Charmed By Knight (The Fielding Brothers Saga) (15 page)

BOOK: Charmed By Knight (The Fielding Brothers Saga)
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Although he was still against the idea of marriage, if that was what it took to bind Megan to his side forever, he’d do it…only because it came with the deed to the goldmine, he reminded himself.

What if he seduced her right now? Certainly her father would find out either tonight or early tomorrow morning. And knowing the Baron, he would force Edmund to do the right thing and marry his daughter.

Edmund broke the kiss and moved his mouth down her neck. She arched and sighed. He grinned. Everything was falling right into place. If the Baron didn’t force him to marry Megan, Edmund would threaten to make their affair public. There was no way the Baron would stand for that. Edmund would marry Megan by the week’s end and get his goldmine back once and for all.

With the decision firmly tucked in the back of his mind, he focused all his attention on the beautiful and very passionate woman lying next to him. He would make things happen right here.
Right now.




Chapter Nine


A minimal amount of morning light leaked in around the velvet drapes drawn across the windows in Megan’s room. She stirred, reaching out to the far side of the bed. When she touched Edmund, she sighed and smiled. He hadn’t abandoned her. Although she didn’t want to awaken, she wanted to prepare herself emotionally for what would happen when they were discovered.

Now, if her maid – or someone – would come to her room, everything would be in accordance to her plans. Smoothing her tumbled hair away from her cheek, she relaxed into the pillows with a dreamy sigh.

She had memories of the evening to content her until after they were married. Then, if they lived in London or even in California, she’d be satisfied to be Edmund Knight’s wife. Especially, if he made her feel incredibly special as he had last night.

Footsteps from outside her room came from the stairs, and she turned and cuddled herself into Edmund’s arms. He stirred, mumbled something incoherently, and gathered her closer.

Holding her breath, she waited until the door opened. When a stream of light poured through her room, she didn’t move. A terrified shriek from her mother made Megan snap to a sitting position as she pulled the sheet up to her chin. Her mother’s hand covered her mouth, her eyes wide in horror.

“Mother!” Megan cried out.

The noise brought Edmund awake, and he, too, clutched the sheets, shielding his body.

Within the next heart-wrenching moments, Megan witnessed the breakdown of both her parents as they rushed into the room and slammed the door closed, trying to keep out the curious stares from the servants who lurked in the hall.

Megan Ramsey
,” her father shouted. Behind him, her mother sobbed noisily. “What in heaven’s name have you done? Do you know who this man is?”

Keeping her gaze lowered, she nodded and whispered meekly, “Yes, sir. He’s Mr. Edmund Knight.”

.” Her father threw his hands in the air. “Have you no sense at all? I didn’t raise you to be so dim-witted. He’s not only Mr. Knight, but he’s the bastard son of the man I loathe.” His face turned a shade darker. “Don’t you know who his father is?”

She shook her head.


She gasped, her hand flew to her throat. No! Her father couldn’t be correct. But Edmund’s face didn’t register any denial.

Edmund’s jaw hardened. “I don’t see what my father has to do with any of this.”

Megan closed her eyes for a brief moment. Out of all the men, she’d have to pick the very one her father hated so desperately. It wasn’t until now that she understood the depths of her father’s rage. She peeked at Edmund. It was too late. She’d given him her innocence…and her heart.

Beside her, Edmund’s body stiffened. “Lord Saxton, I can explain—”

Her father waved his hand through the air. “I don’t want to hear your bloody explanations. Get your clothes on and quit this house at once!”

Edmund nodded. “As soon as you and your wife leave, I will dress myself.”

A blaze of fire shot out of her father’s eyes, his face flaming scarlet. “You presume to tell me what to do in my own house?”

Edmund kept his chin high in defiance. “My lord, if you wish me to dress and leave, then you will have to exit this room immediately. I won’t leave the bed until you do so.”

Her father shook his head, confusion written on his angry face as he grabbed her mother’s arm and gave her a shake. “Woman, stop your blubbering so I can think.”

Her mother sniffed, lifting a lacey handkerchief to her nose. “Harold, we should leave. I want him gone as soon as possible.” She turned and opened the bedroom door, pausing to wait for him.

Her father pointed his finger at Edmund. “You have exactly five minutes,
I’m coming in to kick your
out of here.” His glare moved to Megan. “And you, little missy, better put something decent on, too. Don’t think you will go unpunished for this.”

The slamming of the door rattled the walls, and in the process, her hanging pictures fell to the floor. Megan released a pent-up breath, thankful that this part of the ordeal was over. She glanced at Edmund who still remained in bed. When he looked at her, his eyes softened, which made her heart leap.

His fingers stroked her cheek. “I won’t let him raise a hand to you in anger.”

She snuggled her face into his hand. “I fear there’s nothing you can do to stop my father.”

“Yes, there is.”

Leaning toward him, she kissed his mouth briefly then pulled away. “Dress now, for time is running out.”

With shaky hands, she picked up her wrap and slipped it around her body. Edmund hurried and dressed, faster than she thought possible. Just as he pulled on his boots, the door to her room was kicked open and her father stepped through. He clutched a pistol, aiming straight at Edmund’s heart.

“Father, no,” Megan screamed and tried to move in front of Edmund, but he blocked her with his arm.

“Stay where you are, Megan,” Edmund commanded. He met her father’s glare with one of his own. “Lord Saxton, this isn’t the gentlemanly way to handle this.”

“You have two minutes to remove yourself from my house.”

“Withdraw your weapon, my lord. As you can see, I’m unarmed.”

Her father cursed and brushed his hand through his matted hair, still aiming the pistol at Edmund with his other hand. “Why you? Why did
have to ruin my daughter?”

“Lord Saxton, lower your weapon and I will explain.”

For the first time Megan could remember, tears formed in her father’s eyes. He couldn’t possibly care for her now when he never had before. Perhaps seeing her with his enemy had been painful for him. In agony, her heart twisted and doubt filled her. Had she done the right thing? Was it worth causing so much sorrow?

“I’m a lost man now,” her father muttered. “I have no means to support my family. You have ruined me – twice.” With a sniffle, he lifted the cuff of his shirt-sleeve to his nose and wiped. “Well, you will pay now, Mr. Knight.”

“Pay? How much money do you want from me, Saxton?”

Her father nodded in Megan’s direction, still keeping his pistol focused on Edmund. “I’m not after money this time.”

Edmund gasped loudly. “You cannot mean…” He paused, tossing a glance in Megan’s direction. “You cannot mean to marry your daughter?”

“Well—” Her father hesitated.

“That, my lord, I will not do. I will gladly pay you money, but I won’t marry your daughter.”

The word registered in Megan’s mind, but she couldn’t believe she’d heard them. Her blood turned to ice each second she watched the man who had kissed her so passionately plead for his life. How could Edmund act this way now when several hours ago he’d made her feel as if she were the most precious gem in the world? Yet, hadn’t he told her not too long ago he wasn’t looking for marriage? But still…this was humiliating.

Little by little she withdrew into an invisible shell, protecting her broken heart from the scoundrel. Her chest clenched so tight she could scarcely breathe. This couldn’t be happening! She’d had everything planned out so well in her head last night. She and Edmund would be happily married forever. But now…

Slowly, she took an agonizing breath as tears pricked her eyes. Quickly, she blinked them away for fear Edmund would see. Anger broke through the hurt pumping through her, and she clenched her fists by her side. That man had trampled on her tender feelings one too many times. Although he’d ruined her, she wouldn’t let him hurt her any more.

* * * *

Edmund sat in the Baron’s study and drummed his fingers on the desktop. At gunpoint, Lord Saxton had pushed Edmund from Megan’s side downstairs to this very room. Now Edmund waited for his final sentence, although it really was not punishment to him.

He tried to hide the smile threatening to show itself. Everything had gone his way. Perfectly. The Baron had played right into his hands. Now Edmund’s goldmine was within his reach – as well as the lovely Megan.

Across the desk, Lord Saxton lifted his third glass of whiskey and tossed it back, and his watery eyes were proof of the burning liquid sliding down his throat. The Baron brought his glass down on the desk in a loud thump, but Edmund refused to jump. Obviously, Lord Saxton was trying to frighten him. It didn’t work.

“Lord Saxton.” Edmund coughed, clearing his throat. “Are we going to sit like this all morning or are you going to say what’s on your mind?”

Saxton ran his fingers through his messy hair, keeping his glare on Edmund. “You have won, you slimy dog.”

Although Edmund agreed with the elder, he didn’t think this would be the right time to shove it in his face. “So have you, my lord.”

Saxton pushed himself away from the desk and stood. His hands braced on the desktop as he swayed. “What are you referring to, Knight? I have not won a blasted thing.”

“Allow me to correct you,” Edmund smirked, “because you have won yourself a very wealthy son-in-law.”

“I wanted a wealthy son-in-law with a title.”

“One out of two is quite exceptional, if you ask me.” He shrugged. “Besides, what good is a title going to do you when we shall be living in California?”

The Baron gasped and fell back into his chair, his face losing some color. “You’re not saying…you couldn’t possibly expect me to…”

Edmund held up a hand to stop him. “No, my lord. I don’t expect you to go to California with Megan and myself. I was merely trying to point out, having a title will do neither of us any good in such a heathen country.”

The Baron nodded then covered his face with his hands.

Perhaps the liquor was working its magic already, but Edmund waited for Saxton to speak.

“I don’t want a scandal,” Saxton mumbled.

“My lord? I don’t think I heard you correctly.”

Harold dropped his hands and glared at him. “You heard me. I said I don’t want a scandal. I know how you love to get into tangles and cause gossip, but I don’t. My family cannot survive a scandal like the kind you create.”

“Then what do you propose?”

“For two weeks you will properly court my daughter. At the end of that week, I will make it public you have won her hand in marriage.”

Edmund couldn’t believe the Baron was letting him off this easily. Something wasn’t right, and he didn’t trust Lord Saxton. Edmund lifted off the chair and moved to the corner of the Baron’s desk. He slapped his hands on the desktop and leaned over, locking stares with the older man.

“I want that in writing.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t trust you, Lord Saxton. I want everything you said in writing, and I want you to add on the day I wed your daughter, the deed to the goldmine will be handed over to me.”

“You cannot be serious. Are you doubting the word of a lord?”

Edmund laughed bitterly. He wanted to throttle the deceitful man now more than ever. “Both of us know whose goldmine that really is, so don’t patronize me and talk about honor and trust. I want it in writing, Lord Saxton, or I will create the scandal you’re desperately trying to avoid. Must I remind you I know things about your life your wife and daughter should never hear?”

All color drained from the older man’s face. Edmund had won this round. But he needed to continue to win until the final battle – until the day he exchanged his vows with Megan. Then, everything would be perfect. Just as he had imagined. He would have his goldmine, plus on his arm would be the most beautiful and most passionate woman in London and California. What more could he ask for?

“I believe you are serious, Mr. Knight,” Harold muttered.

“Try double-crossing me again, and you will see how serious I can be. Now, are you going to write up the contract or shall I?”

“I will, but I will have to have my solicitor—”

“Your solicitor can go to the devil for all I care. This contract will be between you and me.”

“No witnesses?” Harold’s bushy red brows rose.

“Oh, there will be witnesses, my lord. Your wife and my fiancée will sign as witnesses.”

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