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Authors: Whitesell

Chapter One (11 page)

BOOK: Chapter One
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the barrier. Seth held her, caressed her hair, stopped his own

“Yes,” she answered without hesitation, bucking back movements as she adjusted to Mike’s cock inside her. She against his cock. He responded by fucking her ass harder.

waited while her body accommodated Mike’s length, savoring And then she was flying over the edge and couldn’t each pulsing sensation. Mike slid every inch slowly inside her, hold it back.

vibrations pounding throughout her body. Her pussy gripped

“Oh, I’m coming!” She didn’t know what to do to stop Seth’s cock harder as Mike pushed her vaginal walls deeper it, but the feeling of being filled, of knowing they were all but around Seth. Her clit banged Seth’s skin every time Mike fucking each other, was a fantasy that sent her reeling. Her clit withdrew a bit. And her ass was filled with glorious inches of exploded and she screamed, tightening around them as she Mike’s cock.

writhed and clenched and fucked back against them. They both This was really happening. She was really being double moved then, furiously pumping against her, one in, one back, fucked. God, she wished she had this on video so she could their rhythm taking her from orgasm to peak again, her own masturbate to it over and over again. It was so much better than moisture keeping her right with them as she continued with one doing it herself with dildos. Real cocks, warm, pulsing flesh, aftershock after another.


Jaci Burton/
Wild, Wicked & Wanton
/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

It was like falling into a black hole of sensation and she couldn’t speak, just fucked them both like a wild woman, scratching at Seth’s chest. Mike leaned over her, burying his cock deep in her ass, biting the nape of her neck and growling as he pistoned his cock with hard, punishing thrusts.

She didn’t care. She wanted the pain, wanted to come again. When she did, her scream was even louder. She reared back this time, pushing off Seth’s chest to reach back for Mike, turning her head to the side to devour his lips with her own.

She must have bitten him, because she tasted blood. He growled and laughed, the sound dark and demonic. He grabbed her breasts, pinching her nipples and then shuddered against her, cursing as he came.

Beneath her, Seth gripped her hips hard, his fingers digging into her flesh as he pushed her down on his cock. She tore her mouth from Mike’s and stared down at him, at his face so lost in pleasure it nearly hurt to watch him as he came, bucking wildly against her, thrusting his hips up and thrashing underneath her.

Panting, she could barely move. She was covered in sweat, knew she looked a wreck, and had never felt so womanly, so wild, or so satiated in her entire life. Exhaustion took hold, and she hung there limply while Mike withdrew and pulled her off Seth. They took her into the shower and cleaned her up, dried her off and tucked her into bed, but she was only vaguely aware of any of it, just grateful for the blissful darkness as the light was turned off.

A warm body nestled in on either side of her, and she smiled as she drifted off to sleep, thinking a girl could get used to this.


Jaci Burton/
Wild, Wicked & Wanton
/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

appeared, then disappeared as he rolled from side to side. She sighed with utter contentment at the vision he presented.

She really liked this whole naked thing. Especially when two gorgeous men paraded unclothed around her.

When he reached the far edge, he dove down and disappeared. Abby waited. And waited some more. Concerned, Chapter Nine

she stepped through the open door and walked outside to the edge of the pool, peering down into the clear water.

Abby woke to sunlight streaming into the room and Okay, he’d been under a really long time.

shining on her face. And warmth.

Seth bobbed up just as she was about to set down her And a very large, very empty bed.

cup and dive in after him, his head appearing right at her feet.

A bed that wasn’t hers. She shot straight up,

“Mornin’ beautiful.”

momentarily disoriented. Then it all came rushing back to her Relief flooded her. “I thought you had drowned.”

and she pushed her hair off her face.

He grinned. “I’m touched by your concern.” He lifted Oh yeah. This was Mike’s bed. Where she’d had really his arms out of the water and placed them on the edge of the wild sex last night. With two amazing men.

pool. “Were you watching me?”

She’d done it. She’d freed herself from the last vestiges

“Yes. From the doorway.”

of being Chad’s boring, dutiful, stupid ex-wife. For the first

“I was on the swim team in college. Don’t worry, I can time she felt like an independent, sexual woman. All in all, she go down for a long time.”

felt pretty damn worldly now.

Go down.
The words heated her core in ways that had With a satisfied half-grin, she lifted her arms over her nothing to do with swimming. She would have thought after head, stretched and yawned, then slipped off the edge and last night’s events the farthest thing from her mind would be padded down the hall in search of her sex buddies.

sex. She was sore in places that hadn’t been used in…well, Nobody in the kitchen, but she spotted a pot of coffee ever. But it was a well satisfied soreness.

that got her eyes popping open in a hurry. And an empty cup.

“Come in here with me.”

She poured a cup and went to the back door, where she saw A morning swim did sound heavenly. “Okay.”

Seth was swimming laps in the pool.

She set her cup on a nearby table and dove in the deep Naked, of course. She leaned against the door and end. The water was cool and refreshing, clearing away the last sipped her coffee, content to watch Seth’s powerful body slice of the cobwebs from her mind. Seth met her in the middle of through the water. The morning sun rlected off the surface of the pool and they surfaced together.

the pool, casting his body in a golden glow. His taut buttocks 50

Jaci Burton/
Wild, Wicked & Wanton
/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

She pushed her hair back, blinking the water out of her He kissed her, and this time it was sweet as he savored eyes. “Where’s Mike?”

her lips with slow, measured kisses that felt…emotional.

“He went to the hospital to check on the dog he Abby’s heart clenched, her stomach tumbling at the way he operated on yesterday. He’ll be back in a bit.” Seth wrapped held her, touched her, his mouth moving over her in tender his arms around Abby’s waist, drawing her against him. “But caresses.

for now, we’re alone.”

When he pulled away, his gaze was so intense she held In the water she was buoyant so it was easy to wrap her her breath.

legs around Seth’s waist. Her pussy made immediate contact

“Abby, I need to say something here—”

with one very hard dick. She grinned and twined her arms

“Have you two been fucking without me this morning?”

around his neck. “Yes, as a matter of fact, we are. What are She jerked her head up and stared into the harsh you going to do about that?”

sunlight. Mike’s form was shadowed, tall and imposing against His eyes went dark and his normally carefree and easy the bright light. “Hey.”

grin died, replaced by a look so intense it sent thick heat

“Hell yes we were fucking without you,” Seth replied, pooling between her legs. “I’m going to fuck you. Hard. Right pushing away from her and pulling himself out of the water.

here.” He walked across the pool until her back hit the edge.

“You didn’t think I was going to wait for you, did you?” He His cock was inside her before she could take a breath.

grabbed a towel and dried himself off.

The feel of his naked cock inside her was so wildly Abby wondered what Seth had been about to say to her erotic she let out a strangled cry and surged upward. His eyes before Mike interrupted. From the serious look on his face, it widened and then he grinned as she came apart around him, her seemed as if it was something important.

orgasm hitting them both by surprise.

“No, I guess you weren’t going to wait. Hell, I wouldn’t She’d never come this fast. It just wasn’t in her to do have, either,” Mike said, winking at Abby.

so, yet she climaxed with a sharp, intense burst of pleasure that She smiled and reached for Mike’s extended hand. He rocketed her into his arms. His mouth covered hers, his tongue hauled her out of the pool and handed her a towel.

plunging inside her as he thrust so hard her back scraped the

“You look like a mermaid, all wet and freshly fucked.”

pool edge. She welcomed the pain, enjoyed his groaning She giggled. “Well, thanks.” He was dressed in jeans orgasm almost as much as her own.

and a polo shirt. “How’s the patient?”

They panted together for a few seconds, then Seth

“Doing fine. I brought breakfast. You hungry?”


She followed him into the kitchen. “Starving. And, uh,

“That was a quickie,” he murmured against her neck.

naked. I need to take a shower and get dressed.”

Abby laughed and leaned back, grinning at him. “But a

“Toss on one of my T-shirts for now. Top drawer of the great quickie.”



Jaci Burton/
Wild, Wicked & Wanton
/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

After a quick shower, she pulled on one of Mike’s They stared at her expectantly. But why?

oversized T-shirts that was so big it fit her like a dress,
Because it’s chess and it’s your move, idiot.

skimming the top of her knees. When she walked back into the Wow. This was awkward. How was she going to handle kitchen, Mike had set out warm croissants with jelly, juice and this?
Uhh, thanks for the great ménage guys. Best fuck of my
another steaming cup of coffee. Mike and Seth both looked up
Nah, too cold. And she felt way too warm and cozy inside from the kitchen table with a look of hunger in their eyes as to make it sound so…unemotional.

they watched her walk in.

But what, really, did emotion have to do with it?

Geez, her hair was a mess, damp and uncombed and she Sometimes the best move was just to concede defeat.

had on one of Mike’s T-shirts that was ten sizes too large for Admittedly, last night was all about fantasy and role playing. In her. She was hardly a walking advertisement for sexy.

the harsh light of morning, she was still Abby Lawson and she Figuring their hunger had to be for the food on the had no idea how to handle two gorgeous, virile men who stared table, she grabbed a croissant and a chair and dug in. Her at her with expectation on their faces.

stomach growled a loud complaint at the delicious scents.

“Let me clean this up, then I’ll…get dressed. I have so Obviously, copious hours of sex worked up an appetite.

much to do at home.” She bent her head to her task, swiping After she’d satisfied her appetite for food, she away the napkins and plates and remnants of breakfast, hoping wondered what was going to happen next. The only clothing to hell neither of them spoke or, God forbid, moved from their she had with her was the skin tight dress from last night. And chairs.

while she was loath to end this magical fantasy, like Cinderella, Last night’s bravado had fled. In its place, her the clock had struck midnight and the ball was over. It was customary sheer terror. She was so out of her league here.

time to turn back into dreary old Abby and return to the Tongue tied and nervous, her hands shook as she emptied the drudgery that was her normal life.

garbage in the compactor, then rinsed the dishes and piled them

“I need a ride home,” she said as she downed the last in the empty dishwasher.

sip of orange juice.


“I can drop you off,” Seth offered. “I have some She froze at the sound of Mike’s low voice behind her, paperwork at the office.”

not even realizing he had snuck up behind her. When he snaked


an arm around her waist, she jumped and whirled around.

Mike leaned back in his chair and smiled at her while

“Damn, woman. You’re tense this morning.”

he sipped his coffee. Seth did the same thing. She suddenly felt Blowing an errant hair out of her face, she smiled as if she was on a stage, the first act in a comedy show, and she brightly, hoping to mask her discomfort. “Sorry. Just thinking was about to get the hook because she couldn’t think of a damn about my to do list. I have a final paper due in a few days and thing to say.

need to get started on it.”


Jaci Burton/
Wild, Wicked & Wanton
/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

“What’s wrong?”

He lifted the T-shirt she wore, cupping her bare pussy Casting a look toward the table out of the corner of her with his big hand. She arched into his touch, mindless of their eye, she realized Seth had left the kitchen. “Nothing’s wrong.”

location and not even caring if Seth was going to walk in.

Other than the fact your nearness makes me realize I have no

“You’re so fucking wet already, Abby. You want my
idea what I’m doing.
She needed to get out of there.

dick in your pussy?”

“Your heart’s beating like a racehorse at the end of a

“You know I do. Fuck me.” She spread her legs, quarter mile. Calm down and tell me what’s the matter.”

chewing her bottom lip while he unzipped his jeans and jerked She was staring at his chest, realizing her breasts were them partially down, freeing his dick. He cupped her buttocks flattened against the hard planes of his pecs. No wonder he felt with one hand and lifted her, impaling her on his cock.

her heart hammering. She inhaled deeply, which only filled her She slid onto him, discarding the thought that she could senses with the crisp scent of whatever soap he used. She be so easily taken by either of these men, that they could snap wanted to bury her nose in his neck, wrap her legs around him their fingers and she was wet and ready for them. Right now and beg him to fuck her again, wanted to deny her reality and she didn’t give a shit. She was being fucked and loving it.

BOOK: Chapter One
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