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Authors: Whitesell

Chapter One (34 page)

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gripping her hips tight and shooting come deep as the waves of 158

Jaci Burton/
Wild, Wicked & Wanton
/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

her climax milked his cock with solid pulses until he thought his legs might give out from the sheer pleasure of it.

“Dear, God, I’m exhausted,” she said as they finally settled. She pulled away and turned to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and planting her lips over his mouth. Her kisses were soft, sweeping against his lips in such gentle slow motions that he finally began to feel the exhaustion of the night.

He turned off the shower and stepped out, reached for two towels and handed her one. They dried off and Callie dried her hair until it fell in soft, curling waves. As she moved around his bathroom, he heard her sigh several times. Deep, contented sighs.

He liked the sound. But she was tired. So was he. He led her to his bed and they climbed in. Jack realized he’d never once had a woman in his bed before. Not to spend the night anyway.

Having Callie here felt right. He pulled her against him and she threw her leg over his hip and rested her head on his shoulder. Within minutes, she was asleep.

Yeah, it felt right. Perfect. He could get used to having her around.

One night with her and he was already comfortable with her in his bed, staying the night. Scary thought, but hey, when it was right, it was right.

And Callie was the right woman for him.


Jaci Burton/
Wild, Wicked & Wanton
/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

He snorted. “Not quite like that. It’s not a bondage club, Callie. It’s a sex club. Think of it as a nightclub. Music, dancing, people milling about. They just got a little further than that. There are multiple rooms were sexual activity occurs beyond the main room where everyone mingles. And anyone who’s interested can go to these rooms and do whatever they Chapter Five

want to do.”

Curious, she arched a brow. “Whatever?”

“A sex club?” Callie’s eyes widened.

“Yeah. You interested?”

“Yeah. You ever been to one?”

Interested? Definitely. A little nervous? Beyond that.

She shook her head, not sure what to make of Jack’s But after what they’d done last night, how could she turn down proposal. After sleeping in his arms last night, they’d gotten a sex club? She didn’t want Jack to think she wasn’t up, had breakfast and she’d put on her dress, then Jack drove adventurous, so she nodded. “Of course. I’d love to. What time her home so she could change clothes and pack a few things.

do we go?”

They’d spent the day tooling around Silverwood, had a picnic lunch at Rosewood Park pavilion and even played on the By nine o’clock Callie was almost hyperventilating.

swings. Now they were back at his place, hiding out from the She’d dressed in a short skirt and body hugging top, spiky late afternoon heat.

heels and put her hair up. She felt sexy, wanton and ready to And Jack had just suggested they go to a sex club. “No, rock and roll.

I’ve never been to one. I didn’t even know Silverwood had That she was beyond nervous just meant she was those kinds of places.” God, she sounded so conservative.

excited. It had nothing to do with being completely out of her

“What do they do there?”

element. She trusted Jack, she really did, even though she had

“They have sex, babe. What do you think they do no idea what kind of place this sex club was.


The club looked rather unassuming from the outside. A They were sitting in the living room having a cocktail.

plain two story building with a neon sign that said Come As Callie took a long gulp of the chilled wine, shocked to her toes You Are on the front, it looked like a bar or a nightclub. The to discover there was a sex club in town. Talk about living a only indicator of privacy were the two burly guards at the sheltered life. And now she felt naive. “Well I guess they do roped off double doored entrance.

have sex, that’s why they call it a sex club. I mean specifically.

Jack gave his name and one of the guys checked his I’ve got this visual of leather and whips and chains secured to clipboard, nodded, then opened the doors for them. Okay, so the wall.”

was he a regular here, or did he just call ahead for reservations?


Jaci Burton/
Wild, Wicked & Wanton
/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

She knew nothing about this kind of thing. And she wasn’t with the beat of a fast song, heedless of anyone but each other.

about to ask. Callie held her breath as Jack grabbed her hand That was cool. And the way the women were dressed—clingy, and they walked inside.

some nearly transparent outfits, others with skirts so short the They entered a big room, kind of like the ballroom at rounded bottoms of their butt cheeks were visible. Men had the club, with intimate tables for two and four. Two bars were their hands all over the women, grabbing their asses while they set up on either side of the room with a dance floor in the danced, the couples rubbing their crotches together.

middle. It was dark, with a sexy, smoky atmosphere and music Apparently anything goes tonight. She loved watching playing in the background, but not so loud that people couldn’t the way the couples gyrated on the dance floor, their gazes talk over it.

locked together, ignoring the other people watching them. Did At first guess Callie would estimate about fifty people they get off knowing people were staring? Callie would, felt wandering around. Pretty good sized crowd. She’d expected the tingle of excitement down her spine at the thought of her everyone to stop and stare at them as they came in. No one did.

and Jack getting down on the dance floor while others watched.

There were some couples, a few singles, and everyone milling Would he touch her that intimately, rub his cock against her about with drinks in their hands, talking in groups, and pussy, drive his thigh between her legs? Her pussy dampened completely ignoring her and Jack’s entrance.

at the mental visual.

Not being a spectacle helped ease her nervousness. A

“Like watching?”

little. Still, she clung to Jack’s hand, part of her worried some She slanted a smile at Jack. “You know I do.”

guy was going to come along and drag her away to a private

“That’s why I brought you tonight. Thought you might room. Though even thinking that made her feel stupid. Jack enjoy the sights. It gets better.”

would never let that happen.

“You’ve been here before?”

“Want a drink?” Jack asked.

He drained his glass and set it on the table “Couple She nodded, swallowing through the desert in her times.”

throat. “Love one.”

“Alone or did you bring someone?” Dammit. She They stepped up to the bar and Jack bought them both shouldn’t have asked that. It was none of her business.

cocktails. She latched onto hers and took a couple quick gulps

“Once with a couple buddies of mine. Once alone, just of the rum and coke, then forced herself to slow down. Falling to observe. I like to watch, too, you know.”

down drunk wouldn’t help her tonight. Why the hell was she so Good. She didn’t know why, but she liked knowing he scared? Nothing bad wasn’t going to happen to her tonight. She hadn’t brought another woman here before.

trusted Jack. She had to keep reminding herself of that.

“So what happens tonight?”

There was music playing. Contemporary dance music.

He slipped an arm around her waist. “Anything we Several couples were out in the middle of the floor moving want to happen. Let’s go exploring.”


Jaci Burton/
Wild, Wicked & Wanton
/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007


fast before someone came by. “I’m a voyeur and an Jack led her through the room. Callie tried not to, but exhibitionist. I like to watch and I enjoy having sex in public.

she couldn’t help gaping at all the people, not really knowing I’m not into orgies.”

whether to smile, nod, strike up conversation or just pretend She tensed, waiting for his reaction.

she didn’t even see them kissing and groping each other at the He frowned, then his eyes widened and he shook his tables. They were doing a hell of a lot more than just holding head. “Oh, no babe! This place isn’t like that at all. Did you hands. There was kissing at one table. At another a woman had think I brought you here for some kind of swapping party?”

her hand in a man’s crotch, rubbing his cock through his pants.

She shrugged. “I didn’t know.”

Another woman at the same table had her partner’s fly

“Shit.” He dragged his hand through his hair. “Not at unzipped and was going down on his dick. At another table, all. That’s not what these parties are about.”

one man massaged a woman’s breasts through her silk blouse.

Okay, now she felt stupid. She looked down at the floor A few people looked up as she and Jack walked by.

and wished she’d kept her mouth shut, feeling unsophisticated One guy gave her the look. The one guys sometimes give a and naïve.

woman, where they look you up and down from head to toe

“Callie, look at me.”

like you’re a piece of meat. Callie didn’t care for that guy and With great reluctance she did, and read only concern on hoped Jack didn’t want to have anything to do with him.

his face.

The sexual activity in the room was heating up. And He picked up her hands in his. “I’m sorry, Callie. I Callie was growing more nervous, because it seemed like she didn’t explain this very well, did I? The sex club is very open and Jack were the only ones not doing anything hot and heavy.

and inviting, and there
orgies for those who want to Then again, he was probably feeding off her signals and right participate in them. But the only reason I brought you here was now she was stiff as a board.

to watch, not to participate. It’s a great place for a voyeur What the hell was wrong with her, anyway? This was a because there’s so much to see.”

voyeur’s paradise. Some wanton woman she was.

“Oh.” Of course. Why didn’t she think of that?

Okay, it was time to come clean with Jack, because

“I don’t share what’s mine.”

until she did, neither of them were going to be able to enjoy the Her gaze shot to his. “What?”


“I won’t mind fucking you knowing other people might She paused, placed her hand on his chest and said, “I watch. It gets me hot knowing some other guy is thinking how need to talk to you.”

gorgeous and sexy you are. But no one, and I mean no one, will He tilted his head, then nodded. “Sure.”

touch you. You’re mine and I don’t share my woman. Got it?”

She took his hand and led him outside the room to a His woman. He’d called her his woman. She thrilled to quiet hallway. No one else was around, so she had to spill this his words, though she wasn’t sure what they really meant. Was 162

Jaci Burton/
Wild, Wicked & Wanton
/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

she his woman? Hesitating to broach the subject any further, pussies. Callie paused, watching them. She’d never seen a she said, “I like the sound of that.”

woman go down on another woman before. Her heart began to

“Nothing will happen tonight that you don’t want to pump wildly against her chest as she watched how a woman happen. I only brought you here to watch, thought you’d enjoy licked another woman’s pussy, the slow way she lapped up and it. If all we do is wander around and ogle, that’ll be fine. And if down the women’s slits, how she gently slid her fingers into you’re uncomfortable, we can leave right now.”

one woman’s cunt and finger fucked her while she sucked the

“I’m not uncomfortable, Jack.” Now that she knew other woman’s clit.

what wasn’t going to be expected of her, she relaxed, mentally

“You want to stay and watch that?” Jack asked.

kicking herself for even thinking for a second that Jack would

“No, we can move on.” There was too much to see to put her in any kind of awkward ot precarious position. So much linger in one place. Callie was curious about what was going for having faith in him. She should have known better. “I’m on in the other rooms.

sorry I even hesitated, or thought what might be going on here, Jack led them past that area and down a wide, thickly or what your expectations were.”

carpeted hallway. He stopped at the first door and turned the He reached up to trace his thumb over her bottom lip.

knob, letting Callie enter first.

She shivered in reaction to his touch, her body warming with It was another big room, with stairs leading down to a liquid heat. “It’s my fault for not explaining it to you in detail two way mirror. There were a half dozen people on their side before we came here. I’m an asshole.”

of the mirror, watching what was happening on the other side.

She laughed. “You are not.”

“This is one of the rooms for voyeurs,” he whispered

“You want to get out of here?”

behind her as he closed the door and laid his palm on the small

“No. I want to see what everyone’s doing.”

of her back, directing her into the room. “Go on in and find a He frowned. “You sure?”

spot where we can watch.”

“Yes.” And she really meant it this time. Excitement Pinpricks of excitement tingled down her spine as she drilled down deep, the idea of watching other people fuck caught a glimpse of the activity on the other side of the mirror.

sparking anticipation of the night to come. “Lead the way.”

She walked down the stairs and toward the mirror, paused in

“Let me show you what goes on in some of the upstairs front of it, unable to take her eyes off the activity on the other rooms,” he said, tucking her hand in his arm and leading her up side of the mirror. She barely even noticed the other people in the stairs.

the room with her and Jack.

Upstairs led to another big room, a sitting area of sorts.

BOOK: Chapter One
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