Charmed By Knight (The Fielding Brothers Saga) (23 page)

BOOK: Charmed By Knight (The Fielding Brothers Saga)
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Taking a deep breath, he rested his hand on the doorknob. Slowly, he opened the door. Inside the room was dark, lit only by the full moon shining through the window.

He swallowed hard.

“Megan, my love? Are you there?”

* * * *

“The devil he did. Why would Knight request your presence in a private room upstairs? And now?”

At the mention of Edmund’s name, Megan slowed her pace as she walked by Lord Rollins and Lord
. Why were they discussing Edmund? She needed to find out.

Taking casual steps as she passed, she then stopped next to a tall potted plant, hoping to hide the fact she was eavesdropping. The leaves tickled her nose, so she brushed them aside before she sneezed and gave away her hiding spot. Pulling herself as close as she could to the wall, yet trying to appear inconspicuous, she held herself still as she watched through the leaves.

“The bloke sent me a note. He says he wants to reschedule our duel,” Lord Rollins smirked.

Megan gasped, then quickly covered her mouth.
This couldn’t be true.
Why would Edmund reschedule the duel?

“Are you going to meet him?”

“Don’t be a fool,
.” Rollins tapped his finger on his chin. “But then again, I do want satisfaction. Perhaps I will let him stew upstairs in the empty room for a little while.”

clapped Rollins on the shoulder. “Indeed. That should teach Knight for disgracing you in front of your peers.”

Megan held her breath when the two men walked by, then she sighed when they didn’t notice her. She had to go stop Edmund. What was he thinking? He couldn’t possibly reschedule a duel.

Making certain the way was clear, she walked toward the staircase. Before taking a step up, she glanced over her shoulder to see if her parents were watching. The ballroom had an energetic crowd this evening, many faces she didn’t recognize.

Although all four sets of glass patio doors were open in the ballroom, inviting the cool breeze and the scent of the rose bushes from the garden, suffocation still tightened Megan’s chest. Or, was it her corset? Either way, she focused on searching for her parents. Relief flooded through her to see them talking to Lord and Lady

With one hand, she grasped the handrail and lifted her skirt up with the other. She straightened her back and proceeded up the stairs, praying no one would try to stop her. She also prayed she could talk some sense into Edmund. There couldn’t be a duel. The scandal would ruin everything.

“Pardon me, milady,” someone called behind her.

She froze, her mind scrambling in preparation to give an explanation. Slowly she turned to see who was calling her. A servant ran past her toward another woman on the steps. Megan placed her hand on her chest, trying to calm her erratic heartbeat. Thankfully, nobody was trying to stop her...yet.

Reaching the top floor, she glanced at all the closed doors. Which room was he in? She shrugged. She would just have to peek in each one until she found him.

She took slow steps down the hallway until she stood in front of the first door. Low lanterns dimmed the hallway, creating shadows everywhere. Fear pricked at her skin. She swallowed hard, praying nobody would see her.

She took great caution when she opened the first door on her right. Darkness greeted her and she hesitated. Edmund wouldn’t be in here waiting for Lord Rollins. It was too dark, for heaven’s sake. She’d better check to be certain.

“Mr. Knight?” she called softly.

There was a noise, or at least she thought she’d heard something. She stepped further inside. “Is anyone here?”

She detected his scent. Her stomach fluttered. “Mr. Knight, are you –

Two strong arms grabbed her around the waist and hauled her inside the room, urging the door closed behind her with his foot. Before she could see his face, his hard, male form pressed against her back. Without a doubt, it was Edmund.

His lips brushed by her ear, sending chills down her spine. She held herself from moaning aloud. “Edmund,” she sighed.

“Yes, my love?”

“You must leave. This foolish notion of yours will only get you into trouble.”

His chest shook when he laughed. “Megan, my dear, the only notion I have is to kiss you to distraction.”

His lips moved down her neck in feather-light kisses, and his tongue wet the delicate spot near her collarbone. She moaned aloud and relaxed against him, laying her head back to rest on his shoulder.

There was just enough light streaming through a slit in the curtains to make her aware of the room they were occupying. It appeared to be a small dressing room of some kind. Only a table, four chairs and two armoires stood in the room. In the corner, a full-length mirror stood not far in front of her. Through the reflection, she could see Edmund’s gaze skimming over her as his hands followed. Warmth flowed through her as she watched him touch her in such a wicked way.

“Oh, yes, my love. This is what I have waited for.” His gaze met hers in the mirror’s reflection.

“Edmund, we mustn’t. We might get caught.”

His eyebrows wagged up and down. “Living dangerously is exciting, is it not?”

“Edmund, you cannot. The men are coming—”


Keeping her in his arms, he turned her around until his lips captured hers. His fingers searched to remove buttons down the back of her gown. Expertly, each fastener came lose and the bodice loosened.

, this is better,” he mumbled against her ear as he nuzzled his face in her neck.

Passion consumed her, and she stroked his chest, realizing his
, cravat, and waist-coat had been removed. She sighed and relaxed against him, knowing she would melt from the pleasure flowing through her.

Their pose was certainly indecent, but the magical tingles igniting inside her left her mind blank, and she didn’t want to stop. Perhaps the men were not going to come until later. Besides, his touch inflamed her with passion, and she didn’t want anything keeping these feelings from her.

A deep growl tore loose from his throat, and she loved the power overwhelming her, knowing she could make him feel this way. He’d always been able to stir desire inside of her. Now it was her turn to take control over his emotions.

“Woman, you’re going to kill me.” His voice was tight with fervor as his lips wandered down her neck. “I want you right here. Right now.”

“Oh, Edmund.” She sighed. She couldn’t refuse. Not in her frame of mind.

His mouth found hers again and captured, imprisoned, and then conquered. His hands wandered all over her body, moving in every direction in an urgent caress.

Men’s voices boomed through the door mere seconds before it opened. The light from the lamp held by a servant brightened the room, highlighting Megan and Edmund in a lover’s embrace.

Her heart plummeted to the floor. They were caught!



Chapter Fourteen


She sobbed and struggled to get away from Edmund, but the men entering the room were quicker. Gasps echoed through the room. Holding in her embarrassment for now, she buried her face in Edmund’s chest. He held her against him as his hands closed the back of her dress. But no matter how much he tried to keep her covered, the damage had been done. She’d been caught half undressed in a man’s arms in a dark room.

She closed her eyes and willed the other men to disappear, but their snickers still burned in her ears. A couple of men coughed, a few more cursed, but it was more the silence that nearly shattered her soul and sent a crushing pain ripping through her chest.

The fierce rhythm of Edmund’s heart matched hers as it pounded against her cheek. She waited, hoping he would break the uncomfortable silence.

Edmund cleared his throat. “Is it really necessary to gawk, my lords? Have you never seen an undressed woman in the arms of a man? Do none of you have the decency to leave and let us pull ourselves together?”

She groaned. He should have said something else.

A man laughed. She recognized Lord Rollin’s voice. “Knight, what a treasure this is to see your scoundrel reputation in action. Is that Miss Ramsey you have just ruined?”

A few more men snickered and she groaned.
Where is a hole to climb in?

“I think,” Rollins continued with a laugh, “this time is much better than when you had ruined Lady
two summers ago. Perhaps your flare for scandal is improving.”

Megan wanted to die – wanted them all to die!

“Rollins,” Lord
spoke, “I think Lady Megan planned the interruption with Mr. Knight at Becker’s Pass.”

Rollins gasped. “By Jove, I think you’re correct.” He snickered. “Knight? You have sunk too low. Are you a man or a coward?”

A deep growl came from within Edmund’s chest. “Why should I offer up explanation when you think you have it all figured out?”

laughed. “Perhaps Mr. Knight won Miss Ramsey in a game of cards. We all know how her father plays – and loses.”

A few in the group chuckled.

“Gentlemen,” another man spoke. “I think we should leave Mr. Knight and Miss Ramsey to pull themselves together. We will find another room to play cards.”

Rollins let out a hearty laugh. “Edmund, I would like to thank you for inviting us to such splendid entertainment.”

Edmund grumbled cuss words that only she could hear. The disappointed grunts of the men as they left the room told her this scandal would be played to the hilt. Really, she shouldn’t expect anything less. After all, she willingly let Edmund seduce her, even though she suspected they would come up at any time.

When the click of the door resounded through the room, she pushed away from Edmund. “You

His eyebrows pulled together. “Of course not. You should know Rollins by now. He’ll say anything to get a reaction from me.”

She scowled. “But this is still all your fault.”

The room had returned to darkness, lit only by the moon shining through the curtained window. Edmund’s eyes weren’t clear, but the stern set of his jaw was.

“Please correct me if I am wrong, but how could it be my fault if this was your plan to begin with?”

“My plan? Indeed.” She folded her arms. “How do you suppose it was my plan when you were the one rescheduling the duel with Lord Rollins?”

He shook his head and proceeded to put on the clothes he previously discarded. “Pray tell, my dear, what are you rambling about?”

“I’m referring to the note you sent Lord Rollins to meet you up here to reschedule your duel.”

Another period of silence lasted. The only sound in the room was her angered breathing, and his. Finally, a hint of a grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. Heat rose to her cheeks, and she bit her tongue from unleashing her temper.
Why would the ludicrous man smile now?

“Oh, Megan, my love.” He released a gush of air from his mouth. “We have both been deceived.”

“Explain yourself.”

“Tell me, where did you hear I wanted to reschedule the duel?”

“I overheard Rollins and
talking about it.”

“Did they know you were listening?”

She shrugged. “I hid behind a potted plant.”

“In other words, they could have known you were listening, correct?”

“Well...I suppose so.”

“They did,” Edmund finished. “Lord Rollins was the one behind this trickery. You see, the reason I’m up in this room was because of the note you sent me.”


“I received a note from one of Lord
servants, signed with your name. The note said you wanted to meet me alone. In this room.”

She gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. Her heart plummeted, and she expected to die at any time. Unfortunately, fate didn’t have death in mind. A scandal was more to its liking.

“So you see,” he continued, coming closer to her, “Lord Rollins planned to ruin both of us tonight.”

“But, why?”

He wrapped his arms around her, drawing her body closer to his. “I suppose it’s because of the duel you stopped. This was his way of rescuing his honor.”

“His honor can go do the devil for all I care! I would like to cut his honor up into small pieces and feed it to the pigs.”

“And so would I, but as it is, the damage has been done.” His knuckle lifted her chin. “Now we have to hold onto our dignity as much as we can and walk out of here. We have to face reality.”

Tears stung her eyes, but she refused to shed them. He was right. “I shall try.”

He bent and kissed her lips. “Don’t worry, my love. I will help you.”

She nodded. “Forgive me for blaming you. I said it because—”

“I know why you said it.” He smiled. “Come now, let me help you put your dress together.”

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