Cherished (14 page)

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Authors: Lauren Maya; Dane Banks

BOOK: Cherished
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Very carefully, he pushed himself upward, gauging her reaction the entire way as he pushed the tiniest bit farther into her body.

Nico pressed his mouth to her forehead, taking up where Xander had left off and raining tender kisses over her face.

As Xander put more space between himself and Talia, Garon and Sebastien began to caress her belly, breasts and sliding up and down her midline, petting and soothing.

Talia gave a little sigh and seemed to relax. The tension that had been so readily evident in her face was starting to disappear and her eyes once more wore the glaze of passion and desire.

He slipped his hands underneath her bottom and cupped her buttocks and then carefully began to withdraw.

Her eyes went wide and then she closed them, breathing in deep when he inched his way forward once more.

She was a tight fist around his cock. Hot. Liquid silk. Grasping greedily as he moved within her.

He’d never felt anything so good, never felt pleasure so razor sharp and edgy.

She lifted her hips as if wanting more. When he complied, she bit her lip and wore a slight grimace. He swore under his breath and went still once more.

“No, don’t stop,” she said. “It’s a little uncomfortable, but it doesn’t hurt. Not like it did before.”

“I don’t want to hurt you more,” he said hoarsely.

She smiled then, her eyes warming like twin flames. Sebastien and Garon were close to her now, caressing her skin and then lowering their mouths back to her breasts. Nico stroked her hair, his fingers tangling in the long strands. She gasped and arched upward when Garon and Sebastien started sucking in tandem.

She went wetter around his cock and his thrusts became easier, slick with her desire. He used her distraction and the pleasure she was receiving from Garon and Sebastien and began to move at a more rapid pace.

Placing his palm down on her belly, he slid his thumb down into her folds and over her clit. He rolled gently, gauging her reaction until he found just the right spot and the right amount of pressure to bring her pleasure.

Her breaths were ragged and she arched upward. Her hands seem to fly everywhere and then finally curled around the backs of Sebastien’s and Garon’s head, gripping tight as they continued to lavish attention on her breasts.

Her pussy spasmed around him and she let out a sharp cry as he increased the motion of his thumb over her clit. She was close, and thank God for it because he was nearly out of his mind with the need to find release.

As soon as she started contracting around him and went soft and damp, he thrust deep. He surged forward twice more, burying himself into the very heart of her. It was his breaking point.

Amidst her cries of passion, he let out a fierce groan as he began coming. God, it was nearly painful, but it was the most glorious of hurts. It was as if he’d been turned inside out.

He eased forward, wanting her in his arms. The others pulled back, leaving him and Talia wrapped in each other’s arms. He cradled her close to his heart as he continued to twitch deep inside her.

This was ultimate satisfaction.

When everything else in his world had been upended, this was so very right. She was right.

He’d waited for what seemed an eternity to claim her, to have her here in his bed, but she was here now and he’d be damned if he’d let her go.

Chapter 14

“You’re mine,” Xander murmured when she stirred beside him.

The declaration sent a delicate shiver over her shoulders. Yes, she was his. In essence she was theirs. She felt as branded by the others as she did Xander even though he was the only one she’d taken into her body.

But they’d touched her. They’d tasted her. They’d surrounded her while Xander had claimed her.

In any other circumstance she would have thought the whole thing, well…creepy. But lying here in Xander’s arms, remembering the way they’d all made her feel, “creepy” was the last word she’d use to describe the intense pleasure they’d given her.

They’d been caring. Gentle. It had all been…romantic. She felt silly even thinking the word and yet she couldn’t imagine a more perfect experience for her first time. For the first time, she was glad that she hadn’t given up her virginity before now.

Until now, it wasn’t something she’d given a lot of thought to. She wasn’t opposed to having sex, and more than likely had she had the opportunity, she would have done so. But between school
and her mother, any intimate relationship with a man had been the furthest thing from her mind.

She sighed and burrowed her face into the hollow of Xander’s neck. Inhaling deeply, she soaked in his scent. Rugged. Primal.

Unable to resist, she slipped her hand over his side and let her fingers drift down and then over his midsection, enjoying the lean, muscled flesh.

“If you keep that up, I’m going to take you again,” he growled in a low voice.

She smiled against his neck. “That’s not exactly a threat you know.”

He let out a grunt. He sounded disgruntled. Then he nuzzled her ear. “It would be far too painful for you to accommodate me again so soon. As much as I’d love to slide into your body and spend the rest of the night there, we must wait.”

She leaned up on her elbow, her hair falling in a curtain over her breasts. She glanced to where the others lounged and they met her gaze, almost as if anticipating she might have need of something. Such willingness to spoil her was going to have her in complete ruin. How on earth would she ever return to her normal life?

And did he have any such intention of allowing her to return after his surprising declaration? Did he intend to keep her as a mistress? Plaything? Pampered pet?

Shaking off those thoughts, she returned to her original intention.

“What I had in mind had nothing to do with you being inside me again. At least not there,” she murmured.

Xander pushed himself upward, his eyes glittering in the low light.

She smiled, feeling suddenly naughty and mischievous. “Sebastien told me earlier that I would suck the cocks of every man present
and yet…I didn’t.” She turned her lips down into a pout. “What a promise to break. And I was so anticipating it.”

Xander glanced at the others. Sebastien viewed her with one raised brow. Garon and Nico looked like they’d been hit in the head.

Then Xander chuckled. “Just who’s in charge here? Your promises of obedience are fast turning into promises of manipulation.”

She turned, widening her eyes in innocence. “Well, if you don’t want me to…”

“Not so damn fast, Xander,” Garon rumbled out. “She does need practice after all.”

“Definitely,” Nico breathed. “And she can practice on me all she wants.”

“Are you certain this is what you want, Talia?” Xander asked. “I wouldn’t have you too overwhelmed.”

She leaned down and kissed him, amazed that her self-consciousness had evaporated. She hadn’t been sure she could act normally when surrounded by four men. But now she felt like a seductive temptress. She felt empowered and bold. She liked it.

“Maybe I want to be overwhelmed,” she whispered against his lips.

Xander reached over to get one of the large, discarded pillows and tossed it toward Garon. Garon immediately rose and placed the cushion on the floor even as he was reaching for the fly of his pants.

Sebastien and Nico also rose and she stared appreciatively at the three as they took position around the cushion.

She wanted them…naked.

Knowing she was supposed to be the obedient one, she nibbled at her bottom lip and pondered whether they were desperate enough to have her mouth on their cocks that they’d do her bidding instead of the other way around.

Only one way to find out.

She scooted to the end of the bed on her knees and surveyed the three men gathered such a short distance away. Then she looked over her shoulder to Xander, sending him a seductive smile.

He pushed himself farther up, an amused smile on his face. “I think I may sit this one out and watch.”

She pouted again. “You don’t want me to pleasure you?”

His eyes darkened. “You will pleasure me by putting on quite the show and pleasuring them. When you are finished with them, then I’ll have mine.”

With a delicate shrug she turned back and regarded them lazily. “I’d really love it if you took off your clothes. You have such beautiful bodies. I want to touch and feel while I taste…”

“Hell,” Sebastien muttered. “Xander, you’ve created a damn monster. She’s become a seductive little minx and damn if she won’t end up killing us all.”

“There are worse ways to go,” Garon drawled.

Nico said nothing at all. He merely started pulling his shirt over his head and she sucked in her breath at the beauty of his body.

Tan. Rugged. Muscled. He had a quiet confidence that radiated from him.

When he lifted his dark gaze back to her, there was no reluctance. Only desire. Then he started unfastening his pants and she found herself holding her breath as he pushed them down over his hips.

His cock sprang free and her gaze immediately widened. She immediately glanced to Garon, who was already naked, and then back to Nico.

He was huge. And he wasn’t the largest man. Not that penis size had anything to do with it, really, but she hadn’t expected him to be the most endowed of all of them. Somehow it didn’t fit his quiet, tender image.

But holy cow, how was she supposed to fit all of that in her mouth?

Sebastien made a sound of disgust. “Put the damn monster away before she runs screaming from the room. I swear the women always look at you like that the first time.”

Nico flashed a slow, cocky smile. “Jealous?”

Garon snorted with laughter.

Sebastien quickly pulled off his clothing and then stared back at Talia. “We’re here, sweetheart. Come and get us.”

As she started to the edge, Xander caressed the curve of her bottom and let his hand linger before she moved away. She turned, smiling back at him, and then turned her attention to the three men she was about to pleasure.

She honestly had no idea what she was doing, but she figured instinct made up for a lot. She hadn’t really known with Sebastien, but she’d winged it fine. It wasn’t as if there were
many ways to suck a man’s cock.

Once in front of them, Nico reached out his hand for hers. She slid her palm over his, savoring the tantalizing glide of his flesh against hers. It raised the hairs on her arm and instilled an ache deep inside her belly.

Who would have ever imagined that she was such a sensual creature? It wasn’t that she’d never thought about sex. What normal person didn’t? She’d even imagined the act and how it would feel. But what she hadn’t counted on was her boldness and how quickly she would adapt and feel comfortable with her sexuality.

Maybe tomorrow she’d be one big ball of embarrassment but tonight? Tonight was hers and she was going to indulge in every lusty whim, or at least this one.

She eased down to her knees, Nico still holding her hand. When she was settled, he let her fingers slide from his but he reached out to brush a knuckle over her cheek.

“You’re beautiful, Talia. So beautiful and sensual. You granted
us a privilege by including us tonight and I’ll never forget that. I was honored, if not to be your first, to be one of the first.”

Mesmerized by the husky flow of words, she took in a deep breath and then finally dragged her gaze from him to include Garon and Sebastien in her attention.

It was quite a sight. Three massive cocks on display right in her line of vision. Her hands trembled as she raised them. She had to remind herself that she was winging it and it would be okay.

Her palms closed around Garon’s and Nico’s erections and she rolled upward, keeping her grip firm. Then she lifted her chin, almost in challenge to Sebastien. He’d had no issue boldly taking charge before.

His hand came immediately to thrust through her hair, gripping the back of her head as he positioned his cock at her mouth.


The guttural command sent a heavy shudder through her body. Her breasts grew heavy and achy. Her nipples hardened painfully.

As soon as she parted her lips, he was inside. This time he didn’t take quite the care he had during her introduction to oral sex. But she appreciated that because he was no longer treating her like a clueless virgin, never mind that before a few moments ago she
been a clueless virgin.

She continued to slide her hands up and down the taut erections as Sebastien worked his cock deep inside her mouth. She found if she angled upward, that she could more easily take him, and if she had a prayer of being able to fit Nico very deep, she was going to need all the advantage she could get.

Just thinking about it made her all sorts of shivery with delight.

Deciding to save him for last, she sucked her way down Sebastien’s cock until the head was on the tip of her tongue. Then she let it fall and turned her head to Garon, eagerly anticipating this new experience.

She inhaled, wanting his scent, wanting to differentiate between
his and Sebastien’s. She gently stroked with her hand, simply soaking in every detail, her gaze roving up and down the hard lines of his body.

He was by far the largest of the four men. Built like a brick. Broad and muscled. He was the type one might expect to be clumsy or at least less graceful, but in truth, he moved with such ease, light on his feet, muscles rippling the whole time.

His legs were like tree trunks. Thick with muscles, the lines and ridges heavily pronounced. He was a man who took very good care of his body and obviously had a strict exercise regimen.

Flicking out her tongue, she teased the head, rubbing lightly over the slit. His breath hissed out, explosive in the quiet. He too thrust his hand in her hair, his big hand covering the top of her head. But his touch was gentle, in direct contrast to how fierce he looked.

She licked him again, tilting his cock upward so she could slide her tongue along the backside where the vein bulged and was plump.

His nostrils flared and his jaw twitched. His grip tightened in her hair and then he seemed to hold his breath…in anticipation?

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