Read Cheaters Anonymous Online

Authors: Lacey Silks

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #alpha male, #erotic suspense, #billionaire, #Adventure, #Wealthy, #Contemporary Romance, #erotic romance

Cheaters Anonymous (28 page)

BOOK: Cheaters Anonymous
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“You’re delusional,” I said.

“Everything has its price. And you’re mine.”

The gross chills swept over me as I remembered him pulling his pants down at the clinic when he’d tied me up, and then slapping himself on my cheek. I wanted to throw up all over again. There was no way out of this, was there? Either way, we lost – I lost.

“You’re sick.” I stood up, pushing the chair behind me backward. It scraped over the linoleum, and the piercing sound filled the room. I didn’t want to be the first one to let go of his gaze. We were having a staring contest, and when I looked down, I knew I’d lost.

“I’m right and you know it. I’ve been trying to get to you for years, and now I’m going to claim what’s owed to me. Should have put out at that party, Jules,” he mocked. “It’s just one night. Twenty-four hours for a lifetime of happiness, Doctor Blakely.”

Knowing I was gambling with my life, I took a deep breath in before leaning closer to the glass, chanting in my head,
I’m not afraid, I’m not afraid.

“This may be news to you, but you’re not Robert Redford in
Indecent Proposal
. And your offer is way too low. I can deal with the consequences of my actions – while you rot here.”

I grabbed my purse off the chair.

“I will move out of state. No one will have to know about our night together. You will never have to see me again.”

I stopped. Was I really considering this? Somehow it felt like this was my only chance to have Brad out of our lives for good; but was the price too high?





Scar opened the door to my apartment before I twisted the key in the lock.

“Hi, beautiful.” His arms were around my waist as he pulled me to his body for a succulent kiss. If I could stay like this forever and forget about life, sleeping, eating, and responsibilities, I would. Scar’s lips were needy, the way they always were when he kissed me. I could never get enough of him, so when he pulled his mouth away it took a moment for me to remember where I was.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, stealing sweet kisses between the words.

“Making dinner.”

“Again?” I closed the door behind me.

Scar had been coming over to cook when I was at work. While I enjoyed the attention, I didn’t want him to take away so much time from the club.

“It’d be easier if you took me up on my offer and moved in with me.”

I followed him into the kitchen. Scar hadn’t been the happiest when I refused to stay at his place permanently. It wasn’t like I didn’t spend a lot of time there anyways – practically every four days, when I had time off. Half my clothes were already there, and he’d purchased everything else I needed, so now I had double the toothbrushes, hair accessories, make-up, shoes, clothes. I wasn’t sure why he even bothered with the clothes since most of my days and nights there I spent in my panties and his t-shirts – or naked. But moving in together was a huge step. What would happen if it didn’t work out? We’d only been back together for a couple of months – couple of extremely adventurous months.

“You need to eat, Jules. You’ve been working so much I barely get to see you, and I’m pretty sure the cafeteria food doesn’t have enough fat and nutrition. You’re disappearing in front of my eyes.” He pulled the wooden spoon out of the pot and lifted it to my lips for a taste of the sauce.

Scar was right. Since I’d gone back to work two weeks ago, I’d taken on as many hours as they would allow me. It was my safe place and a way to not think about Brad, the upcoming trial, or what it would mean if he got out of jail. But it didn’t mean that Scar wasn’t seeing me.

“I’m with you when I’m off,” I said.

He set the spoon aside and leaned against the kitchen island, bringing me to his body. Being with Scar this way, so close, always clouded my mind.

“It’s not enough, Jules. I want you with me all the time. Do you know how difficult it is to lie at night with a stiff cock and not be able to do anything about it?”

“Since when do you not jerk off?”

“Since I know you can do a much better job.” He kissed me again, this time with a longing I knew would lead to me helping him ease the pressure in his balls.

“So, what you’re saying is that you need me to help you get off.”

“Among other things. I need you to be with me.” He kissed me on my right cheek. “Day and night.” Then on my left cheek. “Whether you’re working or not.” And then he took my lips with his. Their strength forced my mouth apart and I felt my body give into his. Scar held me in his arms, supporting most of my weight. His smooth mouth weakened my knees. I felt his erection dig into my hip bone as my thighs tensed at the thought of him inside me. I smiled, knowing that kisses like these led to sex – a wonderfully fulfilling and satisfying round of fuckery I could only get from Scar.

When we finally pulled away, our breaths were deep and heavy. I could see in his eyes that dinner would need to be delayed. There was no other way. We couldn’t have a normal conversation until that deep need was satisfied. My hand slid to his crotch, smoothing over the bulge in his jeans.

“Moving in is a big step, Scar. Aren’t you happy with the way things are now? Because I am.”

“Jules, when you have your hands on me like that, I’m always happy.”

His top lip, the one that had a white mark just off its center, lifted. It was too sexy not to kiss. I quickly touched my lips to his and flicked open the button on his jeans. If I was going to make him forget about us living together, there was only one way I would succeed.

“When people say good things come in all shapes and sizes, I’m pretty sure they don’t mean this.” I slid my hand down his pants, grasped his heated skin, and pulled it up along his hard shaft. He sprang out like a healthy branch.

“Jules, what are you doing?” His heated breath hitched, but there was no escape from my grip.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” I asked lowering myself to my knees. “I have a man at my home cooking dinner and telling me he’s not satisfied enough when I’m away.”

Pulling my thumb over his glistening tip, I licked my lips. “And I want to make sure you’re happy. All the time.”

“I would be happiest if you were with me all... ahh... fuck.”

I wrapped my lips around his crown and pulled my tongue all the way around, underneath the ridge. Yup, whatever Scar was going to say, I was sure he’d forgotten about it by now. He leaned back against the kitchen counter, holding onto it with both hands. His knuckles were white, and for a moment I was afraid he’d be able to dent the marble.

Letting him sink into my mouth, I grasped his jeans, lowering them to his knees. With both of my hands freed I drew them up his thighs and back to his hard ass, squeezing the taut muscles, forcing him off the counter and inadvertently much deeper into my throat. He had the best-tasting cock in the world. I relaxed my jaw and tightened my lips around his thickness, slowly letting him out on my way up. With one of my hands on his shaft and one under his balls, I pulled my tongue all the way down to his sack and took the soft skin into my mouth, tea-bagging him. The flesh contracted, and Scar gasped above me. His hands were on top of my head, urging me to take him in again.

It was the best feeling in the world, knowing I had that kind of effect on him. My lips traced his skin upward, feeling the pulse of his thick vein quicken, and I took him into my mouth again, this time keeping him there. I bopped my head up and down, letting him thrust as deep as he needed. His hands guided my tempo as I gently massaged his scrotum. From the corner of my eye I saw goosebumps cover his skin. I kept sucking him off as if I were a diamond hunter and he had a ten-carat stone in his balls. His pace quickened and then his hips bucked forward for the last time.

“Jules, I’m... ahh... Jules!”

The taste of him filled my mouth and I slowed the motion, letting the last of his warmth fill my mouth, licking him clean in the process.

I stood up and rinsed my mouth in the kitchen sink.

“Are you satisfied now?” I asked.

“Oh, shit!” He wiped the sweat off his forehead. “You’re unbelievable.”

“Good.” I took the spoon out of the pot and licked it clean. Scar’s cooking skills were definitely one of the better surprises in the past few weeks.

“But I’d still prefer to have you in my arms all night, Jules. Zoey moved in with Ace already. You’re here all alone.”

“I’m not alone – because you’re here. And Zoe and Ace have been dating longer than we have.”

I wasn’t sure why it was so difficult for me to agree to move in with him. It was like I would be giving up part of who I was; and losing my independence scared me.

“You know, if this continues, I’ll just throw you over my shoulder and carry you out of here forever. What are you afraid of, Jules?”

While the caveman tactic intrigued me, the disappointment in his voice broke my heart. Scar lifted his pants and zipped up before turning away from me. I hated when he was upset.

“Before you, I never thought I could commit. You changed me. You make me a better man. You’re the only one I could ever confide in and ever considered for anything more than a warm body.”

He leaned his head to the side waiting for an explanation. The problem was, I didn’t have one. I’d never lived with a man before. What if we didn’t click? What if this perfect relationship we had would end if we lived together?

“I feel like we’re in this bubble, and it will eventually pop and if I’m at your house when it happens, then I’d have to look for a new place again, and with my job it’s not easy to find the time to do that.”

Scar came closer to me. “Those are excuses. You know we’re good together. Why would the bubble pop?”

Because I still have secrets you wouldn’t want to hear.

Would Scar still want me once he knew how I had let my body be used by countless men?

I felt my head lower, and as always, Scar was there to lift my chin up with his finger. “Talk to me.”

The lump of guilt tightened in my throat. I should have told him everything weeks ago, and now that I had stalled for so long, it made keeping it from him that much worse.

“I will think about moving in,” I whispered.


“That’s not a yes, Scar.”

“It’s better than a no.” He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me forcefully. “Now what are you trying to hide, Jules?”

“What? Nothing. Why?”

He simply shook his head. “Your mouth has a special skill of diverting my attention. Sometimes I think you forget that I used to practice law.”

“Obviously I’m not doing a good job at changing the topic.” My nervous chuckle shook my shoulders.

“I’m one of the luckiest bastards in the world to have your mouth sin all over my dick, Jules. But it doesn’t mean that I don’t want you to be honest with me. What is it?” He regarded me from above and smoothed his fingers over my cheek, saying, “It will all be over in three days, Jules. Brad will be put away for a long time.”

“But he’ll still be part owner of Hounds.”

“It doesn’t matter. I’ve locked up the business downstairs. We’ll just continue as usual until I’m the sole owner, and once the lawyers draw up the paperwork, we’ll forget all about him.”

I wished that were true. Scar opened the fridge, reached for two beers, popped the caps open, and passed one to me. I took a long swig.

“Was everything okay at work?”

“Yes, same old.”

“Did you get anything nutritious into that beautiful body of yours?”

I didn’t like where this was going. I hated keeping secrets from Scar, but I didn’t want him worried.

“I had lunch with Chris.” I turned away from Scar and headed for the dining room.

“That’s funny, because when I came to visit, Chris said you took off and didn’t say where you were going.”

I stopped mid-step.
Scar was right – I did forget he had that damn law degree, and I bet that he would have been an amazing prosecutor.

“What’s going on, Jules? You know you can talk to me.”

I looked into his gorgeous hazel eyes and knew that if I couldn’t tell him about Brad’s request, I’d lose not only a boyfriend, but also a best friend.

“I think you better sit down.”





I curled into a ball on the couch pulling my knees up to my chest. Scar sat in the armchair to the side, waiting for me to begin. I didn’t like him that far away. I wanted to be in his arms, where I felt safe.

Perhaps having him beside me every night wasn’t that bad an idea. After all, at this point I couldn’t imagine my life without him, and since we spent so much time together, it would be easier to live at one house. But would he change his mind after I told him the last secret I was holding onto?

I didn’t know where to begin. How do you tell someone you care about so deeply that you agreed to be pimped just so that you could ride the wave of an orgasm? Night after night. One man after another.

“I know you well enough to know that he’s done something to upset you.” Scar brought me out of my thoughts.

I sighed. “There are things you don’t know about me.”

“There’s nothing you could tell me that would change how I feel about you. You know that.”

Somehow I believed him. I wasn’t sure why, but I knew Scar wouldn’t leave me over this. My bigger fear was that no matter which sick request of his I agreed to, Brad would always remain in our lives – especially if he found out that he was part of the Wagner family. That was yet another secret I was keeping, and one I had no clue what to do with. Did I have the right to keep the knowledge that Brad and Scar were half-brothers to myself? Beth had tried to find out what happened to her egg after the nurse at the clinic mistakenly fertilized and implanted someone else’s baby inside her, but had been told the documents were destroyed. But they weren’t. And now I was the only one who knew that Scar and Brad were related.

“I went to see Brad today.” I felt Scar’s body tense beside me. “Not willingly. He knows stuff about me. Things that could destroy my career… and he has proof.”

BOOK: Cheaters Anonymous
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