Charming The Warriors (The Charmer) (14 page)

BOOK: Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)
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“Parrise let go of me, if you hurt Den or the Wolf I will never forgive you. Now let me go!”

“Love don’t be mad I want to protect you.”

“From Den! He’s my best friend, my family. Please?” Just as I finish, Den rushes at Parrise to tackle him to the floor, Parrise jumps 15 foot in the air whilst still holding me, landing us on the grass away from Den and the Wolf.

Wolf howls so loudly I put my hand to my ears. The Wolf and Den run at us again but I push Parrise away from me.

“Just go Parrise, Den thinks that I’m in danger, don’t fight him. Please don’t hurt him or the Wolf.”

“Ah love,” He says defeated.

Den shouts something, but I’m still looking at the beautiful man in front of me, again, mesmerized by his beauty. Parrise takes off at lightning speed, running to the Wolf, as the Wolf does the same. They jump at the same time, clashing against each other mid air with a loud thud. The noises are so awful, it make my stomach churn. Den reaches me and wraps his arms around my waist, hoisting me up against him as he starts running with me back to the house.

“Stay inside!” He shouts at me while running back to help the Wolf fighting Parrise. Just as he gets to them, four other Wolves are circling around Parrise and as he looks at all of them in turn Den takes this opportunity to punch Parrise in the face, hard! The Wolves howl and snarl at Parrise viciously.

“Den, NO!” I scream at the top of my lungs as I run back to where he stands. Parrise’s gaze catches mine, just before jumping out of the feral circle surrounding him and landing straight in front of me, his strong arms pull me to his chest.

“Parrise are you hurt?” I ask panicked looking over his large frame for bite marks.

“No love, I am sorry I made you sad. I love you Zara.” He kisses my lips, and I kiss him back harder. He loves me! However, the more concerning thought is why I feel the same way! Because I love Sallack! How can I also love Parrise?

He jumps high into the
moonlit sky as I lose the sight of him in the darkness.

“Parrise!” I scream for him, I shouldn’t want him, or to be with him, but I do. With every breath in my body I want him.


              As I get to Den, he is on his knees looking at the Wolves around him in wonderment.

“Den, are you ok, what were you thinking he’s a fucking Vampire Den, a Vampire! I could have lost you!” I scream at him, bending down to sit on my knees by him. He could have been hurt; they all could have been hurt Parrise is a bloody Vampire, a Vampire that I love! What’s wrong with me. I’m in love with Sallack and a mother fucking Vampire! There
be something wrong with me.

“Babe it’s ok. Come here”

“Don’t try to fight him again Den please”

“Vampire! Well that makes sense, sort of!”

I can see he is trying to understand w
hat is going on, and knowing him wondering what he can use to make a stake! Feeling a nudge on my back, I look round to see the Wolves still standing in the circle. I look at all of them in turn, focusing on ‘my Wolf.’

“Hey gorgeous,” I say gently to him, with my hand held out.

“Should you be doing that babe?” Den asks me questionably.

The biggest
Wolf, with black fur and gold eyes gives a low growl as if he understood what Den has said.

“It’s fine, they won’t hurt us, he was watching out for us.”

“How do you know that?”

Wolf’ comes over to me and I stroke his face and kiss his head as he licks the inside of my wrist in return, while the black Wolf growls in annoyance.

“Julian told me, but can’t you see it?”

“This is all too weird, and Vampire’s! I mean really, they can’t be real. Can they?”

“They can, he told me what he is, he’s name is Parrise, I have seen him 5 times now but he has erased my memory all the other times.”

“He did what? Did he hurt you, cos I swear to God I’ll stake the prick. Do stakes work?”

Bingo, I knew it.
I snort a laugh at his question.

“I don’t know about stakes! He didn’t hurt me, he saved me from being attacked from a drunk the first night we arrived, then the next night in the room we were staying at Sallack’s, and at the club, but he’s ok I swear he won’t hurt me. He just wants me to be with him.”

Wolves growl and the black Wolf, who I’m thinking is the leader nudges my hand off ‘my Wolf’ and howls, the other Wolfs retreat to the woods why he and ‘my Wolf’ stay.

“ATTACKED, where was I?” Den shouts.

“Den, I was fine, Parrise stopped him. Don’t worry please?” I turn back to the two Wolves standing close to me.

“Thank you ‘gorgeous’ and you ‘Boss man’,” I say running my hands down their backs.

“Fucking hell, don’t name them Zara! Come on lets go. You need to tell me the whole story of this Parrise!”

n looks so hot when he is angry; I try to hide the smile creeping on my face.

“What about them?” I ask, worried for them.

I stand with
Den, now stroking the face of ‘boss man’ feeling connected to him in some way.

“Their fine. Look at them, their fierce Wolves. They can take care of themselves. You need to tell me everything about this vamp?”


I look back at the
Wolves; the chocolate one is playfully nudging the black one as they walk the opposite direction as Den and I.


              When we get back inside, Den grabs a blanket from behind the couch, wraps it around my shoulders and sits with me in a loving embrace. I tell him everything I can remember of ‘my meetings’ with Parrise, the things he said, the way he got in my head and the kisses.

“So that’s why I could smell death, on our first night at Sallack’s, then the first night here.”


“Yeah did you not smell it? Maybe he made you think he smelt nice?”

“Why are we not freaking out? I mean, how? It’s like…”

“Come on let’s get some sleep it’s late, we can talk in the morning.”

I go to stand
up, but he pulls me back to lie on top of him as he holds me tightly.

“Let’s stay here; I need to feel you against me Zara?”

I look into the beautiful green eyes of the man I was
in love
with, who I fantasized about for years.

“I love you, I’ll always be here when you need me, k?”

“I know Den. I love you so much,” I tell him, meaning every word. He brushes his lips over mine so gently full of want! I’m not sure if it really happened or I imagined it. Therefore, I shut my eyes and lay back on his firm chest.


Chapter 9


I wake up with the of the morning sun warming my face. Rolling on my back, I'm reminded that Den and I fell asleep on the couch. Last night he’d been so good to me he is the one person I can depend on in life. My thoughts soon turn to Parrise and what happened last night, moreover, he let me remember him! He put himself in danger to see me, but why. Parrise is one of the most beautiful yet mysterious men I have ever laid eyes on, and he cares for me! He said he
me! The thought makes me happy and saddened at the same time. Things are going to get complicated around here; I’m falling big time for a freaking Vampire, but not just any Vampire, a drop-dead gorgeous one who puts fire in my insides. Then there’s Sallack, sexy as hell and makes my insides melt every time I see him. Why are things so intense it’s not as if I’ve built a proper relationship with either of them, nothing even like what Den and I have. Oh, Den! There is another complication, my buried feelings for him. Nevertheless, Sallack is the one I want to be with, I just need to stay away from Parrise, which is hard when he turns up whenever he likes. I could tell him ‘No’ but my heart and mind won’t let me when I am in his presence.


              “Morning babe, don’t suppose I had a really weird dream last night did I?” Den says startling me out of my thoughts.

“Nope sorry.”

“We need to go find help today, do some research on Vampires, and make sure you’re protected from him!”

“No, you need to go to work, I can handle it, and I’ll be getting picked up for work and dropped off tonight, I’ll be fine. Please don’t worry, I know he won’t hurt me I believe he loves me.”

“No fucking way Zara, what the hell! You can’t trust him he’s a Vampire! He has tricked you, got in your head. I’m not leaving you alone while you’re not thinking straight. I’ll get another job if I have to.”

“No! He can’t get to me in the day anyway, I won’t let you lose your job. Just trust me, please Den?”

We argue for the next
20 minutes before he gives in. My phone starts ringing, so I run up to my bedroom to get it.

“Hey Sallack.”

“Hi beautiful, what are your plans for today?”

“Um well, nothing really. How about you?”

“I have a few things to take care of at home; I was wondering if you would be at home today, I was going to get Julian to run some paper work over?”

“Oh… yes that’s fine.”

I a
m disappointed he isn’t coming over himself, but he did tell me last night he wouldn’t be around today.

“I really want to see you Zara, believe me, it’s just that there has been an incident I have to take care of, I’m needed here.”

“No no, that’s fine, I’ll see you tomorrow, I hope you sort it out.”

“Yeah me to beautiful.”

We say goodbye and he promises to come by tomorrow at work and take me home, so I feel happy for that.

              Julian arrives not long after Den has reluctantly left for work. We sort out the paperwork and I invite him to stay for a cool drink, as it’s another scorcher of a day. We decide to have it outside sitting on the porch swing. Julian is so easy to get along with, he makes me laugh with his flirty nature. I ask him about the Wolves again trying not to give anything away.

“So they run in a pack, is there a leader?”

“Yes he is the Alpha, he is larger than the rest and extremely strong. He’s the one with black fur, have you seen him Zara?” He raises an eyebrow at me.

“Um yeah I think so, what’s an Alpha?”

“The Alpha is the leader of the pack, the strongest most respected of them, you know, they don’t usually come so close to people it’s too dangerous for them, you must be special.”

“Well I feel very privileged.”

After chatting and laughing for about an hour he heads off, so I get myself another drink and head back to the swing with a book when I see ‘my Wolf’ sitting out on the grass, a few yards away.

“Hey gorgeous,” I call out to him.

I walk over and go
down on one knee to give him a stroke on his beautiful face but as he leans into my hand, I notice he has what looks like a bite mark! I feel awful, this Wolf has been watching out for me and even keeping me company.

“Oh no, I’m so sorry.”

I sit on the gras
s beside him looking deeply into his eyes as my tears fall freely. I have the strangest feeling of love for this Wolf, seeing he is hurt is upsetting. Why has he been protecting me, what makes me special.

Once the tears start rolling I
can’t stop them, my emotions have always been higher than the average person, like when I watched Den with all his girl friend’s and one night stands, it truly broke my heart, physically and mentally, the sort of pain I wish to never relive again.


              “Why is this happening?” I whisper to myself.

Wolf’ licks the inside of my wrist why he backs away from me a few step’s. I frown wondering where he is going, suddenly his fur starts to shimmer and the atmosphere changes, it feels powerful in away. Just before I feel a tight tug in my heart there sitting in the Wolves place is RUK!!!             


              “Ruk? I can’t believe it, did that really just happen?”

“It's ok, I won’t hurt you.”

“I know you wouldn’t hurt me Ruk! I would never think such a thing… Hey”

He shyly looks away. Does he think I won’t
accept him? Brining my hand up to his handsome face, I turn his face to meet my eyes again.

“You’re magical, Amazing! I feel privileged you would want to show me your true self. Honest Ruk as soon as I saw it was you sitting there my heart swelled for you.

I am
not that freaked out, he is magical. It feels so natural to except Ruk for what he is. The thought of being so calm freaks me out more than Ruk being a Werewolf! Why? I suddenly wonder if Den could be a Werewolf too, there is no doubt about it, he is like Ruk in every way with the growling, sniffing, and the glowing eyes.

I look to see Ruk lost in his own thought also.

“Are you ok Ruk?”

“Sorry Zara. I want to tell you things, I know I can trust you. I can trust you can’t I?”

“Of course you can Ruk, I would never deceive you in any way, but you don’t have to tell me anything, I won’t interfere in your life.”

A world of emotions seems to be going on inside him. I desperately want to co
mfort him; it must have been extremely hard to trust me with such a big secret. I scoot over a little closer and put my arm around him giving him a comforting squeeze. He smiles down at me releasing a soft growl, putting a smile on my face in return.

“What are you Zara, because you’re definitely not a Wolf?”

“I’m nothing Ruk.” I say surprised by his question.

“Ah, but you’re something Zara something so very special, never have I come across anyone like you.” He says with a gentle frown, from trying to get the answers from my eyes.

What do I say to that? Sorry to disappoint, but I am just a common garden variety of human.
Ruk lays his muscular arm over my shoulder, readying himself to speak.

“Going back to earlier Zara, when you asked if I was ok, I was actually speaking to the Delta of my pack, telepathically”

“No way really? Wow! I was speaking to Julian earlier, I was asking him what the Wolves were doing around here, he mentioned the Alpha, but not a Delta?”

He chuckles at my excitement, takin
g my face in his big warm hand he kisses my cheek and pulling away with a stunning smile.

“These are the rank names, Alpha, Beta, and Delta and then there are the enforcers. The Alpha is the highest ranking and most powerful and respected throughout the pack. The Alpha ranks the Werewolves on strength and ability, next is his ‘Beta’, which is me, then there is the Delta, he also has two enforcers, extremely strong and reliable men. We are all brothers’, not by blood, we are closer than any blood relatives and the 5 of us can speak telepathically.”

I knew he was special; being right hand man, or
Wolf, to an Alpha is mind-blowing. I just stare at him in wonderment. He smiles at me again, seeing the questions I have going around in my head.

“Does it hurt changing into your Wolf?”

“No it’s a very natural feeling, there is no pain.”

Ruk and I sit for hours as I listen to him explain his life to me; I ask my questions in amazement, that is what he is, amazing.


              What I have learnt from Ruk is that Werewolves have around a 200-year life span, more than double of that of humans! They do not get sick or carry diseases; they heal themselves at a very advanced rate. Werewolves can shift to their Wolves at anytime, not needing to wait for a full moon even though their need shift is at its strongest around that time. He told me that Werewolves stick together, which includes living together or very close to one another, so that the Alpha can take care of them all. Ruk explained that Werewolves are extremely dominate, and when they find a female that they want to be mated with, that her touch and scent alone helps keep their Wolves under control, especially if their emotions are running high. I also asked why his clothes stayed on his body when he changed back to his human form, which he found funny as he told me it is the magic of the shift.

I asked Ruk what I smelled like to him, he replied with a smooth growl as his tongue slipped out of his mouth to wet his bottom lip as he said, “Perfect, you smell Perfect” The desire in his eyes, had me nearly jumping on top of him and taking him how he wanted me to. My God, what’s going on with me!

Ruk asks me if I would like to go out to lunch so we could talk some more. He didn’t have to ask my twice as I’m starving and can’t wait to hear more about him and his Wolf.             


              As Ruk and I are sitting at a table in Sallack’s bar waiting for Abbey to bring over our food, I can’t help myself from staring at the beauty of the man and his beast shinning through. How could I have not seen this in him before? I’m awestruck and my heart is filled with such love for him, for trusting me, and for protecting me all those times at home.

“Hey, when we get back will you show me your Wolf again, he’s as breathtaking as are you are in human form,” I whisper so no one hears me. Ruk’s eyes glaze over me with a look I can’t describe as he growls deep in his throat.

“I’m sorry that was inappropriate.” Looking down at my food, I go to pick up my burger, when he takes me by the wrist gently.

“Don’t be sorry for saying such a kind thing, my Wolf likes you, don’t worry you’ll be seeing my Wolf a lot as I’ll be safe guarding your home from the bloodsucker!”

The way he said bloodsucker sends
a shiver through me. He turns to look out the window and I’m reminded of Parrise and the mark he left on Ruk.

“Where has the mark gone?” I point to side of his head.

“A Vampire marking will only show on my Wolf, I will have healed completely by tonight. You will be told about him, just not here.”

“Ok, I’m sorry you got hurt Ruk.”

“Stop apologizing you’re my friend, I will always be there for you.” His words are so sweet I feel my eyes start to tear as I try to blink them away but a single tear escapes running down my cheek.

“Zara?” He says with a frown.

“I’m ok, it’s just Den’s the only other person to have really cared for me that’s all.”

He gets up and walks round to slides in next to me, wrapping a strong arm around my shoulders, leaning into him smelling his wonderful masculine scent.
I look up at him, his face just inches from mine.

“Hey if I was a Wolf I’d growl right now.” I chuckle, why he laughs aloud at my silliness.

BOOK: Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)
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