Charmed By Knight (The Fielding Brothers Saga) (11 page)

BOOK: Charmed By Knight (The Fielding Brothers Saga)
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As Megan watched him dance with the women, she noticed when he smiled because it made his eyes sparkle. They appeared a darker blue, much more intense than she remembered. Of course, he hadn’t spoken to her up close yet, not even enough to ask to sign her dance card. If he did, she was not going to let him. Rakes like Edmund were not looking for a wife. She clenched her jaw. Why should she worry anyway? He wasn’t allowed to enter the contest. Her father made certain of that.

Megan glanced at her attire. Her deep rose colored evening gown, made of shimmering crinkled silk, cut very low across her bosom and fitted tightly to her shape. Rows of glittering jet beads adorned the bodice and long sleeves, while her gloves and shoes were soft pink chamois leather. It was a sophisticated ensemble, one that she wished her mother had not made her wear.

Megan laid her hand across the generous display of skin on her chest. Unfortunately, it didn’t help in hiding her bosom. Men continued to stare at her as if she stood before them naked.

claimed the first dance, relief poured through her and she sighed. After that, it seemed to be an endless whirlwind of men offering their arms to escort her back onto the dance floor. The gentlemen who participated in the contest had never been so friendly before, and she could see through their false charm. It didn’t matter. Marriage was only to produce heirs. Nothing more.

Yet, now she wanted more. Because of Edmund’s words not too long ago, she’d been thinking of a different way of life – one that she deserved.

Lord Crestwood walked her back to the side of the room next to her mother, but before she could take another breath,
was upon her again, requesting another dance.

She took his arm, but once out of her mother’s view, Megan pulled him away from the crowd toward the back hallway. “James, would you mind terribly if I sit this one out? I have never been so overcome with suitors, and the excitement has given me a headache.”

He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “I will, only if you promise to go riding again with me tomorrow afternoon.”

Smiling, she squeezed his hand. “I promise, and I thank you for understanding.”

Instead of following him back to the ballroom, she turned and entered a side door into an empty room. Her heavy sigh masked the click of the door as it closed behind her to block out the irritation of music and the continuous line of curious people. She wanted to curl in a ball and sleep the rest of the night in peace.

When heavy footsteps boomed in the hallway, she hurried to the side door that exited into the gardens, and slipped outside. It was most fortunate nobody had gathered on this side of the house. Of course, there were no outdoor lanterns along this wall, and the tall hedges helped to hide the yard. In fact, the only way to return would be through the glass doors she’d just exited.

The door squeaked open and those same footsteps came inside the room. She flattened herself against the outside wall, hoping that if whomever it was peeked out of the glass doors, he or she wouldn’t see her. She waited several moments before the clicking of the latch announced their departure. Releasing the breath she’d been holding, she returned into the room and softly closed the door behind her.

A familiar scent touched her senses.
. She recognized the distinctive hint of his cologne, the unique blend of male and spice. Why had he come in the room and left just as quickly? Was he looking for her, or was he trying to find an empty room in which to seduce another poor innocent female?

Through the dark shadows, she spotted a chaise, and hurried toward the piece of furniture to relax and soothe her shattered nerves as well as her tired feet. When she neared, Edmund’s scent grew stronger and warm chills multiplied over her skin, replicating the pleasurable feeling she’d only experienced in Edmund’s arms.

Why did it not go away?

The floor squeaked and a footstep echoed on the hardwood. She gasped and spun around, knocking into a hard body. A large hand covered her mouth just as she was ready to scream.

“Megan, it’s me.”

She scowled and pulled his hand away from her mouth. She pressed her palms against his muscular chest to move him, but he didn’t budge. “What are you doing here, Mr. Knight?”

“I came to find you.”

“Whatever for?”

“Because I noticed you and
sneaking out of the ballroom, and it made me suspicious.”

She shook her head. “Why would it make your suspicious? You are not my guardian.”

“No, but I didn’t want him to take you into a room alone.”

His hand stroked her cheek, and although she couldn’t see his eyes very well, the outline of his face was so near and his warm breath whispered against her skin. She tingled with the familiar desirous stirrings.

“I don’t want you caught alone with a man.”

“Are you not in here with me? Should you not be concerned that I may get caught with you?”

His hands covered her shoulders as he pulled her closer. “
, I want you too much to be concerned.”

He lowered his head. Panic gripped her chest, but the need to be in his embrace overrode caution. When his lips brushed against hers, a sigh tore from her and she melted against him.

Circling his arms around her, he deepened the kiss. She moaned again and followed his lead. She slid her arms around his waist and held onto him, fearing if she let go, she’d drop into a heap at his feet.

,” he mumbled, his mouth skimming across hers.

His lips burned a path down her neck, and she tilted her head to give him better access. He pulled at her sleeves, causing them to slip away from her shoulders as his mouth lowered. Even after all this time, her body still hungered for the touch of his lips.

Just as she was ready to surrender fully to the man she couldn’t stop dreaming about, heavy footsteps clamored outside the door, echoing in the hallway. Edmund cursed, broke away and pulled her to the patio door, leading them outside. The moment he closed the door behind them, the light from inside the room brightened as someone entered.

With her heart thundering loudly in her ears, she wasn’t able to hear who had almost caught them in a very intimate embrace. Edmund pulled her between the hedges and the wall, hiding them better.

As the front of his body pressed into hers, his heavy breaths blew against her face. Shivers ran through her, exciting her in a different way. A familiar ache began in her chest and she wished it would go away forever. Yet she really didn’t want that, especially when his face fell to the curve of her neck, creating a stream of warmth through her body, stirring passion far more explosive than at the hunter’s cottage.

She tried to swallow the knot that had formed in her throat. If she didn’t leave right now, something would happen between them. “Edmund,” she whispered.

He turned his head, his lips brushing across hers. “Yes, my sweet?”

“There have been too many close calls. I cannot let it happen again.”

He placed his mouth over hers, stopping her from saying anymore. Once again, her body melted, but she wished it hadn’t.

She turned her face, breaking the scorching kiss. “Please, Edmund. Don’t do this.”

“I want you, and I can tell you want me.”

“This is wrong.”

“No. The passion we share is right. It’s perfect.” His hands slid from around her waist up to cup her face, sliding his fingers so very gently down her neck. She sighed deeply, then mentally cursed her weakness.

“Can you feel it, my dear? There is energy between us that cannot be denied.”

Oh, how correct he was.
But it was wrong. Morally, and logically. She could never have Edmund in name, so she must not give any part of herself to him.

“Edmund, please stop. I have to return to the party before someone notices my disappearance.” She let out a ragged sigh. “Because of my father’s contest, I have become rather popular tonight.”

His forehead pressed against hers, his ragged breath was as labored as her own. Finally, he stepped away.

“You are correct. Please forgive me for taking advantage of your passion.” His fingers swept by her cheek. “I cannot seem to control myself around you.”

She grabbed hold of his hands, keeping them from touching any more of her. “Please try. This can never happen again.”

Through the shadows, the corners of his mouth turned up into a grin.

“Never say never, my sweet. For you will find yourself breaking that promise very soon.”

Her heart sank. He could possibly be correct.

* * * *

Edmund waited for the perfect time to confront
. Because of the many men at White’s this afternoon, the Duke wouldn’t be able to show his temper, and Edmund planned on pushing it to the limit.

He strolled to the duke who stood with some of the peers of the realm and smiled, feeling like the cat that would soon catch the canary.

“Your Grace? Might I have a word, in private please?”
glanced around at the others in the group, so Edmund hurried on. “It’s of utmost importance, I assure you.”

The duke nodded and led the way into another room, not quite empty, but one that gave them more privacy, nonetheless.
sat and Edmund took the seat across from him.

“What is it now, Knight?”

With his elbows resting on the table, Edmund leaned forward, lowering his voice. “I believe you should offer marriage to Lady Lucinda.”

brows lifted before he shouted with laughter. “And who are
to be telling me this? Has she appointed you her guardian and keeper now?”

“No, but I can attest you and she were in the greenhouse, alone, one night during your grandmother’s weekend party.”

The duke’s eyes widened and his face lost a bit of color. Edmund kept himself from grinning. “In fact,” Edmund continued, “if I’m not mistaken, you and she were quite enjoying the shared private moment.”

The other man’s jaw hardened, and
knuckles turned white as he squeezed the glass of sherry in his hand. “What proof do you have, Knight? It’s your word against mine.”

“Don’t forget lovely Lady Lucinda who pleaded with you to announce the engagement to your grandmother.”

brow furrowed. “Did Lucinda pay you to do this to me?”

Edmund chuckled. “Do you honestly believe I need her money?”

“Then why are you saying this? Why are you threatening me?”

Edmund shrugged, then leaned back in his chair and folded his arms. “Actually, I have a purpose.”

“Of course. Greedy, ill-bred men like yourself always have a purpose.”
lifted his chin haughtily. “But unless Lady Lucinda wants her reputation ruined and made to look like a fool at the same time, I suggest you drop this pursuit you have on my character. It’s still your word against mine.”

Edmund shook his head. “Have you stopped to think, Your Grace, I may not have been alone in the greenhouse when I saw Lucinda satisfying your desires?”

growled and leaned forward, fire glaring in his eyes. “How foolish do you think me to be? I refuse to believe you were with a noblewoman.”

Tilting back his head, Edmund laughed heartily. “Oh,
, you seem to overlook one small detail. Although noblewomen don’t wish to marry someone without a title, they are more than willing to meet me in private.”

The duke pushed away from the table, knocking his chair over. “You, Mr. Knight, are testing my very limit of restraint. You don’t have a shred of evidence, and I will not be threatened.”

Edmund stood slowly, enjoying the moment. “You forget how I love to create scandal. If you don’t pull out of Lord Saxton’s ridiculous contest, you will see how well I can carry through with my threats.”

“That’s it? That is all you wish for – to pull out of Saxton’s contest?”

“Indeed, that’s all I ask.”

met his glare for several silent moments, his nostrils flaring. But Edmund waited, knowing what the outcome would be regardless. Poor
didn’t dare go up against Edmund. The insipid nobleman would lose.

With a snort, the duke swore under his breath and turned, stomping out of the club as if dragons bit at his heels. It wasn’t until the door slammed that Edmund finally allowed himself to laugh.


Chapter Seven


Bright and early the next day, the Duke of
stood in the Saxton parlor when Megan entered. Respectfully, he took off his hat and held it to his chest. Gone was the wide, playful smile she’d seen on him yesterday. In its place, his blank eyes held no emotion. His lips, however, were pursed tightly.

She caught her breath. He had something to say, and she suspected it wasn’t good.

She curtsied. “Your Grace, this is a surprise. Please, come in and sit. Would you like some refreshment? Ellen has just prepared—”

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