Children of the Gods - A Chosen Novel (13 page)

Read Children of the Gods - A Chosen Novel Online

Authors: Monica Millard

Tags: #romance, #young adult, #aliens, #alien, #sci fi, #sci fi romance, #young adult sci fi, #host

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“No, you are right. I have been really
terrible to him for a long time. I am trying to make up for it

Anaya was in a constant state of prickling as
of late. I was getting used to the slight headache it caused, but
my admission seemed to really rub her wrong. She pushed back hard
and I had to press my palm to my forehead to hide my reaction.

“I am really sorry, my lady. I did not mean
to upset you.”

I took a deep breath. “Harlan, you have
nothing to be sorry for. People should be held accountable for
their actions. Even me.”

He nodded, but appeared not to know what to
say. I walked to the large cooler and pulled out several

“What are you making?”

“It is a surprise. I will let you taste it if
you tell me where to find the garlic.”

He took a step toward me and pointed the
knife in his hands to the left corner of the cooler. There was an
audible intake of air from the rest of the room. The blade was
close to me, and from an outside view it probably appeared to be
pointed directly at me.

“Better be careful, Harlan, you are liable to
be tackled.”

He lowered the knife but rolled his eyes.
“Sometimes it is easy to forget you are the queen. You seem just
like one of us.”

I could not help the pride his comment
inspired. “Thank you, Harlan. You will let me know if I let my head
get too swollen?”

“Count on it.”

I pulled a clove of garlic from the cooler
and inhaled deeply. It was fresh, like it had been pulled from the
earth that morning. The scent was stronger than any we used to get
in the City. My tongue puckered as I drew in another breath,
savoring the pungent odor.


“I think you have been holding out on me,”
Harlan said as he handed the spoon back to me.

“Not really. It is so easy to make. The
hardest part of this meal is peeling the skin from the garlic.”

He gave me a skeptical look before turning to
place the dish on the separate tray designated for Jaxson’s and my
meal. I followed him and placed a cover over it to keep it

“Is there anything I can do before I

He placed a basket of freshly washed
vegetables on my table and went back to chopping his with a smile.
I looked in to see it was mostly filled with white onions, the ones
that no matter what you tried, always ended in tears.

I glared at the side of his head in vain. He
would not meet my gaze. His smile spread wider telling me he saw
regardless of his posture. I pulled an onion out and began to slice
into it. As with the garlic, the savory scent wafting up was much
stronger than anything I was used to. I would be crying before I
finished with the first onion.

“How do you want these cut?”

Before he could answer, the entrance to
kitchen opened quietly. We both looked up and I nearly dropped the
knife when I saw Jaxson staring in at me, his face was smooth like
glass, his expression completely unreadable.

“My love.” It came out more as a gasp than as

He smiled, but it was the kind of smile that
hid what he was really feeling. A smile meant for the staff that
surrounded us, polite but curt.

I turned to Harlan, wanting to escape
Jaxson’s penetrating stare. “It is time for me to go.”

He nodded. His demeanor had changed from
friendly kitchen staff to loyal subject. He bowed at the shoulders
and I laid my knife on the wooden counter, then walked around to
join Jaxson.

He took my hand without a word and led me
into the hall.

“Are you angry?” I asked the moment we were
fully alone.

He stopped walking and looked at me with
another unreadable look. It may have just been my own fears
projecting on him, but it seemed like he was containing

“Why ever would I be angry?” He sounded truly

“Well, because helping in the kitchen is not
very queen-like.”

He touched my cheek and there was gentleness
in his touch that was now mirrored in his eyes. “It is exactly
queen-like. Improving relationships and understanding those you
rule allows you to rule with a more balanced hand. I am so glad you
are getting involved, my love. Besides, you are queen. You can do
whatever you would like.” He smiled when he said the last

“What were you thinking when you came in and
saw me? I could not read your expression. I assumed you were

“I was proud, but I did not want them to see.
It felt too public for what felt like a very private moment.” He
slowly kissed each knuckle of the hand he held, gazing into my eyes
as he did. My whole face felt warm and my breath was shallow.

“We better get you some food.” He chuckled
and his voice sounded husky. “I am going to need this later.” He
brushed a hand across my lower lip and I realized I was clutching
part of it between my teeth.

The moment I heard the footsteps coming
toward us, I felt like a child caught doing something I should not.
I looked up just in time to see the look in Daniella’s eyes. Her
cheeks flushed, realizing she had walked into an intimate

“Jaxson. Anaya. How pleasant to meet you both
here. It is so good to see you eating together.” The look in her
eyes was warm. “It is as it should be of late,” she added with a
bow, and backed away toward the dining hall.

I watched her vanish around the corner though
I felt Jaxson’s expectant eyes on me.

“We should go,” I said, without looking at
him. I heard him sigh. I turned to face him again. He looked
vulnerable standing there, watching me. As badly as I wanted him to
try the meal I had prepared for him, I wanted to alleviate that
look even more.

I leaned into him. “Kiss me,” I whispered.
Saying it made the heat flood into my cheeks again. The look in his
eyes was worth any bashfulness I felt. He kissed me lightly at
first, but with increasing pressure as my hands found their way
across his muscular shoulders and around his neck.

The sound of someone clearing their throat
brought an end to the kiss. I stepped back and looked at the floor
as Griff grinned from ear to ear.

“Do you two need a chaperone?”

“Oh, be quiet.” I punched Griff’s shoulder
and turned toward the dining hall. Jaxson was at my side,
immediately taking my hand again.

We all entered the dining room together and I
felt a tinge of nervousness knowing Jaxson would be trying my food
in a minute. I bit my tongue to keep from telling him and spoiling
his reaction. I wanted the truth, and if he knew I had made it, he
would pretend it was delicious to please me.

We sat down and Katy appeared with our tray
immediately. She looked as anxious as I felt. With a steadiness
that came from more years than she should have experience doing,
she whipped open the tray and passed us our plates. She winked at
me, then vanished without a word.

Jaxson looked over his food for a moment like
he was unsure. Finally, he picked up his fork, took a small bite
and placed it in his mouth. I had not been aware I was holding my
breath until he looked over at me.

“I require all meals to start with a kiss if
it makes everything taste like this.”

“You really like it?” I asked, unable to
contain myself.

He looked at me funny. “Is this another one
of the ‘not on the menu’ perks of befriending the kitchen

“It was supposed to be a surprise, but then
you caught me in the kitchen.” I shrugged.

“You made this?” His eyes were wide with

I nodded. He leaned over and pressed a not so
gentle kiss to my lips. It left the taste of the garlic and cream
sauce behind, along with the taste of him. I licked my lips and he
blushed unexpectedly.

Griff appeared suddenly, responding to a
simple glance and nod that was almost imperceptible. Jaxson
whispered something to him. He nodded and smiled before returning
to his table.

“What was that about?” I asked, only half

“He is going to take care of my
responsibilities this afternoon,” he said and the pink hue returned
to his cheeks momentarily. I felt my own cheeks flush and his words
hung in the air around us both, causing me to eat a little too



Jaxson’s nose against my neck woke me. He
drew in a deep breath, then let it out slowly. His breath curled
around me in a seductive way that had me leaning back to find the
source. He lifted up so that, though I was laying sideways looking
back at him, he was now hovering inches from my face.

“Kiss me,” I said, closing my eyes.

His lips were a whisper on mine, but I wanted
more. I rolled the rest of the way toward him knocking his
steadying hand free. He slipped down pressing his chest against
mine. I was amazed at how gentle he was able make the action,
considering the force I used.

“Impatient?” He chuckled.

In response, I wrapped my arms around his
neck and kissed him the way I had been hoping for. Too quickly, he
pulled back and slid away, off the bed.

“Where are you going?” I asked. “It is still

He walked toward the washroom, stopping at
the doorway. He looked back over his shoulder. “You are not the
only one with a surprise.”

He vanished into the washroom before I had a
chance to say anything. I watched the doorway in silence. I was
excited, but a small prickle of fear ran up my arms. Before it had
a chance to settle in my chest, he appeared at the doorway with a
mischievous smile.

“Close your eyes.”

A moment later I felt his weight on the bed.
He took my hand and drew me up, out of the bed with him. He held
one hand and snaked the other around my waist. He began leading me
forward. I stumbled, but he held me firmly so I did not fall.

“Trust me,” he whispered when I hesitated. “I
will not let you fall.”

His words did soothe me, but it was his lips
brushing against my ear that gave me confidence to trust him, and
the desire to find out what he had waiting.

“Can I open my eyes now?” I asked when we
stopped walking. He let go of me and stepped back.

“Not yet.”

I kept them closed but listened carefully to
each sound, trying to figure out what he was up to. His bare feet
made nearly no sound as he moved away from me. There was a soft
swishing, possibly of fabric.

I realized then I could sense when he was
coming back toward me. His scent was stronger, but it was more than
that. It was like my cells were all anticipating his return,
humming with an energy that was just for him.

I had not realized I was holding my breath
until he touched my shoulder. Every part of me relaxed, and I was
able to exhale.

“Raise your hands.” His lips brushed mine as
he spoke.

I did so reluctantly. “You should not tease
me. Look at what happened last time.”

He chuckled, but then something soft brushed
the tips of my hands. A silky fabric slipped down around my arms
and head. I wanted to press my face into the decadent material, but
I refrained as it fell down around my body. It was so light it felt
like feathers brushing my skin as I moved under it.

His hands grazed my skin several times as he
adjusted the fabric. It sent tiny shock waves of excitement through

“You may open your eyes now.”

I opened them slowly, allowing them to adjust
to the room. He was standing directly in front of me blocking the
large mirror. He smiled, then stepped out of the way.

It was like someone had looked into my soul
and found what would please me the most, and then somehow sewed it
into a dress that was specially fit to my form.

“Do you like it?” he asked, eyes

“I love it. It is the most beautiful thing I
have ever seen.”

His lips curved up into a crooked smile. “It
pales in comparison to the wearer.”

I blushed and looked away.

“It is missing something,” he said, coming
around behind me. He brushed the hair off my neck, kissed it, then
reached around and laid a pendant against the hollow of my neck. I
held my hair so he could fasten the chain.

The pendant was a smoky glass that curled
into a shape similar to a shell. It was white but had a violet tint
to it, like the walls of the ship. It was then I noticed that the
material of the dress was not only white, but also seemed to
shimmer with a violet tint when I moved. The effect was

“I have some things to take care of this
morning, but I will be back shortly,” Jaxson said and kissed my

“You are going to stay with me again today?”
I tried to sound neutral though I was both concerned and

“I told you. I have a surprise for you.”

“This,” I ran my hand over the body of the
dress, “is not the surprise?”

He shook his head. “No, that is just
something to wear.” He pressed a light kiss to my lips, then turned
and headed for the entrance to the room.

I followed.

“I will be back shortly,” he said again as he
stepped through the wall.


I stopped tapping my foot and slid back on
the bed so I was no longer resting on the edge. I did not want
Jaxson to see how worked up I was when the chimes announced his
return. He peered in at me, his eyes sweeping over me. From the way
his eyes pinched up and his mouth twitched, I do not think I fooled
him for a minute.

Griff stepped into view and my stomach gave
an involuntary flip. The slight fear I felt earlier had turned into
anticipation while I waited for Jaxson. Seeing Griff and Jaxson
standing in the hallway waiting for me had something was pricking
at my memory, but it remained just out of reach. It filled me with

“Is he taking care of your responsibilities
today?” I asked, looking from Jaxson to Griff.

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