Children of the Gods - A Chosen Novel (8 page)

Read Children of the Gods - A Chosen Novel Online

Authors: Monica Millard

Tags: #romance, #young adult, #aliens, #alien, #sci fi, #sci fi romance, #young adult sci fi, #host

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Temper was not something I was typically
known for before I was Chosen but Duester rubbed me in all the
wrong places.

In a move that shocked even me, I leapt over
the table and was face to face with her. There was a clattering of
chairs and gasps of surprise all through the room. Duester pressed
back against Griff.

“You,” I leaned closer so our noses nearly
touched, “will not speak to him that way ever again.”

Her eyes were wide with fear.

“And if you ever show my friend anything
other than respect, I will relieve you of your tongue,” I said,
quiet enough for only her and I to hear, looking her dead in the

Jaxson took my hand, joining me around the
front of the table. “It seems that since we already have everyone’s
attention, now is a perfect time for our announcement.” He kissed
my hand. “Your queen has exciting news about the Living

The whispers traveling around the room were
suddenly silent. Every eye was on me with anticipation. Everyone’s
but Duester. She was staring off to the side, looking proud in her
attempt at dignity.

No one else was close enough to see her
tremble. I was not sure whether it was fear or anger that shook

Jaxson squeezed my hand again, calling my
attention back to the room of waiting faces.

“The restrictions on the Living Waters are

I am not sure if it was disbelief or
confusion, but many stood dumbfounded or stared at each other with
bewildered looks.

“You may swim with the one you love,

The room was suddenly buzzing with
conversation. I felt as light and excited as it did. Anaya was not
as happy, though. She began hurdling memories at me so fast it was
hard to focus. I took a step back and leaned against the table.

Jaxson stepped directly in front of me,
blocking me from the room. His eyes were full of worry. “I think
you have had enough excitement for one day.”

I nodded. “I think you may be right.” We
started toward the still closed entrance. Jaxson turned back.

“You will see her to her room?” he asked,
nodding toward Deuester.

“It would be my pleasure,” Griff responded
with a wide smile.

When we were in the hallway a safe distance
from the others, Jaxson stopped. “Are you alright?”

I took a deep breath, trying to clear the
wooziness the dual vision was causing. “All the excitement seems to
have riled her up,” I said, tapping my head. He brushed his hands
across my cheeks and kissed my forehead.

“We shall stop by the garden. I believe you
have some of Reka’s favorite flowers there, maybe they will calm

“What flower is Reka’s favorite?” I asked,
suddenly alert.

“The white one with the large petals. I
cannot recall the name,” he said, waving the comment away.

“Easter Lilies?”

“Yes, I believe those are the one she likes.”
His tone had a forced casualness to it. The flowers could not have
been meant for me? Could they?

“No, today is your day not mine… or

“I will come with you.”

“You do not really want to look at flowers
with me,” I said, remembering Griff’s warning to Jaxson to stay
away from the garden.

We stopped at the familiar curve in the wall.
He pressed a hand to the wall and it began opening. I pressed my
body against his.

“I am sure there are things you would rather
do than look at silly flowers,” I urged, trailing my fingers along
the contours of his chest.

“I know this is your private place. I am a
patient man. I will wait for you here. Your guardian.” He

I opened my mouth to protest but he pressed
his finger to my lips. “I want all of you for those other things.
If she has your attention, she has the most important part.”

I started to go but was overwhelmed. I turned
back and kissed him. Confused, I pulled away and headed into the
opened garden. I glanced back and caught a glimpse of him through
the closing wall. I felt a tinge of excitement when he smiled.

As soon as the wall closed completely, I
staggered and leaned on the planter box. The pressure Anaya was
inflicting nearly brought me to my knees.

After several deep breathes the nausea began
to recede.

“I know you are angry, but I am making the
best of the situation you have put me in.” I paused, letting her
show anything she wanted. There was nothing but the lessening

“Besides he is not so bad. He is actually
kind. Please do not make this harder than it already is for

She prickled, then I felt a sudden release
and hoped it was her accepting my request. I waited, smelling
flowers and trying to keep my thoughts clear of Jaxson. After
several passes around the garden in silence, I opened the wall.

“Better?” His face was hopeful.

“Much, I am all yours now.”

I reached out and took his hands. He tucked
me close against his side wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

Inside our room he led me into the bathroom.
A full bath waited. I could feel the warmth radiating from the
water. After my episode with Anaya, the heat was tantalizing,
promising relief for my aching muscles.

“You have been busy.”

I turned to face him. His usually appraising
eyes were soft, delicately sweeping over me. The smile he wore was
lighter too. Like everything up until now was a performance and now
I was getting a peek of him behind the curtain, relaxed, but not
yet unrestrained.

I lifted my arms and watched as, dutifully,
he stepped forward, like a servant responding to a request, and
lifted my dress over my head.

The pink material pooled on the floor between
us. His eyes remained on mine, not even hinting at dropping below
for a glance. They seemed cautious now, waiting, as though for

I turned and slipped a leg over the edge of
the bath. His hands were in mine immediately, steadying me. I held
them as I lowered into the water. I lifted my head to look up at
him, standing there behind me.

His reserve caused mine to vanish. “Are you
coming in wearing that?”



My whole body shuddered as the images
released me. The horrific sound I was hearing, I realized, was my
own howl of pain. I swatted and fought the hands that tried to
restrain me.

“Shhhh,” a voice whispered in my ear and I
was pulled tight into an embrace. I slumped against Jaxson’s
shoulder, my mind finally began to separate reality from the

“You are safe.” Jaxson continued to hush me
in soft, whispered breathes. “I am here, Love. I will never let
anyone hurt you.”

His words were no comfort, but laying there
in his arms, pressed tight against his skin, I did feel safe. As
long as I did not look at his face.

He traced a hand up my spine, a gentle caress
but the chill it brought, ran through me and I tensed. In response,
his grip tightened, just like in the dream. The images I was trying
to force out, came flooding back.

In the dream Jaxson’s face was looking down
at me, but it was Anaya not me.

Jaxson.” She gripped his arm. I could
feel how frail and sick she was. “I am going to die.” Her voice was

I will find a way to save you. Hold on.”
His tone, as always, was soft and comforting when he spoke to her.
It sent another ripple of fear through me.

The scene cut away to another time. Jaxson
was again looking down on Anaya, but his green eyes were wild. He
looked desperate. Anaya coughed and her breath came in shallow
wheezing gasps. I felt almost like I was suffocating with her.

Unable to control myself, I gripped Jaxson
tighter. He in turn pressed his face to my cheek and peppered it
with soft kisses.

“I am here,” he assured. “You are safe.”

In the memory, he was not as gentle.

Jaxson seized one of the young girls that was
applying a cloth to Anaya’s head.

Hold her,” he barked.

As soon as Griff took the girl, Jaxson
flipped Anaya. I could feel the separation as the Anaya within
choked and fought the taste of death on her tongue.

I will not let you die,” he called to

Suddenly there was fire spreading up my back,
threatening to consume the whole of me. I knew it was Anaya’s pain,
but my back bowed under the memory alone. There was a moment of
silence before I was aware of the new body she inhabited.

Every muscle in my body went slack, and
consciousness slipped from my grasp. I welcomed the darkness.


Jaxson’s face was inches from mine when I
opened my eyes. He stroked my hair and watched me carefully. Griff
was close to the bed also.

“Hey there.” Jaxson’s voice was soft and
loving. “You gave us quite a scare.” He leaned in and kissed my
forehead. I just nodded.

“Do you want to tell us what happened?”

I shook my head and watched them, both
watching me. There was some kind of silent interaction going on
between them. As I looked from Jaxson to Griff, he caught my eye. I
could not look away. His pupils grew until they swallowed up all
the color. My breathing steadied and my muscles all relaxed without
my consent.

Jaxson stood and followed Griff into the
hallway. “I will be right back,” he said as the wall closed,
freeing me of his presence.

It is amazing what a difference one day can
make. Just the day before, his words would have brought me comfort.
Instead they only reminded me of the man he was in the dream. I
understood why Anaya felt the need to leave their home, and why she
blamed Jaxson for it.

Both Jaxson and Griff returned through the
wall. Jaxson came over and kneeled next to the bed.

“I have to go. After yesterday’s absence,
staying would be unwise.” He pressed a soft kiss to my lips. It was
delicate, as if he expected me to crumble under his touch.

“Griff will be staying with you today to make
sure you are safe, and in case you need anything.”

I watched him but did not speak. I did not
want to have to explain the dream, and as long as he was not
pressing, I would accept Griff’s presence.

“I will come back to check on you. We can go
to lunch together.”

“I would like that.”

His responding smile lit up his whole face,
wiping away the fear I had not noticed until then.

You might think that I would be grateful to
Anaya for reminding me that it was the enemy I slept with, but in
that moment, I hated her the most.

After what I had experienced in the dream, I
could not fault her for hating him. It was clear he loved her, and
would do anything to keep her with him. But he never pretended to
be something he was not. The same could not be said for Anaya, or

If I was to be trapped here in this situation
for twenty plus years, the illusion of happiness and love would
have made it endurable. She destroyed that illusion. I was unsure
how I would even survive a day at this point, let alone a

Her hate for him was so strong, she was
willing to destroy anyone to hurt him. Which in my mind, made her
the worst of all.

Jaxson kissed my forehead, then joined Griff
across the room. They spoke in whispers. Griff shook his head a few
times, his eyes locked on mine. I got the distinct impression he
was searching them for something, like he had when they first let
me out of the restraints.

Jaxson pressed a hand to the wall, and though
I should be used to such things, I was amazed as a chair grew up
out of the floor.

“I will send breakfast down so you can rest.
If you need anything, Griff will get it for you.”

“All this fuss is not necessary. I am sure
Griff has more important things to do.”

Jaxson’s expression turned very serious.
“There is nothing more important than making sure you are safe and
cared for.”

“You are too good to me.”

He smiled, but it was the false kind that
told me he was too worried to be happy. He turned to go, and I knew
I could say something to make the smile genuine. Instead, I watched
him disappear through the closing hole.

“You know, there is nothing he would not do
for you.” Griff’s voice startled me. I turned my attention to him.
“If you had asked him to stay, he would have.”

“I know. I do not want to add to his

“You are the only thing that makes those
burdens bearable.”

And somehow I became the one who was the
monster again.

“Most of his burdens are because of me.” And
by me, I meant Anaya. I rolled over and covered my head.

I awoke to gentle rocking and the familiar
scent I associated with Jaxson. For a minute I forgot it was no
longer supposed to be a pleasant odor. When I opened my eyes, my
hands were already twined in his hair.

“We have company, Love.” He grinned but his
face was flushed.

I blushed and pulled away. “Sorry.”

Griff rose and opened the wall. “I will be
outside.” He winked and disappeared through the hole.

Jaxson pulled a pale blue slip dress from the
bureau and returned. I raised my hands and he slipped it over my
head. He pressed a soft kiss to my shoulder.

“Are you feeling up to this?” he asked. I
nodded and leaned against him. “Are you sure?”

I took his hand in answer, and led him out of
the room.

As we walked through the dining hall all eyes
were on us, as usual, but only a few openly stared.

“Anaya!” Duester called out in an overly
friendly tone that sounded more poisonous than pleasant. She
approached with caution. Both Griff and Jaxson took defensive
positions around me.

“There is no need for this concern, my
friend.” She waved her hand dismissively. “I only want to pay Anaya
a compliment.”

Neither Griff nor Jaxson relaxed. I shrugged.
“You cannot fault my boys for their devotion.” I stepped forward
into a false embrace, touching each cheek to hers.

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