Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series) (22 page)

BOOK: Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series)
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“I am honored that all of you think that I’m worthy. Why didn’t McGrath’s wife trust her own family to keep the armor?” Kedryn asked.

“In the letter Saundra talks about how her children were squabbling over the items. She was afraid they were going to sell them off as souvenirs of the goddess’s lover. She did not blame Donavan for his actions for the goddess has the power to make any man to fall in love with her against his will. Unfortunately, Donavan McGraith’s bloodline died a few generations down the line. Shanna’s family packed everything safely away. We talked about it last night and decided that you are the true heir and should have them.”

Kedryn stopped as the men walked over to him each giving Kedryn a bear hug. Further down the road he could see through the haze the outline of a huge wall.

Chapter 16

The journey to Tralee would have been a quicker trip on horseback however Carrick had loaned all of his horses to the soldiers at the Duir Plain. The only horses he had at his estate was the huge chestnut battle horse he was leading beside them and one to pull Shanna’s carriage for when they came to town.

As they walked up to the entrance Lara studied the wall and the towers at each corner. There were two soldiers on each side of the towers and two at the entrance. It was a casement fortress wall and Lara examined the huge stone archway covered with ivy and small white flowers. On the inside of the entrance there
were Iron
doors on each side that would slide in place to protect Tralee. The rutted dirt road turned into gravel and a few feet into turned onto a large stone street.

It was history come to life for her. The archaeologist inside of her wanted to break away from the group and walk up the steps of the casement wall to the arched doorways leading to a passage between the
. Instead Lara followed the others and looked at the buildings at the side of the main road. They had thatched roofs and each building was brightly painted in
, green, red and blue. Flower and food vendors sporadically lined the buildings.

Lara studied the people and it was like being at a Renaissance Fair. She was surrounded by doublets, tunics, breeches, kilts, leather corsets, and gowns of every style. Every once in a while she caught a glimpse of children running around with tiny makeshift swords fighting their own little fake war. She watched as a small redheaded girl ran in front of them giggling and stopped in front of a flower vender next to a small building. Lara studied the yellow painted building with its sign hanging on a wooden beam from in front of the door with
painted on it.

“Your realm has Pubs too? Nice.” She said and Eion chuckled.

As they walked further into Tralee Lara realized it was bigger than she thought and they were only on the main street. Down a small avenue she spotted a tiny gothic chapel with a tall slender tower, bright stain glass windows and flower gardens surrounding it. When she guessed they were halfway through she noticed small avenues that led to manor houses, pretty little cottages and even thought she saw what could be a school. Her attention was drawn to another huge stone entrance that led to the Duir Plain. The large arching gate was an impressive site even from so far away.

“I wish I could see more of this place. It’s beautiful. There is no castle and I was almost expecting one. I know of Faolan’s castle in the mountain from what has been told to me. Does either of the Milesian and Danann lands have any?”

“There is one in Milburn in Milesian territory and another in Quenith in the Danann territory. I expect that we will pass through here again.” Eion said a quite prayer. “Yes we definitely will and after all of this you can visit the castles.”

Out of the corner of her eye Lara saw Scanlon veer off. He turned and
motioned for them to go on without him.

“I’m going to check on Serina and I’ll catch up. She’s probably worried sick.”

Lara turned to Eion “Who’s Serina?”

“Scanlon’s wife.” Eion answered

“He’s married and never mentioned her?” Lara asked.

“He mentioned her. You must not have been around. I suppose we must have been talking about other matters.”

Lara looked in the direction where Scanlon was heading. He was following a cobblestone path to a huge two story light blue manor house. A small tower spiraled on one side and its steps led to a small porch in front with flower bushes that lined the path to the house.

“It’s too bad we are heading straight through and I can’t meet her.” Lara said.

“I am certain Serina and the other women will be at the bonfire celebration on the Day of Rest.” Eion said and stopped a few feet before the guard tower.

“That would be nice.” Lara looked up at the towers on each side. Two surrounding the stone arch and one at each corner.

Carrick turned to Aodhan. “I am going to have a chat with the men at the guard post. Why they men let their women stay here is beyond me. It would be too close to the battle for my comfort.”

Aodhan watched Carrick as he strode off and turned to Eion giving him a confused look. “Wouldn’t Shanna and Annie be too close for comfort here too? What other women are here, that would concern him?” She asked.

“He has no choice. Shanna would not leave and they will be safe within the walls.” Eion said.

Carrick turned as he was walking “Along with Scanlon’s wife, Ruark’s and Blaine’s wives are here also.”

Aodhan stopped in stride as he was following Carrick over to the guard post and turned.

“Mother is here? I thought she would have stayed at home.” he changed direction and ran to head off Scanlon.

“I suppose he will be catching up to us also. I do not think General Ruark will be happy if they delay.” Eion said as he turned to follow Carrick.

Lara watched as Aodhan caught up with Scanlon and smacked him on the back of the head. He was berating Scanlon for not telling him about his mother. She saw Scanlon trip Aodhan as he followed him down the cobblestone path to the house. She looked away as Kedryn started heading towards the gatehouse and followed after him. The hard stone road turned to gravel and into dirt. Lara glanced back at the house.

“Does one of the wives live here?” she asked

“Not that I know of. All of the women here are very dedicated and supportive of their husbands and son’s who are heading into battle. I bet you would do the same if you were not in the battle.”

“You are right I would.” She said and looked at her son. “You’re pretty quiet.”

“It’s just that the closer we get the more I think about it, and the more worried I get. I don’t want to lose you.”

She put an arm around his shoulders and squeezed. “I don’t want to lose you either. I will do everything in my power to make sure we both come out of this alive.”

Eion watched their exchange and couldn’t think of anyone else he would have chosen for Aodhan. “If you or your mom does get hurt Aodhan or I would be right at your side and get either or you to the healers.”

Kedryn frowned as he thought about it. “I suppose that would make me feel a little better. He loves you. You know that right? And you better be careful I know how you feel about him.”

Lara looked at him with a bit of surprise on her face. “You were always too observant. It’s that noticeable?”

“Yes.” Eion and Kedryn both said.

“I’ve been in denial because it’s been such a short period of time. I never thought it was even possible to love someone that quickly. Please don’t say anything to him.” Lara pleaded with Eion and Kedryn “He is an engaged man and I don’t want to get involved with him. I’m scared to death that if he asked it of me I couldn’t say no to him.”

“You have sore luck mom. If only he wasn’t getting married.” Kedryn said.

Eion looked at her with sympathy “I will do what I can to remedy that. I will bet a hundred horses that he is going to talk to Lady Orla. She has some influence over Lord Blaine and hopefully she will see things Aodhan’s way.” Eion said as he started walking again.

Lara took one last look back in Aodhan’s direction before she stepped through the archway into the Duir Plain. Aodhan had stepped up onto the porch of the house to the door. She really wished she could be a fly on the wall and hear what they were saying.

Scanlon reached for the door handle and turned to Aodhan. “Apologies. I was going to mention your mother but you were occupied elsewhere. I believe with the Lady Battle Raven.” he gave Aodhan a curious look. “Are you going to enlist your mothers help with Bevin?”

Aodhan’s eyebrow rose and he shifted his feet “I am going to do my best. I have to for her and for me.”

As Aodhan tried walking through the door Scanlon stopped him. “Just one more thing.”

Aodhan looked at him with annoyance “I thought you wanted to rush in there to see Serina?”

Scanlon ignored his question and asked “Which her?”

Aodhan looked at him confused “What are you talking about?”

“Which her? Bevin and Dillon are such a better fit. Every soldier in the whole camp sees it. Except your father.” Scanlon gave Aodhan a devious look.
“And you and Lara are a much better match.”

He grinned at Aodhan’s astonished look on his face. “Honestly, you could see it a mile away.”

Aodhan managed to shove past him and this time grabbed the handle and walked through. The marble floor entryway gleamed before him and the home was decorated for both wealth and comfort. Cushy chairs surrounded a fireplace with a white and gold delicately carved wooden mantle. He looked past the living area through an open doorway that from what little he could see was a large dining area.

“Nice place.” Aodhan said still looking around and down hallways.

Scanlon glanced around. “Yeah, seen it. I’ll show you where your mother might be and I’m going to spend as much time with Serina that I can. They are probably making preparations for the bonfire.”

“I take it Ruark is still going to allow the festivities before the battle?” Aodhan asked and heard his mother’s clear bell like laugh. He heard another laugh and followed the sound of voices to a room down the hall.

Aodhan and Scanlon walked down the short hall and into a tiny sitting room decorated in deep greens and creamy white. Floral patterns decorated the rugs, drapes and throws scattered throughout. Aodhan watched as his mother and Tara, Ruark’s wife, were talking while having tea. Both were so engrossed in their conversation that neither noticed the men standing in the doorway.

Aodhan cleared his throat. “Taking a break ladies?”

Orla glanced over and took a double take. She jumped to her feet and the teacup she was holding dropped unnoticed to the floor splashing onto the plush floral rug below her. Orla was completely oblivious to what happened as she rushed over to her son and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek.

“It is very good to see you are alive and well. Your father will be thrilled to see you! And you Scanlon. Apologies, there are no pies here to welcome you.” she switched from Aodhan to Scanlon and gave him a huge hug and turned back to Aodhan as they laughed at the inside joke.

Scanlon took up Orla’s hand and kissed the top of it. “You do not look a day over thirty, my Lady. “ He said as he looked around the room. “Where’s Serina?”

“Through there.” Tara said as she pointed to another doorway that led out of the sitting area. “I believe she is talking with the cook about the food that will be prepared for the bonfire.”

“Pardon me ladies. I believe I should look in on my wife.” Scanlon said as he made a slight bow and walked into the other room. A squeal and laughter was heard and a woman said. “Oh, Scanlon, I’ve missed you!”

“Soon you will have that too.” Orla said and grinned at him. She said a silent prayer that the feelings Aodhan and Bevin have for each other would grow into something more than brotherly and sisterly love.

Aodhan saw the faraway look on his mothers face and knew she was thinking about the wedding. A wedding he hoped and prayed would never happen.

“Mother there is something I would like to talk to you about. I was wondering if you could talk some sense into father. It is about my marriage to Bevin.”

Orla walked back over to the sitting area where Tara was on her knees by the coffee table cleaning up where the tea cup had fallen.

“Apologies Tara.” Orla said and started to bend over to help her.

“No apologies necessary Orla. I can understand your excitement. I will leave you two to talk. I will speak to the men about the tables and benches.”

Tara made a motion for her to sit down. Her tea cup was placed back on the saucer before her as she sat down in a cushy forest green high backed Victorian style chair. Tara walked by Aodhan and gave him a sympathetic smile as she left the room.

“Your father is just as stubborn in the head as you are. I have supported his decision when it came to you and Bevin.” she said and thought to herself, until recently.

Orla watched Aodhan as he started to pace on the other side of a small round white coffee table. She heard his intake of breath as he was about to speak and held up her hand to quiet what he was going to say. He stopped pacing and stood waiting patiently for her to continue.

“Please sit down.” she said and watched as he sat down on a tiny loveseat next to her chair. She took his hands and studied her son’s agitated face.

“Ever since the war started I knew that your marrying Bevin will not unite the two lands. She is still a fine match for you.” she let go of his hands, picked up a tiny golden tea pot and refilled her tea cup. Orla offered him some tea and Aodhan declined. He ran his fingers through his hair overwrought with emotions thinking about Lara.

“I know that you and father are aware that I do not love Bevin and do not want to marry her. She feels the same way and our hearts belong somewhere else. Mother would you please for both of our sakes talk to father?” he asked and looked at the shock on his mothers face.

Orla’s shock turned to puzzlement “Serina has told me about Bevin’s heart belonging to Dillon. Who has finally been able to crack your shell?”

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