Read Charity's Secrets Online

Authors: Maya James

Charity's Secrets (3 page)

BOOK: Charity's Secrets
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be back in a couple minutes to take your order," she said, bouncing off
into the crowd.

how long are you going to hold on to your apartment?" Trisha asks after a
long sip through her straw with her full lips pursed comically.

don't know, it's my security blanket right now. I've never lived with a guy
before. Part of me, a big part, wants to just give in to the moment and trust
what I feel, that Justin and I are destined for each other. Then there's all my
training in the
Secret Society of Women Warriors
that tells me to never
rely on a man."

giggles at me easily. "I hear you, on both things. If there's ever a guy
you can rely on, it’s Justin, but I do get it. I don't believe living with a
man means that you're dependent on him. If it doesn't work out, you simply move
out and get another place. Hell, I'd put you up if you needed."

you, Sweetie," I said, emotionally touched. "Do you think I'm being
neurotic and picky?"

she laughed.

I replied, laughing with her.

nothing if not honest, and you love that about me," she says.

I do." Trisha can see that I mean it. "I'll only keep the place for a
little while longer. Then I'll ditch it, I guess. I can't get rid of it right
now anyway; I have a guest coming. Melissa is finally going to make it out
here, and I'll set her up in my apartment so that she doesn't hear me and
Justin calling out to God every night."

energetic waitress returns, causing a brief interruption in our conversation to
take our orders. Trisha is so excited that you would think the waitress is
killing her by making her wait.

coming? We finally get to meet her?" she explodes as soon as Britney

I love
that she's so excited for me. There is no jealousy, and I'm so fucking relieved
by that. "Yes—finally!" I squeal.

Oh my god, we are so going out. GNO! I called it!"

hard to answer her, between my laughing and her inability to shut up.

are totally going out and we're going to scope out the hottest guys so we can
pick on them for not being as hot as Sam and Justin. And! And! And! We are
seriously getting Melissa hooked up while she's here."

has me laughing hysterically by this point. I raise my "summer in a
glass" to her, and she clinks her glass off the side of mine.

finally slows her down enough for me to get a word in. "She's coming in
right between Christmas and New Year's. She wants to be with her family for
Christmas, but she'll be here for all the New Year's Eve parties and still get
to see the city still all decked out."

great. I can't wait to meet her, and I'm so happy for you that someone from
home will be here for the holiday." Trisha's sincerity is incredible.

thrilled to see her," I admit. "I miss her, and I have so much
planned for when she gets here, probably more than we will actually have time
to do."

understatement almost makes me laugh right out loud. Melissa doesn't know it
yet, but I need her help. I have a shit-ton for her to do.

sip of my drink disappears down my throat as I glance around and enjoy the 50's
style decor inside the diner. The classic shiny red and blue plastic seats were
as expected as the chrome trim around the counter top next to us. They have a
huge glass case full of desserts that look absolutely delicious, and suddenly I
want cake instead of food.

I started, focusing back on Trisha, "how is Sam?"

face lights up and I just love seeing it. I've met Sam several times now and he
really seems wonderful. Just as she'd told me months ago, he looks like a tall
version of Usher. He's very careful with her, gentle, and she deserves that; my
friend deserves to be treated special because that's how she treats everyone
around her.

couple of days ago, I had mentioned how I love the simplicity of daisies, the boy-meets-girl
feel of them. Then last night, in the middle of this bitter winter, he shows up
at my door with a handful of them."

Justin and I met him, I could see that attentiveness in him toward her. What's
funny is that I think Justin was a little jealous about having another bull in
the pen; someone that could keep up with him in the romance department. After I
teased him a little, Justin would only shrug his shoulders about Sam.

the hell did he get daisies from this time of the year?" I ask, basking in
the affection of it.

wouldn't tell me where he ordered from—says he needs to keep
under his hat," Trisha replies smiling sweetly.

the time he added in the delivery costs, those had to be some pretty damn
expensive daisies," I say.

know, right?" You can hear in her voice that she is still swooning.
"You don't even want to know what happened after that." Her face
grows wicked.

I'm missing Justin and excited to get home to him soon. My fingers long for the
curves of his muscles, and my heart desires the closeness of his affection.

will tell you," she continues, "we never even made it into the

one of
kind of nights. I love those," I add, raising my
eyebrows and fixing my hair.

planning on having one of those nights tonight actually. My mind is full of
Justin; the taste of his mouth, the heat of his body when he crushes himself
into me, and I need him. My skin burns waiting for his hands.

the food comes, Trisha and I are bouncing around Christmas gift ideas for the
boys, and neither of us is getting anywhere. Obviously, we're putting too much
pressure on ourselves, but what do you get for the man that finally treats you
right after years of kissing frogs?

has to be perfect.

So far,
nothing I came up with was just right. I'm hoping Trisha will say something
that sparks an idea, but she's probably waiting for me to do the same. We are
both blown away by these men and nothing seems good enough for them. The food
ends up much better than our ideas, and we end up laughing at each other for
the crap ideas we keep coming up with.

When did we get so fucking bad at this?" Trisha says slamming her palm on
the table.

rethinking the pony idea. What guy doesn't want a pony?" I try to look as
serious as I can manage.

what I was thinking," Trisha agreed sarcastically.

I know
we're just being silly, but nothing in this world is going to be good enough
for Justin.



swung shut quietly in its hinges, locking itself after
it clicked into the jamb.


no answer. Maybe he's not home yet.

putting my bag down when I hear the voice behind me. "Get up against the
wall—NOW! Put your hands out," he demands.

no point in resisting. I step up to the foyer wall and nervously place my
hands against it, waiting to see what the next move will be. My pulse is a loud
in my ears.

sound of his footsteps fill the small space, approaching on me slowly,
deliberately, until I see his feet on the floor between mine, his bare feet and
bare legs. His strong hands lift the heavy coat off me and toss it to the floor
beside us and then return to my shoulders where they begin to coil up my hair.
A familiar hardness presses into the small of my back.

been thinking about you all day," Justin whispers into my ear, making my
knees weak.

what exactly, were you thinking about?" I breathe, praying for his magical

left hand pulls my hair, turning my face toward his. "I thought about
making you cry with pleasure. It's the only way I can tolerate your devastating
absence." He quickly bites my lower lip, tempting me. "I love you,
Warrior, and I need you."

right hand slithers around to my front under the bottom of my shirt, rising up
between my breasts to grab my bra like a handle. Then both of his hands pull me
tightly against him, molding me into his warm body.

My lips
ache for him, my hunger for the taste of his tongue spills over. "Kiss me,
please!" I beg. "Touch me like a man should touch a woman.”

going to do everything to you that a man should," he growls.

mouth finds mine, the pleasure of it searing all of my senses. He tugs my hair
a little more and completes the seal between our lips, circling his tongue
around mine. Underneath my shirt, his powerful hand let’s go of my bra and
gently grabs my breast, pressing the fleshiness between his fingers. I feel a
low moan deep in his chest. It's more felt against my body than it's heard by
my ears.

doesn't matter that I want more, that my clit is throbbing for his touch,
Justin makes me wait for it. He releases my hair and my breast, both hands
moving to the bottom of my shirt where he pulls at it uncaringly, ripping it
over my head and tossing it on top of my coat. My bra comes off me with the
same ease then spins me around to face him, pushing my back against the wall.

fucking God! I will never get tired of looking at you," his deep voice
confesses while his eyes widen with lust.

no misunderstanding him. My own eyes are taking in his fully unclothed body
with the same excitement and enthusiasm. The thick muscles of his chest rise
and fall with his heavy breathing, and his well-defined shoulders beg me to
claw my nails into them.

How does he stay in that shape?

Fuck it—I
don't care!

I have a chance to reach my hand toward his hard cock, he drops to a knee,
where he slips off my shoes and then my pants and underwear. His hands run the
length of my legs until he stands again, cupping my face in his palms gently.
His mouth returns to me, licking my lips quickly, and then kissing me with a
burning eagerness. We are on the cusp of a frenzy, each working hard for self-control.
When his body presses to mine, I can feel the passion coursing through him,
making his muscles vibrate and quiver against my skin.

moves his hands around me to my sides and back. One of his fingers explores the
top crevice of my ass and I place my arms around his back as well, digging into
the huge muscles there.

he breaks our kiss and grabs my ass to lift me up in the air. My legs fold
around his hips instinctively as he maneuvers me over his swollen cock. I feel
the tip of it dipping between my wet, creamy folds, soaking himself in my
juices so that he won't hurt me. I adore his patience and let out a throaty
moan of pleasure as he slowly lowers me. His head easily finds my opening and
is engulfed.

safe now to drop me to the root of his stiffness, but that wouldn't be Justin.
His beautiful sparkling green eyes lock with mine, nearly smiling as he
controls my descent to an incredibly frustrating slowness.

I grab the hair behind both of his ears and pull it, trying to force my body
down. "I need you in me," I growl.

did nothing. The incredible strength of his arms has not worn at all, and he
keeps his pace until I am at the hilt, my vaginal muscles clenching and
squeezing like mad. With our faces even once again, I cannot resist his lips. I
pull his face to mine and invite his tongue into my mouth.

I feel
movement under me. He's walking us through the apartment. The back and forth of
his hips make his heat move in and out of me in tantalizing little jerks, my
wetness running down his shaft. We pass the bedroom and I know exactly where we
are headed.

Down at
the end of the hall he leans me toward the wall so that I can reach the keypad.
My fingers eagerly punch in the code and the gym door unlocks. Only for a
moment one of his hands comes off me; turning the handle and swinging the door
open. We are washed in the brightness of the late afternoon sun.

into the huge room is like walking on stage, and the city beyond the tall
windows is our audience. My excitement climbs as it always does in here.

takes his hand away for another quick moment and smacks the control pad on the
wall just inside. "Feel This Moment" from Pitbull and Christina
Aguilera blasts into the space with us. I have a good feeling that Justin will
make sure I feel this moment.

carries me to the back wall and my blood heats. I know just what he has in mind
and I can't fucking wait!

As if
I'm weightless, he lifts me off his well-soaked hardness, each glorious inch of
it sending chills through my thighs, and places me back down on the floor. His
unyielding hand presses into my chest between my breasts, forcing me backward
into the wall while we smile arduously at each other. I don't bother spreading
my legs for him, he'll want to do that himself. I stand willingly between all
the ropes and cuffs and wait.

BOOK: Charity's Secrets
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