Chaser (40 page)

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Authors: John W. Pilley

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Hare, Brian,

Harris, Chris,

Heifetz, Jascha,


Chaser's love for,

and Chaser's relationship to toys,

herding commands,

Johnson's herding lessons,

herding instinct

in Border collies,

and Border collies' ability to identify sheep by name,

and chasing behaviors,

herding lessons,

“here” command,

Herman, Louis,

Hodges, Frank,

Hogg, James,

Hollowell, Gervais,

Holly (miniature schnauzer),

“honest” vs. “dishonest” dogs,

“hoop” command,

Horowitz, Alexandra,


and early accidents,

mother dogs' natural methods for,


“How Smart Are Animals” feature (
Nova scienceNow

Huber, Ludwig,

human-dog relationship.
dogs, domestic

human subjects

applying classical and operant conditioning to,


imagination, and learning,
See also
play sessions during training

imitation, learning by

animal capacity for, debates about,

developing Chaser's capacity for,

growing recognition/study of,

mental inference and,


dogs' capacity for,


and learning by imitation,

and match-to-sample activities,

role in animal learning,

Inside of a Dog

instinctive drift,

instincts, instinctual behaviors

fixed action patterns and releasing stimuli,

power of,

reflex vs.,

utilizing when training,

See also
herding instinct

intensive training, role in Chaser's success,

International Journal of Psychology
, Staddon article on rote and creative learning,

interspecies social relationship between dogs and people,
See also
dogs, domestic, eagerness for interaction/friendship with people

intuitive learning,

involuntary cuing,
See also
Clever Hans effect


Jayson, Sharon,

Jeb (Miss Lillian's dog),

Johnson, David,

approach to raising dogs,

on the Border collie “eye,”

on Border collies' dedication to work and devotion to shepherd,

on Border collies' problem-solving skills,

on empathy and compassion in dogs,

on “honest” vs. “dishonest” dogs,

on importance of praise when training,

on reasoning ability of dogs,


Kaminski, Juliane,

research into dogs' and other animals' perceptual and cognitive abilities,

response to Bloom's critique of Rico study,

“Word Learning in a Domestic Dog” article,

work with match-to-sample,

See also
Rico (Border collie)

Kanzi (bonobo),

Kate (Border collie),

kayaking trips,

keep-away game,

Keller, Helen,

Kimmel, Jimmy,

Korin, George,


language learning

and associating words with objects or actions,

following brain injury in early childhood,

in human children,

and learning to generalize/categorize,

and moving beyond mutual exclusivity assumptions,

in nonhuman animals,

rate and retention,

referential and combinatorial understanding,


as a social activity,

and understanding categories,

and understanding proper nouns, names,

and understanding syntax and semantics,

See also
common nouns; proper noun names; operant learning; play sessions; training

Lassiter, Jason, Chaser's games with,

Lassiter, Theresa,

latency, decrease in with practice,

Lauer, Matt,

Learning and Motivation

learning by association,

learning by exclusion,

learning by imitation,

learning by listening,

learning by shaping,

learning potential, Chaser's,

Lefebvre, John,

Letterman, David,

listening ability

in Border collies,

and learning ability,

and learning by overhearing,

Lobster King parable,

long-term memory

combining with working memory,

for proper names,


time needed to store new words in,

Lynn (friend),

many-to-one word mapping skills,

Marge (friend),

Markman, Ellen,

match to sample

challenges inherent in,

mental inference and,

testing Chaser's capacity for,

mating behaviors of stickleback fish, instinctive,

Maud (Border collie),

Max Planck Institute for Evolutional Anthropology,
See also
Rico (Border collie)

McFee, Rice,

Micke, Sebastien,

Miklósi, Ádám,

Miss Lillian (family member), devotion of dog,

Miss Lucy (friend),

Molly (cat),

Montessori, Maria,

mother dogs, disciplinary approach of,

motivation, and unpredictable rewards,

mutual exclusivity concept,


names of objects, learning.
proper noun names

naming Chaser,

See also
Pilley, Sally

Nantahala Outdoor Center, North Carolina,

National Examiner
, Chaser on cover of,

, “Snowflake: The White Gorilla,”

negative reinforcement

and boundary setting,

for decreasing unwanted behaviors,

and individual personalities,

punishment vs.,

negative words, limiting in training dogs,

New Scientist
online magazine, “Border Collie Takes Record for Biggest Vocabulary,”

newspaper articles about Chaser,

New York City, visits to,
See also
television appearances

New York Times
, Wade's article about Chaser in,

Nick/Nickey (Border collie),

Nigro, Marie,

“No!” command,

nonreinforcement, long-term value of,

“nose” command,

Nova scienceNow
, “How Smart Are Dogs” segment,

novelty, baseline preference for, eliminating as source of error in learning by exclusion trials,


obedience training, basic

“hard” vs. soft” dogs,

importance of,

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