Child of the Loch (Child of the Loch Series) (9 page)

BOOK: Child of the Loch (Child of the Loch Series)
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“Don’t move. I am JJ. This is my dragon half,
and that is the future king of the Dragon Hoards,

The woman nodded and croaked, “I am
, daughter of
, ruler of the Dragon Seas and ally to the Dragon Hoards. He rules the seas, while they rule the lands. Thank you for saving me.”

Then she smiled weakly at
, “Hello
, it has been many years since we played in the surfs.”
could not reply; he only nodded at the beautiful mermaid.

, I am grandchild to
McDonnell, the Second, King of the Loch. May I meet with your father? There is war coming, that he must be made aware of. ”

She took me in from head to toe as if weighing my worth before saying, “Of course, meet me here tomorrow and bring the rulers of the Dragon Hoards. If they speak for you, then you will be trusted.”

seemed only to stare as the beautiful woman disappeared in the frothy waves. I poked him in the shoulder, but said nothing. He still seemed dazed from the encounter with

We went back to the Dragon Hoards and told them what happened.
were excited to see their trusted friend. Everyone in my inner circle went to the water’s edge early the next day. An old man in a crown,
, and several other strangers were waiting for us.

“Greetings to you,
Is this your progeny,
? Oh, how he’s grown. It has been many a year since we’ve met, though our younglings did play in these seas. He’s chosen his forms I see. What a handsome boy! May I see him as a dragon?”

melted into his golden dragon form, now completely covered in golden scales.
mind and heart hammered with thoughts of attraction at the sight of him.

“Many welcomes and blessings on the Kingdom of the Seas,
, son of
, we have come with both grave and wonderful news. This is the heir to the
throne, Josephina,
of the clan McDonnell; she has joined with the Dragon Hoards and revived the art of dragon riding.” She raised my arm showing him my gift and my bond.

“I wish our meeting was under more pleasant circumstances but war brews, James of the clan
has tried to usurp the throne by killing the much loved
McDonnell the Second. Furthermore he tried to force a union between the
and McDonnell Lines. We have come to beg for your allegiance, so that the line of the
may continue in this land,” said

scratched his long white beard and then plainly stated, “Come forward youngling Queen and tell me of you.”

I stepped waist deep into the water and kneeled. “King of the Dragon Waters I am Josephina Elena McDonnell, Jr. I have come to the Loch to take my rightful place among my people after living my life among the “Outlanders.” I beg your allegiance and pledge my own so that there may be peace in all our lands. I have grown fond of these lands and I want to save them from James
. Please Great King, help us.”

nodded their approval then smiled at
. The old king raised his eyebrow.

“Youngling Queen, you have saved my second born from death. As repayment, she will join your fellowship as a representative of the
of the Dragon Seas.”

I turned to
, “Welcome
, as with all, I pledge myself to you as sister and ally. Will you serve my courts for as long as you are needed?”

“Yes, Queen of the Loch, I am at your service.”

With ceremonies done, we feasted on the fish, fruits and livestock of the
. We laughed and danced in the waves each of us enjoying our new friendships. As we were about to leave,
hugged her father and pulled herself upon the beach. As she did her tail split into beautiful, long legs and a gown of soft sea velvet appeared around her.

took human form and held out his hand to her. They joined hands and I saw the sparks between them. I saw in his eyes that he had found his mate and knew that she felt the same way. When they finally mated ceremoniously, I hoped I would be in attendance.

The following day our time in
came to a close and we all mounted our trusted dragons.
took dragon form and carried
. We set off for the silver caves ruled by the
Consortium. They would be the last leg of our journey before reaching the palace of my forefathers.

Time passed slowly, but I knew the minute I arrived in the
lands. The silver caves emitted unworldly blue lights and I felt the warnings of the Consortium. I reached out with my sight. I was jolted by an electric shock and a voice in my head, “Stay out, it’s rude to poke around in the thoughts of others uninvited, Ban-
. Now land your dragons and come forth.”

We landed our dragons and I told the others to wait.
took his human form. An old man clothed in a puffy black shirt with tight trousers and pointed boots appeared at the mouth of the cave. He was short and his long blue hair covered him to his knees. When he pulled it back, I saw that his dark skin was ethereal and he had thick, arched brows over his ice blue eyes. His beaky nose and thin lips gave him a chastising quality. He smiled and there was no evidence of pointing teeth or ears for that matter.

Wordlessly, he invaded my mind and motioned to my father, “Come and bring the Flame Mage. The High Mistress of the Consortium awaits you both. The others and your dragon must stay.”

I took my father’s arm and we followed the old elf into the cave. The cave was a wonder with lights of magic leading our way and sweet scented breezes filled our nostrils. With a wave of his hand, a white flower shaped throne appeared and seated in the center was a woman. She was pear-shaped and jovial. The woman had long corral hair that framed a round non-descript face covered in dark, wraith-like skin.

We kneeled and the woman spoke in languid tones, “Ah what have we here? Flame Mage, what is your parentage?”

“I am son of Sabina and
McDonnell the Second, King of the Loch.”

The woman’s eyes widened, “A Flame Mage from sweet Sabina? How odd, but then again she was a half-breed. Her mother off and married a

She purposefully mispronounced the term for the
people as insult. My thoughts were guarded but she heard me correct her in my mind.

The woman turned her angry gaze to me, “Speak sighted child,
can hear you interrupting me with your thoughts.”

“High Mistress of the
Consortium, my name is Josephina Elena McDonnell, heir to the
throne. I come to beg your counsel. James
has killed my grandfather. His clan is powerful a rival for my royal lands. I have allied myself with
, King of the Ogres of the Western Wood,
, Queen of the Dragon Hoards, and
, King of the
of the Dragon Seas. I have come to seek your allegiance and help.”

“Youngling I know of this petty war, but it is not why you have come. Tell me Flame Mage why did you bring this child through these forbidden lands?”

My father looked contrite, “I do bring my child because of her sight. I can teach her many things but her gifts are those of our
heritage. I know we are not welcome among your people. My mother a half-breed did further shame her house with a marriage outside the
lands. I beg for your help for my child. She must learn to control and use her gifts wisely as leader of her people.”

I stared at him…
“Not welcome?” What did he get us into? I felt the Mistress’s eyes bore through me and her mind reached out to mine. I pushed her away with all my strength and felt the pressure release just a little.

“Well Ban-
you have spirit. You must be tested then. Take her father to the others and we’ll see what this youngling is made of.”

The old elf took my father away and as he did I was thrust into a room. In the room was a small child crying. As I took steps toward her, the earth below my feet fell away and a great empty chasm opened. When I was right beside her, I lifted the child into my arms and comforted her. The earth crumbled further under our combined weight. Unsure what to do, I placed the child on the remaining ground between my feet and let myself fall into the abyss.

I felt the wind rush around me only for a moment before I hit soft ground. There had been no abyss. It was only an

“My, my, you are selfless. The first of your trials is done.” The child smiled and the abyss disappeared. A shadow stood over me.

The ugliest, meanest looking creature stood before me. He was large and reptilian and his globe like head had no hair. His mouth was set in anger and his axe was raised in battle. I took my sword and thrust it upward to stop the axe from hitting me between the eyes. I was jarred backward. I rolled to my left and was quickly on my feet again. I jumped as the large creature swung at my legs. The dance continued. When we were both at our energies end, bloodied and sore, I lunged forward with a kick knocking him off balance. The large male creature landed upon his back and his axe scattered away. I was bruised and bloody but I stood sturdily with the sword tip at his throat.

“Yield and you will live. If you do not, I will end you here.” I hissed. The creature smiled and melted away.

“You are merciful Ban-
.” I was back in the throne room with my father and the cruel High Mistress of the Consortium.

“So youngling, the Flame Mage didn’t tell you. Did he? His kind is unwelcome here. He’s a mongrel and has the curse of Fire. Watch him now.”

She spoke in
tones to my father and his skin burned yellow. The High Mistress repeated the words over and over. Fire shot from his hands and crashed into an invisible wall surrounding the Mistress.

Surprised I ran to my father, who I’d never seen so unresisting. When I touched his skin it was hot, burning my skin but it was cooling quickly. I withstood the pain as my skin healed. He had a beautiful gift.

“Beautiful? You think that beautiful. His kind kills in anger and has no control. He would have killed me if I had not prepared myself for him,” she sneered.

“High Mistress of the
people, thank you for your time but we must be on our way. You are cruel and hard-hearted. You have tested me and found no lacking so you have gone after my father, who has nothing to be ashamed of. He has lived 25 long years among the “Outlander” lands and never once have I seen him lose control. I never even knew he was gifted until we came to this land. He has only ever used this gift to protect us all. I see this as a beautiful gift, Mistress. I have no doubt that if my father had intended to burn you he would have. The fire did not reach you, because he stopped it long before it hit your barrier. I will not ally myself with a people who are so cold within themselves. You may strike at me as you will but I am allied with many.”

“Aye, Ban-
you are worthy. I have tested you well. Flame Mage, you and your allies are welcome in the lands of the Consortium.
, bring the others and come now from the shadows my people.” “Great granddaughter” was whispered in my head as she winked at me.

The cave became a throne room filled with people. A banquet filled with food, lined the wall and my fellowship; dragons included were escorted into the hall. The High Mistress silenced the Consortium with a thought.

“People of the Consortium, raise your glasses in welcome of my gifted children,
McDonnell, son of Sabina my daughter and her mate,
McDonnell, and Josephina, his offspring, future Queen of the Loch. You have all bore witness to their testing. They are kin to us and welcome in these lands from now until the end of days.” The people cheered noisily and danced about to the music played by a half-pint band.

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