Chaste (McCullough Mountain) (41 page)

BOOK: Chaste (McCullough Mountain)
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mouth gaped. It was the first time she’d seen Kelly without a shirt. His abs
were cut as though carved from stone. Tattoos scattered around his ribs, hips,
and chest. He stumbled toward her and men suddenly filled the room, barreling
in after him with an equal lack of grace.

yanked the string of lingerie, trying to stuff it back in the hamper, but it
was too late. Kelly’s head twisted and he drew up short. His eyes met hers and
something dark and promising swirled in the azure depths. “Fuck…
that ye be holdin?” he said with an extra thick and slurred accent. “I’ll be
liking to see these pieces on
ass, lass.”

mother slapped the back of his head. “Not until Sunday, Kelly.”

winced, but continued to smile. “My brothers have gone and gotten me drunk.”

hid a smile. “I see.”

booted feet stumbled forward and he whispered, “Are they being good to you,


stood and snapped, “Get him out of here, guys. The stripper’s about to come.”

eyes widened and he scowled at his sister. “No strippers.”

rolled her eyes. “Goodbye, Kelly.”

Ashlynn didn’t
want to see a stripper. Kelly stood up to his full height. “No. Strippers.”

was some sort of commotion at the back table. Sheilagh faced off with her
brother and the room abruptly silenced with a piercing whistle. Everybody

stood like a woman possessed. “Colin!”

gawked as a puddle formed under Samantha’s feet.

Maureen yelled. “

the baby

pushed through the crowd, stumbling, and went to his wife. Samantha wrapped her
arms around his neck as he scooped her up. “Sheilagh, drive us to the

jumped into action searching for her keys. A stampede of shouting crazy people
rushed out the door and suddenly it was only Ashlynn and Kelly standing in an
abandoned bar full of half drank glasses and popped balloons.

grinned at her. “I believe all that prayin’ I’ve been doing has made God take
mercy on my soul. What just happened can only be described as divine

laughed and he stumbled into her arms, nuzzling the curve of her neck, moaning
and kissing her. “How drunk are you?”

blood’s so thin at the moment I can’t tell which beautiful Ashlynn I’m seeing
is the real one. I like your hat.”

a tiara.”

dropped to the floor and she joined him. They propped themselves up against the
leg of a pool table and he draped his arm over her shoulder. “Don’t let go,
love. Don’t ever let go.” He was really wasted.

waited there, leaning against the pool table to hear word from his family about
Samantha and the baby. Sue closed off the back room and handled the regulars at
the bar.

showed Kelly all the gifts they’d been given and he admired each one justly. As
his fingers examined the rope of lingerie, he whispered, “Ashlynn, love?”


words were slow and slurred. “I’m going to be a good husband to you. I’m going
to love you always, thoroughly, and well. All I ask is that you believe I’m
capable of these things. I’m sure I’ll disappoint you from time to time, but
never forget, you make me want to be a better man.”

heart fluttered almost painfully. Pressing her lips to his bare shoulder she
said, “You make me want to be a better woman, Kelly. I’ll never forget so long
as you always remember that.”

eyes closed and he smiled. “I love ya, Ashlynn Fisher.”

smiled. “I love you too, Kelly McCullough.” Her hand brushed over his tousled
hair. “I have since I was a little girl.”


* * * *


woke up the following morning on the floor of the bar. She’d slept in Kelly’s
arms. This was how she’d wake up every day from here on out.

grunted and moaned. Ashlynn sat up and whispered, “Good morning, sleepy head.
Tomorrow’s our wedding.”

grinned and pulled her to his chest. His hand ran over her shoulder and he
asked, “Are you nervous?”

more nervous about tomorrow night.”

long’s the reception?”

few hours.”

thing your father’s house is close to yours. All I’m gonna be thinking about,
once we say our vows, is getting you up to our bed and making you mine.”

always been his. Her pulse leapt as she tried to imagine what making love to
him would feel like. Would it hurt? Would it be as wonderful as she imagined?
Would they keep the lights off? She had so many questions.

sat up. “Did my family call?”


frowned. “She should’ve had the baby by now.” He reached for his phone and
checked his messages. “I’m calling my dad.”

waited as he dialed.

What’s happening with Sammy and the baby?” Kelly’s face tightened as he
listened. “Is she all right?”

sat up a bit straighter and tried to make out what Kelly’s father was saying.
He mumbled a quick goodbye and hung up the phone.

everything all right?”

face was creased with tension. “They think so. Sammy’s blood pressure dropped
and they had to do an emergency C-section. She had a boy. Liam Michael. She’s
doing better now, but they’re keeping a close eye on her. I don’t think they’ll
be at the wedding.”

course. Colin needs to stay with his family.”

think I’ll take a ride over there later if you don’t mind. Will you come with me?”

seemed off. Something in his eyes told her he was frightened. It was strange
seeing such vulnerability in him without the usual façade. It was refreshing.
“Everything will be okay, Kelly. The doctors will keep an eye on her.”

lips pursed and he swallowed. “Sammy’s special to me. I care for her very much.
It’s scary thinking we could have lost her last night. I don’t know how Colin
handled it. I couldn’t imagine seeing you go through something like that.”

it was scary to think something could’ve happened to Samantha. No matter how
intrusive the McCulloughs were, Kelly undoubtedly loved them all very much.

get cleaned up and head to the hospital.”


quietly boxed up all their gifts and loaded them into Kelly’s truck. He drove
her back to her house to shower and an hour later they were at the hospital.

was tired and looked weak, but she claimed she was fine and the doctors seemed
confident in her recovery. Liam was a beautiful baby with dark hair like his
uncle and a piercing set of McCullough eyes. When Ashlynn got to hold him, longing
unraveled inside of her. It was a deep sense of yearning that perhaps was
natural for her at this point in her life.

the way home Kelly’s spirits lifted. It helped for him to see his sister-in-law
was doing okay.



you want a big family?” She already knew he wanted children someday. The
question was how many. Now that it was an option, she’d decided she definitely
wanted a family, especially with this man.

lots of children.”

know the church doesn’t believe in birth control.”

cocked an eyebrow at her as he pulled into her driveway. “Are you plannin’ on
being pregnant for the whole of our marriage?”

supposed if Kelly was as potent as the rumors claimed that was a good
possibility. She’d have to talk to someone about her options. Knowing exactly
how lonely it was to have only herself and her father, she wanted a big family,
but she also wanted to continue on her path. Having a business to manage and a
farm to take care of demanded a lot of time. She’d have to see how everything
played out before she made any decisions. They had time.

brushed his lips over hers. “You’re thinking too hard, love. It’ll all work
out.” She smiled and leaned into him. Yes, she definitely wanted her fair share
of Kelly before her body changed and her responsibilities doubled.

you be sleeping at your father’s tonight?” he asked, hugging her tight.


fingers traced the arch of her cheek. “I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”

be the one in the gown.”

be the sexy one in the kilt at the front.”

gaped at him. “You’re wearing a kilt?”

tartan, love. Now, I know you’ll be trying to look up me pleats, but try to be
patient. I’ll bare it all tomorrow night when I let you have your wicked way
with me.”

laughed and he sighed. Leaning back, he said, “To think, all this virtue I’ve
been holding onto will be gone.”

she shoved him and said, “You’re so full of shit your breath stinks.”

eyes widened and he burst out laughing. “You’ve been hanging around my family
too much! I don’t think I’ve ever heard you curse before.”

I think they broke me in.”

hugged her. “Thank you for wanting me, love.”

to you.”

said their final goodbyes and Ashlynn watched him pull away. Once he was gone,
she went into the house to pack her gown and get her bag to take to her
father’s. She had a wedding to prepare for.


Chapter Fourteen


paced the backroom of the church and waited. He’d been trapped in this room for
an hour, like they feared he’d bolt. The only direction he’d be running would
be toward his bride.

door opened and Braydon slipped in. He too was in his McCullough tartan,
complete with hose, sporran, and jacket.

she here?” Kelly asked anxiously.

yet. Here, I brought you something to hold you over.” From his sporran, Bray
produced a flask. Kelly twisted the cap and took a sip, letting the whiskey
calm his nerves.

the guests arrived?”

and the aunts are here. Dad’s parking the truck.”

door opened and his brothers, Finn and Luke entered. They made a great show of
tousling Kelly’s hair and stealing his flask.

girls are looking lovely on this fine day,” Finn said. “I believe my wife might
make your blushing bride jealous.”

see,” Kelly mumbled, taking back the flask. He doubted any woman could be as
pretty as his Ashlynn.

door slid open again and his father stepped in. Of all the McCullough men,
Frank wore his tartan best. He patted Kelly on the back and said, “Look at this
fine group of men. Makes a man damn proud to see such a display and claim them
all as his sons.”

Colin coming?” Kelly asked. It didn’t feel right to not have all his brothers
there with him.

gave a sad smile. “He’s still at the hospital. He told me last night to wish
you the best and tell you he’s sorry he can’t make it.”


better, nursing wee Liam and feeling more herself again.”

brought Kelly comfort.

door opened and Father Mark stepped in. “You’re bride has arrived, Kelly. Are
you ready?”

nodded, anxious to see her. They shuffled out of the backroom and Kelly took
his place at the altar, his brothers lined up to his left. He smiled at his
mum, who was already sniffling into a hanky. Aunt Col winked and gave him a
thumbs up.

Mark stepped up to the pulpit and nodded. A harp softly filled the church
followed by the soft symphony of the Irish flute. The doors opened and Kelly
drew in a deep breath.

sister Katherine, dressed in a gown skirted in McCullough plaid, stepped
through the doors holding a delicate bouquet of Irish blue-eyed grass. She
smiled as she passed her husband, Anthony, in the pews and stepped to Kelly’s

came Sheilagh. She was a vision of untamed beauty, her fiery red hair pulled
back in a way that accentuated her emerald eyes. Behind her came Mallory.

glanced at Finn and saw stark admiration and love in his brother’s gaze as he
watched his wife come down the aisle in his family’s colors.

doors opened again and in walked a tiny group of pixies. He gasped, his face
breaking into a wide grin, as he watched Tallulah in a fluffy white dress
carrying a basket of petals. His niece was there, standing for Colin and Sammy.
Beside Tallulah walked Skylar and Hannah, Kate’s daughters. Each one wore a
unique set of fairy wings with renaissance ribbons tied at their backs.

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