Cherry Crush (6 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Burke

BOOK: Cherry Crush
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Chan could feel her eyes on him.

It was as arousing as it was concerning.

If he stayed, could he control himself? He wanted her so badly. Could he lie beside her and not give his innermost thoughts away?

With these thoughts flowing through his head, Chan made his way to his closet and began riffling thought the assorted robes and tunics he had hanging there.

Almost absently, his mind categorized Laney’s skin tones and hair color to choose the robe that best suited her.

He was male though, and most of his robes, beyond his more formal ones, were all in a dark, monochromatic color scheme.

Digging deeply, he pulled off his wet clothes, leaving them in a pile just inside of his closet as he grabbed his favorite black silk robes from a hanger.

It was the feminine gasp that forced him out of his thoughts and made him look over his shoulder.

His Laney-kitten was staring at him, her eyes wide with an emotion that in no way, shape, or form resembled fear.

Her eyes seemed to devour his naked form.

And oddly enough, he could feel a deep flush spread up his body, setting his face ablaze.

Laney stared in open-mouthed wonder at the perfect backside suddenly presented to her.

Chan’s body was one delightful plane of white creamy flesh. Framed by his dark hair, his ass was two mouthwatering, rounded muscular globes of tender looking flesh.

His legs were long and thick with muscles, hairless and cut to perfection.

Her mouth became as dry as the Sahara, and a stilted groan of pleasure rolled form her mouth as her lower stomach clenched, sending a rush of heat straight to her groin.

She watched as he slowly turned in her direction, then an endearingly sweet blush spread out over his body.

With that one look, she felt hungry and empty all at once. She licked her lips, resembling the kitten that Chan always called her, a hungry kitten staring at a tempting morsel that looked almost ready to bolt.

She grinned, feeling more the predator than the prey, the liquid rush to her groin, and the swelling of her labia, more than showing her body’s approval of this change in attitude.

She rose on her knees, fear and anguish forgotten. She wanted Chan in her bed now, and it wasn’t for platonic comfort either.

Chan jerked his robe in front of him, sputtering apologies as he tried to cover his cock…and the rapid swelling of said member before he scared her.

Only…only Laney wasn’t looking scared at all.

He gulped, watching her gaze travel over his body, then she sat on him, resting on her knees, her eyes beckoning him closer.

“Laney-kitten?” he asked, arranging his robe in its proper place, reaching into his closet and jerking out the first robe his hands touched. “I-I ah…. I have…a…robe….”

“Not what I need,” she breathed, gaze traveling up and down his body, making is cock lurch. He shifted slightly, feeling the tip grow damp. His stones rolled in their sac, and with trembling hands, he tightened his robe sash, hoping to hide his erection. Funny, he had a feeling that he was wasting his time. The tides seemed to have turned, and there was no trace of the gnawing fear that had perfumed the air before.


“Now. No more. I want you.”

“After what you’ve been through, Laney-kitten, you are probably…thinking that sex will….”

“Make everything alright?”

“Something like that.”

“Well you couldn’t me more…wrong.”

The tears had all dried up, and Laney was starting to get a little pissed.

Couldn’t Chan see that she was not acting out of some weird need to prove that her near violation didn’t count?

She had no idea what happened, but the experience seemed far removed from her now.

There was fear, and then anger, and then a wave of self-pity, but she had finally settled into acceptance of what those bastards had almost done to her, and now she was ready to move on.

And the person that she wanted to move on with…and frankly just make a move on, was now hiding behind a robe acting like some kind of eighteenth century maiden.

But maybe, she thought as she pouted a little, maybe she was approaching this whole thing in the wrong manner. Maybe her approach was all wrong.

“Chan,” she breathed, looking down as if to enhance the air of vulnerability that she no longer felt. “Can…can you please…hold me?”

She tried her best not to laugh as his eyes softened at her request.

Chan quickly turned his back to Laney and fastened his robe, being sure to make sure everything was as covered as it could get.

There was no time to drag out a fundoshi, his usual form of wrap, loincloth-style underwear, so he prayed that his lack of underwear would not show how her vulnerability just screamed out for his instincts to reach out and claim her.

His reaction to her was…different than it had been for all the other females he’d had.

Marlana seemed to be special, meant more to him than the other flings.

Forcing a smile to his lips, he took his first tentative steps towards her, when he paused.

There was quite a wicked gleam in her eyes, and as he inhaled deeply, he realized that he smelled more than bath oils and incense.

“You are….”

“Aroused,” she rolled her eyes, smirking at him. “Now, what are you going to do about it?”

Laney was tired of the pretense, the stuttering, and the fact that Chan was trying to treat her like a child. She was a full-grown woman and she knew what she wanted.

But Chan stood there, frozen in shock, a state Laney didn’t like to see. It was time to get him motivated.

Lying back on the bed, she spread her legs, tossed the towel, and let her fingers brush her pubic mound.

“It’s so sweet that you want to take care of me, Chan, but maybe its time you,” she chuckled evilly, “take care of me.”


“I’m so hot,” she breathed, spreading her legs wider, knowing that she was giving him a view of all of her tingling flesh.

Just the thought of touching herself in front of him was enough to get her sap flowing, so to speak. And she was more than willing to show him, all modesty tossed aside.

“I want you here,” she moaned, fanning her fingers thought her trimmed pubic bush. “I want to feel you here, Chan. I want to feel you slide deep inside me. I want to know what the others were screaming about. I want you to show me.”


Moaning, she tossed back her head, allowing her forefinger to gently finger her clit, rubbing the small nubbin of flesh and drawing forth gasps of mounting pleasure.

“This feels so good,” she groaned, opening up one eye to stare at the aroused flush growing up from his neck. “But I bet you can make it feel better.”

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