should go and relax.” Shanna took the plates from her.

“I insist. I need something to do keep my mind off a couple things.” Lara said and she felt a tug on the pouch that she had tied to her belt and looked down to see Annie standing beside her.

“Can we
have the chocolate now?” Annie asked.

Shanna leaned over and picked her up and kissed her on the cheek.
“As soon as the table is clear you can help Lara make it.”

Lara followed Shanna back into the dining room. She took Scanlon’s and reluctantly Aodhan’s plate and walked back into the kitchen. Lara untied the pouch from the belt around her dress and set it down on the small round table in the kitchen. She took the packets, lined them up and showed them to Annie.

“Annie being a bright little girl I’m thinking you know your colors right?” Lara looked at the little girl beside her nod her head seriously.

“Great. You see the purple packet is raspberry, the green is mint and the brown is just plain chocolate.” Lara heard Annie repeat after her and smiled.

Lara was honestly enjoying Annie’s company. Kedryn was forever bothering her for a sister or brother. It even got to the point where she seriously considered adopting a little girl. She had seen so many orphaned children during
her digs and lectures that she wanted to adopt them all even though it wasn’t possible. Instead she set up fund raisers and donated as much money as she was able to for orphanages around the world. She felt Annie poke her arm and giggle.

“I will ready the pies. You and Annie can make and pass out the drinks.”

Lara walked back into the dining room and looked around at the men sitting talking in low voices at the table. Aodhan looked really upset as he was talking with Scanlon. Time to lighten the mood.

“Who would like hot chocolate and pie?” Lara heard all of them men say “
I would

“There is mint, raspberry and regular hot chocolate and cherry and apple pie.”

“Can I have fries with that?” Kedryn asked and Lara let out a laugh, took their
and walked back into the kitchen.

“Do you think she got all of that?” Scanlon asked.

“Worked her way through college as a waitress. She’ll get it right.” Kedryn said wondering if they even knew what a waitress was or college. Oh well, he thought.

“I believe we should get settled by the fire.” Eion said as he scooted his chair back and stood up from the table.

He walked through the kitchen and to an overstuffed chair by the huge
granite fireplace. There was a hodgepodge of seating around it and the others took their places around Eion. Shortly after Lara and Annie passed out the hot chocolate and Shanna gave everyone a piece of pie. Lara looked at the décor and realized that even though the furniture didn’t match it went. It was just like the little sitting area in the cottage around the fireplace.

“Your sister’s style is exceptional. I’d love to meet her and talk design some day.” Lara said.

“Absolutely. Shall we start?” Shanna asked.

“I believe that since it is Annie’s first time hearing a tale from me that it would be only fair to let her decide which tale I should spin.” Eion said as he helped Annie up who was struggling to jump onto his lap.

“Badbsheba and Illian! Badbsheba and Illian!” Annie said.

Eion fluffed Annie’s hair. “Badbsheba and Illian it is.” Eion looked at Carrick. “I will leave the battle and seedier details of the story out. It makes it more interesting however considering the young ears I will make it as child friendly as I can.”

Eion heard the little girl let out a dramatic sigh. “I never get to hear the good stuff!”

“When you get older I will tell you the whole of the tale.” Eion laughed.

“Oh . . . ok.” Annie said dramatically.

“Good. Let me see how well I can spin this without the juicy details. It’s getting late and I know we all are exhausted.” Eion said as he looked down at Annie who let out a loud large yawn. She grinned at the frown he gave her.

“Pleeeaaaasssse. I am not that tired yet.” Annie said.

Eion patted her head and started his tale.

“This is a tale of love and intrigue. The shortened version I am afraid to say of Badbsheba and Illian.” Eion said as he took a sip of hot chocolate.

“Many moons ago, a beautiful child was born to one of the noble houses of Istrian. The babe was born of fiery red hair, porcelain features and striking emerald green eyes. Much to everyone’s disbelief the mother, Lady Ceara Ronan, bestowed her with the name of Badb. She was proud to tell anyone that she encountered that the babe may even be the war goddess reborn. Her husband quieted her crazy talk about that. To gush over a child is one thing on the other hand to claim that child is a goddess would wind her up in the dungeon with the rest of the loons. However, to calm her husband’s nerves, Lady Ceara added the mythical fairly queens name to her beautiful child’s name. Badbsheba was now the child’s name except for when the mother was alone with the child she quietly called her by her birth given name Badb.”

Eion paused and shifted Annie in his arms. He picked up his hot chocolate, took a sip and continued on.

“The war goddess Badb, who could sense when her name was called in worship or otherwise, had felt her name repeatedly come from the town of Istrian. This got her interest since not many had been to her temple in the glen to worship in years. She disguised herself as a feeble woman traveler and let herself be led to the manor house of the Ronan family where she felt her name. Badb was greeted by the Lady of the house who glanced at the stormy sky and to the old woman. After taking a closer look at the old woman she decided that she would cause no trouble and offered her food and shelter for the night.”

“As they supped Badb visited with the mother and child noting that the father was not there. She inquired as to why and was informed that the Lord of the house was away on business. As Badb held the babe in her arms she looked at her in wonder. The child was indeed the most beautiful she had seen. Badb advised to the mother that she should not take in any strangers while her husband was gone and the Lady looked at her with a slight uneasiness in her eyes. The old woman told her not to worry she meant no harm and was just concerned for her and the lovely child. Badb quietly mumbled some words and blessed the child due to the kindness Badbsheba’s mother had shown her.”

“After supper they sat by the fire drinking tea discussing meager events around the town. Before heading off to bed Lady Ceara’s tongue loosened and she ignored her husband’s warnings of lunacy. She told the old woman that she had dared to ignore the warnings of her husband and townsfolk. She quietly revealed that she was proud to say that she defied all tradition and myth and named the child after a war goddess. The old woman told her that she understood and that she was certain that the war goddess would not be offended by having her name being part of such a beautiful child.”

“In the morning Badb said her farewell to Lady Ceara and kissed the child goodbye. She left with a sparkle of amusement in her eye. No one had before dared name a child after a goddess for fear that the family or child would be struck down.”

“To the thrill of the mother, instead of wrath, Badb instilled strength,
intelligence and love into the child. To avoid questions and disdain from her two sisters Badb told them that it was nothing. A mere experiment to pass the time between wars. Her two sisters had indiscretions that they would rather not have brought up so they let this little insignificant dabbling pass by unnoticed.”

“When the child was one year before the age to be married off, Badb had asked a favor of Sheba the fairy queen. She asked her to have some of her followers scour the earth looking for a perfect mate for the child. After months of frustration one of the fairies found such a boy in Wickleary, a town just nearby Istrian.”

“The Queen Fairy Sheba arranged a meeting between Badbsheba and Illian. The goddess couldn’t have been more pleased with herself. Sheba arranged that both Badbsheba and Illian would be in the glen near the war goddess’s temple the very next day. The two met and fell in love right away.”

Annie let out a giggle and he patted her head.

“The boy who fell in love with Badbsheba was Illian O’Leary. Unfortunately for them she overlooked that each family had a long history of skirmishes and intrigue. Both Badbsheba and Illian had to be very careful not to be found out. It was when Illian was told that his father had arranged a marriage to one of the local noble girls he came up with the plan to run off and get married in another town far away.”

Kedryn looked over at his mom and mouthed “Romeo and Juliet” making Lara grin from ear to ear. Eion stopped at the distraction and narrowed his eyes at Kedryn. He let out a laugh as Kedryn looked at him in wide eyed innocence.

BOOK: Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series)
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