Chicken Soup for the Kid’s Soul

BOOK: Chicken Soup for the Kid’s Soul
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What People Are Saying About

Chicken Soup for the Kid’s Soul
. . .

“Kids are lucky to have a
Chicken Soup
book just for them. As a son of a preacher I was expected to know the right choices to make. I could have used examples of how other kids were dealing with the pressure of growing up.”

actor, comedian

Chicken Soup for the Kid’s Soul
is filled with stories that restore your faith in humanity and open your eyes to the meaningful moments in life.”

Larisa Oleynik
The Secret World of Alex Mack

“A great book for kids!
Chicken Soup for the Kid’s Soul
covers many tough subjects so well that every kid who reads it will be able to relate to some of the stories, and hopefully learn from the rest so that their souls—not just their bodies—will grow up big and strong.”

Lori Beth Denberg
actress, star on Nickelodeon’s
All That

Chicken Soup for the Soul
series has provided stories that enlighten, encourage and inspire. I believe wholeheartedly that
Chicken Soup for the Kid’s Soul
will continue to reach out and provide our youth with an important motivational tool that will no doubt stimulate positive thinking.”

Malcolm-Jamal Warner
Malcolm and Eddie

“As soon as I read the book, I wanted to rush home and give it to my kids to read. The messages are so inspiring and encouraging that I’m looking forward to a second helping of
Chicken Soup for the Kid’s Soul.”

Adrienne Lopez
vice president, talent development and casting, Nickelodeon

Chicken Soup for the Kid’s Soul
with a child will help build and strengthen the love you share. And, since the love of children is the ultimate ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul,’ you may even want to read it again!”

Ann Pleshette Murphy
PARENTS Magazine

“Chicken Soup for the Kid’s Soul
shows our children that life is an amazing journey filled with accomplishment, failure, happiness and tears, but that within us all lies the ability to beat life’s challenges and to strive to achieve our dreams.”

Roxanne Spillett
president, Boys & Girls Clubs of America

“As a child, I was a member of a book club. My favorite stories were those that inspired me to dream.
Chicken Soup for the Kid’s Soul
is just such a book—these stories will inspire young readers not only to dream, but also to give their hearts, minds and souls to the creation of new possibilities.”

Larry Jones
president, Feed the Children

“The most delicious thing about
Chicken Soup for the Kid’s Soul
is kids talking to kids, sharing and relating both their joys and sorrows. Their stories will help other kids know that they are not alone in their feelings and experiences.”

Sara O’Meara and Yvonne Fedderson
founders, Childhelp

“When confronted with difficult issues, it is comforting for children to know that others have been there and survived.
Chicken Soup for the Kid’s Soul
does just that for readers: its stories relate to kids that they, too, can overcome hardships in their own lives.”

David S. Liederman
executive director, Child Welfare League of America


101 Stories of
Courage, Hope
and Laughter

Jack Canfield
Mark Victor Hansen
Patty Hansen
Irene Dunlap

Health Communications, Inc.
Deerfield Beach, Florida

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Chicken soup for the kid’s soul : 101 stories of courage, hope and laughter
[compiled by] Jack Canfield . . . [et al.].

    p. cm.

Summary: A collection of short stories, anecdotes, poems, and cartoons
  which present a positive outlook on life.

eISBN-13: 978-0-7573-9710-3 (ebook) eISBN-10: 0-7573-9710-7 (ebook)

1. Children—Conduct of life. [1. Conduct of life. 2. Children’s writings.]
I. Canfield, Jack, date.

BJ1631.C46 1998                                                                                                            98-16871

158.1'28—dc21                                                                                                                         CIP


© 1998 John T. Canfield and Hansen and Hansen LLC

All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher.

HCI, its logos and marks are trademarks of Health Communications, Inc.

Publisher: Health Communications, Inc.
3201 S.W. 15th Street
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442-8190


Cover illustration by Larissa Hise Henoch


Oh, look, it’s a book!
I’m sure it must be
A path of adventures waiting for me,
A yellow brick road to the Wizard of Oz,
A frivolous poem without any cause.
Should I open it and peek to see what’s inside?
What if it’s scary I might need to hide.
I’ll never know unless I dare.
I need a good laugh, a cry or a scare.
I’m sure it can wait—well, then I’ll never know
Maybe it’s someplace that I’ll never go.
But today is the day that’s been waiting for me
I’ll open this book, and I will see.

Jessica McCain, age 14

o the kids of the world who
need these stories, we dedicate this book.
We want to bring you hope, laughter, inspiration
and courage—and to let you know
that you are not alone.
Especially to our own kids—
Christopher; Elisabeth and Melanie;
Marleigh and Weston.
You are our heroes.

“My teacher says I can grow up to be whatever
I want to be. I want to be a kid.”

Reprinted by permission of Randy Glasbergen.




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No Home
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Baby’s Ears
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Kindness Is Contagious
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The Little Notice
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My Guardian Angel
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Grandpa’s Bees
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The Flying Fish
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Mother Says . . .
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What I’ve Learned So Far
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Reading Stories: An Act of Co-Creation
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More Chicken Soup?

Supporting Kids

Who Is Jack Canfield?

Who Is Mark Victor Hansen?

Who Is Patty Hansen?

Who Is Irene Dunlap?



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