Charming The Warriors (The Charmer) (4 page)

BOOK: Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)
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“Thanks again for all you help today,”

God he smells amazing, I wonder what he uses to smell so good.

              “It was my pleasure.”

I gaze into his eyes as I give him a smile before
turning and walking upstairs, not missing the growl coming from him! I look back over my shoulder to where he is still standing, watching me with a look of lust. I turn back with a smile of satisfaction.


” I hear from behind me. Mine! What was that about? I carry on to my bedroom door smiling. I can’t get over the fact that Sallack and Mickey are so hot! Moreover, the fact that the hottest man I have lay eyes on thinks that I am beautiful!



I wake in the morning, rubbing my eyes; Den’s fast asleep on the other side of the room snoring gently. I pick up my phone to see the time; its 9:08 on a Saturday morning. I am so happy to be here, I feel like this is where I belong; I know Den does to, after chatting with him all night when he came up from the bar. We are both of the understanding that we are here for a purpose.


              The first thing I do is use the bathroom and jump in the shower. When I finish I pull on a pale blue dress with thin straps and maybe a tad too tight but oh well ‘got it flaunt it’.

“Hey you’re awake,” I say to Den as I walk out of the bathroom clean and changed, as he lays there on the bed hands behind his head.

“Ummmm. Looking good babe, give me a twirl,” He says with a big grin. I laugh out loud at his request and slap him up the head gently as I join him on his bed.

“Hey what are you doing today? I was going to walk up to that club we passed on the way in and see if they are hiring. If we are staying that is?”

“I think that is a brilliant idea. I feel the same babe! Let’s do it, I will ask around for a place to rent, check the papers.”

Den and I know that it might not work out, but it might be perfect, so
we are going to jump in with both feet. We need a change, we want to fit in around here, and feel welcomed which we have so far. It really does feel like a dream come true from the moment we walked out of the airport.

We both have the money for at least 6
months’ rent, bills, and food. However, we have both decided to get jobs ASAP.

“Sound like a plan. I’m going to go down to the bar and get something to eat and have a look around.”

“Ok babe I’ll be down in half hour, after I’ve grabbed a shower.”

As I get up to walk to the door I pick up my handbag and put my phone in,
Den comes behind me and wraps his arms around my shoulders making me smile with happiness, I love Den so much, he is my life.

“Listen nothings set in stone we have only been here 5 minutes, don’t feel rushed into doing anything because of me. I’d go anywhere with you, you’re my best friend and my family.”

I turn around in his tight hold to see his sparkling green eyes.

              “No I feel the same way, I promise I do.”

He leans down and kisses my lips befor
e he turns to the bathroom door. I take the chance to slap his firm butt, making him laugh out loud.


              As I make my way down the small corridor I’m hit with the smells of bacon and eggs, umm oh and there’s coffee, Yuk I really don’t like coffee. As I walk into the bar looking to see if Sallack is around, I can’t see him but there are lots of friendly faces sitting at the bar with plates of food and mugs off coffee, I say my ‘hello’s’ as I walk over to the small kitchen to see if Abbey is there but she isn’t, Sallack is though. He is standing talking to a tall muscular man, I can’t see his face as he has his back to me, but his hair is similar to Sallack’s in length, just down to his neck with waves, but unlike Sallack’s hair being black, this man has deep brown with touches of gold. Sallack see’s I’m standing there observing my surroundings and calls me in with a small hand gesture. I walk up to them standing in the middle of the small kitchen.

“Hey, this smells good!”

The man standing with the grill pa
n in his hand turns round to meet me, he placing the pan on the cooker as I see him for the first time. What the hell’s in the water around here! He is so handsome. Fuck it, I actually gasped! I hope to God he did not notice! Are they brothers? They have to be.

His stunning brown eyes capture mine and stay locked until Sallack pulls our attention away from one another.             

“Ruk this is Zara, Zara this is Ruk, my good friend, and he is helping out this morning.”

Ruk smiles down at me, I say down, as he is also the same height as Sallack and just as wide on the chest. Oh, wow I am in trouble. So not brothers, but both are sexy as hell! How do the women around here cope with men like this hanging around?

“Hello Zara,” He says with a mischievous smirk.

He puts his hand out as if to shake, I place my hand in his as he pulls me into
a hug, startling me slightly; wait is he smelling my hair!

“Um…. hello it’s nice to meet you Ruk.”

God it feels amazing
held in his strong arms. I take a step back when I hear Sallack clear his throat, or is he trying to suppress a growl, as I have noticed Den do a lot.             

“Zara, would you come join me for breakfast?” He asks.

“Yes, that would be lovely.” I say, turning to meet his gaze.

Sallack puts his hand on my lower back, turning me to lead the way for a table to sit at.
I turn back to Ruk for a last look, but I don’t capture his eyes as they are firmly fixed to my butt watching me walk away. I snort a laugh at him before returning my eyes back to where we are heading. Sallack looks to me then to Ruk; he must still be looking at my butt as Sallack growls loudly at him. Growling again!


              We approach a table by the window. Sallack being a gentleman, pulls my chair out for me before taking his own seat.

“How was your sleep last night Zara?”

Oh, the way my name rolls of his tongue so easily spreads warmth through my body.

              “It was perfect, thank you. Did you sleep well?”

“Good, I’m glad, I slept wonderfully actually. So what are your plans for today? Will Den be joining you?”

“I was going to go over to the night club and see if they are hiring, then me and Den were going to have a look around for somewhere to rent for a while”

“Are you staying then?”

The smile on his face makes me blush.

              “Yes we both have a good feeling about this town. We will see how it goes, try and make a home for ourselves,” I smile up at him through my lashes. The thought of having somewhere to call home over joys me and the thought of Sallack caring if I stay or go has made this day the best!

Sallack lays his hand over mine
in a caring gesture and I smile at him in appreciation.

A beautiful woman comes over with our plates of food and mugs of coffee, swishing her hips and pouting her lips. Her hair is a wonderful shade of red, her eyes are blazing blue, but her attitude towards me right now is ugly! She puts the tray down a little harder than necessary. Ruk must have sent over breakfast for us, how nice.

“Thank you Mary.” Sallack says, looking like he can’t wait for her to leave. She smiles at him and then her gaze travels to me, giving me a look that would have scared the devil himself. Instead of being rude back, as I would if Sallack wasn’t here, I just give her the pleasantest smile I can manage.

“Thank you it looks great,” I tell her.

Her face
twitches in anger. She is obviously not happy with my answer, what did she want a fight? Maybe she fancies Sallack. Ha, take that skank. I wink at Sallack jokingly, he looks like he wants to laugh, but holds it in. Mary storms off back to the bar whispering to another girl who stands at the bar looking our way with a frown.

“Well, she’s a treat.” I say with a raised eyebrow. Wondering if he saw the look I got from her.

“Don’t mind her, she get’s bitchy when beautiful woman come in.”

he called my beautiful again, yes! I look back down at my plate so he doesn’t see me blushing again; I need to pull myself together if Den and I are going to be hanging around.

“You ok beautiful?” He asks with a smile as if he knows that he is making me blush. I will myself to get a bloody grip as I meet his gaze.

“Oh yeah I am fine.”

We finish of our food and chat for a good hour, Sallack gives me directions to the club. Den has joined us so I leave them chatting like old friends, giving them both a kiss on the cheek and thanking Sallack for keeping me company over breakfast, receiving low growls from both men. Maybe their long lost brothers!


              Walking through the town there are many friendly people stopping to say ‘Hello’ and introducing themselves to the new girl. Word must have got out of our arrival.

I also get a few looks like the ones I received of
Mary by some of the woman!

There are more shops then I thought there would be, there are a few clothes boutiques and an off license, butchers, fresh vegetables and fruit shops. Pretty much, what you would hope to be here is.


              I come up to the nightclub it’s big brick building painted black with a ‘Whites’ sign in beautifully large writing on the front of the building. The front doors are open, so I walk in and call out to see if anyone’s there, a man comes out another ‘God’ is all I can think looking at him. He is around 6 ft 2, very muscular, short styled hair a shade of light brown; he has the most crystal clear brown eyes I have ever seen. Yum.

“Hello you must be Zara?”

Wow word really does travel fast.

              “Yes I’m Zara, are you the manager Mr.?”

“Julian, no Mr.,” He says with a wink “And yes I’m the manager, what can I help you with Zara, a job? Cos if so, it’s yours.”

No way, is he joking with me
? I can’t really tell as he is wearing a big grin.

“Yes I was looking for a job, would you like to interview me or anything?”

Or anything!
Why did I say that? I’m not doing well, why am I falling to pieces like this? Moreover, why do I keep meeting such amazingly sexy men?

“Sallack told me you were coming over and asked me to show you around and to give you a uniform, if you’re happy with it?”

“Sallack? I can show you that I’m good at what I do?”

“Yes Sallack is the owner and my very good friend. If he says your trust worthy then you are. I’ll show you around, come on,”

He turns on his heel, surprising me by putting his arm over my shoulder. He walks me around the
club; there are two separate bars at either end of the club and a VIP area, the club is very elegant and well looked after. I have worked in restaurants and nightclubs since the age of 18, so I’m confident in what I will be doing, which makes Julian happy. Nevertheless, why does Sallack trust me he hardly knows me? Why are Sallack’s friends so hot! I grew up in England, and I didn’t come across one man that I found overly attractive, except for Den, then we arrive in ‘Nickel’ and it’s like they are falling from the sky, first Sallack, then Mickey, Ruk and now Julian. I wonder if all Sallack’s friends are hot. Not that I mind, I want Sallack to be the one I catch the eyes of.


              I get to start in just over a week’s time. Four evenings a week from 9pm to 2am, Perfect! We arrange to meet up later to go over bank details and insurance and all the boring stuff. After sitting with Julian for nearly 2 hours just chatting, I feel like I know all about him already.

“See you soon Zara, pop in any time!”

“Thank you so much for hiring me you won’t regret it,”

“Oh I know I won’t, a beauty like you will bring in the crowds.”

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