Charming The Warriors (The Charmer) (8 page)

BOOK: Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)
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“I’d like that.”

up his shirt, he pulls in back over his head, taking my hand and pulling me to the door he asks,

“Are you going to bed or back to the bar?”

“Um bed I think. Could you let Den know on the way out, he will worry?” I ask. There is no way I can face a room full of people, feeling this turned on. I need to sleep it off!

“Of course beautiful.”


              As we get to the end of the corridor leading to the stairs, he opens the door and walks up with me to the front door of the bedroom. He takes my key I have out ready, and opens the door for me, flicking on the lights.

“I will miss you Zara. Go to sleep thinking of me?”

“Yes” is all I can reply as I’m well              aware that the bed is only 5 ft away, and I want to drag him to it. What’s going on with me?

Sallack puts his hands on my face taking my lips with his almost angrily in a wonderful kiss. He must be a
God! He’s got to be, no one’s this perfect.

“Goodnight Zara.”

“Night Sallack.”

What I really wanted to say is ‘please don’t leave me, stay with me tonight’ but that would be way too desperate. I don’t want him thinking
I’m that sort of girl. I watch him walk away and I shut the door quietly. What is wrong with me, why can’t control myself around Sallack? I want him as I have never wanted anyone, and I want him to know that! Flopping onto my bed and instantly dreaming of Sallack, just as I did the night before.





Mondays here before we know it. Den and I are sitting in the bar at a table by the open window with our breakfast, enjoying the morning basking in the warm sun.

“This is going to be the best day yet,” Den says happily, chewing his bacon.

“I know, I can’t wait for Sarah and Merik to get here later,” I say excitedly. Today is the day that Den and I get to move into our new home after we meet with Sarah and her husband Merik to sign papers and get the keys to the house.

“Umm humm,” Den mumbles with his mouth full.

Abbey walks over with the coffee pot asking
Den if he wants a refill.

“No thanks babe,” Den tells Abbey with a wink making her instantly blush. She has been the only other girl my age that has been friendly to me so far, we have got on really well. Den and I spent last night sitting and talking with her and Mickey at the bar up until early hours of the morning. Mickey is so much fun, he has a comeback for everything as is so flirty in a playful way, and I think that’s why he and Den get on so well, they honestly could be brothers in every way. Abbeys is friendly towards everyone but she is very shy, I don’t know why but she acts a little nervous around Mickey Den and Ruk. Abbey and I have arranged to go into town today, to have a look around the boutiques at lunchtime when she gets off, as Den and I don’t meet Sarah and Merik until 4pm.

“Ok, Zara you need a refill?” she says pointing to my glass.

“No thanks I’m fine. We still on for later?”

“Oh yeah, I’m looking forward to it.”

She walks off happily to the others at the bar eating breakfast.
Den nods and smiles to someone behind me, I spin in my seat wondering if it is Sallack, well hoping. I have missed seeing his handsome face around.

“Den, Zara, moving in day?”

“Hi Ruk, yes we are, do you know Sarah?” I ask.

“Yeah Sarah is my cousin.”

“Really? Yeah I see it now actually.”             

With t
he two of them being gorgeous, good genes I guess.

“I came to see if you two needed any help moving in, are you going tonight or tomorrow morning?”

“That’s good of you; we could use a lift up without cases if you don’t mind? We will be leaving tonight when all the paper works signed,” Den says to him while pulling out a chair for Ruk to sit at.

“That’s fine; I’ll get Sarah to ring me when you’re done.” He says taking a seat.

“Nice one man.”

“Guys, I’m going up to the room to pack the rest of my stuff up, I’ll see you in a bit. Thanks Ruk” I wink at him, as I leave them chatting. Ruk is insanely handsome, over the last few days I have spoke to him a lot. He is a beautiful man inside and out but very dominant, not that it’s a bad thing; I have grown up with Den after all.

Den’s has made friends with everyone here, all the men respect him and the woman follow him around trying to get noticed.

I can’t wait to get to our new home and put clothes away, get food for the cupboards. It’s been so lovely staying at ‘Quirks’ and meeting all these new people but it’s time to make a home for ourselves, and I couldn’t be more ready.


              Abbey and I stroll through the bar with a dozen bags from are shopping trip to town. I had a brilliant time getting to know Abbey, she really is lovely and I get a feeling she is special, unique in a way. I hope Den notices her a little more as she is crushing on him big time.

Dens sees us walking over and rolls his eyes looking at all the bags.

              “Hey, we’re back!” I say with a grin.

“Wow you were only gone 2 hours and you have all these bags?”

He points to the bags we’ve put on the floor by the bar stools.

              “Do you want to see what I have got you?”

That gets his attention, he loves when I bring him something back from a shopping trip.

              “Always deliver Zara, always.”

I laugh at him while digging around for the right bag, and pass it to him. His eyes light up as he looks into the bag as he pulls out Burberry stretch top, in white with a small Burberry sign on the breast pocket.

              “Thank you its perfect, come here. I love it,” He says excitedly as I get pulled into a bear hug, as he places a gentle kiss on my lips.

“You're welcome.”

“But I wish you didn’t waste money on me.”

“It’s not a waste! I wanted to get you something, it’s a special day,” I say with a wink.

With my saved money and my new job as well as us going halves on all the rent and bills, I have nothing to worry about from my shopping spree today. I turn to Abbey hugging
her and thank her for today and tell her and Den that I’m going to put the bags in my room, as I head off happily knowing there chatting away together.


              Its 3:55 and Den and I are sitting at the bar chatting to Mickey, Mary and Becca are working the tables and there bitchy attitude towards me. Den notices and just shakes his head in disgust, as he knows it is unfair of them to act that way, as they have not tried to get to know me before taking a disliking towards me.

Sarah walks in with Merik I’m assuming behind her. She introduces us to him; he’s extremely good looking tall with wide shoulders, and the most infectious smile. I wonder if he is friends with Sallack and Ruk.

We sign the papers and they tell us a little about the house. When we are finished with the paper work side of things and are given the keys as Den shakes Merik’s hand, and I give Sarah a hug and thank her for allowing us to stay at her house.

“It’s your home for as long as you like, enjoy it,” She tells me, kissing my cheek goodbye.

Her words hit me in the heart; I can feel my eyes filling with tears.
Den saves me from embarrassment by throwing his arm round my shoulder and kissing my head.

“Come on, Ruk’s outside he just pulled up.”

We say our goodbyes to everyone and thanking the staff for their hospitality. We have all our bags and case in
Ruk’s pick up and make our way up to our new


              The view of the house is breathtaking at night, Sarah must have turned the inside light on for us. I’m so excited to get in and settled. I squeeze Den’s hand as we pull up to the front porch.

“You go on in, me and Den can get the bags,” Ruk calls to me from the other side of the truck.

“Ok thank you.”

I run up to the door slip the key into the door and open it up. Oh,
it’s better then I remembered, so worm, welcoming, and …wait can I smell pie! Walking into the kitchen there, sitting on the hard wood table is a homemade cheery pie with a card from Sarah saying,

‘Hope this house gives you as many happy memories it did me x’

“Aww, how sweet”

“Umm, Sarah’s cherry pie,” Ruk says as he walks into the kitchen.

“You want some I can put the kettle on as well, we have tea and coffee?”

“No I have to go, I need to get over to the club this evening, another time?”

“Definitely. Where’s Den?”

He chuckles as he
points above his head, signaling the bedrooms.

“Picking a room he said he wanted to beat you to it.”

“That little sneak, I didn’t even hear him. Thank you for the lift and bringing the luggage in Ruk, it was very kind of you.”

“Any time Zara, I mean that, anytime you need anything I’ll be there.”

Sexy and sweet,
gods help me! Ruk walks to the front door as I follow behind him, he turns round, but I don’t notice until my face is in his chest. Crap!

“Oh I’m sorry I was looking at the painting, I didn’t notice it before.” He doesn’t look at the painting that I point out; instead he looks like he wants to eat me! Turning away embarrassed by the attention, Ruk gently places his warm hands on mine and as my eyes go to them in surprise, he slowly releases me almost shyly. Lust coating his eye’s, cupping my face his lips press a delicate kiss to my cheek; he withdraws, watching me closely for permission to kiss me on my lips. I pull back slightly, not wanting to give the permission, as I want Sallack to be the one holding me, kissing me.

“Thanks again Ruk,” I say smiling up at him.

“Yeah, cheers man, we appreciate it,” Den says walking down the stairs, bringing Ruk out of his trance.

“No problem, see you soon.”

He shakes
Den’s hand, and gives me a playful wink. I don’t find one man in England that excites me as the men do here, now I have two God like men wanting me!

“Come on I picked you the best room!”

“Me! I thought you were picking yours?”

“Nu, come on.”

Den really has picked the best room for me. A large window looking out onto the stunning view of the lush woodlands, and a big four-poster bed with matching wardrobes and bedside cabinets. The bathroom is the biggest, and pink! No wonder he gave me the room!

“Are you sure? Shouldn’t we flip a coin?”

“No babe this is perfect for you, I like my room just as much anyway the bed is huge and I have a TV in there,” He winks at me, “I don’t feel like doing much, wanna come sit out the front with me with a drink.”

“I love you, you know that don’t you?”


We sit out on front porch with glasses of cokes snuggled into each other, talking about all the plans we have for our new life home and possible love life’s.

“Wow it’s nearly 2 am lets go in, get some sleep.”

Den pulls me up and lifts me in his arms throwing the front door open then kicking it shut, and spinning round for me to lock it, walking up stairs me still in his arms,
Den lays me on my king size bed, with a sweet kiss.

“Night babe, sweet dreams.”

“Goodnight handsome,” I say in reply.

Turning on my side when the door clinks shut I close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.


Tap tap “
Come in Den its fine.”

“Morning babe, how did you sleep? Cos I sleep like a baby.”

Den comes in passing me a cup of tea, with a coffee in hand for
himself. He lays next to be propped up on a pillow, in his underwear! I admire his amazing physique secretly.

“Umm thank you. I slept beautifully.”

“I bet you did.”

Den pulls me by shoulder, so
I’m leaning into his warm inviting body.

“What are you doing today Den? Abbey said she would take me to get some food shopping for the week if you fancy coming?”

“That’s nice of her, but do you mind if I pass? I was going job hunting today.”

“Absolutely. Just do me a list of anything you want ok.”

We sit with our drinks, chatting to one another for a good half hour. I get up kiss his cheek, walking to the dressing table to see the time on the little clock ‘9:40’.

“I’m going to shower; I have 20 minutes till Abbeys here.”

“Ok babe. I’m going to have a wander around. I’ll see you bit later k?”

“Good luck, love you,” I say walking into the bathroom.


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