China Bayles' Book of Days (56 page)

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Authors: Susan Wittig Albert

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To make the wreath, you’ll need:

a wire wreath box frame 16‘ diameter
sphagnum moss

10-12 ivy plants in 4‘ containers (there may be several plants in one container)

potting soil
slow-release fertilizer pellets
flexible copper wire


How to do it:

Lay the wreath frame flat, open side up. Soak the sphagnum moss until it is moist. Cover the inside of the frame, pressing the moss against the outside. Remove the ivy plants from the containers and settle them into the frame, spacing equally and tilting the plants slightly to cover the root ball of the adjoining plant. Add potting soil where necessary and sprinkle slow-release fertilizer pellets, following package directions. Wrap the copper wire (it will be nearly invisible) around the frame and between the plants to secure them in place. Lay sphagnum moss between the plants. Keep moist and shaded, and water when the bottom of the wreath feels dry. Indoors, place on a tray. (You can use this same technique with many other herbs. Some possibilities: prostrate rosemary, thyme, dwarf nasturtium, mint, hen-and-chicks.)


Learn how to use many live herbs and plants in wreaths:

The Living Wreath,
by Teddy Colbert


Today is the feast day of St. Michael the Archangel.


According to one legend, Angelica was revealed in a dream by an angel to cure the plague. Another explanation of the name of this plant is that it blooms on the day of Michael the Archangel (May 8, old style), and is on that account a preservative against evil spirits and witchcraft: all parts of the plant were believed efficacious against spells and enchantment. It was held in such esteem that it was called “The Root of the Holy Ghost.”


Angelica (
Angelica archangelica
) was held in high reverence in medieval Europe, when healing plants were viewed as very nearly sacred. The religious names of many plants indicate their importance and value—Saint-John’s-wort (
Hypericum sp.
), St. George’s herb or valerian (
Valeriana officinalis
), and Our Lady’s thistle or blessed thistle (
Cnicus benedictus
)—but angelica was valued even more than these, perhaps because of its reputation for dispelling the plague. Described by an herbalist of the 1570s as “that happy counterbane against contagions, sent down from heav’n,” angelica came to be regarded with great reverence and even greater superstition.

Angelica can grow to six feet in height, with large, tropical-looking leaves and hollow stems 2-3 inches in diameter. In addition to its medicinal uses (as a remedy for colds, pleurisy, rheumatism, urinary tract infections, and typhoid fever), it has been widely used in perfumes, candies, and sweets. In the 1600s, the juice was distilled and used as a flavoring, the root and stalks were candied, and the thin-sliced stalks were used to decorate pastries. The oil is still used as a flavoring for liqueurs.

If you live where the summers are relatively cool and moist, the plant would be an unusual and impressive back-of-the-border herb. And perhaps you would like to use the stems in Martha Washington’s recipe.


About A weeke in aprill, take of ye stalks of Angelico, & boyle them in faire water till they be tender, then pill ye thin scin of them [pull the thin skin off them] & squees them betwixt 2 plates till all ye water be out, then brayd [abrade] them If you like it, & boyle them to A candy in sugar as other roots be done. Then dry them in a stove.




Read more about “old-fashioned” herbs:

Gardening with Herbs for Flavor and Fragrance
, by Helen Morgenthau Fox, 1933


Never eat a blackberry after Michaelmas Day, for the devil spits on them all.


Sukkot, the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles, may be celebrated about this time. The “tabernacles” are the tiny makeshift huts in which the Israelites stayed as they journeyed through the wilderness. They may also represent the temporary huts in which ancient farmers stayed while they harvested their crops.

The Four Herbs of Sukkot

On the first day you are to take choice fruit from the trees, and palm fronds, leafy branches and poplars . . . Leviticus 23:40, New International Version


In Jewish practice, the choice fruit from the trees is interpreted as the
Citrus medica
—familiar to us as the citron, a lemonlike fruit native to the Holy Land. The palm fronds, called
in Hebrew, are supposed to be at least two feet long; palms are a symbol of victory. “Leafy branches” are represented by a branch of the myrtle tree—a symbol of divine generosity—with leaves in clusters of three. Jewish tradition interprets “poplars” as willows. In the Temple, the
is carried in the left hand and the palm, myrtle, and willow (bundled together) are held in the right, as the congregation sings psalms and hymns of praise.

The Sukkot’s festival menu would include stuffed dishes made with chopped fillings, such as these traditional stuffed mushrooms, filled with herbs:


12 large mushrooms
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
1 garlic clove, minced
¼ cup finely chopped green onion tops
1 tablespoon roasted sunflower seeds, chopped
¾ cup dry bread crumbs
1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
1 teaspoon minced fresh oregano
2 tablespoons butter, melted
4 tablespoons olive oil


Preheat the oven to 350°. Clean mushrooms and remove stems (save for another use). Mix remaining ingredients, except for olive oil. Stuff the mushroom caps, pressing the filling firmly with a spoon. Place mushrooms in a casserole dish greased with 2 tablespoons olive oil. Pour the remaining oil over the mushrooms. Bake 20 minutes. Serve warm.

The citron was the first cultivated citrus fruit, with records dating back to 4000 BCE. It was a common fruit in the Mediterranean region, and today is cultivated primarily in Sicily, Corsica, and Crete, Greece, and Israel. The peel is candied and used in a variety of desserts.


You might also want to read:

In Search of Plenty: A History of Jewish Food
, by Oded Schwartz

October November December


In China and Japan, today begins the Month of the Chrysanthemum.


I closed up both shops at the usual hour, then drove over to the theater to add a few last-minute plants to the landscaping: more rosemary, some lemongrass, and several santolina, and another dozen of chrysanthemums. In my opinion, it is theoretically possible to have too many chrysanthemums, but I have personally never reached that point. When they’re in bloom, they’re bronze and red and gold and pretty; when they’re not, they’re green and pretty. Such a deal.

Chrysanthemum: The Royal Flower

As a flowering herb, chrysanthemums were cultivated in China around 1500 BCE. A decoction of the roots was used to soothe headaches, the young leaves and petals were eaten in salads, and a tea was made from the leaves. In Japan, the Imperial court held its first chrysanthemum show in 910 CE, when the plant was declared the national flower and adopted by the ruling family as its symbol. National Chrysanthemum Day is still celebrated there. For many, the flower typifies the East in the same way that the rose typifies the West.

The flower was brought to Europe in the seventeenth century. It was named by Karl Linnaeus from the Greek prefix
-, which means “golden” (the color of the original flowers), and -
, “flower.” When it began to appear in England in the late 1700s, it became popular as a bedding plant. It never caught on as a medicinal herb, however. In Europe, the chrysanthemum is mostly used as a funeral flower and connotes sadness and grief; in contemporary America, it is a celebratory flower, summoning up thoughts of football games and homecoming dances.

The colorful petals of garden chrysanthemums add a festive touch to salads and vegetable dishes. (Never use florist varieties, which may have been sprayed.) According to Susan Belsinger (
Flowers in the Kitchen
) some varieties may be bitter. In China, the greens are stir-fried with garlic, ginger, and dried chile peppers and served over noodles.


Learn more about chrysanthemums:

Chrysanthemums: The Complete Guide
, by Baden Locke


If the new moon appear with the points of her crescent turned up, the month will be dry: if the points are turned down it will be wet.


There is an old tradition that the Elder tree must on no account be burnt or even cut down without the permission of Hylde-Moer, the Elder tree mother.

Elderberry-Sumac Rob: Susan’s Journal

When I was a girl growing up on the farm in Illinois, I remember early October as a time of crisp, cool days: the skies clear and blue, the sumac berries turning scarlet, and the elderberry bushes heavy with ebony berries—a time for jellies and jams, certainly. But I was reading Bertha Reppert’s
Twelve Month Herbal
the other day, and found that in early October, Bertha’s thoughts are turning to elderberry-sumac rob. “They claim there’s a witch residing in every elder tree,” she says, “and rob is surely a witch’s brew, turned into pure ambrosia.”

Rob? It’s not a noun I know, but a quick search through the Oxford English Dictionary yields this definition: “the juice of a fruit, reduced by boiling to the consistency of a syrup and preserved with sugar; a conserve of fruit.” The word, we’re told, is Arabic:
meaning fruit syrup.

Ah, yes, fruit syrup. That, I understand. And Bertha’s instructions for her rob are understandable, as well. She harvests sumac berries (she doesn’t say which variety, but here in Texas we have
Rhus trilobata
, better known as the lemonade-bush, the fruits of which produce a lovely, tart juice). She cooks them with water, strains them, and uses the sumac juice to cook her elderberry harvest. She tosses in cloves, nutmeg, and a cinnamon stick, and boils it all together for half an hour. Then she adds a cup of sugar for each quart, stirs until it dissolves, strains it again, and bottles it. “Served with great ceremony in tiny glasses, it is the most elegant of drinks,” she says.

It would be an elegant jelly, too, with the addition of pectin and more sugar. And healthy, I must add, for the elder’s flowers and fruit are respected as remedies for colds and flu, and sumac has a reputation as an aid to digestion. It’s nice when something delicious and elegant is also good for you. And doubly nice when reading about it brings back those crisp October days of bright sumac and dark, rich elderberries.


Read about Bertha’s adventures with elder:

Mrs. Reppert’s Twelve-Month Herbal,
by Bertha Reppert


There is no better reason for preferring this elderberry bush than that it stirs an early memory, that it is no novelty in my life, speaking to me merely through my present sensibilities to form and colour, but the long companion of my existence that wove itself into my joys when joys were vivid.

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