Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: How to Unlock Your Full Potential for Success and Achievement (14 page)

BOOK: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: How to Unlock Your Full Potential for Success and Achievement
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As you
your levels of desire and knowledge, you
the self-limiting effects of fear and ignorance, and their compan-ions, learned helplessness and the comfort zone.

With desire and knowledge, you eventually replace fear and ignorance with
. The more you learn about anything that is important to you, the more courage you will have to attempt to achieve it, and the more confident you will be that you can eventually succeed. As Henry Ford once said, “If you believe you can do a thing, or you believe you cannot, in either case, you are probably right.”

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My first big breakthrough in life came when I discovered that I could learn anything I needed to learn to achieve any goal I could set for myself. My second breakthrough was when I realized that I was completely responsible for myself and everything that happened to me.
No one was going to do anything for me.
If I wanted something, it was completely up to me to do whatever was necessary to get it. If I had a problem or limitation, it was up to me to solve it or overcome it. I was on my own.

The acceptance of
personal responsibility
for your life is the giant step from childhood to maturity. Prior to that decision, people criticize, complain, and blame others for their problems. After that decision, they see themselves as the primary creative forces in their own lives. Before you take total responsibility for your life, you see yourself as a
. Afterward, you see yourself as a


My third breakthrough came when I learned that
all causation is
. Everything you create in your material world begins with a thought of some kind. If you want to change something on the outside, you have to begin by changing it first on the inside.You have to change your thinking if you want to change your life. This is the greatest discovery of all.

You create your world with the continuous stream of thoughts, feelings, and images passing through your own mind. You control and determine your future by the thoughts you think in the present.

Nothing around you has any meaning except for the meaning you give it by the thoughts and emotions you attach to it. As Shakespeare wrote in
, “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”


whatever you believe, with feeling, becomes your reality.
The greater the intensity of your belief, the more emotion you combine ccc_tracy_5_77-89.qxd 6/23/03 2:47 PM Page 83

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with it, the greater the impact it has on your behavior and on everything that happens to you.

If you absolutely believe that you are destined to be a great success, and you hold to this belief no matter what happens, then there is nothing in the world that can stop you from becoming that great success.

If you absolutely believe that you are a good person with tremendous abilities and that you are going to do remarkable things with your life, that belief will express itself through all of your actions and will eventually become your reality. The biggest responsibility you have to yourself is to change your beliefs on the inside so that they are consistent with the realities you wish to enjoy on the outside.

You can always tell what your beliefs really are by looking at what you do. You always express your true values in your actions.

You always act on the outside consistent with who you really are, and what you really believe, on the inside.

One of the best ways to determine your true beliefs is to think about how you behave when you are angry, upset, or under pressure of any kind. This is when they come out. As Terrance wrote,
“Circumstances do not make the man; they only reveal him to himself.”
(And to others!)

By using the Law of Reversibility, you can develop within yourself the values, beliefs, and qualities you most admire by
acting as if
you already had them, whenever they are called for by the circumstances of your life. To develop courage, force yourself to act courageously, even when you are afraid. To develop integrity, speak and act with complete honesty, even if you feel like shading the truth or cutting corners. Soon your beliefs will mirror your acts, and your acts will mirror your beliefs.


The Law of Expectations says that
whatever you expect, with confidence,
becomes your own self-fulfilling prophecy.
You are continually telling your own fortune when you talk about how you think things are going to turn out in a particular area. Your expectations then determine your ccc_tracy_5_77-89.qxd 6/23/03 2:47 PM Page 84



attitude, and your attitude causes people to behave toward you in a way that reflects what you are thinking inside.

If you expect to be successful, you will eventually be successful.

If you expect to be happy and popular, you will be happy and popular. If you expect to be healthy and prosperous, admired and respected by the people around you, that is what will happen.

You can tell your true expectations by listening to the words you use to describe an upcoming event. Always think and talk positively about the future. Start every morning by saying;
“I believe something
wonderful is going to happen to me today.”
Then, throughout the day, expect the best. Be open and alert to the possibility that each thing that happens, positive or negative, contains something good. You will be amazed at the effect this approach to life has on your attitude, and on the way you are treated by the people around you.


Successful, happy people continually maintain an attitude of positive self-expectancy. They expect to be successful in advance, and they are seldom disappointed. They expect to make more sales than they lose. They expect to learn something valuable from every experience. They expect to eventually achieve their goals, and they remain open to the possibility that those goals may be achieved in a way that they didn’t expect.

The very best way to predict the future is to
it, and you create your future by the way you approach everything that happens to you today, either positively or negatively. If you approach each situation confidently expecting to learn from it or gain from it, you will continue to grow and progress and move toward your goals.You will also be a happier, more optimistic person that other people will want to be around and to help.


The Law of Attraction is considered by many people to be the most important law of all in explaining both success and failure. This law says that you are a “living magnet” and that you inevitably attract the people and circumstances into your life that
with ccc_tracy_5_77-89.qxd 6/23/03 2:47 PM Page 85

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your dominant thoughts, especially those thoughts that you emotionalize strongly.

By this law, or natural force, the more you think about something you want, the more excited you will become about achieving it.

The more excited or convinced you become, the more you will attract that goal into your life, like a magnet attracts iron filings. Your thoughts will create a force field of energy that will attract the people, circumstances, ideas, opportunities, and resources that you need to achieve your goals.When you change your thinking about yourself and your possibilities, you will attract into your life the forces necessary to turn those big thoughts and ideas into real-life experiences.


This law says that
your outer world corresponds to your inner world
, that what you experience on the outside is a reflection of your inner world. Whatever you see when you look around you, you see something in yourself.
“Wherever you go, there you are.”
Your outer world of wealth, work, relationships, and health will mirror back to you the pictures and images that are going on inside you. Nothing can permanently stay in your life unless it corresponds with something within you.

To have happier relationships, you must become a more loving person, not in thought alone, but genuinely, in your heart. As you become a more loving person on the inside, your outer world of relationships will change, and sometimes immediately. To become more financially prosperous on the outside, you must become more prosperous on the inside. To be healthier and fitter in your body, you must think like a healthy and fit person in your mind.

In 1905, Dr. William James of Harvard said, “The greatest revolution of my generation is the discovery that individuals, by changing their inner attitudes of mind, can change the outer aspects of their lives.”


There is only one thing over which you have complete control, and that is the content of your own mind. Only you can decide what you ccc_tracy_5_77-89.qxd 6/23/03 2:47 PM Page 86



are going to think, and how you are going to think about it. This power, this control, is all you need to create a wonderful life for yourself. Your ability to steer your thoughts toward a destination of your own choosing is sufficient to enable you to overcome all obstacles, and make up for all limitations, on your road to success.

The Laws of Belief, Expectations, Attraction, and Correspondence, used consciously and deliberately, are the keys to your accomplishing wonderful things with your life. When you begin to change your thinking about your goals and possibilities, your beliefs and actions will change.You will find yourself doing more and more of the things you need to do to make your dreams come true.

You will continually expect good things to happen to you, and you will seldom be disappointed. You will begin attracting all kinds of wonderful people and opportunities into your life. Your whole world will begin to correspond, on the outside, with the wonderful goals and pictures that you are creating on the inside.

Successful and happy people have a generally positive mental attitude. Prosperous and wealthy people have a prosperous and wealthy mind-set. Kind, patient, gentle, loving people, who enjoy happy and fulfilling relationships with their families and friends, have kind, patient, loving ways of thinking. When you develop the same mind-set that other successful people have, you will soon enjoy the same results and experiences that they do.


You may think that you lack the education, opportunities, or resources that other successful people seem to have. Don’t worry. The fact is that most people start off with few advantages. The story of most successful people is the story of people who started with nothing and did something worthwhile with their lives.

I used to feel sorry for myself because I entered my twenties with no money and a limited education. Then I learned that most people start off with little or no money. If they do get a good education, most of it turns out to be largely useless in the real world once they get out of school.

Then I felt sorry for myself because I had no natural talents ccc_tracy_5_77-89.qxd 6/23/03 2:47 PM Page 87

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to help me, and I couldn’t find a good job. I soon learned that most people start off in the same boat. Most people try and fail at a lot of things before they find the right situation for their talents and abilities.

The fact is that everything you ever achieve you are going to have to do
. No one is going to do it for you. But if you keep learning and growing, trying lots of things, you will eventually get the breaks. Everyone does. Just remember that opportunities are like a fumble in a football game. If you don’t personally pick up the ball and run with it, it just lies there and has no effect on the score.

When you get your chance, take action on it immediately.


We are living in a wonderful world today, probably the best period in all of human history. You are surrounded by more opportunities and possibilities to achieve your dreams than have ever existed before. There are no limits to what you can accomplish except for the limits that you put on yourself with your own thinking.

The feeling of learned helplessness and the lure of the comfort zone are the two major mental obstacles to changing your thinking, dreaming big dreams, and setting big goals for yourself.

The way to overcome fear and ignorance is with desire and knowledge. The two qualities that flow out of intense desire and increased knowledge are the courage and the confidence you need to do whatever is necessary to achieve anything you really want.

You translate your dreams into concrete realities by turning them into goals. You decide exactly what you want, write it down, set a deadline, and determine the efforts you are going to have to make to achieve it. Make written plans of action to achieve your goal and then do something every day to move toward it. Resolve in advance that you will never, ever give up.


Mark Twain once wrote,
“There are a thousand excuses for failure, but
never a good reason.”

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When I stopped making excuses, I started making progress.

When I stopped blaming other people and feeling sorry for myself, I began thinking about specific actions I could take to improve my situation. When I began to set goals and make plans for their accomplishment, I felt in control of my life and my future. When I began learning what I needed to know to achieve my goals, I felt more confident and competent in other parts of my life as well. And as I began achieving my goals, one by one, just as you will achieve yours, my thinking changed completely.

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