Read Chemical [se]X Online

Authors: Anthology

Tags: #Erotica

Chemical [se]X (16 page)

BOOK: Chemical [se]X
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We checked inside a few cabinets, but came up short. Zak picked up a gold box that was next to the coffee maker. “I’ll bet they’re in here.”

“What kind of coffee comes in a box like that, all tied up with a black ribbon?”

Zak grinned. “Expensive coffee. Killer coffee. Like Kopi Luwak, maybe.”

“Coopie what?”

“Kopi Luwak, remember? I told you about it last week.”

“You mean the kind they pick out of weasel poop?”

“Technically, the beans are extracted from civet dung, but they’re completely sterile.”

“There’s no fucking way I’m drinking coffee that came out of a weasel’s ass.”

Zak groaned in frustration. “Civet, the animal is a civet, more cat-like than weasel-like.” He pulled one end of the ribbon, slowly, like he was deactivating a bomb.

“You’re really going to drink that weasel-shit coffee?”

“I heard drinking Kopi Luwak is akin to having a religious experience, so fuck yeah, I’m going to try some.” Zak removed the lid, then frowned. “There’s no coffee in here, just candy.”

There were twelve perfect cubes of chocolate, all cradled in a gold foil cups. Each piece was different; one had edible gold leaf sprinkled on top, another had the words “Eat me” written in fancy script. The aroma wafting out from the open box made my mouth water.

“Fancy schmancy, and they smell good, too.”

Zak set the box down “I hate these kind of chocolates, you never know what’s inside. Sure, you could get lucky and pick one filled with caramel, or peanut butter, but I always end up biting into the one stuffed with disgusting pink spooge.”

“I know, right? It’s like playing Russian roulette with your taste buds.”

Zak shot me an evil smirk, then slid the box closer to me. “I dare you to try one.”

“We shouldn’t. Mayor Kingman might have bought these for Veronica, you know, like for a surprise.”

“Then why are they sitting next to the coffee maker? The man told us we could have coffee, maybe he left these here for us, like a tip.”

“I guess you could be right.” I poked at a milk chocolate coated piece that had an X drawn on the top in white chocolate.

“You touched it, now you have to eat it, dems da rules.”

“Fine, asshole, I will.”

I held the piece under my nose and inhaled. I smelled coffee and cream, cinnamon and vanilla. But there was a strange under tone that I couldn’t put my finger on right away. Then, a light bulb went off in my head.

“Dude, this kind of smells like pot.”

Zak sniffed the contents of the box, then howled with laughter. “Damn, you’re right. Who knew Mayor Kingman was rockin’ the ganj?”

“I am so eating this now.” I was about to take a bite, but Zak stopped me.

“What if you get baked? We have a big job to do.”

“I’ll take a small taste, and if nothing happens, we can eat them all, the sugar high will help us work faster.” I bit off a small corner, the inside was gooey, and when the center melted into my tongue, I swear my mouth had an orgasm. “Oh-my-fucking-god, that’s the best thing I’ve ever tasted.”

“What’s in the middle? Tell me it’s not pink stuff.”

“Tastes like frosting, only not the crappy kind from a can, like the kind a french chef would make, from a fancy bakery. Or Disney Land.”

“Do you feel stoned yet?”

“No, but my tongue feels warm.”

I took a larger bite, and the warmth spread down my throat, then curled up in my belly, making me feel loose and mellow, yet intensely focused at the same time. My tongue became more sensitive and I tasted flavors I couldn’t even name. Seconds later, the warmth turned to heat and traveled south at a rapid pace. The inferno hit my nads next, turning them into hot coals that threatened to burn through my jeans.

My brain screamed at my mouth “Spit that out, some weird shit is happening,” but I literally could not stop, the chocolate had a hypnotic effect on me. Once I finished the entire piece, I stared at Zak while I licked the melted bits off my fingers. That’s when I noticed his skin was the exact same color as the chocolate, and I had the overwhelming urge to lick him, too. All. Over.

“Your face is kind of red, you okay?”

“Dude, eating that gave me a huge boner.”

Zak’s eyes widened when he took a gander at my crotch. “Damn, that must be some fucking good chocolate.”

An intense throbbing shot through my groin. “Holy fuck, my dick has never been this hard, kinda feels like it’s trying to tear through my jeans.”

“Maybe you should let that bad boy out, you know, for comfort’s sake.”

I yanked open my button fly, then almost passed out when a tree limb sprung out of my pants. “Look at this, I think it’s bigger, and fatter.”

Zak shoved an entire piece of the mystery candy in his mouth and chewed furiously while he stared at my cock. I slid my fingers up and down the length and my body lurched like I’d been struck my lightning.

“Fuck, everything feels better than usual, sort of like all my nerve endings are all juiced up.” Zak was still ogling my crotch and licking his lips, making them glisten with saliva. The fact that he was eyeballing my junk got me even hotter. “Want to watch me jerk off?”

He looked me straight in the eye. “I’d rather do that for you.”

“I, um, think I kind of want you to, um, maybe, um, touch my, um, dick”

Zak moved closer and massaged the wet tip of my cock with his thumb. The simple motion caused me to sigh like a lovestruck teenage girl.

“Damn, you’re juicy. You have a big, thick, juicy dick.”

“Okay, no maybes, I really, really want you to touch my dick.” I thrust my pelvis forward for emphasis.

He gripped my dick with his fist. “I can barely get my fingers around this fucker.” After a few strokes, he froze, and a funny expression came over his face. “That shit just hit my brain stem.”

“Crazy, huh? Do your balls feel funny? Mine feel like two softballs that have been baking in the hot sun all day.”

He clawed at my shirt. “Take off your clothes, all your clothes, right fucking now.”

“Yeah, you too, let’s get naked. Buck ass naked. Then I want you to fuck me. In my ass. With your dick. Your big, black dick.”

“The dirty talk is sexy as fuck, keep doing that.”

Zak pulled off his shirt, and the rubber band holding his dreads together came loose. His hair floated around his head like a mane of black ropes. I grabbed some in each hand and pulled him closer.

“You look like a lion, a big, wild, sexy lion, I want to jump on your back and ride you all around the jungle.”

“Oh yeah? Do you want to fuck me?”

The idea of putting my cock up his ass made me breathless and unable to speak. I was drowning in lust and desire and want, all I could do was nod my head. Zak grabbed me by the face and mashed his lips against mine, I shoved my tongue in his mouth and tasted chocolate. We made out like feral animals; I shoved my hands inside his boxers and squeezed two handfuls of smooth, muscular ass. My dick was rubbing against Zak’s, but the friction wasn’t enough, I craved more.

“Fuck me, Zak, fuck me now.”

“Not yet. I’ve wanted to suck your dick for five fucking years, and I’m not waiting any longer.” Zak pushed me against the refrigerator, and dropped to his knees. “Look at this bad boy, he’s got to be nine inches, at least. I always knew you were packin’ some heat.”

He squeezed my sac like he was checking a peach for ripeness. Intense, sexual mania took over my body, my cock was oozing so much precum, I appeared to be having an orgasm.

“Yeah, baby, drip for me.” He lapped up every drop while using a firmer hand on my balls. “More.”

The muscles in my legs were stretched taut; I clawed at the cold stainless steel that was pressed against my back, determined not to come, wanting to prolong the moment.

“Zak, I’m trying not to but, your mouth is so fucking hot-”

“Do it baby, shoot your cum down my throat.”

Zak clutched my ass and I watched every inch of my dick disappear behind his plump lips. He looked like a god, a chocolate covered, dreadlock sporting, deep throating god. I was his supplicant, offering my cock to him like a sacrifice. And he devoured me.

Between the warm, wet, suction, and the feel of his tongue rubbing against the underside of my shaft, I exploded, drowning his tonsils with the biggest load my balls had ever unleashed. While he gulped down the thick spunk, he made the same kind of noises I do when I eat a hot fudge sundae. He peered up at me through his thick fringe of lashes while he sucked the tip, milking me for every drop. My knees buckled and I slid to the floor.

“Nectar from heaven,” Zak said after licking his lips. “Want a taste?”

Once again, I could only nod. He licked my tongue, I could taste semen and chocolate and mocha and a thousand other flavors.

“Is it weird that I like kissing you?”

“No, baby, I happen to be an excellent kisser, you have no choice but to enjoy my hot lips.”

His tongue fluttered against mine, then slid deeper into my mouth. I sort of felt like I was giving him head, which gave me an overwhelming urge to do just that.

“Put your cock in my mouth.” I sounded like a preschooler begging for candy.

“I thought you wanted my dick in your ass.”

I bit his bottom lip and stared into his eyes. “I want everything.”

Zak stood up, stripped off his boxers and leaned against the center island, still wearing his socks and work boots, the sight of him almost melted my nads. I crawled on my knees across the cold tile, in awe of the perfect cock that was rock hard and pointing up to his six pack like an arrow.

“Sorry to disappoint, we don’t all have twelve inch dicks.”

“I never thought I’d say this about another dude’s cock, but, man, that is fucking beautiful.”

The shaft was dark chocolate up to the middle, then turned to milk chocolate towards the tip. The crown was perfectly shaped and glossy with precum. But his balls held the most fascination for me. While my sac looks like one wrinkled bag hanging there, his looked like two ping pong balls covered in black velvet. I gently stroked them with the tips of my fingers, then sucked one, causing Zak to groan and push against my face.

He was immaculately manscaped, making me ashamed of my own wild tangle of pubes that I never bothered trimming. The only hair he had down there was a tiny patch right above his shaft, springy and curly like a tiny afro. I used my thumb to stroke the soft thatch while I alternated sucking each velvety testicle. I swear, I could feel them swelling with cum, cum that I wanted in my mouth.

“I love having my nads sucked, baby, mmm, feels so good.” While I continued devouring his balls, my fingers kept exploring until I found his taint. He moaned and spread his legs. “Yeah, go further back, tease my hole.”

I wet the pad of my thumb with spit, then gently massaged his tight pucker. I increased the pressure until I could feel him melt, then spread open. More spit, and the tip of my index finger disappeared inside up to the first knuckle.

“Yeah, fuck yeah, tease that ass.”

“You like getting your ass fingered?”


“You’ll probably let me put my cock up here, won’t you? Will you let me plow this tight ass?”

Zak mumbled something like “dirtytalkmakesmecome”, but before I could catch the deluge in my mouth, semen spurted up like a geyser. Some splattered his chest while the rest dripped down his cock and balls, but my tongue was there, anxious to catch every drop. The flavor was more complex than I expected. He tasted like salt, and musk, and love, hot man love. Hot sticky man love that was dribbling down my chin.

“I’ve never come so hard or so fast. What the fuck is in those things?”

“Fairy dust, or crack, or unicorn blood.” I licked up a drop of jizz I found on his neck. “I don’t know, but I can’t stop, can you? I’ve never been so fucking horny in my entire life.”

“Stop? My dick is already hard again.”

“Good. Fuck me.”

“You’ve never been fucked, and we don’t have lube.”

“Use spit, that’s what they do in porno movies.”

Zak groaned. “Saliva is not a substitute for lube. Ever. Unless you like pain, and I’ve seen you cry over a splinter.”

“I want your dick up my ass, dude, like right fucking now.” I frantically searched the cabinets. “There’s gotta be something in here.” I found a bottle of canola oil and tossed it to him.

He eyed the label, then laughed. “All we can do is try.”

Zak greased up, then directed me to bend over the island. “Put your knee up here, yeah, now bend forward a little. There you go, now I have easy access to this sweet, pink hole.” He licked the small of my back. “Good-god-damn, you look sexy as hell.”

I felt spread open and exposed, maybe slightly vulnerable, but when his fingers slid up and down my ass crack, I lost all sense of shame, in fact, I managed to bend my leg and open up even more.

“Mmm, baby, I’m going to make you feel so fucking good.” He slicked oil over my balls and taint, then around my hole. “You like the way that feels?”

“Hell yeah.”

“I’m going to oil you up on the inside, I want to make this real comfortable for you. My dick will slide in your tight ass just like butter.”

He inched one finger up my ass and I sucked in air and moaned simultaneously, mostly out of pleasure, but a little out of shock. The last time my butt had been intruded in such a way, it was by the latex covered, KY coated digit of one Dr. Rosenbaum, who kept his finger in my ass a lot longer than he should have.

“Sorry, Ryan, I can’t find your prostate. Maybe I should go a slightly deeper.”

“No offense, doc, but you’re practically touching my brain.”

Getting fingered by Dr. Rosenbaum felt weird and creepy. Getting fingered by Zak by was fucking hot. Once he had three of them crammed in there, I demanded to be fucked properly.

“Use your dick, I’m so fucking ready, plug my hole with your big cock.”

“No problem, baby, I can’t wait to get in there.”

I closed my eyes and breathed deep. By now, the magical ingredient inside the chocolate had completely taken over the pleasure center of my brain. The sensation of my asshole being stretched open by the tip of his thick cock caused a large gush of precum to spurt out of mine. He took his time, pushing inside my eager ass at a leisurely pace. Dr. Rosenbaum couldn’t find my prostate, but Zak did.

BOOK: Chemical [se]X
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