Charming The Warriors (The Charmer) (15 page)

BOOK: Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)
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              Ruk and I spend the whole day together, and it’s the best day I have had here so far. I start fearing for tonight, I don’t want Parrise to turn up at the bar and start a fight with the Werewolves.

I haven’t asked Ruk who else is in his pack, and who is Alpha, I know it’s not his secret to tell, and I wouldn’t ask. However, I think I know who is in his pack. Sallack has to be Alpha and his Delta is most definitely Julian. Then there is Mickey and Dom who must be his enforcers. Sallack seems young for such a role, as do all of them, Sallack looks to be 28 maybe 30, they all look roughly the same age, but from the time I have spent around them all, Sallack is the one who acts older, wiser, he has the air of power about him. I hope there not angry with Ruk for telling me their secret. I will just have to wait for them to see they can trust me and that I will not push any questions upon them. Not wanting to make them feel that they have to enlighten me about their lives, I will prove my loyalty taking their secret it to the grave with me.


              It is almost 6pm and Ruk kindly offers to drive me home, we have been getting on so well the time has just flown by. I hope that we get back before Den as I don’t want him worrying, as in my excitement of everything I forgot to leave a note, as after last night he would think I’d been kidnapped by the ‘Vamp’. Just as we pull up Den comes running out of the house, straight to Ruk’s truck looking anxious and very pissed off. Before I can open the door, Den yanks it open, nearly ripping it off the hinges, and pulling me out and into his arms almost winding me.

“Where the hell have you been? Are you hurt? I have been worried sick!”

“I was doing ok till you nearly cracked a rib! I am fine, I promise, I have been with Ruk all day. I’m sorry Den I should have left a note.”

He looks over to Ruk, as he has
now jumped out his truck watching Den intensely.

“Thanks for looking after my girl Ruk; I’ve got it from here!”

Ruk closes the gap, growling at
Den. I quickly move in-between them,

“Den! Ruk’s been really good to me today. Please don’t be rude, it’s not like you?”

He signs and puts both hands on my face placing a l
oving soft kiss to my forehead, then looks back to Ruk.

“I’m sorry man, I was out of line. I have been worried about Zara all day and I get back and she’s gone.”

“No it’s ok, I’m glad she has you to care for her, but you must know that I also care for Zara, so I will stay with her and take her work with me. We can all watch over her.”

“Like fuck you can! Zara is safe with me, she is not going anywhere” He looks back at me with questioning eyes.

“I told Ruk about the Vampire, he is worried for me that all. You should both know that I’m not frightened of Parrise, he doesn’t pose a danger to me, and if it’s any help him I’m not planning on seeing him again as I don’t want any one getting hurt because of me.”

That statement g
ets a growl out of both of them so I give up and head to the house as I hear Den questioning Ruk.

Grabbing some cold drinks from the fridge, and we sit at the table. Den speaks as soon as we’re seated,

“Ruk you’ve obviously seen a Vampire before, what can they do? And why is he so interested in Zara?”

“Parrise has powers to capture the mind of his target and hold them in a hypnotized state where they are not aware what is going on. He also has the ability to move without sound.” He looks at me sadly, “They are fast, immortal and not to be trusted. Ever!”

“Right, how do you know this? Why didn’t you warn her?”

“Vampires do not come on to our territory; they are not known to show themselves to humans unless to feed or to make pets of them, and they always wipe away all memory of their attacks.”

“He wants to eat Zara! How do you know him so well, you’re human right?” Den says getting angry and adds, “What the hell is a pet?”

Den is not
stupid; he can tell something is going on. He’s frowning at Ruk waiting for him to speak. I take hold of Den’s hand giving it a gentle squeeze wanting to calm him as I can tell he is getting angry.

“He will want to feed of Zara at some point, that’s what Vampires do. A ‘pet’ is a name for humans that live and sleep with a vampire. I believe that Parrise has the power to give an orgasm through his bite, not all the Vampire can do this. ”

Den and I look at Ruk with open mouths, pro
perly thinking the same thing, me as a pet! No way not happening! I also notice he doesn’t reply to the human question. Ruk excuses himself to use his phone, while I go for a shower with Den following right behind me afraid to let me out of sight.

“Den I can shower by myself. Vampires have to be invited to your home to enter, he is not,” I lie, simply to ease Den’s tension.

“How did he get into our room in the Sallacks bar then?”

“He has properly been invited before,” I reply as Den just flops on my bed with a sigh.

“Right get showered, I’m waiting right here! Zara, I am coming to the club tonight! So don’t fight it, for me please don’t.”

There i
s no point arguing when he’s like this, I want to say ‘who made you boss of me’ but I think better of it as I don’t think he’s in a jovial mood after today.

“Ok Den. I love you and I’m sorry I worried you today.”

“How can you want a vamp Zara? I can tell that you feel for him by the way you stick up for him.”

“Den, I do feel for him, I remember the first time I saw him I could just see a vampire, but then I soon saw the man behind that. Parries is not the man you think he is, there is something about him.”

“For fuck sake Zara, if you think I’m gunna watch sit back and watch you be a pet, you’re seriously mistaken.” He says angrily.

He didn’t listen to what I was trying to get across, that is
Den all over. I just want someone to understand why I feel this way to Parrise and Sallack after such a little time, and then maybe I could get my head around it.

I quickly shower and wash my hair, Den’s still sitting on the bed when I come out; he looks at me with an expression I can’t place. I sit with him on the bed, my body wrapped in a towel, while I towel dry my hair.

“I’m so sorry to have to of got you involved with all this mess Den.”

“You didn’t ask for this Zara. It’s what we got. We will figure something out babe, no one’s taking you anywhere, you hear me?”


“Right get ready, I heard Ruk come back in. I need to talk to him.” He tells me.

He always gets bossy when he is worried for me, he thinks if I do as he says I
will be ‘Safe’. He is so dominant, but then he
a Werewolf.

“Ok, be nice Den, he’s a good man”

Den nods he’s reply, leaving my bedroom to find Ruk.

Chapter 10




Walking into the kitchen, Ruk is sitting at the table, looking out the window. I do trust Ruk to help me watch over Zara, but I get a feeling there’s something he’s not telling me and there is something different about him, I just don’t know what, yet!

“Ruk can we talk?”

“Yeah, what’s up?”

“Ok, so here it goes, I know there something different about you, like… well, I’m not sure yet, but I feel you can be trusted with Zara! If you make me eat my words, I will eat you!”

“I wouldn’t expect any less Den,” He says as his lips twitch into a smile.

“So tell me more about the vamp.”

“Some can smell a Vampire; it’s a smell of death to a sensitive nose. You can tell when a Vampire is near by the strength of his scent.”

I nod, knowing that I have smelt the bastard a few times. I’m confident I would know if he came sniffing round
Zara again.

“So how can I kill him?”

He chuckles
approvingly; maybe he will come in useful then.

“Parrise is extremely old, many centuries actually. He is widely respected among his people here in America. He can be killed, but don’t be fooled, it isn't easy. You don’t live as long as he does without being extremely clever and powerful. The only way to take him down is by staking his heart and removing his head, but they have a great sense of sight and hearing. Older Vampires have greater power and speed than the younger.”

Ruk leans forward slightly, waiting for my reaction.

              “Cool, where do I get a stake?”

“You will fit in well Den, very well.”

I just ignore his weird reply, and start thinking of what I can use as a stake.
Zara would be pissed if I broke off a chair leg, as the furniture doesn’t belong to us. I’ll have cut down a tree in the nearby woods to make one. There is no way this old vamp is getting anywhere near my Zara.

“Right I’m going to change, help yourself to anything Ruk, Be back in 10.”

Running up stairs
to grab a quick shower, but I’ll just check on Zara first. Opening the door, Zara’s sat on the bed drying her hair with her back to me, not aware of me standing there transfixed by her just in her bra and knickers. Her beautiful curvaceous body making my mouth water, her sun kissed skin smooth and perfect, her blond locks flowing down her back in perfect waves. Her butt is like nothing else I have ever seen, both my hands gripping her buttocks, while pushing her onto my erection, ahh wake up Den! A small growl escapes my lips. I should go really, but I love looking at her, fantasizing that one day she will pick me to love her, make love to her. She has only ever seen me as her annoying, controlling older brother. Now with all these handsome men begging for attention, I have lost her to them. She will always be my best friend I will not jeopardize anything for the fear of losing her, I will wait for her to come to me.

I can’t resist a moment longer, throwing myself behind her onto the bed. She Squeals out in surprise and slaps my shoulder.

“Den! Just you wait I’ll get you back for that!”

Very gently barely skimming her skin, I run my finger down her body, she’s trying her best to ignore me carrying on drying her hair, but I don’t miss the intake of breath
as my thumb strokes her stomach as I see her cheeks rising into a smile. Turning to face me, her stunning big brown eyes gaze upon mine making my heart skip a beat from the utter beauty of her. Turning off the hair dryer, she takes hold of my hand and I try to control the growl that’s begging for release in my throat.

“Stop worrying Den, I’m fine.”

“Zara, did you know that Parrise is centuries old?”

Her mouth drops open, and I can see her mind working over time.

              “No, I did not know that! That’s crazy?”

“Yeah it is, please beware of your safety babe, I couldn’t live without you!”

She sighs pulling me tightly to her. Feeling her heart beating against my chest and feeling her perfect breasts pressing into me.
God she’s going to

tice my hard on any minute, damn get a grip man!

“I will Den, I promise.”

“Just let me hold you for a minute babe?”

“Nothing would make me happier,” She tells me. God I love her, she knows how important it is to me to have physical contact with her and there’s no way I’m getting up now, not until I can hide this bad boy in my boxers.

She wraps her arms round my middle, as I
breathe in her intoxicating scent.

“I love you babe.”

“I love you Den, you’re the best friend anyone could wish for.”

Ah, when she says that, it breaks my heart a little every time. I want her to be mine, I have wanted her for years, but I didn’t want to scare her and rein our relationship. Growing up we were very close, we spent all our time together, looking out for one another, that will never change. I know that she is deserving of someone like Sallack or even Ruk, someone that can give her what I can’t, everything she deserves. Therefore, I took my heartache to any other girl willing to love me in the way I wanted Zara to, and still do.

I kiss her head and take a step back.

“I’m going to get a shower,” A really cold one!

“Ok, I’ll see you down stairs, handsome” She kisses my cheek tenderly.

If Sallack thinks he can mess around with her, he has another thing coming, me! I will hunt down any man who hurts her, just as I have in th
e past. Countless men tried it on with her and I could tell she didn’t want to be near them, so this is when I stepped in. Up until she started dating Josh, this really pissed me off. He definitely didn’t deserve her and I told him every chance I got. He was stupid enough to start sleeping around behind her back, so I had to show him he couldn’t do that to my Zara! By beating the shit out of him! I will do the same to any other man that thinks they can hurt my girl, no matter who or what they are. I will be the only man that can really love her, know everything about her.

Maybe one day she will look at me differently, that day is too far from my reach, I want her now!

She is MINE.

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