CHAINED: A Motorcycle Club Romance (10 page)

BOOK: CHAINED: A Motorcycle Club Romance
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All he could do was focus on Jenna, as she clutched at him.

Cain's hands were exploring Jenna's body, running along her slender lines, but he wasn't the only one doing so. Jenna threw her legs on either side of his hips, lifting herself up just enough to reach down and grab onto the hem of his shirt. One tug, and it was halfway up his chest, exposing his abdomen.

The girl traced kisses across his cheek, even as her hands quested downwards. Cain felt those searching fingers find the button of his jeans, yank it open.

"Here, let me help," he gasped, sitting up and reaching down for the waistband of his pants. He tugged them downward, even as they caught at his erect member entangled within them.

As his cock came free, it leapt up and smacked against his stomach, a surprisingly loud noise in the little enclosed room. With a little wordless cry of surprise, Jenna found it, her fingers wrapping around him.

"It's so big," she gasped out wonderingly as she explored it, her every touch like a live wire of electricity to Cain's brain.

There were no words in his head any longer, so he just grinned back. At the same time, his hands went to this silly blouse of Brandy's that Jenna still wore. His big hands easily wrapped around her waist and slid up, pushing the fuzzy pink garment up with them.

The bra beneath the blouse was also a bit loose on Jenna, and it slid up without problem as well. Jenna gasped again as Cain's big hands slid over her nipples, freeing them out into the open air.

Cain pulled the girl back down on top of him, but this time his face pressed against her chest. He felt her breathe in deeply as he kissed at those exposed little dark circles, feeling them stiffen at the touch of his wet, warm lips.

Jenna pushed back down against his crotch, grinding her hips up against him. She wanted him, he knew it. He felt her yearning strike him like a physical blow, almost eclipsing his own desire for her in return. Even as he kissed and suckled at her chest, the biker's hand slid down to the small of her back, pushing her down fiercely against him as though he could somehow thrust even through the jean shorts she still wore.

Ah, those shorts! Simultaneously, both of them realized that they had to go.

Jenna rolled off of him, a brief tangle of limbs as she grabbed for the waistband of those shorts. Cain moved to try and help her, but he was momentarily tangled in his own half-shed clothes, and stopped to pull his shirt the rest of the way off with a growl.

By the time the shirt was off his head, Jenna's shorts were hitting the floor, followed a moment later by the softer sound of her panties landing on top of the jeans. Cain threw his arms around her, and once again the girl was in his arms, this time naked from head to toe.

She lay on her back, and Cain climbed up on top of her. Down between his legs, as well as her spread thighs, he could feel himself throbbing, physically aching to be inside of her. He leaned in, kissing her, pushing down against her...

...but then, only inches away from entering her, he suddenly heard a sob.

Cain paused, pulling back slightly. Was that from her? But sure enough, Jenna let another sob escape her lips a moment later, even as her arms still clutched at him.

Part of Cain's mind, the rampaging desirous beast, wanted to dive back in and ignore this warning sign. He wanted her more than anything, hungering for her! But although another Iron Skull might have ignored that little noise, Cain couldn't quite put it out of his mind.

He sat back a little, trying to blink away the fog of arousal that still crowded his mind. "What's wrong?" he managed.

Still spread out on the bed before him, Jenna shook her head. "Nothing, nothing's wrong," she insisted - but the words were ruined by another little sniffle, this one breaking up the words themselves.

Glancing up at the ceiling for a second, Cain tried - and failed - to hold back a little sigh. He could feel his balls already aching between his legs, angry at being denied their chance at release. Yet he couldn't, wouldn't, force himself upon any woman if they weren't willing.

Down on the bed beside him still, Jenna let out another sob, this one longer and louder. Slumping down onto the bed to sit alongside her, Cain reached out and easily pulled her into his arms. Her nakedness made him throb unconsciously, but he sternly ordered the rest of his brain to ignore how soft her skin felt against his.

"There, there," he murmured down to her, rocking her slightly back and forth in his arms. "It's okay, no one's going to hurt you."

"I'm- I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Jenna wailed suddenly, turning and burying her face in his abs, her whole body now shaking with grief. "I didn't mean to ruin it for you!"

"Ruin it? You didn't ruin anything." The perplexity in Cain's voice was real. Was she talking about sex? He tried to ignore how Jenna's new position pushed her small but still present cleavage right up against his cock.

After another minute, the girl pulled herself up a little more, into his lap. Of course, this just replaced Jenna's chest on his crotch with her ass, but Cain forced himself to breathe normally, to ignore the lovely sensations creeping up from his lap. The girl was upset, not realizing how she might be touching him!

"I'm sorry," Jenna said again, her eyes now red and with tears welling up at their edges. She reached up and touched Cain's cheek, her fingertips almost too soft for him to feel. "I do want to- I just can't-"

Cain watched her struggle for the words for a moment, and then, impulsively, he leaned in and kissed her again.

And after just a second, she reciprocated.

This kiss, however, wasn't like the others from earlier. Cain still felt longing for Jenna burning in his chest, but this time he held back on that raw lust, instead forcing himself to be gentle. He felt her soft, warm lips do the same, and for a few seconds they focused on exploring each other's lips, not yet daring to go further.

When this kiss ended, Jenna's eyes still looked rimmed with red, but she was at least no longer weeping. Instead, as she reached up and pushed back errant strands of her reddish hair, she even managed a rueful little grin.

"I'm a terrible tease, aren't I?" she asked, as she slowly extricated herself from Cain's lap.

Privately, he might have agreed with those words, but the biker shook his head. "Some of the other bikers, they might think so," he agreed. "But I know that it takes time, and I'm in no rush."

For just a moment, the girl showed no shame over her nakedness as she smiled back at him. "Thank you," she said quietly, and although Cain still felt himself full of sexual tension in need of release, those two little words made his heart fill with warmth.

He opened his mouth to respond - but before he could speak, a loud bang rang out from outside.

Cain's mouth snapped shut, and he turned to stare at the window. Jenna must have caught something in his body language, because she was suddenly looking alert and frightened once again.

"What is it?" she asked.

The biker didn't respond - but he knew the sound very well.

That had been the blast of a shotgun.

Chapter sixteen

For a second, Cain hovered, frozen, half-raised up on the bed as he stared out the window. The sound of that shotgun going off had sounded as though it came from outside - but not too far off.

He didn't even consider the possibility that the sound came from a nearby hunter. There was little in the area worth hunting - and this close to the house, the shot was much more likely to have come from a fellow Iron Skull.

Cain scrambled up from the bed, feeling Jenna's eyes watching him as he grabbed for his pants to haul them back up to his waist. "Sorry," he apologized, surprising even himself with the word. "But I need to go see what that was, make sure no one's too hurt."

The girl nodded, although her big eyes remained wide. "Should I come?"

For a moment, Cain considered the choice - bring her with him, where she could be in danger, or leave her here, out of his sight? After a brief consideration, however, he shook his head.

"Stay here," he decided. "I shouldn't be long."

Grabbing his shirt but not even waiting to pull it back down over his head, Cain opened the door and ducked out of the little bedroom, leaving Jenna behind.

Outside, he'd scarcely taken two steps before a hand grabbed at his arm. "Excuse me, how much longer do I have to wait?" Cheery asked as she leaned out of his room.

Oh, shit. Cain had totally forgotten about the woman. "Cheery, I'm sorry," he said again, once again struck by how quickly that word sprang to his lips. "But there was the sound of a gun outside, and-"

As he spoke, he turned, and his words broke off abruptly. Cheery leaned out his bedroom door to grab at him, and from the upper half exposed out in the hallway, it was clear that she'd ditched her shirt - and her bra, as well! Her small breasts, still quite pert, dangled enticingly from her chest.

Catching where he was looking, Cheery rolled her eyes. "Nope, you missed out," she declared, letting go of his hand and giving him a push away. "Go see about your gunshot, and maybe, if you're lucky, I'll still be here when you get back."

"Er, okay." For just a second longer Cain wavered, although this time he wondered whether he should tell Cheery about the fact that he'd passed her up for Jenna. It seemed important to let her know, at least, even if he didn't quite know how to phrase the explanation to avoid ruffled feathers.

But then, making his decision for him, the blast of that shotgun went off again. Cain turned back to the stairs, taking them two at a time as he leapt downward. This time, the shot had come from closer - and as he descended back down to the first floor, he could hear the roar of an injured man.

By the time he'd reached the first floor, someone was knocking - no, pounding - on the front door. Cain spun the knob and hauled it open, even as his other hand, behind the door's heavy barrier, reached for the baseball bat sitting leaned against the corner just inside.

"Yeah? Who the hell are you?" he growled, glaring at the man standing on his front step with his eyes wide. The man held a clipboard, which he now raised up in front of him as if instinctively defending himself.

"Erm," the man replied inelegantly. He looked like some sort of minor official, tasked with an uncomfortable job. "I'm afraid to tell you that there's an escaped mental patient in the area, and she may be dangerous. I was wondering if you'd seen this woman in the last day or so."

Cain didn't respond, but he did allow one of his eyebrows to lift up a fraction of an inch on his forehead. Even this display of blankness seemed to further unsettle the man in front of him, and the fellow dropped the clipboard as he tried to turn it around to show the picture to the biker.

Slipping down from his hands to land face-up on the ground, even the briefest of glances was enough to show Cain the image. Jenna's wide eyes looked up at him from the picture on the clipboard, in glossy 8x11 color.

Cain's fingers tightened around the baseball bat. "Nope," he said flatly, glaring at the man on the other side of the door. "Haven't seen her."

The man nodded, but still hesitated. "Are you sure? Maybe some of your guests here at the party might have caught sight of her. She's quite unstable, and it's very important that we-"

"Nope." Cain moved forward a little, using his height and weight to block the official outside from looking past him into the party. He suspected that Jenna might come creeping out of her room, and he didn't want this guy getting even a momentary glance. "No one here's seen her, either."

This man had to have seen the multitude of bikes pulled up outside, had to hear the raucous yelling from inside. Still, displaying what might otherwise be considered an admirable amount of bravery, the man persisted for another moment. "Maybe I could just step inside and show the picture around-"

Cain shook his head. This time, he also brought the baseball bat around so that it rested against his legs, in clear view to the man outside. "I think it's time for you to leave," he decided, knowing that the flatness of his voice sounded even more intimidating than any display of anger would come across.

The official standing outside didn't back down immediately, however. Instead, his mouth twisted into an ugly snarl. "If she's in there, you'll pay," he hissed, suddenly sounding more like a thug in the back of a bar than any sort of orderly or doctor.

Cain was about to respond in kind, but from behind him, he heard another blast of a shotgun, this one so close it almost sounded as though it was inside the house.

And immediately on the heels of that explosive report came a scream, high-pitched and carrying.

Outside the door, the man with the clipboard still stood - but as Cain returned his attention forward, the man lunged forward, swinging the clipboard out, edge first, towards Cain's neck.

If he'd been a little slower, Cain didn't doubt that he'd be down on the ground, choking as he tried to suck in air through a shattered windpipe. But he still had one hand on the door, about to slam it shut, and he managed to close it just enough to block the arcing blow.

The unexpected impact of the clipboard against the wood of the door loosened it in the man's fingers. He took a step back, trying to recover, but Cain brought the baseball bat up, slamming it forward like a spear into his gut.

BOOK: CHAINED: A Motorcycle Club Romance
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