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Authors: Whitesell

Chapter One (13 page)

BOOK: Chapter One
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and Seth.

Did she even have to?

Maybe she should still be with them. Did she make a She didn’t want to think about it right now. Too many mistake by running out on them so quickly?

thoughts and conflicting emotions were trying to fight for supremacy. She didn’t know how she felt.


Jaci Burton/
Wild, Wicked & Wanton
/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

No. She hadn’t made a mistake. She’d done exactly

“Glad you think so.” He held out his hand, tilted his what she wanted to do—had a magnificent night with two head down and cast her his best smoldering Elvis look. “Let’s amazing men. And made a graceful exit after it was over.

go rock and roll, baby.”

Her doorbell rang and her heart leaped, excitement pumping adrenaline through her system. Seth was here!

The club was definitely rocking by the time they got Smoothing her dress, she opened the door and let out a there. Decorated like a high school prom with streamers and sigh of pure feminine appreciation.

balloons and a band playing all her favorite oldies songs. Seth He wore jeans and a dark blue polo shirt, unbuttoned, had grabbed hot dogs and fries for both of them and they sat at revealing a smooth expanse of his chest. She inhaled and a table and ate, laughing at some of the clothes people were caught the clean scent of freshly showered man. Damn, that dressed up in. Anything from rolled up jeans to early hippie smell was always so sexy.

garb was the theme of the night.

“Hi,” she said, moving to the side to let him in.

She’d thought about changing clothes, but Seth

“Hi yourself. You look gorgeous.” He stepped in and wouldn’t let her. He’d told her she looked comfortable and gathered her in his arms. She went willingly, realizing how sexy and he liked the feel of her in her dress.

much she’d missed him in the few hours they’d been apart. His How could she argue with him after he’d complimented lips caught hers in a warm, gentle kiss, his tongue probing her like that?

softly as he moved his mouth over hers. She melted into his

“Thirsty?” he asked.

embrace, right there at her front door. It was like something out


of a romance movie where the hero takes the heroine into his


arms and kisses her senseless.

She arched a teasing brow and mockingly gasped.

That’s how she felt whenever Seth was around—

“What? No champagne tonight?”


He shrugged. “Doesn’t go with hot dogs. And frankly, He broke the kiss and stepped back. “I guess I’d better I’m a beer kind of guy.”

stop that or we may never get out of here tonight.”

She was falling madly in love with him. “A guy after And that was a bad thing? “If you insist. Where are we my own heart. I’d love one.”


He grinned. “I’ll be right back.” He disappeared into

“If you don’t mind a repeat of the club, there’s a fifties the throng of people milling about. Abby couldn’t believe the and sixties band playing tonight. They’re doing hot dogs and number of people here. And Seth had told her events like this hamburgers and fries. We’ll eat and do some dancing.”

always brought a huge crowd.

“Oh! I love that era. It sounds fun.”

“Fancy meeting you here.”


Jaci Burton/
Wild, Wicked & Wanton
/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

Her gaze shot up at Mike’s deep voice. “Mike! What But when his fingers began to creep inside her dress, are you doing here?”

she placed her hand over his.

He arched a brow and pulled up a chair. “I’m a

“Mike, I…don’t think that’s a good idea.”


He moved his hand away and shrugged. “If you say so.

“Oh. Of course. I didn’t mean it like that.” Flames of But I really don’t think Seth will mind. We share all the time.

embarrassment licked at her face. She felt as if she’d been We shared you last night.”

caught doing something she shouldn’t. But he knew damn well

“That was last night, buddy. Tonight, I do mind.”

she was going out with Seth tonight, so why should she feel Seth stood at their table with two beers in his hand, guilty?

looking not at all happy to see his best friend and partner.

“Having fun?”

She clasped her hands in her lap and forced the guilt Mike was probably right. Seth shouldn’t care that Mike demons away. “So far, yes. We had hot dogs. Seth is getting us had shown up tonight, that he’d slipped his hand up Abby’s beer.” And she felt stilted and nervous around him. But why?

dress, that he was fondling her in a way that normally would

“Good. You look beautiful. Your legs look sexy as hell excite him just to watch.

in that dress.” His fingers brushed the edge of her hem, just But goddammit…he did care. More than he wanted to.

lightly grazing her skin, and she jumped.

In fact, seething anger made him place the bottles of beer Holy shit! Now what was she supposed to do? Her body carefully on the table and take a couple deep breaths before he fired up under his touch, her pussy responding with a familiar said or did something that would cause irreparable harm to ache of wanting. And she recognized it for what it was: purely their friendship or partnership.

physical response. What woman wouldn’t react to attention

“You’re not serious.” Mike had a look of incredulity on from Mike? He was hands down one of the most dynamic, his face that Seth found laughable. If the tables were turned, handsome and compelling men she’d ever met. The kind of would Mike react in the same way?

man that made a woman’s head turn. The kind that made a No. Of course Mike wouldn’t think anything of it. Mike woman look twice. No, three times. And when a man like Mike never formed emotional attachments to women. Mike didn’t Nottingham gave you attention, you wanted to start pulling care about Abby. And that’s where the difference was. Because your clothes off for him. He was that charismatic.

like it or not, Seth did.

But she was on a date with Seth! She wasn’t supposed

“Mike, let’s talk. Outside.”

to see Mike tonight.

“Hey, you two. I’m sorry if I caused any—”

Now tell that to her body, which was jumping up and

“You didn’t do anything wrong, Abby,” Seth said, down in enthusiastic response to being near him.

keeping his attention on Mike.


Jaci Burton/
Wild, Wicked & Wanton
/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

Mike arched a brow. “And I did? Come on, man. You Mike shoved his hands in his jeans and shrugged. “It know better.”

doesn’t have to be.”

“Outside, Mike. Now.”

“Maybe not for you. Goddammit, Mike, I don’t want

“Sure,” he said with a shrug. He scooted his chair back you to see her!”

and looked at Abby. “I’ll be right back.”

“But I’m going to. If she agrees. I’m sorry, Seth.”

No, Mike. You won’t.

“Fine. But if I happen to see the two of you when The sultry summer heat slapped Seth in the face as soon you’re out, I won’t muscle in on your date.”

as he opened the door, doing nothing to assuage his lingering Mike nodded. “You got me there. I’m sorry, man.

frustration. He dragged his fingers through his hair and turned You’re right. I overstepped and I shouldn’t have. I’ll see you at to Mike as soon as the door closed.

work, buddy.” He held out his hand, and Seth took it.

“I want you to leave Abby alone.”

“Thanks. I’ll see you at work.”

Mike’s eyes widened. “Where did this come from? Last He watched Mike walk away, then went back inside.

night it was fine for both of us to play with her.”

Abby looked like a deer caught in the headlights at the start of

“That was last night.”

hunting season. “It’s okay. He’s gone.”

“I don’t think you get to make that decision, man.

She turned to face him. “I’m so sorry. I just didn’t That’s Abby’s call.”

know what to say.”

The rational part of him knew that, the voice inside him He pulled her chair closer, fitting her knees between his telling him it wasn’t his choice to make. But he wasn’t exactly outstretched legs. “It’s complicated for all of us. I understand.

thinking rationally right now. “I care about her, Mike.”

And so does Mike.” Tucking a piece of errant hair behind her

“So do I. Do you think I don’t?”

ear, he said, “If I had it my way, I’d keep you all to myself.”

“Why are you here tonight?”

Her eyes widened. “You would?”

Mike looked around the parking lot, turning his head

“Yeah. What do you think about that?”

from side to side. Anywhere but meeting Seth’s gaze. He She grabbed her bottom lip with her teeth, then let go.

shrugged, then finally looked at him. “Nothing else to do.

“I don’t know. This weekend has been a wild rush and I don’t Thought I’d check out the party.”

know what to make of all of it, Seth. I don’t know how to

“You knew I was going to bring Abby here.”

answer that just yet.”

Rolling his eyes, Mike said, “Oh, so now I’m psychic?

He bent in and pressed his lips to hers. “Fair enough.

How the hell was I supposed to know you were going to bring How about a dance?”

her here? Should I have called you first before I came here?”

She tilted her head and grinned as the familiar strains of Shit. Mike was right. He didn’t know Seth was bringing

“Unchained Melody” began to play. “And they’re playing my Abby here tonight. “This is going to be complicated.”

favorite love song.”


Jaci Burton/
Wild, Wicked & Wanton
/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

“Then my timing is perfect, isn’t it?” He stood and held Despite the crowded dance floor and people bumping out his hand.

into them left and right, to Abby, they were the only two Abby loved this song. Seth pulled her into his arms and people in the room. Seth made her forget there was anyone else against his body, his warmth erasing all the tension of a few around them. “I like it too.”

moments ago. She had no idea what went down between Mike

“Do you know your lips part and you breathe through and him outside, but he didn’t seem angry at all, so they must your mouth when you’re aroused?”

have worked it out. Either way, she was relieved not to be She arched a brow. “I do?”

caught in the middle anymore.

“Yeah. And you tug on your lower lip when you’re Now she could enjoy her time with one man. The other thinking about something. Or you’re nervous.”

one she’d worry about later.

“I do not.”

And this particular man was a great dancer. He twirled

“Yeah you do. And it makes me want to take that pouty her around the floor, dipping her, turning her, holding her tight little lip between my teeth and bite it.”

against his muscular body and leading her like a master.

Desire flooded between her legs, her nipples hardening.

“Where did you learn to dance?”

She realized just then that her lips were parted, and she smiled.

“My mother insisted we take lessons when we were

“I want you, Abby.”

kids. I loathed them at the time. But now I can see the He bent her over his arm, then righted her, insinuating benefits.”

his hard cock between her legs. She gasped at the exquisite When his hand pressed into the small of her back, sensation. Between her thin panties and the silk sundress, there driving her toward his thigh, her eyes widened. “You’re wasn’t much fabric between her clit and his erection. “Then get exceptionally good at it. I’m putty in your hands.”

me out of here and fuck me,” she whispered.

“Does that mean you’ll do anything I ask?”

They were out of the club in less than two minutes. Seth

“Depends on what it is. You have something particular tore out of the parking lot and onto the main road, nearly in mind?”

breaking speed records in his haste to get wherever they were The band moved from one slow song to another, so going.

they kept dancing. She liked being in Seth’s arms. It Abby damn near hyperventilated the entire way, her felt…right, somehow. They fit together perfectly.

body on fire with need for him. She would have thought after

“I have lots of things in mind.”

last night she’d be sated, but that wasn’t the case at all. It was

“For example?”

like a dam had burst inside her and she was flooded with the

“Spending the evening with you alone for starters. I like desire to fuck.


Fortunately, Seth didn’t live far out of town. He pulled into a long driveway in front of a modest two-story home, shut 62

Jaci Burton/
Wild, Wicked & Wanton
/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

off the ignition and pulled Abby toward him, ravaging her

“Fuck!” He jerked her leg over his hip, then positioned mouth with a kiss that spoke of building passion. As soon as he his cock at the entrance of her pussy, driving inside her hard.

broke the kiss, she unbuckled her seat belt and reached for the She cried out at the pleasurable pain of his invasion.

door handle, hurrying to get out of the car. There was no time Wet and ready for him, her pussy gripped his shaft, to wait for chivalrous behavior like him coming around to her squeezing, pulsing around him as he reared back and plunged side. She wanted in his house and in his pants.

again, giving her exactly what she’d been craving ever since he He fumbled with his keys in the dark, then dropped pulled her onto the dance floor. She bit down on the pad of his them, and they both attempted to choke back their giggles like thumb, then sucked it again.

a couple of kids trying to avoid being caught smooching at the

“Ah, baby, that makes me crazy when you do that. It’s front door. When he finally got the door open, he yanked her like sucking and fucking me at the same time.” He gripped her inside, then slammed it shut behind him, pushing her against ass and squeezed it, holding her tight against the door as he the door and covering her body with his.

BOOK: Chapter One
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