CHAINED: A Motorcycle Club Romance (19 page)

BOOK: CHAINED: A Motorcycle Club Romance
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Finally, after what felt like a solid minute, Jenna felt some of her motor control returning as the pleasure dropped at least back down to a manageable level. She sat up and crawled forward, pulling away from Cain's mouth before he could send her into another collapse of twitching, overwhelming orgasmic pleasure.

The man released her thighs, letting her move away - but he was moving as soon as she left her spot on top of him. He tugged off his boxers, and then, in just a few swift motions, finished disrobing Jenna of the rest of her clothing. His arms slid around her even as she sagged back, pulling her close to him.

But then, even as he loomed over her, his body and hard length bearing down on her, Cain paused. "Jenna, if you're not comfortable going any further," he began but then stopped, clearly not sure how to phrase the rest of the thought.

For a moment, Jenna did hang back. Even though she knew now that, beyond any shadow of a doubt, she loved this man, she still felt trepidation about letting him go all the way with her. What if she locked up, after the abuse that she still dimly remembered from her time in captivity?

But even in the darkness, she could still see Cain's face watching her with such worry and care, and she suddenly knew that it was going to be okay. She reached up and stroked his face gently with one hand, bringing it down closer so that she could kiss his concerned lips.

"I want this," she said to him, and the words rang with truth. "Please."

Cain nodded, although she could still see that he wanted to be sure. Jenna felt that level of caring almost like physical contact, soothing and reassuring her. The man loomed over her, big and muscular and powerful as she spread her thighs wide beneath him, but he still cared, was still willing to pull back if she wasn't fully ready.

Slowly, with surprising tenderness, Cain finished removing the last of Jenna's underwear. He leaned down and kissed her as she revealed her chest, moving his lips first from one nipple to the other. She felt herself stiffen at that soft touch of his tongue.

With that same gentle touch, Cain slid her panties off, tracing along the lines of her legs. Once they were both fully naked, he once again moved up on top of her - but this time, above her, the big biker didn't hesitate.


Chapter thirty

Pain. That was the first sensation as Jenna felt the man's cock enter her, and she couldn't hold back from letting a little cry of anguish slip out from between her lips.

Cain immediately froze up on top of her, looking down with his eyes full of concern. "Are you okay?" he asked. "I can pull back-"

But Jenna threw her arms around him and pulled him down further on top of her, feeling him move instinctively further inside her. "Please, don't stop," she begged him. "I want this, want to feel you in me!"

The big biker hesitated for a moment longer, but Jenna wiggled her body against him, feeling him settle inside of her. Already, that initial little spurt of pain was fading to little more than memory, and she loved how he put pressure against her insides, how he filled her up so thoroughly. He felt just as big inside of her as he'd felt in her hands and mouth!

And as he felt her squeeze her warmth around his length, Cain began to move with her. With his big arms on either side of her head holding himself up, he began to push up and down with his hips, bearing down until he was fully inside of her. Beneath him, Jenna did her best to move along with him, trying to match his rhythm as their bodies merged together.

Cain started out slowly, but he picked up speed as they found each other's rhythm. Soon, Jenna could feel him bouncing on top of her, and she used the springiness of the bed to push back up, wrapping her arms up around his neck.

Their lips found each other, and even as their bodies tasted each other's, their lips parted and their tongues darted out to embrace each other. In between kisses, Jenna found herself panting with the pleasure rising up from Cain's actions inside of her.

"Oh, yes, I want you so badly," she begged him, pulling his head down so that she could kiss and bite at his ear. "Come on, give it to me!"

In response, Cain quickened his movements even more, making the entire bed shake as he dropped down on her. Jenna didn't flinch but took it all, loving how she could feel his cock draw almost all the way out of her before he reversed direction and bore down on her again. When he was fully inside of her, he'd grind against her for a moment, and she loved that crush of their naked bodies together.

Once again, Jenna could feel that pleasure rising up inside her body, the waves coming closer and closer to crashing over her mental levees. "Oh, Cain, you're gonna make me come again," she cried out, trying to spur the man on to bring her all the way.

Cain grinned down at her with a flash of teeth, even as she gasped back at him. "I'm getting close, too," he confided, but he didn't stop. "Oh, Jenna, I can't hold out much longer!"

"Come on," she urged him, sliding her hands down from his neck to feel the tense muscles in his back standing out, the rigid six-pack of his abs. "I want to make you feel this good!"

But even as she finished that sentence, Jenna felt her last levee suddenly break inside her head. This time, the pleasure washed on even stronger and harder than last time, and she couldn't keep from throwing her head back into the pillows behind her, biting her lip to keep from screaming.

"Oh god, oh my fucking god," she gasped out, her eyes screwed shut. "Please, more! I love it, I want more, more!"

"Yes, yes!" Cain echoed her, and she could feel his whole body shuddering at her touch. But even as his muscles quivered and shook, he kept on moving, plunging the entire length of his cock in and out of her.

And then, just as Jenna couldn't stand any more stimulation as she felt whiteness impinging in at the edges of her vision, Cain gave one last thrust, all the way inside of her - and then collapsed down on top of her.

For a good minute or so, both of them lay together there on the bed, unable to move or even think, just savoring the remaining pleasure still flowing through them. Jenna could feel Cain's weight on top of her, but she didn't mind it, or make any move to pull away. She could still feel him inside of her, flexing slightly as he finished cumming.

Finally, with a sigh as he forced his tired muscles to respond, Cain lifted himself up just enough to roll off of Jenna, landing on his back on the bed beside her. "Holy shit," he gasped, his limbs splayed out in all directions as he stared up at the painted stars on his bedroom ceiling.

After her breathing had resumed something similar to a normal rhythm, Jenna managed to prop herself up on one elbow, turning to regard Cain through eyes still squeezed halfway to slits with pleasure.

"Wow," she breathed out, reaching out and running one hand lightly along the man's body. Her fingertips slipped from his chest down to his crotch, and even though the man had just finished emptying himself inside her, she still saw him twitch a little as her nails slid ever so lightly over his skin.

"Wow," the man echoed back, turning and running one of his hands over her body in return. He lingered for a moment on the little swells of her breasts, feeling how they shifted slightly at his touch. "Jenna, that was amazing."

She nodded, moving in closer to him. She lifted her arm and put it across his chest as she snuggled up against him, pressing herself into his armpit. Taking in a deep breath through her nose, she luxuriated in his scent, even stronger now after their combined exertions. For a few minutes, they just lay together, awash in pleasure and memories of the activity they had just shared.

Cain's arm now curled around Jenna, and she felt his fingers begin idly exploring. They slid up the side of her rib cage, pressing against one breast and gently moving it in little circles on her chest. She refused to admit how even that little motion turned her on, but she sensed that Cain was weighing something on his mind.

Her guess proved correct a minute later, when the man cleared his throat. "Those girls out in the barn," he said slowly, still staring up at the ceiling. "I can't guarantee that they'll be safe. They can't stay here forever - there just isn't room, and I can't support all of them, especially without a working kitchen now."

Jenna nodded, considering the problem. It was a thorny question; she knew that if the girls were turned over to the police, they'd mysteriously "vanish from the system" once Archon had his way. "Archon won't let them go," she warned Cain.

The biker nodded. "Actually, I was thinking about that. Is there any evidence that ties Archon to the prostitution ring?"

"Does the fact that I remember him being there, even abusing me, count as evidence?"

Cain sighed, but shook his head. "No. We need real proof."

"I don't know if there is any," Jenna finally said after a minute of consideration. "He did most of his dealings through Bulldog, the man that Bucky shot. And he only visited whenever Bulldog called him and told him that something had gone wrong."

The big biker nodded. "How did Bulldog sound?"

"What?" Jenna blinked at him in confusion. "Well, like a dog, I guess? Or Richard Nixon, maybe? Why?"

Cain grinned at her - and then sat up, swinging his legs off the bed and standing up. For a moment, Jenna found herself missing his warmth and moving unconsciously into the warm spot on the bed where he had lain, but then Cain returned, holding his jeans. He rummaged in the pockets until he pulled out a cell phone, which he tossed on the bed next to her.

"Because I swiped that off the guy's body after Bucky shot him," he explained.

Feeling her heartbeat quicken, Jenna turned the phone on, praying that it wasn't unlocked. To her amazement and relief, no prompt for a passcode appeared, and the phone opened up to the main screen. She found the contact book and scrolled through, but her expression fell. "I don't see him in here."

Cain reached over and took the phone from her fingers. "Can you remember the last time Archon showed up?"

After a second, with a bit of counting on her fingers, Jenna nodded. "Two weeks ago today."

Opening the phone app, Cain scrolled through the past calls. "Then this must be it - it's the only call from that day. He was smart enough to not save the number, but he didn't clear it from his calls list."

Both of them stared at the number in the phone - and then, as they looked at each other, they both felt the glimmerings of a plan beginning to form.

Neither of them felt tired in the slightest. Cain stepped out of the room and returned a minute later with a notepad and a pen, and they sat on the bed, totally comfortable with each other's nakedness as they discussed strategy and jotted down notes. By the time they finished, they had four sheets filled with Cain's scrawl, and an idea of how to proceed.

And then, before they fell asleep, they fucked once more, just out of sheer pleasure and happiness.


Chapter thirty-one

James Archon was not a happy man at most times, and his frown grew deeper as he stared down at the number displayed on his ringing cell phone. He let it ring for a few more seconds, considering just letting it go to voicemail, but eventually decided that it would be better to at least receive the bad news right away.

That it would be bad news, he had no doubt.

He'd expected all morning to hear from Bulldog, reporting in that they'd either found the girl and gotten rid of her, or that they'd come up empty handed. Obviously, Archon would be happier with the first answer than the second, but one thing he hadn't anticipated was that the man simply would not call.

Archon even considered phoning Bulldog and demanding an update, but he felt that doing so might alter the balance of power. So instead, he simply placed the phone on his desk, glared at it, and stewed for most of the morning.

Was his assignment really that hard? Bulldog and all his cronies were loaded up with weapons and gear, and Archon knew that most of the men were natural born killers. How hard was it for these idiots to hunt down and kill a single girl, likely already half-dead from starvation, exhaustion, and exposure?

Now, the millionaire lifted the phone up to his ear, waited for a beat while he took a deep breath to steady himself, and then spoke. "Yes?"

"Mr. Archon? Sir, we have a problem. You need to get down here right away."

The voice sounded a little different from how he remembered Bulldog, but most of Archon's mind was focused on the words' message. "A problem? What the hell are you talking about? Did you find the girl or not?"

"Er, yes sir. We did. But-"

"Then why is there a problem?" Archon exploded, unable to control his rage any longer. "Put a bullet in her damn head, dump the body in a deep pit somewhere no one will find it, and the problem's solved!"

"Well, sir, she says that she spoke with the police, and she told them everything. We thought you might want to ask her what exactly she told them, and which officer-"

Archon tuned out the rest of the words, furiously trying to think. This was definitely more bad news. He could feel a throb developing behind his temples, and he knew that it was certain to erupt into a full-blown headache at some point soon.

She'd talked to the police. That was definitely bad news, but it wasn't impossible for him to handle. He did have some deep roots in with the police force, after all, digging his way into the department from both the top and bottom. Thanks to several generous donations, and a few private parties where he'd stayed much less drunk than other attendees, Archon had plenty of leverage with the local chief of police, as well as several of the senior officers. He'd also made sure to open up the brothel's services to some of the lower-ranked officers and patrolmen, with the promise that they'd "keep their lips sealed" about what happened in the warehouse. He even handed out some of the brothel's profits as a bonus to these officers. Archon considered this a necessary fee to be paid in exchange for continuing to operate without any more shakedowns or trouble from law enforcement.

BOOK: CHAINED: A Motorcycle Club Romance
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