Chained (Brides of the Kindred) (30 page)

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Authors: Evangeline Anderson

BOOK: Chained (Brides of the Kindred)
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Chapter Twenty-five


“You found her?” Sylvan stared at the
long-distance viewscreen he’d recently had installed in his suite. Since
becoming a member of the Kindred High Council, he’d been conducting a lot more
interstellar business and he found it easier to do it from home. After all, he
couldn’t constantly be running off to the viewing room—not now that he and
Sophia had the twins to look after.

“I found traces of her.” The male on the
viewscreen was tall with dark hair and eyes—his right eye, anyway. The left was
covered with a black patch. Combined with the closely clipped mustache and
goatee that framed his square jaw, it gave him a rakish, untrustworthy air.

Salix L’Tm was a bounty hunter and Sylvan
trust him—not as far as
he could throw him. The male was part Blood Kindred…and part something else.
What, Sylvan didn’t know and he didn’t particularly care, either. All that
mattered was that Salix was the best at what he did—finding people who were
lost or who didn’t want to be found. Which was why Sylvan had decided to hire
him to find Maggie Jordon when the regular Kindred search team had failed.

“What traces? Where are you at?” he
demanded, frowning at Salix. “Still on Yonnie Six?”

“Not any more. I’m on my way to the Flesh
Bazaar—in the Hub.”

“What?” Sylvan exclaimed. “You think she
was sold as a slave?”

Salix gave him a most unpleasant grin, his
one visible eye twinkling darkly.

she was. And she’s not the
only one.”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“First things first.” Salix held up one
leather gloved hand. “I picked up the trail at Lady Pope’nose’s place.”

“The female who denied ever having met

“The same.” Salix grinned and stroked his
closely clipped goatee. “It appears that her ladyship wasn’t exactly honest
with us. In fact, she’s the one who grabbed Maggie in the first place.”

“What?” Sylvan’s hands clenched into fists
at his sides. “That’s outrageous! Maggie was under our protection. This Lady Pope'nose
will pay for daring to—”

Salix held up a hand to stop him.

“She already has.”

“What? How?” Sylvan demanded.

“It seems that Maggie has a protector—a
male slave she helped escape right out from under Lady Pope’nose’s…well,
Salix grinned, clearly amused. “Anyway, he came looking for her and found
out what her ladyship had done. According to one of her other slaves, he
cornered Lady Pope’nose and made her tell him everything.”

“And?” Sylvan prompted.

Salix shrugged. “And then they both
disappeared. I don’t know what happened to Pope’nose but nothing pleasant, I’m
sure. As for the escaped slave, I’m pretty sure I’ll find his trail at the Flesh

“Isn’t anyone mounting a rescue mission
for Lady Pope’nose?” Sylvan asked.

Salix shrugged again. “You’d think so, as
rich as she is. But apparently she’s a nasty piece of work—none of her slaves
were too sad to see her go and all of her ‘friends’ seem content to wring their
hands and talk about how awful it is that she disappeared without actually doing
anything about it.”

“You think he killed her?” Sylvan asked

“Who knows? It’s possible—he was none too
happy with her for what she did to Maggie and he’s not a male you’d want to
meet in a dark alley.”

“How so?” Sylvan asked.

“Korexiroth—The Demon as he was known in
his time on the Blood Circuit—is an eight level felon. He killed his own master
which is why he was sentenced to death. Pope’nose bought him instead and held
him for a good long time before Maggie helped him escape. I would consider him
extremely dangerous.”

“But Maggie didn’t—or she wouldn’t have
helped him escape,” Sylvan said thoughtfully. “Do you think he has her best
interests at heart?”

“Hard to say,” Salix said blandly. “I
guess I’ll find out—my guess is that when I find him, I’ll find her.”

“All right, very good.” Sylvan nodded at
the bounty hunter. “Keep following the trail—oh, and do you have the long
distance transmitter I sent?”

“I do.” Salix patted his pocket. “Right

“Good. Maggie’s family is standing by—I
want them to be able to talk to her as soon as you find her. Call me again when
you find out what happened at the Flesh Bazaar.”

“Will do,
.” Salix gave
him an overly elaborate salute that bordered on sarcastic and one last, mocking
grin before the viewscreen went dark.

Sylvan sighed and stood there for awhile,
thinking. He didn’t like having to use Salix but he had to admit that so far it
had paid off. The male had come closer to finding Maggie than anyone else and
that was saying something.

Sylvan was glad about that—he felt
personally responsible for the little Earth female as he had been one of the
Council members who voted to let her go on her mission to Gaia in the first
place. He had also been in constant contact with her family and her fiancé for
months—although honestly, her parents seemed much more worried and distraught
than the male who was going to join with her. Sylvan hoped to give them all
good news soon.

“Please, Goddess, let her be found. And
let her be whole and well, unharmed by what has befallen her,” he prayed
softly. “She is in your hands now—do not let her come to harm.”

Chapter Twenty-six


“Why do you want me to wear this?” Maggie
came out of the bedroom, walking carefully in the tight black leather clothing Kor
had found for her at the back of Lady Pope’nose’s closet. The top was a black
bustier that cupped her full breasts lovingly. On the skinny Lady Pope’nose,
the cups might have covered her nipples. Maggie was better endowed, however,
and her full breasts were spilling out of the cups, her nipples completely on

A pair of leather, crotchless panties that
barely covered the top of her mound and left her pussy lips completely bare
went with the bustier and high black leather boots completed the outfit. It
made her look like a goddess as far as Kor was concerned—he got hard just
looking at her like this. But he wasn’t sure how Maggie would feel about
it—especially once he told her where she was going to have to wear it.

“Well?” she said, putting a hand on her
hip. “Because I know you wanted me to wear clothes with easy access but this is
It's like
the outfit I had on in that tree dream times ten."

“I need you to wear those clothes because this
is our last day in this ship,” he said, sitting down on the couch to admire her
better. The past solar week that he’d spent just being close to the little
female had been the best of his life. He was reluctant to see it end but it was
necessary to keep going if they were going to get the implant out of her.

“What? Why? Are we at the Maw Cluster
already?” Maggie walked carefully across the living area, only wobbling a
little in the black leather boots, and sat down in his lap without being asked.
With a little sigh, she snuggled against his chest. Gods, she was so warm and
soft and sweet—Kor loved the way she fit against him, almost as though they
were made for each other. And the way the bustier pushed up her full breasts
and put her tight pink nipples on display was almost too hot to stand. He
shifted, trying to make more room for his cock in the tight leather pants he

“Afraid so,” he said. “But from here we
have to find a way to get to the Dragon’s Mouth.” He slipped a hand into the
half-cup bustier and palmed her breast, thumbing the tight little point of her
nipple. Maggie moaned softly and pressed her breast more fully into his hand.

“How…how do we do that?” she asked a bit
breathlessly. “And why can’t we just fly there in the ship we have now? And why
do I have to wear this?”

“The Dragon’s Mouth isn’t really a planet—it’s
a bunch of really large asteroids orbiting a red dwarf star called Helios,” Kor
explained, twisting her nipple gently until she squirmed. “And it’s jealously
guarded, both by the males who work there and by their patrons. You have to be
the right kind of person to get in…and

“What kind of person is that?” Maggie
seemed to be trying not to moan.

“The kind who wears what you’re wearing
now.” Kor took a deep breath and stopped touching her for a minute. “You
mentioned the outfit you wore when you accidentally touched the black leather
tree in the Dreaming Woods. Well…”

Maggie sat up and looked at him. “Well,
what?” she asked. “If you're trying to tell me that you want me to act like…like
that huge leather giant guy wanted me to act—"

"Maggie…" he began but she shook
her head.

"Kor I told you—I don’t want to be
anybody’s mistress—especially not that
of mistress. With the whips
and the floggers…” She shivered. “Ugh, it’s just not

“You don’t have to worry about that,” Kor
said in a low voice. “Not being the mistress, anyway.”

“Then what?” Maggie demanded. “What are
you saying?”

Kor sighed. “Most of the people who go to
the Dragon’s Mouth are interested in controlling and taming their slaves—and
they’re all males. Males are dominant in the Dragon’s Mouth and I’m afraid
females are considered little more than property to be bought and sold. The
only way to get there is to go as someone who would have a legitimate reason to

“So…we’ll pose as a rich Master and his
slave girl?” Maggie asked softly.

“Yes.” Kor blew out a breath. “I don’t
know how you feel about it but that’s pretty much the only way we can get in. We’ll
just take it easy and stay in the background.”

“The background where?” Maggie asked.

“I’ve booked us aboard a junket at the
edge of the Cluster—we’ll travel with a bunch of other masters and slaves. I’m
thinking we’ll say that your implant is defective somehow and I want to get it
fixed. We’ll take the junket straight in to the Dragon’s Mouth and hopefully
find the bastard who engineered your implant and get him to take it out.”

“That doesn’t
too difficult,”
Maggie said slowly. “Except…how long does the trip take?”

“One solar day and night tops,” Kor said.
“But we’d have to be playing our parts the whole time.”

She frowned. “I don’t mind pretending to
be your slave—after all, you did the same for me back on Yonnie Six. But do we
have to travel with a bunch of other people?”

Kor nodded. “Afraid so. The junkets check
out their passengers thoroughly—they’re the only ones who get in or out of the
Dragon’s Mouth. If we tried in this ship, they’d turn us away—might even blow
us out of the sky for trying.”

Maggie shivered. “All right, I’m convinced
about that. But…do I
to be wearing this in public?” She nodded down
to the bustier and open panties that showed her breasts and pussy clearly. “I’m
a really shy person—except around you, I mean. And I just…”

“Believe me, Maggie—you won’t be dressed
any differently than the other slaves—that’s the idea.” He frowned. “You think
I like showing you off? Like the idea of some other male seeing your sweet
body? Hell no—but if we don’t blend in, we won’t make it. So yes, I’m afraid
this is the kind of thing you’ll have to wear.”

Maggie’s cheeks went pink and she seemed
to be thinking for a long time. “All right,” she said at last. “I guess it’s
not much worse than what I wore when they were selling me at the Flesh Bazaar.
And at least I’ll be with you.”

“I’ll never leave your side,” he promised.
“Your safety is my first priority, blondie. I swear it.”

“But, Kor…” She shifted in his lap,
turning to face him. “Other than the clothes, I’m just…worried. How will you be
able to, you know,
me if we’re with a bunch of other people? Will
there be privacy? Will it be really crowded?”

“I’m sure we’ll have a private room,
blondie,” he reassured her, stroking the curls away from her flushed cheeks. “Don’t
worry, you know I wont’ let you go hungry.”

“It’s not being hungry I’m worried about,”
she murmured.

“You know what I mean.” He kissed her
gently. “The only thing you need to worry about is acting like a proper slave.”

Maggie’s eyes widened. “How do I do that?
Act like
did on Yonnie Six?”

Kor shook his head. “Not quite. As a
female slave—especially the kind that would come with her master to the
Dragon’s Mouth—you have to be extremely submissive.”

“You mean…let me touch you whenever you
want?” Maggie bit her lip. “But…I already do that—don’t I?”

“Don’t wait for me to ask,” Kor told her.
“A truly perfect slave will offer her master exactly what he wants before he
even knows that he wants it.”

“Like…this?” Maggie’s voice shook a little
but her grip was steady when she took one of his hands and pulled it between
her legs to cup her pussy through the black crotchless panties.

“Very good.” Kor felt his cock rising but
her lesson wasn’t done yet. “And then you have to ask me to touch you. Tell me
what you want me to do to you…and what you want to do to me.”
Tell me how
you feel about me,
he wanted to add but he clamped his jaw tight, not
letting the words escape. He would find out how Maggie really felt once the
implant was out.

“I…uh…” Maggie’s cheeks were pink but she
seemed determined to get this right. “I want you to touch me, Master,” she
whispered haltingly.

“Touch you where?” Kor prompted gently.
“Come on, where do you want me to touch you?”

“Be-between my legs,” she stammered.
Though she seemed to love dirty talk when he did it, Maggie was shy about
trying it herself.

“Go on,” Kor encouraged her, his cock
surging behind his zipper. “Be specific.”

“My pussy,” she whispered at last.
“Please, Master, I want you to touch…to touch my pussy.”

“Good girl,” Kor rumbled approvingly, his
cock surging again. Gods, she was lovely, all half naked in his lap with her
little cunt nestled in his hand. He knew this kind of thing was hard for the
naturally shy Maggie and he loved when she came out of her shell and tried
something new.

He also liked the way she moaned and
pressed against his hand, even spreading her legs for his fingers to slip
inside her heated depths.

At the beginning of this trip, she had
been so guilty about that damn fiancé of hers she’d barely been able to let him
touch the outside of her pussy, let alone willing to open herself and let him
penetrate her to the hilt. Kor liked the way she had changed—liked the trust he
saw in her eyes almost as much as he liked her pleasure when she moaned and
pressed against him, offering herself completely.

He only wished he knew if the change was
due to genuine fondness for him on her part…or simply a byproduct of the
implant she wore.

“Good girl,” he growled again, trying to
push the other thoughts aside. “Now, while I fingerfuck you, you tell me what you’d
like to do to me.”

“I…I…” Maggie’s eyes fluttered up in her
head as the pleasure began to overtake her. “Oh God, Kor…”

“Master,” he corrected her sternly, giving
one of her nipples a tweak to remind her.

“Master,” she corrected herself quickly.
“I want…I want to suck you, Master.”

Kor’s cock felt hard enough to fuck
through solid steel when he remembered the soft suction of her lips around the
tip of his cock. Every night since the first one he had jerked off with Maggie
looking on. And every night she captured just the tip of his cock between her
lush lips and caught every drop of his cum. The rest of his cock she seemed to
consider off limits but she couldn’t rest until she’d sucked every last droplet
of his cum.

Even though it wasn’t a real blow job, Kor
thought he had never been hotter than when he watched her lean down and suck
just the tip of his cock into her mouth. And he loved to watch the blissful
look on her face when he finally came, filling her mouth with the creamy treat
she craved. He just wished he could fill her pussy instead but he knew Maggie
didn’t want that. To her it represented the ultimate betrayal of her fiancé so
it was never going to happen.

“I want to suck you,” she whispered again.

“You already
suck me,” he
reminded her, stroking up into her pussy, filling her with his fingers. “You do
it every night, sweetheart.”

“No.” Maggie shook her head, her cheeks
flushed with passion. “I…I want to suck all of you. You’re so long and thick
and…and I want to see how much of you I could fit in my mouth. How much I could
take until you came for me.”

“Gods, blondie!” Kor thought he might come
just from hearing her talk about it.

Maggie’s lovely deep blue eyes were
half-lidded with pleasure and he wondered if she even knew what she was saying
but that didn’t stop him from listening to her.

“There’s more,” she whispered. “I
want…want you inside me. And not just in my mouth.”

Kor’s cock surged. “I thought we agreed
that was off limits—that you didn’t want me to make love you to.”

“I know I shouldn’t want you to,” she moaned,
rolling her hips to ride his fingers. “But lately…right before bed…it’s all I
think about. It’s getting so hard to just…do what we’ve been doing when I want…so
much more…When I want you
me.” Then her hips began to buck
faster. “Oh,” she gasped. “Oh, Kor…oh Master…I’m coming!

Kor rode out her orgasm, feeling like he
might have one of his own just from listening to her and watching her reach the
peak. Gods, she was lovely when she came!

He wondered if she really meant what she
said about wanting to take him all the way inside her…or if it was just the
implant talking. More and more he longed to get the damn thing out. He wanted
to know if Maggie really cared for him…or if they were just playing games until
she was free of the thing inside her and ready to go home.

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