Read Charity's Passion Online

Authors: Maya James

Charity's Passion (6 page)

BOOK: Charity's Passion
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Are you fucking kidding me?

I’d follow her eyes, but she’s not looking anywhere, not tipping off whoever she has caught the scent of. Such a deadly animal and all wrapped up in a pretty dress. Instead of looking around, I take her lead and keep my eyes to myself. If something is going to happen, I want to be right where Lena wants me. She maneuvers me effortlessly in front of her, sheltering me without looking like that’s what she’s doing. The wooden floor passes beneath my feet in a dizzy, fear-filled rush.

“Slower,” she whispers, “Don’t get ahead of me.”

I force my feet back under control, wishing I could do the same for my pulse. The rest of the girls are just waiting for us in the lobby not far away, their smiling faces anticipating us catching up with them. To me they look like the light at the end of a tunnel. If we can just make it to them, that’s all I can think right now.

Lena’s hand is lightly touching my back to control me. I’m sure it looks friendly to everyone else, but it’s protective and demanding until it suddenly falls away. “We’re fine,” she says calmly.

I feel my body relax as I take another step, the fear flooding out of me. “What was it? Who did you see?” I ask quickly, before we are too close to everyone else for her to answer.

“Just a guy. Maybe that’s was all he was, but I didn’t like how his eyes stayed on us,” she replies.

That’s enough for me. If it kicked off her spidey senses, than it was something to be afraid of. She just like Justin with that; neither of them goes off for no reason.

All I want to do now is get back to him, back to my love and protector, wondering at every moment when he’s going to ask me to marry him.



down when I step out on the balcony. Everywhere I look there are beautiful city lights beaming through the warm air as I wait for Justin to join me on the couch. Overhead, the speakers come on playing "
Marry You
" from Bruno Mars.

Really, that's the song that has to be playing right now?

He emerges out on the porch with two glasses of wine in his hands, passing me one of them. “Lena told you about lunch, the guy?” I ask.

Justin nods.

“Do you think it was Marker?” I push, wanting desperately to know his thoughts, to be in his head.

He takes a long gulp from his glass and swallows. I can hear his throat click. “I do,” he answers at last. “Lena knows the difference between a man that’s interested and one that’s hunting.”

“That’s what I thought too.”

The crispness of his white dress shirt makes the green of his eyes pop in the low light, as if they are glowing. I take a sip of my wine and admire his legs in his pants, the way they tighten up slightly around his thick thighs.

“So what do we do about it?” I ask.

“We keep waiting,” Justin says flatly. There is anger littered throughout his voice, but he remains standing like a rock in front of me, the slow breeze playing with his collar and the tails of his shirt. More wine passes his lips again. “If he’s watching us that close, he getting ready to make a move. You don’t do that, don’t risk getting caught, unless you’re ready to do something about it. But—“

His voice trails off, maybe regretting that he’s said anything at all.

“But what? Don’t leave it out there, Justin,” I tell him.

Another gulp and his glass is already getting low. “I wouldn’t have gotten as close as he did today. There’s no reason for it, unless he wants us to know he’s here,” Justin says.

That doesn’t make sense to me. “Why would he want us to know? What the hell is the point of that?”

“I’m not sure yet,” he admits.

I feel my body beginning to tremble. It starts in my stomach and radiates out from there. My hands shake uncontrollably; I need to be calmed.

As always, Justin knows exactly how to take care of me. His right hand gently rests on the side of my face around my ear, caressing me. As his thumb moves back and forth across my ear it controls my heartbeat, steadying me, making the pulse of my body slow to him. As his thumb moves slower, my hands settle and even though I hadn’t felt it become erratic before, my breathing becomes normal.

Once he knows he has me, his other hand tilts his wine down his throat and places his empty glass on the table. It comes to the other side of my head and grasps my hair just a touch past gently. “I want you to watch me take off all my clothes and then I want you to do the same.” Justin pulls my head back enough that he can lean forward and press his lips on mine.

My clit twitches madly.

He lets go of me and steps back with the cockiest smile spread across his face. It makes me gush into my panties. Now his hands are slowly moving through the buttons on his shirt, twisting each one free, exposing only a hint of the bulging undershirt beneath it until he pulls the shirt off his shoulders. The undershirt is sleeveless, and his defined shoulders ripple and beckon to me, asking that I lick each one of them. The warrior in me squeals as he grips the undershirt tightly and yanks it over his head. There are fucking muscles everywhere that I never get tired of seeing as he stands here in the night air in his pants and dress shoes, and when he unbuckles his belt he looks as if he might pull it off his waist and whack me with it.

Bigger gush!

He steps on his own heal and kicks a shoe off, then the other. He lifts his feet one at a time and removes his socks. My anticipation is at its highest. I can see the growing bulge in his pants and I want his cock out; I want to watch him stroke it for me, taken by his passion. Justin takes the top of his pants in hand and slips the button free. I can hear his zipper calling my mouth to it as he pulls it down. The pants fall easily to his ankles to display his very full boxers with the tip of his cock peering out over the top of them.

My legs cannot possibly grind together any tighter. My knees are actually hurting each other.

Both of his thumbs disappear into the waistband of his boxers and begin to pull them away from his body. Inch by inch of his wonderful hardness begins to appear in front of me until the underwear is tossed over to his pants.

“Now you,” he demands. “Take those fucking clothes off so that I can see your beautiful body again."

I put my glass down, stand up, and lift my shiny Rag & Bone tank over my head and Justin’s eyes take in my breasts as they bubble over the top of my bra. That makes my entire body flush with heat and desire, and it also makes his cock twitch. I slide my feet from my heels and undo my pants. When I take them down, I keep my hands tight against my thighs, rubbing them sensually for a show until I sit back on the couch and kick my pants off.

It works. Justin’s hand wraps around his hardness in an effort to control his animal. My clit is a persistently throbbing annoyance that cannot be ignored. I can feel its hardness demanding that either Justin touch it now, or I do. As I unclasp my bra, my stiff nipples burst into freedom and Justin strokes his manhood for me, teasing me. That’s all I can take. I rip my panties off wickedly and run my finger through my soaked labia, drawing the wetness up onto my hard trigger and flicking it stiffly so he can see the relief and joy on my face.

Suddenly his hand is on mine pulling it away. “Not until I tell you,” he demands. “You don’t touch a thing, not even yourself, unless I tell you to.”

I nod that I understand. My hand is still in his and he’s holding it up in the air close to him. Justin moves it to his cock and I feel its thickness running across my palm and he rocks his hips on me, fucking my hand without letting me grab it. “Don’t even twitch your fingers,” he says in a serious voice that holds my attention.

Throbbing! Throbbing! Fucking throbbing!

My other hands aches to get between my legs.

“Don’t grind your thighs,” he says, reading me.

He’s so fucking hot! My eyes are open wide trying to take him in. The flexing muscles of his thighs and the rolling of his deep voice bring on new gushing waves of wetness in my desperate groin.

“Lay back,” he orders, glaring through his sexy eyes. “Spread your arms and legs wide and don’t move a muscle—as if I have you tied down.”

Of course I do as he says. The night air rushes through my soaked folds and I feel sexy as hell submitting to him. I remember our first time together and leaving my shoes on, how it made me feel like some hot, slutty porn star. He still makes me feel that way, shoes or not, and I love it.

Justin flips open the toy chest and I turn my head to see. “I didn’t say you could move,” he says with a mix of teasing and honest domination. I drop my head back quickly, knowing it will be better, really better, if I don’t know what he’s doing. For the fun of it, he shows me what he’d grabbed first, a familiar pair of clamps attached to a silver chain. His wild and hungry eyes ignite as he clamps each one to my grateful nipples before returning out of my sight to the box.

Moments later I feel something smooth slipping into my warrior opening and vibrating wildly. I’m pretty sure he’s grabbed a G-spot wand, because it hits me right where I want it. “Holy Christ!” I shout.

Standing over me with a pleased grin, Justin’s right arm slowly moves forward and back fucking me with the toy at a torturous pace. It’s so good; so God damn good. His other hand tugs the chain between my breasts and my nipples scream in joy. My hips hump toward him on their own and the toy vanishes from me and he stands up.

“Did I tell you to do that?” He asks.

“Do what?”

“If you want to cum, you’ll do exactly what I tell you. I shouldn’t have to tie you up to get you to listen to me,” he says.

“Okay, I surrender,” I breathe to him, watching his wonderful smile.

He tossed the toy aside and slowly climbs over me, legs and arms straddling me everywhere, our flesh touching in teasing little accidents. Christ! His warm breath travels my body, legs, stomach, chest, neck, until he is fully mounted over me. He swoops his hips and I feel his impressive manhood push me open and enter me, making me gasp.

“Don’t move,” he reminds me.

I reply, pleading that I understand. “I promise—I won’t.”

Justin kisses my lips and cheek, moving to my neck as his body thrusts into me. It’s all I can do not to arch my body toward him or throw my arms around him and run my fingers over the tender skin of his back, but that need being denied makes it exciting. A few more thrust against me, and he pulls himself out and begins to slide back down me.

“Why are you stopping?” I plead. “Fuck me until I cum.”

He laughs at me and continues to slither down. Justin sticks his tongue out and stabs it into my bellybutton and then traces it down my abdomen and over my pubic mound when my heart begins to gallop like a loose horse now that I know what is coming. Screaming its consent, my clit sinks under the pressure of his tongue and then is sucked wickedly up into the vacuum of his mouth. Instinctively, my hands reach for his head to grab a wad of his hair and he quickly pulls away.

Grabbing one of my legs he half twists me and smacks my ass stiffly. “I guess you don’t want me to lick the cum out of you,” he chastises, giving my ass a second smack.

“I do,” I beg, “I’m sorry—I’ll try harder I promise.” I force my hands back out to each side.

Justin lets my leg down and eases two fingers into my pussy, stroking my insides with their tips. He grabs the wand, still on and vibrating away, and presses it up tight against my ass. The first sign of my orgasm appears, a thrilling pulse deep within me, as his mouth finally returns and sucks my clit back into its warmth. I never can take it when he does this. The stimulation is everywhere.

I take it as long as I can, moaning like an injured warrior on the battlefield, but eventually my hips hump at his face all on their own again. As promised he takes all the pleasure away, my orgasm subsiding sadly—but not for long.

Without warning or instruction, Justin grabs me by the legs twisting and pulling me, dragging me off the couch. I end up in his lap facing downward, my upper body on the ground balanced on my elbows, my thighs across his so that my ass and pussy are staring up at him like a meal.

“This is what you get for not listening,” he roars. Justin’s hands smack down with force on my ass, exploding pleasure over my thighs. I’m certain he can see the river of fluid bubbling up out of me like a geyser. One of his hands delves through it, his fingers wetting themselves while his other hand continues to spank me. Two fingers slip into each hole and I scream in relief. “You don’t get my tongue; you get fucked by my fingers and smacked for your disobedience. Now you can cum hanging upside down."

And I’m starting to do just that, squealing and shouting into the night. His fingers glide in and out of both my warrior openings, ramming my G-spot relentlessly. I clamp around him tightly but that doesn’t slow him at all.




“Cum for me,” Justin demands. “Cum for me so that I can ram myself into you and have you the way I want you.”

The deep pulsing explodes, taking over every inch of me. I quiver and bounce all over his lap with no way of knowing how he is keeping me from falling onto the patio floor. I don’t care right now if I disobeyed him; none of that matters. I’m cumming and my geyser bursts in full eruption. Between our loud shouts I can hear the sounds of his fingers sloshing in and out of me getting wetter and wetter, my cum running down my stomach toward the rest of me on the floor.

BOOK: Charity's Passion
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