Charmed & Ready (23 page)

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Authors: Candace Havens

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: Charmed & Ready
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Honestly, I wasn't sure I had the strength, but I had to. From the look in his eyes, something terrible had happened.

I grabbed his hand, and had him look in my eyes again.


She looked up. Standing by a window in her nightgown, she stared at me. "Bronwitch, is Uncle Zane okay?"

"Yes, honey." I turned so she could see him. "He's right here."

Her tiny body shivered with relief. "Oh, Uncle, I was so scared when I saw the bad lady with you."

"I'm okay, Poppet. She wasn't going to hurt me. She was only scared."

She cried, and the tears fell on Zane's face too. "Honey, you're coming to America."

She smiled through her tears. "Is the bad lady gone?"

"Yes, baby. She can't scare you anymore. I promise."

"Zane," I whispered, "I can't hold it much longer."

"Little luv, Uncle has to go but I'll see you tomorrow. I'm sending the plane for you right now."

"I love you."

"Love you too, baby."

I closed my eyes. I could feel the sludge sliding into my system.

"Tell me what happened, but make it fast. Where's the bad lady?"

He sighed. "She wasn't bad. And her name is Marni. She's Zoë's mom."

My eyes flew open, and I heard Simone's sharp intake of breath.

"She'd been trying to get Zoë back and she made a deal with some demon with a B name. I can't remember exactly what she said. He promised her baby back if she served him."

Probably Blaseus.

His body shook and a small sob escaped. He pushed the emotion back. Showing incredible strength, he continued.

"She planned all of this, to kill me in my own home. I don't know if she was directly responsible for the death of my brother, but she was involved.

"She lured me into bed. It wasn't hard. I was wasted. I noticed something strange about her eyes and at first I thought maybe she'd drugged me. It looked as though her eyes were on fire."

Oh, wow, that meant possession. The same as the warlocks.

"I was tied up before I realized she meant me real harm. She had the knife above her head ready to plunge it into me. Then she looked at me strangely. My amulet was glowing so bright it almost blinded me."

He pushed himself up on the headboard.

"Her whole body shook and then her eyes changed back to normal and she wailed. It was a horrible sound. That's when Zoë suddenly showed up over my shoulder. She yelled at the woman. She was so fierce. 'Get away, bad lady, go away. Or the Bronwitch will kill you.' That's when Marni really broke down.

"Marni's head dropped to her chest. 'Send her away, send her
, I
won't hurt you
.' She dropped the knife. And little Zoë disappeared. Oh, the name of the demon was Blackstock. The one she made the deal with. I remembered because I used to have a guitar player with that name. He left to start his own band. Wonder what happened to that guy?"

The name made me choke. "What did you say?"

"He left to start his own band."

I rolled my eyes and grunted. "No, the name. Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure that was it. He'd promised her that
she helped him, she would get her baby back. But seeing Zoë did something to her. She ran off right before you got here and I haven't seen her since."

That's when I realized Marni might still be in the house. I looked at Simone and we both pushed off the bed. She checked Zane's closet and I went into the bathroom.

That's where I found her. She couldn't have been more than twenty-five. My age. That meant she was a teen when Zoë was born.

At first I couldn't tell what happened, but she was prone on the floor, barely breathing. Her blond hair was a tangled mess, and she still wore the clothes she had on at the party. I motioned to Zane and Simone and they followed me in. I slid to the floor and took her hand. Her pulse was almost nonexistent.

"Tell Zoë, her mommy loves her." A tear slid down her cheek. "I'm so sorry." Then she stared at the ceiling, lifeless. I tried to throw my healing
into her, everything I had. But it was useless. She wanted to die and she was gone.

In her hand we found a handful of small green pills. I sniffed them. Belladonna. In small doses it helps you sleep, in larger amounts the sleep is more permanent. Her purse was open on the counter, and she'd gone through it quickly to find the herbs she wanted.

There was a large bang downstairs and I pulled myself up by the cabinet and stood ready. Saying a small prayer that it wasn't more demons and warlocks, I almost cried when the prime minister and Azir rounded the corner of the bathroom.

I smiled. "It's about time." And that's the last I remember. I woke up and looked at my watch and it's Tuesday. I've been out for two days.

Oh, Azir's coming to see me. I can feel him. Zane told me earlier that Azir's spent the last forty-eight hours looking after me. They called in Simone's shaman friend Roy to help detoxify my system from the black sludge.

I didn't know anything. I've been in a serious REM state the whole time.

Kind of hoped someone had told Sam, but if they did, he obviously didn't care enough
to even call
. Whatever.

Good, Azir is here. I need to thank him.

Chapter Twenty-six


Wednesday, 11 A. M.

Wards: 1

Spells: 3

Witches who are ready to go home: 1

Azir was nothing but sweet to me. A complete turnaround from the way he acted in New York. I was a little embarrassed when I found out he'd watched me sleep the last two days.

Dressed in jeans, an opened white button-down and sandals, he looked California chic. Kind of cool for a Middle Eastern sheik.

"You look much better this morning." He had a tray with him.

Now, let me take a moment and just settle this in my head. I'm in the world's most famous rock star's house, being served breakfast by one of the richest men in the world.

My life really isn't so bad.

"Thank you. But I think I could use a toothbrush and maybe a shower. You might want to stay by the door." I smiled.

He laughed and he didn't listen to my warning. "I'll take my chances." Setting the tray on my lap, he pulled a chair up next to the bed.

"We were anxious there for a few minutes. The shaman was worried we'd waited too long to treat you. Simone told him that if he let you die, he wouldn't have anything to worry about because he'd be dead. Let's just say he worked well under pressure." I'd forgotten how much I liked Azir's smile.

I giggled. I love Simone. "Is she doing okay? She had some nasty stab wounds."

"She was covered with blood but refused treatment until she knew for sure you'd be fine. She's quite fearless, that one. You two make a good team."

"She's definitely that, and yes we do. Um, thanks for looking after me. I know you must have a million things to do."

He shrugged. "I wanted to be here. Beyond all of this, you are my friend."

I picked up a piece of toast from the tray. Awkward. There's no better word for this particular scenario. I still had feelings for Azir. More than friendship feelings, but not at all like what I felt for Sam.

I offered him the other piece and he took it. "Azir, if I ask you a question will you answer me honestly?"

He chuckled. "It depends on the question." His intense stare made me shiver.

"Was Sam with you last week?"

He nodded.

"You don't have to tell me the specifics, but did anything happen to him?"

"No, not that I know of. It
was a
difficult mission and there were many children involved. We were transporting them from the Philippines to a safe house. That's all I can tell you."

"Oh. Okay. But nothing happened?"

"Not out of the ordinary. Why, did something happen between you and Sam?"

This was the last person I should discuss my man troubles with, but he would probably have the best perspective. He did love me once.

"I called him while you were on the mission and a woman answered his phone. I suspected the worst, because well, I'm me. Later he told me the phone had been stolen."

I sighed. "Then there was an unfortunate mix-up and he thought Zane and I were sleeping together."

Azir's eyebrows rose. "Were you?"

"We didn't fool around but we did pass out in the same bed. Sam found out, and he won't listen to reason. But there's something beyond his being jealous. I don't know. He hasn't been himself since the attack a few months ago." The words fell out of my mouth like an uncontrolled waterfall. I couldn't stop talking.

He reached and took my hand. "Bronwyn, it's difficult for a man to be in a relationship with you."

I tried to give him my evilest stare.

Holding up a hand in surrender, he continued. "You are often in precarious situations, and everything is life and death. It's difficult for a man whose natural instinct is to protect you to deal with this.

"And the fact that you were in bed with a man known for his prowess with women wouldn't be an easy thing for anyone to understand. It doesn't matter that it was innocent. Certainly, this is not difficult to comprehend?"

I circled my head around, trying to release the tension in my neck. "I do understand it. But he knows I love him and wouldn't do anything to hurt him. Well, I keep doing things, but I don't mean to."

He laughed again. "Like I said, loving you isn't always easy. He loves you, Bronwyn. How could he not? You are beautiful, intelligent and one of the most powerfully endearing women I've ever met."

His words made a tear fall to my cheek.

Reaching up with his thumb, he wiped it away.

"What you have to decide is if you are willing to meet him halfway. Do you want to fight for Sam? Maybe you don't love him as much as you think you do."

A sob came out of my throat and he stood. He moved the tray and then sat down, taking me in his arms as he did.

"Yes. I love him, Azir. I do, so much I can't stand it."

"This, my love, is why I didn't fight harder for you. Your love for him is deep. Love like this doesn't come along often, and you should fight for it with everything you have."

I blubbered against his chest. His scent was a blend of spicy cologne and powerful man. An intoxicating combination. Taking a breath, I pushed away.

I stared at his rich brown eyes, and those illegally long lashes. It would be so easy to love this man. But my heart belonged to Sam.

"If you love him so much, Bronwyn, then get mad. You aren't the kind of woman who sits around whining. You go after what you want."

go after what I want. I have to get home. I wish I didn't have to wait for this stupid concert on Saturday. Well it's not stupid, but you know what I mean."

He hugged me. "That may happen sooner than you think."

Garnout walked in. I wondered where he'd been. Usually when I'm hurt he's first on the scene. I'd been surprised when I heard the shaman was the one to help heal me.

"Greetings, young witch."

I nodded toward him.

Azir stood. "I'll leave you now."

Garnout motioned for him to sit down. "No need, I can only stay for a moment." He put a hand on my head and said a chant.

The wizard lifted my chin with his fingers. "You're healing. Shaman Roy did well."

I'd yet to meet this Shaman Roy, but evidently he had the metaphysical healing arts down to a science. But I have to admit Roy seemed an odd name for one so powerful.

"Your friend Caleb will be here in the morning to take you back to Sweet." Garnout sat on the side of the bed. "Until you've fully healed, you'll be of little use here."

"But—" How could I do my job if he sent me home? There were thousands of people to protect at the concert.

He laughed. "Your poker face needs work, Bronwyn. No one is usurping your powers. But Zane no longer needs your protection. There are several local covens here who will join to protect the arena for the concert." He held up a hand. "No, you could do it better, but I'll pop in to make sure everything runs as it should. We feel now, with the girl gone, and the warlocks you and Simone killed, the threat is diminished."

He cleared his throat, and put his hand my head again. "Yes, you'll be fine, but you need at least two weeks of peace and quiet."

My life in Sweet was slower, but seldom peaceful or quiet.

"It feels wrong to leave the job again before it's completed. I was sent home early from London, and it just doesn't look good."

Zane walked in. My room had become Spago on a Friday night in the old days. Wolfgang Puck would be jealous.

He waved a hand. "Don't be gormless, luv. You've saved my life so many times in the last few weeks you deserve an award. Go home and take care of yourself."

I put my hands on my hips. "What is this, boss Bronwyn day?"

"I want to see the Bronwitch," a child whispered outside in the hallway.

"Bring her in, Georgette," Zane called to them.

His assistant came around the corner with the tiny girl on her hip. Zoë's big eyes looked at me in wonder. Her little hand went up in a tiny wave.

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