Chased (The Graysen Pack Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Chased (The Graysen Pack Series)
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“No. I have to go back to my room.” I was looking everywhere for Sam. I could feel my body shaking so hard, but I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. When I finally found Sam, she was with Zander.

I could barely speak because of the shaking. “Sam?”

“Yeah, hey Doll. Are you okay?” She grabbed my hands.

“No,” I stumbled with the words. “I’m feeling sick and real weird. I have to go to my room and lie down.

“I’ll take you.”

“No, stay and have fun. I’ll call you later. I love you.”

“I love you, too.” She said. “I’ll stop and check on you when I get back to the dorms.

I nodded. “Oh Sam, ditch the bitch.”

She had a confused look on her face. I gestured towards Kat, who was walking our way.

“What’s going on?” Sam asked.

“I have to go, I’ll explain later. Or you can ask Kat. Better yet, I could stick around and rip her head off.”

“Oh no you don’t, you better go lie down, Superwoman, before you get sicker.” She pushed me away.

I turned around to leave. I was nearly running by the time I made it to the dorms. I had to get away.
I feel like a freak. My body is acting like it has a mind of its own. I wish I knew what is wrong or what kind of medicine will make this go away.

When I tried to pull open the heavy double doors to the dorm, I realized I didn’t have the strength. My body felt exhausted. I tried again, but still no luck.

“Here, let me help you.”

The voice startled me. “What are you doing here?” I could barely speak.

“I was just checking on you. I saw you running away from the party, and I was worried that something was wrong.”

“I’m fine, Professor.”

He opened the door and led me into the entryway; his hand nested on the small of my back. “Please, do not call me Professor. It’s Gage. I thought we went over this.”

“I am sorry, Gage. It just seems so informal.”

He smiled. “Are you okay, Avery? You seem shaken up.”

“It has been a long day. I don’t feel well. I must be coming down with something.” The longer I stood there, the worse I felt. I started walking towards the stairs. Each step I took seemed to be harder than the last. There was no way I would make it to my room, but I couldn’t let him know.

“Thank you for coming to check on me, but I will be fine. Just need some rest.” I desperately wanted him to leave before I tried to take on these stairs. If he saw me stumble, he would want to help and I just wanted to be left alone.

“Okay then. Goodnight Avery.”

“Goodnight Gage.” I gave him a half hearted smile. It was the best I could do. I didn’t even have the strength to swoon at his hotness, and he was looking mighty hot.

I waited for him to walk out the doors before I tried to go up the stairs. I tried hard. I may have gotten to the third step. That was it. I felt my legs wobble, and my head began to spin.

“Well, it looks like you may need my help after all,” Gage spoke. He threw my arm around the back of his neck and held me close to his side. I, of course, wanted to argue. It’s just my nature, but his touch felt comforting to me.

“I thought you left.”

“I did, but I realized that even though you are stubborn, you are still very sick. I can see it on your face, and I just didn’t want you to be by yourself. At least, not until you get tucked into your bed. Now let’s take this nice and easy. We will get you there in one piece.” He leaned down and whispered in my ear, “I promise.”

I shivered. His voice is as sexy as he is. “Did you wink at me in class?”
O, crap. This sickness was making me do stupid things. I can’t believe I just asked him that. What was I thinking?

He snickered. “Where did that question come from?”

“I’m sorry. My head is kind of spinning.”


“Yes. What?” I asked

“I did wink at you. You intrigued me. I am sorry.”

“No need,” I said as we took each step slowly. In my mind I was excited that he had winked at me. I don’t know why. Maybe he intrigued me too.

We walked the rest of the way in silence. His warm arm around me did something to ease the sickness I had been feeling. I was grateful. Each step got easier. When we got to the room, he walked me to the bed and helped me sit down.

“Thank you,” I said.

“You’re welcome. You lie down, okay.”

I lay back onto the pillow, and lifted my legs onto the bed. I could feel Gage remove my shoes. “Do you want a blanket?” he asked.

“No thanks. I’m really hot.” He smiled at my comment.

“Okay then, do you need anything else before I go?”

“I am truly fine this time; I don’t need any more help. I’m starting to feel yucky again and I just want to go to sleep.”

He nodded his head. “Goodnight, Avery.” He leaned down by the bed to turn off the bedside lamp, and when he did, I winked at him.

“Goodnight Gage.” I closed my eyes. I listened for him to leave. He did, quietly. I kept my eyes closed the entire time. I did not want to see his expression when I winked at him. I did it because I wanted him to know that he shouldn’t feel bad for winking at me.


Chapter Six

I lay there replaying the night’s events. Each time I thought about it, I would feel worse. I had not been lying there long, when someone knocked on the door. I so desperately wanted to be alone, but that would be too easy.

“Who is it?” I asked.

“It’s me, please let me in,” Zen answered.

I opened the door. “What are you doing here? I don’t want to see you right now.”

“You’re still shaking,” he said.

“Yes,” I replied. “And now is not a good time. I’m not feeling good.”

“I know what is wrong with you.” He walked inside and shut the door.

“Sure, come on in. Sit down, take off your shoes, and stay awhile,” I said sarcastically.
Stupid non listening boy.

“Listen, Avery!”

“No, you need to listen. I don’t understand what is going on here. I was just fine until you showed up. Now suddenly my whole body is doing crazy things. I was jealous. Really jealous, and I didn’t want you dancing with her. But I don’t know why I am saying this, because you are not mine to be jealous of.” I sat down on the edge of the bed, and he walked closer to me. I was sweating profusely, and trembling like I had a terrible fever. Every time I got upset the trembling would become worse.

“I was mad, too,” he said. “I saw you dancing with Lucas and his hands were touching you.”

“We were just dancing,” I replied

“I know. I just wanted you to know that I felt the same way that you did; insanely jealous. It’s like having your heart ripped out.”

“I… I know wha… what you mean.” I was shaking too hard to talk now.

“I know why your body is reacting this way. I can make it go away.” He grabbed my hand.

I pulled it away. “You’re freaking me out worse Zen.”

“I promise you, I can fix it. Come here please.” He opened his arms.

I stood up from the bed, but hesitated moving forward. My body was shaking so hard. I desperately wanted it to go away.
Please make it stop.

He walked over to me slowly. He reached out his arms, and he wrapped them around me gently. He pulled me close until I sank into his body. I let him hold me. I heard the rumbling in his chest, and I immediately felt relaxed. I let out a soft moan of my own. He held me tighter. It was almost as if my body fit into his like a glove. The shaking had stopped. He had fixed it. It was not a complete cure, but I did feel better.

I released myself from him and took a step back. I was in a little bit of shock. He could tell by the look on my face. “How did you do that?” I asked.

“There is something that I need to tell you.” He looked very serious.

“Okay, so tell me.”

“I will, but please try not to freak out. You may want to sit down.” He took a deep breath. I eased myself backwards toward the bed again.
I hope whatever you are about to say doesn’t send me back into shaking mode.

He raised his eyebrows and blurted it out quickly. “I am a wolf. I am a Graysen pack wolf.”

“I see. Did I mention that I am Abraham Lincoln,” I said sarcastically. I couldn’t help but laugh at him.
Who does he think he is kidding?

“I understand how this may sound, but I am not lying to you Avery. I swear. I am telling the truth, and you are too hot to be Abraham Lincoln.”

I rolled my eyes at him. I stood up from the bed and walked over to the window. I continued shaking my head no. “There is no way that you are wolf. You can’t be. Is this some kind of a joke? I mean people can’t be wolves. It’s like fairy tale shit. That would make you like a Jacob.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“I am not kidding. I can prove it.” He opened his mouth to show me his teeth. I stepped in a little bit closer to him. When I did, his canine teeth descended down, like from nowhere.

“Whoa. Geez Louise.” I jumped back quickly hitting my body against the wall behind me. “So you can turn into a wolf right now.” My breath became short and my heart nearly beat out of my chest.

“Yes. But there is no need to give you a heart attack. I will show you another time. Are you okay?” he asked.

My heart slowed, and I took a deep breath. It was definitely a lot to swallow. However, I was handling it surprisingly well. I hadn’t passed out yet. “Aside from being a wolf, what does this have to do with me? I am gathering you didn’t just tell me this because you like me. Somehow this is connected to me. How else could you calm me down so easily?” I responded.

“You’re okay with me being a wolf?”

“I suppose so. I really don’t know what to think. It’s very surreal. I thought everything was normal yesterday, and now I am in fairy tale land. I could be institutionalized if I told someone this,” I said.

He laughed.

“It’s not funny, you know?” I replied seriously.

“I am sorry. I know this must be hard for you, but I promise no one will take you away from me. You are my mate, always.”

I was trying to understand. “You keep saying that, but if it is true and you are a wolf…”

“I am a wolf,” he replied with a smile.

“Then does that mean you are imprinting on me?” I asked, raising my brow.

“No,” he grinned. “That’s not how we do things. Mating links you to another person mind, body, and soul. It is as if you become one person. It is strong love that bonds you together. But we can only mate with other wolves, and there is only one mate for every wolf.

“I hear you loud and clear, but I am no wolf.”

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