Charmed By Knight (The Fielding Brothers Saga) (5 page)

BOOK: Charmed By Knight (The Fielding Brothers Saga)
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“Megan?” He attempted to draw her back closer to his body.

“Your Grace, I think that’s enough for a first kiss.”

Her hot breath blew across his face, and by the passion written on her expression, she had enjoyed it as much as he. “You’re correct,” he said. “And as much as I regret stopping, I look forward to our second kiss.” He kissed her forehead before stepping back over to his chair. “Shall I deal?”





Chapter Three


Why Megan nodded, she didn’t know because she really didn’t want to play this game with him any longer. The rules were getting more dangerous by the second, especially since she suspected he knew how to deal the cards – and cheat. He was controlling the whole situation, and she wanted more power. After all, if they were to wed, she didn’t want him commanding her like her father commanded her mother.

was finished dealing the cards, she stared at a winning hand. What was his game? “I have four Queens.” She laid them face-up on the table.

He shrugged and showed her his mismatched hand. “I lose.” His smile stretched. “What shall I give up this time, my dear?”

Megan knew exactly what he wanted, but she would be in control this time. “I think I shall take your cravat again, Your Grace.”

The color of his eyes darkened into a smoky gray and mesmerized her ability to think. Yet she must.

He reached up to his cravat to tug it off his neck, but his hand stilled. Slowly, he shook his head. “If you want me cravat, come take it off me.”

Megan’s heart crashed against her ribs. He couldn’t be serious… His suggestion was so wrong, so…indecent. Yet, a strange, powerful feeling engulfed her, giving her the courage to stand and move to his chair.

Gingerly, she touched his cravat, still warm from his body heat. With a shaky hand, she yanked on the garment as it slid from around his neck. His haunting eyes focused on her lips, and her mouth grew dry. She couldn’t believe his smoldering gaze would make her want to be back in his arms so soon, but that’s exactly what she wanted. Badly.

The corners of his lips stretched wider. His arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer, his face mere inches from hers. She clutched his shoulders, bunching up the material of his shirt in her hands.

His gaze lifted and met hers as he gingerly caressed her back. She held her body strong for fear she’d melt into a puddle around his feet.

“What…” She swallowed hard and started again. “What are you doing to me?”

His other hand cupped her chin, his thumb stroking her bottom lip. Slowly he moved his touch down her neck. She tightened her hands on his shirt but still had no desire to stop him. Her legs weakened, and she would have crumbled if he hadn’t tightened his grip and pulled her down to sit on his lap.

“I...don’t think…” she stammered.

“Then don’t,” he told her. “Just feel.”

She closed her eyes again and did as he instructed. The warmth from his hand heated her skin quickly. He cupped the back of her neck and pulled her forward until his mouth covered hers. Tingles of delight coursed through her and she whimpered. Her heart hammered out a frantic warning, telling her to stop him. Instead, she answered his ardent kisses with a hunger she had never possessed.

She loved it. And yet she hated the fact she loved it. This was wrong – so very improper. Wasn’t it enough they were alone in the woodsman’s cottage? She was not the kind of woman she resembled right now, and she wouldn’t lower herself to become a harlot. Not for him or any man!

, no.” Her voice trembled as she pushed away and stood. She pulled the robe tighter around her neck, suddenly feeling chilled. “This is wrong.”

He blew out a gush of air as he ran his fingers through his thick, black hair. “Yes, you’re correct, again. That time we let it get out of control.” He grinned. “Although I must admit, it was very enjoyable.”

Megan turned and walked to the window. She didn’t want him to notice how she couldn’t seem to catch her breath, or that her limbs still quivered. Lord help her, but she wanted him; wanted him to feel the same excitement he made her feel. And especially, she wanted him to be her husband. She didn’t dare look at him, positive that he could read her every thought. Instead, she stared outside and noticed the rain had stopped.

With a heavy heart, she must return to the dowager’s estate. She couldn’t let this go any further without wanting much more of him. Obviously, he made her weak, and her body ached for the acceptance she had yet to find. Everything happened so fast, she couldn’t control the outcome. It frightened her. She must restrain her emotions.

Besides, this was enough to trap him.

Now if everything fell into place the way it should, they would be betrothed by the end of the day.

* * * *

Edmund moved to the fire and threw on another log, stirring the embers while Megan gathered her dry clothes and hurried into the kitchen to change. This afternoon had gone well, but not well enough. He needed to seduce her – claim his prize – before she discovered his true identity. Revenge was finally within reach.

Unfortunately, her determination had been stronger than he’d planned. Yet her fervor burned a fire inside him he hadn’t experienced for some time. In the normal course of events, he would never dally with an innocent woman, but this situation was different.
was different.

The depth of passion within Megan still confounded him. At times she acted like she’d had a man touch her like Edmund had done, but a simple stroke of her innocent lips across his left him quite confused.

The door between the two rooms opened. With downcast eyes and pink cheeks, she reentered. Only innocent girls would act like that. His suspicions were confirmed. She was, indeed, innocent.

When their eyes met, his breath caught in his throat. Dressed, she was as beautiful now as she had been wearing his robe. Her auburn curls cascaded over her shoulders. He knew how silky they felt against his hands, and she would smell like fresh flowers.

Edmund couldn’t let her leave. He’d been privileged to savor only a tiny bit of her passion, and he wanted to experience it again. The stubborn lift of her chin put an end to that dream. She was as determined to go as he was to see her stay.

His heart wrenched at the thought of this beautiful woman returning to the
estate and discovering his deception.

She would be shocked when discovering he wasn’t the duke, but she would hate him when she learned he wasn’t about to do the
thing and marry her. He didn’t have the licentious classification of rake by mistake. It thrilled him when he added another woman’s name to his list, and though regret twisted in his gut for ruining such a special girl, he wouldn’t wed her. He couldn’t. The haughty nobility wouldn’t let him have the home and family he’d always craved.

By all that was holy, Edmund vowed he would play by his own rules, not theirs!

Megan would leave, and it seemed as if the gates to paradise slammed closed in his face. He’d been offered one taste of the forbidden fruit, and just like Adam, Edmund yearned for more. No matter how upset she was at him, he was certain she would continue to burn for his touch.

That eased his mind a bit.

He genuinely liked having her in his cabin. This was the only place where he could act like himself – a place where he could get away from the uppity, judgmental aristocrats of London.

“Your Grace.” The musical lift of her soft voice brought him out of his thoughts. “If you will be so kind as to escort me back to your grandmother’s estate, it would be most appreciated. I fear I have no idea how to get there from here.”

He nodded. “As you wish.”

He finished buttoning his shirt then shrugged on his over-coat, forgetting the waistcoat and cravat that still hung on the chair. Megan stood stiffly as she waited by the front door. He took his time, but he couldn’t forestall their parting any longer.

Taking slow steps, he walked toward her. When he neared, she reached out and lightly touched his arm.

“I want to thank you for…well, for everything. I’m especially grateful you found me and rescued me from the storm. You’re truly a knight.”

Edmund Knight was more a knight than she realized.

He smiled. “I’m happy to have assisted you in your time of need. I shudder to think what might have happened if I’d not found you.”

“As do I.”

She turned toward the door, preparing to step out the moment he opened it, but he hesitated as his hand rested on the latch. His every sense cried out to keep her there, to fulfill his thirst for revenge, but more importantly, to hold her and kiss her endlessly.

When she discovered his true identity wasn’t that of her precious duke, indeed she would loathe his very existence. Edmund searched her features as he convinced himself she was already ruined by being here with him.

To persuade himself it would be no great sin if they enjoyed that which they would be accused of shortly, he turned and took her in his arms. She gasped, her head falling back as she stared wide-eyed into his face.

“Megan, I don’t want to take you back. I have enjoyed our time together, and I don’t want it to end. You’re so unlike all the other women I have met. I fear once you’re with society again, you will change into the sort of woman I despise.”

She smiled, reached up and stroked the side of his face. He pressed his cheek to her palm, nuzzling the tender skin.

“I, too, have enjoyed our afternoon, but, Your Grace, you’re wrong. I will not change.”

He shook his head, and then buried his face into her neck. “If only I could believe you.”

Her arms circled his shoulders, clinging to him. She kissed his cheek. “You must believe me. When next we meet, I assure you, I will be the same woman.”

But he would not be the same man.

Edmund raised his head. Her face was close. Her green gaze softened, and her expression relaxed. He liked seeing her this way, liked the fact he had begun to seduce her. If only they had more time.

“Stay with me for a while longer.”

“I cannot.”


“I’m certain the party that traveled into town this morning has returned. If you remember correctly, it was my intent to catch up with them before it rained.”

“Be with me just one hour more.” He kissed her cheek. “I don’t want you to leave.” His mouth latched onto hers.

She responded in a passionate, opened-mouth kiss. He pushed her up against the wall and ran his hands over her, from her soft shoulders to her back. Her lips molded to his, perfectly, and he didn’t want to let her go.
She groaned and clutched his shirt, pulling him closer.

Inwardly, he cursed. This woman excited him more than the experienced women he’d been with. He liked it. He liked a lot of things about Megan Ramsey. He enjoyed the way his heart hammered, making him feel this was his first time kissing a woman.

She tore her mouth away. “Your Grace.” Her voice pleaded in a whisper. Her uneven breathing kept an uneasy rhythm with his. “I must leave.”

“Then meet me later tonight.”

Why did I say that?
By tonight she would know Edmund wasn’t the true James Hartley, Duke of
, but he needed to hear her answer. But for some reason that didn’t matter right now. Maybe, just maybe she would keep her word and meet him later.

She pulled back and looked into his eyes. “What? You wish me to meet you?”

“Yes. Somewhere private, after dinner.”

Her breath was labored and hot against his skin. “Where?”

His heartbeat quickened. “How about behind Gram’s greenhouse? Or better yet, inside her greenhouse. We will not be spotted, and there will be adequate privacy.”

“I shouldn’t.”

He grinned. “But, you will.”

A smile touched her face. “Yes, I will.”

Crushing his lips to hers, he gave her one last kiss and pulled away. He took her hand and walked out of the cottage with her, leading her to their horses. He already counted the hours until they would be alone again.

* * * *

Megan ran a hand over her tangled hair, now dry from this morning’s storm. With a straight back, she rode into the stable. She couldn’t get rid of the smile stretching across her face. Never in her life did she think a man could make her dizzy with happiness by just kissing her. And to think she would be his wife soon and they could do
more often.

had let her ride on ahead, explaining he didn’t want her reputation ruined. Giggling to herself, she realized it didn’t matter now since her father would force the duke to marry her. Hopefully, though,
would be a gentleman and offer marriage before her father stepped in.
certainly didn’t act like a gentleman while they were at the cottage.

The groom caught her reins and helped her dismount. One of the other guests stood nearby, waiting for a horse. Lady Witherspoon gasped when she saw her.

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