Charmed & Ready (21 page)

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Authors: Candace Havens

Tags: #Fantasy

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After another full day of rehearsals, Zane wanted to go out again tonight, or have friends over, but I've advised against it. I see his need to be adored, but we can't risk pulling anyone else into this mess.

But he's insisted so we'll be making our way to the limo in about a half hour. Zane says they don't normally do premieres on weekends.

"This one is tied to save the whales or something, so since it's for charity they are making it an even bigger party than usual." He grabbed his chin. "That means it's time to glam it up big time."

Thank goodness I've brought my leather pants and another adorable halter top from London. This one is made out of white lacy material that looks see-through but isn't. It's really soft and comfortable.

Simone isn't happy about going. She wants to hunt the demons. So do I. But unfortunately I can't keep watch over him and help her.

My reason, and the only way I could get her to go, is to tell her Zane and I were like bait. What these morons wanted most was a rock star and witch. So what better place to go public?

Of course the fact we were putting hundreds of lives in danger to do so has crossed my mind.

Zane insists the premiere will be good for all of us.

"The security nowadays is basically one guard per celebrity, plus we all bring our own. It's probably safer than sitting here at home." He stood in his enormous closet picking something to wear. I've never seen a man with so many clothes.

I sat on his bed shaking my head in the affirmative or negative, depending on what he pulled out.

He had a point about the safety issues.

Still, I'd bring backup with my potions and spells.

He finally chose a pair of black leather pants, and a deep red poet's shirt. Thanks to his time by the pool, he'd lost his English paleness and had a healthy glow. The red would pop against his skin.

Laying the clothes on his bed, he put a hand on my shoulder.

"I know it hasn't been easy for you this last week. And I'm sorry about the troubles with your boyfriend." He sighed. "It bothers me how much I've come to depend on you for my security."

I patted the hand on my shoulder. "Yep, I've kind of grown attached to you too. But we've got to get this settled soon, and not because of my man troubles. People are dying and we've got to stop it."

"I'm worried about the concert. It's only a few days away and if—I couldn't take it."

I stood up. "I know, me either. We'll take care of it, don't worry." Just to be mean, and to get his mind off his troubles I pointed at his hair. "Hey, is that a gray hair?"

His eyes were wide with shock, and his hand flew to his head. "What? No!" He ran to his bathroom.

I laughed all the way down the hall. It was cruel, but it did get his mind off the evil haunting us.

Now I've got to get ready. I hope I can get in those pants. I've eaten an awful lot the last couple of days.


11:30 P. M.

This has to be one of the worst nights of my life. Okay, maybe not the worst, but certainly right up there in the top ten.

At least we all looked good.

Simone showed up in her black leather bustier and matching pants that sat so low on her hips, I don't know how she kept them up. By the time we reached the red carpet she had stopped scowling. That woman just isn't happy unless she's killed a demon.

We get out of the limo and the paparazzi go insane. Cameras flashing everywhere. Blinding. Zane tried to stop, but it was too much of a security risk. Simone had one arm and I had the other. We paused for three seconds and then we pushed through the crowd and into the theater.

It was the El Capitan, which has been redone and is gorgeous inside. The beautiful and rich decor was the highlight of my evening. After that it went downhill like an avalanche of shit.

Thankfully, we arrived only about fifteen minutes before the film started. That meant a minimum amount of schmoozing with the beautiful people.

There were three actresses who fawned all over Zane. And I do mean all over. One of them had her hand
his crotch while she whispered in his ear.

The movie, if you could call it that, was supposed to be an action film about a ghost hunter with special psychic skills. Lame, lame, lame. Kira sitting on a stool telling stories about the dead people who keep bugging her would have been much more entertaining.

The only thing that kept me awake was Simone throwing popcorn in my face every few minutes. Normally it would have annoyed me beyond belief, but basically it kept me from being too bored.

Afterward, everyone stood up and applauded. I rolled my eyes. The director moved up on the stage and said something about how creatively challenging the project had been and how organic the story was. I don't know what's so organic about lame ghost hunters, but there you go. Then he brought the actors onstage. The hero was played by a gorgeous guy. I can't remember his name, but his eyes were bedroomy blue. He reminded me of the guy in the club but different.

The next thing I knew we were being led out of a side door and into the limo. It was only nine thirty, but I was exhausted.

Then Zane announced we were going to a party.

"No!" Simone and I yelled in unison.

"It isn't safe." I tried to soften my voice. "Zane, we explained this before."

"I know, I know. But it's at Harry Stein's house. He's an old friend and a producer of the film. I can't not go. The man owns half of Hollywood. Come on, we'll only stay for an hour. I promise."

Simone frowned and I shook my head.

"It's too risky." I sighed. I knew I'd give in but I had to try. He was a grown man and if he wanted to go to a party I couldn't stop him. I could advise against it, but couldn't stop him.

"Bronwyn, I have to go." He crossed his arms like a petulant child. So much for acting grown-up.

I turned and looked out the window.

We were driving high into the Hollywood Hills. The view was amazing. The lights twinkled and everything looked so beautiful.

But I knew it was all an illusion. This whole place was. Under those twinkling lights was a lot of evil. I'd seen it yesterday in that house where the demons had fed. I can see why Simone gets burned out every six months or so.

It isn't just here. Evil lives everywhere and some days it's fucking overwhelming.

When I turned back around Simone stared at me. She shook her head as if she knew what I was thinking. I smiled.

We don't always agree with one another, but we definitely understand each other.

Harry Stein's house was a monstrosity of glass and steel jutting out the side of the mountain. All of the lights were on and it was like a bright beacon.

A bright beacon for the false and pretentious. I gotta say, I've never appreciated my new home in Sweet more than I do in this moment.


My guess is if I were home, I wouldn't have been propositioned by a demon to carry his children.

Let me explain.

Minutes after we arrived, Zane was wrapped around some blonde who caught his attention. "I've been such a good boy. I need to play." He smiled and rolled his eyes.

I pointed to his amulet. "Keep that on, and wear a condom."

He laughed as he walked away.

Simone disappeared soon after.

I sat on a barstool in a corner keeping watch over the room. Sipping my Pellegrino, I watched the rather intense interplay among the guests.

Two beautiful women stood close to Harry, wanting desperately to get his attention. I could see it in their eyes. I didn't need to read their minds.

He was surrounded by a group of men with cigars, all of whom had a glass of amber cognac in their hands.

The women kept whispering, finally in a fit of what had to be desperation, they started making out with one another. The men turned to watch. Harry smiled. His large belly jiggled with laughter. My stomach lurched at that smile. It was the grin of a predator. He touched one woman's shoulder and she stopped frenching the blonde. Then they both took Harry's arms and walked into a room on the left. Yuck. The visual of those girls going down on Harry was not a pretty one.

Oh, but the night was young.

Many of the groups were talking. The ones out by the pool seemed to be more relaxed and less business-oriented.

I made my way out and that's when I ran into him.

Gorgeous. Blue eyes and a body that was so taut and tight, I bounced right off of him. Entranced by a threesome in the pool, I didn't notice the cute guy until I ran into him.

I smacked against his chest and he grabbed my arms to keep me from falling in the pool.

"Sorry." I shrugged. "I'd say I didn't see you, but you're kind of hard to miss." I pointed to the pool. "I was a little distracted."

That made him laugh. "I can see why. They seem to be quite, um, close."

He put out his hand. "I'm Jason."

I must have been mistaken, about seeing him in the club. It couldn't have been the same guy.

We shook. "Bronwyn."

"Is this your first Hollywood party?" He had a nice smile.

I was mesmerized by his eyes. Even in the darkness I could see tiny orange flecks in the blue. Never seen anything like it.

"More or less. I've been to events out here with clients, but nothing like this."

It seemed like everywhere I looked people were making out. Bodies intertwined and so much kissing.

I turned back to him. "It's a bit much."

"Yes, I suppose it would be. You said clients. What's your business?"

Now see, I just don't tell everyone I'm a witch. And I knew if I said consultant he'd ask what kind. Everyone out here is a consultant of some kind.

"I'm in security."

"Oh, are you on Zane's detail? I watched you come in with him and the dark-haired woman."

He'd seen us, but I hadn't noticed him at all. Huh. "Um, yes I'm protecting Zane. What do you do?" Hey, I can make small talk with the best of them. Not really, but I felt like I was at least holding up my end.

He smiled and my heart dipped in my chest. God, the man was beautiful.

"I'm a breeder."

"Huh. Like horses?"




This was too weird. What else was there? Maybe he had a farm with special kinds of cows. Living where I did I'm surrounded by cows, but I don't know much about them.

I threw up my hands. "Okay, I give up. What do you breed?"

"These." He unbuttoned his shirt. I didn't have time to think about what he was doing.

Then his stomach split open and there were about fifty slimy eggs attached in a tiny sac.

I backed away from him. He was a demon and I hadn't even sensed it.

He moved toward me. "Don't be afraid, they won't hurt you. I only need to inseminate you and you won't feel a thing."

Um, ewwww. I held up a hand. "First of all stop where you are, or I'll kill you. Second, if I want to be inseminated, and I don't, it won't be by some creepy demon guy with a sack full of eggs."

He looked more offended than angry.

"It is a great honor to carry my children."

Okay, gross.

"Maybe where you come from, but here it's just disgusting. I'm asking you nicely to please leave me alone. In fact it would be better if you just left altogether. I hear there's a demon slayer here and she's been itching for a kill all night."

Never in my life had I wanted to zap someone with a fireball so bad, but I didn't think Zane would appreciate me killing someone at Harry's party.

His face became a mask. "Until later." Then he turned and left. I'm in the bathroom right now, and have just finished throwing up.

I'm going to find Zane and Simone and we are getting the hell out of this place. I can't imagine Simone's demon radar is down. This house has to be shielded by magic, and if that's the case we're going to have a tough time telling the good guys from the bad.

Chapter Twenty-four


Tuesday, 11 P. M.

Sleepy witches: 1

The good news is I've had another long rest. About forty-eight hours.

The bad news is that once again I almost died. And I feel like I could sleep another two days.

When I last wrote, I was hiding in Harry's bathroom at possibly the worst party I've ever been to. I ran out of there in search of Zane. I was about to give up when I found him in front of a fireplace making out with the blond chick we'd met at the door.

"Bronwyn, love, come meet Marni."

I gritted my teeth but gave her a quick wave. Then turned my attention back to Zane.

"Look," I pointed to the door, "we've got to get out of here now. Have you seen Simone?"

"No, and I don't want to leave. Marni and I are having a great time."

I closed my eyes but I didn't have time to count to ten. The effects
way too much alcohol glazed his eyes. Coherent conversation was impossible.

I grabbed his collar and pulled him up by the scruff. "Zane. We. Have. To. Go."

He patted my head like a puppy. "Okay, okay. Don't yell, luv." His words slurred. "I'm coming." He laughed. "Well, not yet, but Marni will help with that, won't you, darling girl?"

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