CFNM Revenge Tales (10 page)

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Adam wasn’t listening,
was instead completely immersed once more stroking. Three women entered. First
through the door was Keeley, a twenty five year old brunette who worked as a
secretary at the company. Dressed in a black mini skirt, silk blouse and the
obligatory high heels, she looked stunning.

Keeley knew Adam as a
cocksure cad who had groped and slapped her ass on more than one occasion. As
she entered her mouth dropped open at the sight of him slavishly and
unabashedly, masturbating, with an amused medical practitioner sat beside him.

Next through the door was,
Hannah, a twenty eight year old, strawberry blonde, in an armless, simple, but
stylish grey dress. She looked Adam up and down slowly. She was one of the
people he’d exploited to reach the position he’d achieved at the company,
taking credit for a job he’d had little input. Judging by the wicked look she
gave him, she’d yet to forgive him.

Last, but no means
least, was Sally, a plump jolly looking lady in an orange trouser suit. She
worked in human resources and also unsurprisingly held a grudge against Adam.
Specifically the comments he frequently made whenever he wrongly thought she
was out of earshot. ‘Fat Sally’ and ‘Who ate all the cupcakes,’ being just two
cruel examples.

The three of them took
seats opposite Adam with wide grins, taking delight in his humiliation and for
them comeuppance. Adam couldn’t compute what was happening, although his eyes
were drawn to Keeley whom he found incredibly attractive. For him she still
retained that girl next door vibe. He never missed a beat to try and feel her
peachy ass, ogle her soft firm mounds.

Yet, here she was,
seeing him completely naked at his most primordial, most basic and vulnerable.
The roles were well and truly reversed. He looked down at her sun kissed legs,
god he wanted her. Laura returned to his side once more and authoritatively
told him to stop. It took all his willpower to pull his arms behind him as his
entire body shook.

“Look what Adam’s been
hiding from us,” she teased, slapping his stiff cock so it waved back and forth
like a pendulum.

The women looked on

“What’s he testing
again?” Keeley asked, partly intrigued, partly flabbergasted.

“A gel for the male
penis that increases arousal, prolonging the stages of sexual activity,” Susanna
succinctly informed them.

“It seems to be
working,” said Hannah, causing fits of laughter amongst the women.

“Enjoy the show
ladies. It looks like the climax is
Laura joked. “But before then, seeing as Adam’s been such a good volunteer, I
think its only fair we allow him a little more pleasure.”

Laura reached into her
bag and, without warning, pulled out a gold metal cock-ring. She eagerly fitted
it to Adam’s super stiff member. It pushed his penis forward saluting the
ladies, his large ripe balls, upwards.

“All for the viewing
pleasure of his audience,” said Laura exulting in the power she had over him,
the cock-ring almost acting like a symbol of ownership.

Overwhelmed by
horniness he couldn’t offer any objections or resistance, his feet were planted
firmly on the floor, he was going nowhere. Laura had complete and utter control
over him, she knew it, he knew it, his audience knew it.

He held off for as
long as he could, but soon started masturbating furiously. His cock was now
dripping pre-cum, making it slick, shiny and tantalisingly close to the edge.
His breathing had become heavy, his face and body shiny with sweat. Despite all
she thought of him, Keeley still thought ‘wow’, the guy looked ‘hot.’ When he
was close to the very limit, Laura nodded to Susana and they both pulled his
arms away. His cock seemed to vibrate, crying out for one last stroke.

“There’s one more
thing I’d like you to do for me,” said Laura, in her condescending tone. “And
that’s apologise to each of these ladies for the deplorable way you’ve behaved
towards them.”

Adam inwardly groaned,
but with his intense desire and muddled thinking, he was way too far gone to
fight her. Much to his chagrin he apologised in turn to both Keeley and Sally,
both of whom accepted his apology. When it came to Hannah, however, she looked
at him seriously and unblinkingly told him:

“No I don’t and I
never will accept your apology Adam, but
you to continue.”

Adam had never felt
more ashamed or humiliated in his entire life.

“In that case Keeley,
would you get a champagne flute from next door, we don’t want Adam spilling his
seed all over the carpet.”

While Keeley went on
her errand, the waiting for Adam was agonizing, the embarrassment excruciating,
his dick felt like it was burning up. The women just chatted casually, unfussed
by his groaning. When Keeley returned she leaned across the table with the

“Ready when you are,”
she said grinning at the sight of Adam’s gigantic prick and utter submission.

Here was a man who
normally wouldn’t lift a finger, unless it was to impress his superiors. Laura
gave Adam permission and he began frantically stroking himself as if having
been denied his most precious possession. He looked at the clothed women around
him, unable to stop himself from sharing with them his most intimate act. His
whole body trembled. Sally had furtively pulled out a camera and was
documenting events. Adam shut his eyes as the sensation peaked. Laura grabbed
one of his ass cheeks and whispered in his ear:

“How does it feel to
be my bitch?”

As she gripped his ass
tighter, his moaning reached a crescendo, his legs buckled and wave after wave
of pleasure rippled through his body. A huge explosion of cum shot rather
obscenely, beyond the table, all the way to the carpet on the far wall. Keeley
repositioned the glass around his engorged head and watched as spurt after
spurt of thick, white, cum, filled it to the rim. Adam gripped the table his
body completely spent. After the last of his juices had dribbled to a stop,
Keeley raise the glass like a trophy.

“Looks like Adam’s a
glass half full person,” she announced to yet more hysterics.

With the gel having
worked, just like Susanna said it would, Laura was more than satisfied with how
their ploy to humble Adam had played out.

“Come on ladies let’s
go next door and sort out the contracts. I’ve a suspicion this gel’s going to
prove extremely lucrative for the company,” she said giving Adam a cheeky

As the women filed
out, Adam leaned against the table, his cock still rigid. The realisation of
what just happened was slowly dawning.

“Oh Adam,” Laura said
as she was leaving. “Make sure your mess is cleaned up before we come back.”

She pointed to the
wall, before giving him a wink and walking out, laughing uproariously all the

Adam's Office Adventures
Part Two
Lessons Not Learnt

It had been two weeks
since Adam’s explosive show, and they’d been tough, very tough. Whenever he
bumped into any of the women who had been at his private, or not so private
show, they would titter with a discrete knowing smile. He tried his best to
avoid them, but Laura was unavoidable.

She’d sometimes wear
the cock-ring he’d worn like a bracelet, a secret between them, a constant
reminder of the power she’d exerted over him. Whenever she felt he was getting
above his station she would say, “Adam do you need any of your lotion rubbing
in.” And of course she had the photographs, it wouldn’t be difficult for her to
take advantage of him in some way.

However, despite such
concerns and all that had happened, Adam was curious about the gel. It was
responsible for the most pleasurable orgasm he’d ever experienced. He knew the
purchase of the gel had gone through and that it was being kept on site. That
meant in storage, in the basement…security. Old Bill the security guard
wouldn’t be too difficult to get round mind. He went out everyone morning at
nine for a smoke, Adam saw him there every day on his way in.

The following Monday
morning Adam decided to put his plan into action. As old Bill stood outside
drawing on a cigarette, Adam took the stairs down to the basement, walked
through a gloomy passageway, and pushed open the unlocked door of the cavernous
storage compound. He knew where the boxes and the gel would be, knowing it was
the newest product to have arrived.

Crouching he opened
one of the boxes as quietly as possible. Bingo, he held a jar in his hand
smiling. This stuff was like Viagra times thirty, he couldn’t wait to try it
out, in private this time. Just as he was closing up the box he heard footsteps
and the clicking of heels.

“This product is
incredibly important to us, at no time are you to leave your post, is that
understood?” asked the posh well-spoken voice of a woman.

“Yes Ms Davenport,” A
man replied.

‘Bloody hell’, Adam
mouthed. Ms Davenport was the head of the company and known to be ruthless in
the way she conducted her business. Adam crouched low knowing he would be in
serious trouble if they found him. As the footsteps dissipated, a still
crouching Adam edged towards the end of the row. He peeked around it, the coast
was clear. Quickly and quietly he made his way to the door.

After several steps
however, he was stood frozen in his tracks like a deer in headlights. Ms
Davenport and Old Bill had unexpectedly rounded the row in the corner straight
ahead. They’d immediately spotted him. As Ms Davenport paced towards him, the
jar he was carrying dropped to the floor, rolling until it settled next to Ms
Davenport’s feet.

“What the hell do you
think your doing?” she demanded to know.

She was a woman in her
late Fifties, tall and slim, with greying brown hair. The elegant business suit
she wore was cream, its pencil skirt reached to her knees. She was adorned with
the expensive accessories that came with wealth: a pearl necklace, designer
watch, a dark green emerald broach and diamond earrings. Despite her age she
was a woman in demand, pursued by a flock of younger suitors.

“I was um…getting a
jar of this for Laura, head of sales,” Adam stammered, trying to be clever and
worm his way out of his predicament.

“Yes I know who Laura
is,” she said turning to Bill who was watching mystified.

“Bill would you run
along and get Laura down here so we can clear this matter up.”

As Bill walked off,
Adam stopped him, “Wait.” He knew he was well and truly rumbled, why make this
more humiliating and get Laura involved in this.

“Ms Davenport the
truth is I’d heard some rumours about this stuff and wanted to try it out.”

It was a fairly pathetic
explanation and he knew it. Ms Davenport’s green eyes stared at him sternly for
a few seconds as she stood ruminating over what to do with him.

“We’ll deal with this
matter internally, get up to my office now,” she said coldly.

As he left she picked
up the jar by her feet. “So he wants to find out how it works does he, well
that’s exactly what he’ll get.” A thin smile had spread across her lips.


Adam made his way out
the lift and onto the top floor, straight into a large rich polished lobby. He
didn’t visit this floor often. He sat down on the plush couch.

Opposite was a table
behind which golden haired Lisa sat. At only twenty-three she felt lucky to
hold the position of Ms Davenport’s personal assistant. She had seen Adam
around the building and thought he was handsome, but was wary. Rumours abounded
about him being a ladies man, who would cheat and lie to get a girl into bed.
Seeing him, she walked over to see why he was here.

Adam also knew Lisa,
saw her something of a future conquest. As she came towards him she looked
good. Her peach blouse was clingy, her short white skirt and nude heels
heightened her petite frame.

“Excuse me Adam, do
you have an appointment with Ms Davenport?”

“No,” said Adam rather
sulkily. “But she asked me to come up here.”

“Oh, well, I’ll leave
you to it then.”

Adam ran his eyes over
her sexy legs, and watched her cute little ass as she sashayed back to her
desk. When Ms Davenport arrived she had a quick word with Lisa and completely
ignoring Adam strode into her office. As he waited, he felt like he was being
summoned to the headmistress office back at school. After another five minutes
of waiting, the intercom on Lisa’s desk beeped, and he was asked to go in.

The office was well
maintained and continued the rich, opulent, feel of the upper floor. Ms
Davenport was seated behind a polished oak desk, the wall behind her was
covered in glass panels, letting in plenty of light. There was no seat so Adam
stood in front of the desk, preparing himself for a scolding.

Ms Davenport pulled
out a draw, extracting the jar he’d previously held. Her heals clicked on the
polished floor as she walked around the large desk. Settling on its surface,
she crossed her slim legs, which were covered in almost transparent, tanned,

“So Adam here we are,”
she said calmly, but authoritatively, fixing him with her gaze. “I’d like you
to tell me one more time exactly why you were in the storage compound.”

Adam cleared his
throat, which suddenly felt very dry.

“Like I said, I just
wanted to try the gel, I’d heard rumours about how fantastic it was supposed to

“Is that so,” she said
momentarily looking down at the jar she held. “The thing is Adam, you had no
permission to be there and least of all stealing one of
products. Did you?”

“No,” Adam had to

“That’s right and
unfortunately it leaves me with little room for manoeuvre. I can give you two
options, the first you can leave right now terminating your employment at this
company or,” she said, pausing for a second, making Adam suffer wondering what
the seconds option was.

“Or you can get your
wish, and try out the product, here, this instant.”

There was utter
silence as Adam’s mind went into overdrive. He certainly couldn’t afford to
lose this job, times were tough, finding another wasn’t a certainty. He
couldn’t believe what he ‘d gotten himself into, again. He nodded slowly, consentingly.

“Is that a yes Adam?”

“Yes,” he said officially
feeling like he was handing his dignity over to his boss.

“Good,” she said,
straightening her back, getting comfortable on the desk. “Then

She slowly rolled the
, emphasising the word and the power
she exerted. Adam looked at her as if trying to comprehend that this was really
happening, but slowly succumbing to his fate, began to undress.

He took off the jacket
of his suit first, laying it on the floor, seeing nowhere else to put it. His
tie and shirt followed, then his shoes, belt, trousers and socks. He was now
stood only in his white boxers, the boss of the company sat on her desk, only metres
from him, scrutinizing his every detail.

“And those,” she said,
casually gesturing at his last item of clothing.

A gulping Adam slid
them off, his large penis flopping out as he did so. He placed them on the pile
of clothes that had formed, the last remaining shreds of dignity he’d ever had.
Ms Davenport was impressed. He had a nice muscular body, broad shoulders, and a
very nice large, thick, cock. She held out the jar, making Adam come to her. He
took it from her, noticing her gaze drifting downwards.

“Go ahead, just as you
so wished,” she said, interested to see the effects of the gel on such a
virile, well-hung young man.

Adam unscrewed the jar
and began lathering his penis with the gel.

“I don’t want to see
so much as a speck not covered. Nice and shiny please,” Ms Davenport demanded.

Despite wilful
resistance, as it had before, Adam’s penis took only seconds to reach full

“The jar please Adam,”
she said smiling at the sight of his big cock, standing erect, like a soldier
at attention for her.

He walked over to her,
with his stiff penis swaying from side to side. After passing her the jar, he
returned to where he’d stood. Ms Davenport placed the jar back in the draw and
walked towards him. She was almost his height in her heels. She looked him up,
and down, and then very slowly walked around him, as if inspecting all of his

Adam stood frozen, his
heart was palpitating, his manhood already aching. He looked through the glass
window. He could see offices in the tower block across the road and prayed no
body could make him out. Nice firm ass, thought Ms Davenport, stopping with her
head angled, looking him up and then down, taking every inch of him in. She
moved once more to his front.

“I’ve got a busy day
ahead of me and I don’t want you wasting any more of my time. Is that

“Yes,” he replied,
eager to end this as quickly as possible.

“Yes WHAT?” she

He instinctively edged
back a little, from the shock of her raised voice. She strode towards him and
gripped his slick, hard, shaft.

“Where do you think
you’re going,” she said, pulling him back into position by his manhood.

“Let’s try that again
shall we. Is that understood?”

“Yes Ms Davenport,” he
said chastened.

“Good, then stand by
the desk until I say otherwise.”

He moved awkwardly to
one side of the desk as Ms Davenport rounded the other and pressed the

“Lisa, could you come
in here and clear these clothes off the floor please,” she said into the

“Yes Ms Davenport,”
Lisa replied.

Oh no, thought Adam,
suddenly gripped by panic. As the door was pushed open, and Lisa entered, her
mouth dropped open. Standing buck naked, and erect, was the handsome stud. He
had his arms clutched behind him and his circumcised, hard cock, was jutting
upwards, big and impressive. It wouldn’t have looked out of place on a porn
shoot. She stood before the desk in shock, her eyes lingering on Adam. Adam’s
cheeks were burning up, turning from rosy red, to beetroot. Ms Davenport looked
up from her laptop and smiled at Lisa’s look of astonishment.

“Adam here, has taken
it on himself to demonstrate how effective our new product is, a guinea pig if
you will,” she said breaking the spell. “Thank you Lisa, that’ll be all for

Lisa picked up the
clothes and as she closed the door, had one last cheeky look at Adam’s big
boner and smiled, the day had just perked up considerably.


Ms Davenport sat typing at her desk. She had the onerous
daily tasks typical of a woman in a senior position such as herself; business
transactions, listening to pitches for new products and reviewing feedback from
human resources. Her morning had been full, was to be full, of meetings with
crusty old businessman. She’d decided to cancel them however, part of being so
successful was to be flexible after all, and days like this didn’t come along

She proceeded instead
to invite a few of her business friends and associates, sure they’d be more
than entertained by her new piece of furniture. Today was going to be a lot
more fun than usual that was for sure.

As she typed away, all
Adam could think was, ‘how did I get myself into this, how long will she keep
me here, like this?’ Turning around a few times he could see the street a fair
distance below, full with traffic, people scampering about like ants, the general
hubbub of the city. He hoped that it was too far for people to see his bared

After half an hour,
Lisa buzzed, alerting Ms Davenport to the arrival of her first appointment.
Adam could tell it was half an hour by the slow, steady, tick, of the clock
above the door. Lisa of course escorted them in, keen to take every opportunity
to see Adam, so unrestrictedly displaying himself. Her pearly whites permanently
on display, were an indication of the enjoyment she was taking from seeing him
in all his natural glory.

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