Chased (The Graysen Pack Series) (4 page)

BOOK: Chased (The Graysen Pack Series)
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“Avery, I can’t believe she did this. I am so sorry for the way she has acted.”

“Who is she?” I asked.

“Paige Vanning. She has had an infatuation with me for years. I honestly can’t believe she is going to such great measures. I mean, I haven’t spoken to her for almost a year,” he explained.

I sat down next to him. “Did you date her?”
Why in the hell did I ask that? It is none of my business, and I am prying right into it, like it is.

“No. We never dated. She has always been a close friend to my family. Several years ago, she told me that she had feelings for me. I politely told her that I didn’t share the same feelings. She didn’t take it well. It wouldn’t have worked. Trust me when I say, we are completely wrong for each other.

“I understand what you are saying, but the girl knows my name and where my room is. She threatened me.” I looked into his brown eyes deeply. “What is she going to do if she sees me with you?”

“Nothing, I will talk to her. I don’t want you to be scared to be with me.” He brushed the hair back away from my face. “I will call my dad too. He will know what to do.”

I don’t want to look like a fool. Please don’t hurt me.
I thought.

“I promise to keep you safe, and I promise I won’t hurt you.” He hugged me tight and kissed the top of my head lightly. “Please believe me.”

“I do, but…” I rubbed my hands along his back. I could feel the muscles, and I was picturing what he looked like without his shirt. I felt my face turning red. “But keep her away from me. I don’t even know what she looks like. This means, I won’t know if she is near me,”

“It’s okay. She is not going to get close to you. You really need to get to bed and get some rest. We have class tomorrow,” he said.

“You really are a bossy butt.” I gave him my cutest evil face ever. Looking at him out of the corner of my eye I said, “And I don’t have to take it.”

“You really are cute when you are trying to be mad.” He smiled a big smile.

I smiled back and blushed red. “Will you call me tomorrow?”

“Actually, I will see you in Physics,” he smirked.

“How did you manage that? You are a sophomore and it is a Freshman Physics class.” I gave him a questionable look.

“I took a Bio-chem. class last year, not Physics. I’m studying medicine. Plus, it helps that Coach Mack is the Professor. He pulled some strings.”

“So you are smart and good looking. Now is the time to make a break for it. You know, find someone more in your league.” I looked down at my feet hoping he wouldn’t run.

“Would you stop? You’re beautiful, smart, and funny, and beautiful.” He pulled me in for one more hug and leaned into my neck. He took a deep breath and his chest rumbled again. I could feel his breath on my neck and shoulder.
I don’t know what that noise is you are making, but it is so sexy.
He whispered softly under his breath. I couldn’t understand him but it sounded like he said, “the things I would like to do to you.”
Oh hell.

“All right now you’d better get to bed. I need to find Paige,” he
me a sweet little shove towards the door.

“See you tomorrow, Zee.”

“Hey, nobody has ever called me Zee, but I like it.” He lifted his chin up and smiled. I winked at him and went inside.

I went back to my room and snuggled in the bed next to Sam. She opened her eyes for just a moment. “Is she his baby’s mama?”

“No. Thank goodness, just a mix up,” I said.

“Good. The two of you are so stinking cute together. You mix together like Kool-aid and sugar.”

“I know, right. He is adorable. Now go back to sleep. Goodnight.” I pulled the cover up around my neck.



Chapter Four

I awoke the next morning to the buzzing of my phone. It had a text message and an email. I read the text first. It was Zen saying, “good morning beautiful,” and that he would see me in class. I couldn’t help but smile. It would be a good morning now. I sent him a quick text back telling him that I couldn’t wait to see him. I also read my email, because I knew that it would be from my mom. The message said: Ava Jean, I miss you terribly and I am ready for you to come home. Please write me soon and tell me how you are doing. Miss you bunches. Love Mom.

I wrote her an email back, so that she wouldn’t be concerned about me. I told her that I missed her more, and that I was doing great. I told her that I had met a nice boy from Canada with great manners, whom I sort of had a crush on. I mentioned also that class was starting today and I couldn’t wait. I blew her a kiss and hit send. I was really missing her.

Sam and I got dressed to get ready to go to the bookstore. We only have one class together, art history, but I was looking forward to it. It was really important that we got our books because classes start today. We each got a shower and got dressed.

“We will take my car to the bookstore. I know it’s not that far, but I don’t really want to carry all those books back,” I said.

“I’m down with that,” Sam replied.

I shut and locked the door to my room, and we walked outside to my car. Sam beat me there. I heard her mumbled remarks from across the lot. “Ding. Ding. And round one goes too…”

“What the hell did she do to my car?” I was freaking out when I walked over and got a closer look. She had keyed the words backoff into my driver’s side door panel.
My car is old and worn out, but it’s still mine
. “What am I thinking Sam? Maybe I should just walk away now. If this girl is going crazy over me talking to him, I hate to think what she will do next.”

“Maybe you are right, Ava,” Sam reassured me. “I love you, but you have never been the fighting type.”

I nodded. “I know. I am a lover not a fighter, but there is a big part of me that would love to rip her head off for this.” I shook my head.
I really like this guy. I hate to let him go. “
I will talk to Zen later today. Do you care if we take your car?”

“No, let’s go.”

After we got our books, we grabbed a bite to eat in the cafeteria. Then Sam dropped me off at the dorms before heading off to her first class. I only had thirty minutes to freshen up before mine. I decided I would text Zen to tell him that I wanted to talk before our Physics class this afternoon.


Ava: Just wondering if u will meet me sometime b 4 class. Need 2 talk.

Zen: Everything ok?

Ava: NO. Did u talk 2 Paige?

Zen: Yes. Y?

Ava: She had a little fun with my car but I will talk 2 u about it later.

Zen: Tell me now. What did she do?

Ava: Go C 4 yourself. U can’t miss it. It’s the little blue Toyota Camry in front of my building.

Zen: On my way.

Ava: I have 2 go 2 class. Will u meet me b 4 Physics?

n: Yeah. I will find u later.


              I hurried off to my English class. I really wanted it to be a quick class because afterwards, I would get to go to art history with Sam.

When I walked into class, I noticed it was very large. The seating was arranged like a stadium, looking down towards the Professor.
Wow, very movie-ish
I love it
. The room was already beginning to fill up.

I rushed to grab a seat. I sat on the end seat, so that I would only have to sit next to one person. A really sweet girl sat next to me. Nicole was her name. We chatted a little bit during class and immediately hit it off. The class went well. I enjoyed myself. When the class ended, she and I walked out together. I was really excited to make a new friend. There was something about her that was comfortable to me.

“I would love for you to meet my best friend Sam. She is a ton of fun, if you don’t mind that she has a big mouth. Do you want to come and hang out with us in my dorm tonight?” I asked.

“That would be great.”

“Sweet!” We exchanged cell phone numbers, and I gave her my dorm room number. “I will see you later then,” I waved goodbye to her.

“See you later,” she waved back.

I went straight to the Arts and Humanities building to meet Sam. On the way, I checked my phone. I turned it off just before English, and when I had it turned back on, it flashed three unread text messages. All three were from, Zen. The thought of telling him I wasn’t going to see him anymore made me cringe. I read the text messages.


Zen: I can’t believe she did this. I am Sorr

Zen: I WILL take care of this.

Zen: Please forgive me. I really like u a lot.


              I closed my phone and took a deep breath.
Focus Ava.
I met Sam at the doors. “Hey, doll face, how was your first class?” I asked, putting my arm around her shoulder.

“Brutal. I really need to brush up on my Spanish. The Professor was asking us questions about ourselves, and we could only speak Spanish. I, of course, answered with several curse words and who knows what else. Everyone laughed, except the Professor. He said, “ ‘Yo tengo que estudiar.’ So you know what that means?” She batted her eyes at me.

“I know what it means, but do you?”

“Well, I do now,” she overly exaggerated her words. “Of course, I had to look it up.”

“So this means, you are going to fail,” I laughed.

“No, it means I desperately need my BFF to help me study. Please?” she pouted as she stuck out her bottom lip.

“You will be the death of me. I swear it.” She pouted more; this time she batted her lashes.

“Okay. Okay. I am there for you babe.” I pulled her into the classroom to find a seat. “Oh, I forgot to tell you. I met a really nice girl named Nicole in my English class. She doesn’t have any friends here, so I invited her to my dorm room to hang out tonight.”

“That’s cool. I met a girl too. Her name is Kat. She is from here and knows some awesome places to shop. I told her she could hang out with us tonight too. She said that the boy’s football team has a scrimmage game tonight. We should go watch. I mean, if you want to."

I immediately thought of Zen.
I am going to have to see him.
“Sure that’s fine.” We took our seats before class started. “Maybe we will meet some hot new boys,” we giggled.

“He is hot,” we both said at the exact same time, glancing at the Professor. We bumped fists. “Right on,” we said again, at the same time. Looking at him the entire semester would make this class a whole lot easier.

“My name is Gage Rothe. I will be the Professor for your Art History 101 enjoyment for the remainder of the semester. I also teach literature, so you may see me again. Lucky you,” he smiled. “You may call me Gage, but I will not answer to Professor. It makes me feel old, and that I am not. I am twenty five, and I know you are probably wondering how that is possible. I started college at a very young age, and that is all you need to know. Let’s get started.”

I was swooning over him. I needed a bib for the drool I was losing. The fact that he was talking about Baroque artists made no difference to me. He could have been talking about painting by numbers and still looked hot. Sam gave me an elbow to the ribs, snapping me out of it. Unfortunately, the Professor had asked me a question, and I wasn’t paying attention.
Don’t I look like a flipping idiot? Now I will be the girl with the scholarship, not paying attention, because the Professor is hot on about nine different levels.

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