China's Territorial Disputes (25 page)

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Authors: Chien-Peng Chung

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18    Serge Petroff,
The Red Eminence: A Biography of Mikhail A. Suslov
(Clifton NJ: The Kingston Press, 1988), 136.

19    Arthur A. Cohen, “The Sino-Soviet Border Crisis of 1969,” in Alexander L. George

Avoiding War: Problems of Crisis Management
(Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1991), 276-277.    

20    Li Ke and Hao Shengzheng,
Wenhua da geming de renmin jiefang jun
(Beijing: Chinese Communist Party History Materials Press, 1989), 22-25; Barbara Barnouin and Yu Changgen,
Chinese Foreign Policy During the Cultural Revolution
(London: Kegan Paul, 1998), 87.

21    Shih, Chih-yu,
The Spirit of Chinese Foreign Policy
(London: Macmillan Press, 1990),

185.    "

22    Hinton,
The Bear at the Gate
, 24.

23    Shih,
The Spirit of Chinese Foreign Policy,

24    Hinton, “Conflict on the Ussuri: A Clash of Nationalisms,” 49; Day (ed.)
China and the Soviet Union 1949-84,
93-94; 'Angry Protest and Indignation,”
8 March 1969.

25    Hinton,
The Bear at the Gate
, 25-26.

26    Hinton,
The Bear at the Gate
, 24.

27    “Soviets Seek Western Support on Border Clash,”
FBIS Daily Report
, Communist China, International Affairs, A1, 20 March 1969, Peking NCNA International Service in English 2004 GMT 19 March 1969 W.

28    Qi,
Zhen Bao Dao Shi Jian Zhen Xiang,

29    Hinton,
The Bear at the Gate
, 24.

30    Hinton, “Conflict on the Ussuri: A Clash of Nationalisms,” 50.

Kosygin’s moderate position seemed to have been supported by Soviet Chief of Staff M. Zakharov, who was believed to have opposed a war with China (see Christian Duevel, “Marshall Zakharov’s Position on the Sino-Soviet Conflict,”
Radio Liberty
dispatch,10 February 1970).

32    Lin Biao, report of 1 April 1969 to the Ninth Party    Congress,    released by    
Xinhua News

on 27 April 1969, as quoted    in Hinton,    “Conflict    on    the Ussuri:    A    Clash    of

Nationalisms,” 50.

33    Arkady N. Shevchenko,
Breaking with Moscow
(New York: Knopf, 1985), 164~165.

34    “USSR Statement To CPR Suggests Border Talks,”
FBIS Daily Report,
Soviet Union, International Affairs, A6,1 April 1969, Moscow TASS International Service in English 0255 GMT 30 March 1969 L.

35    Text of note broadcast by
Radio Moscow
domestic service, 12 April 1969.


37    “Refusal To Settle Border Issue,”
FBIS Daily Report,
Soviet Union, International Affairs, A13,17 June 1969, Moscow in Mandarin to China 1230 GMT 12 June 1969 T.

38    Hinton,
The Bear at the Gate
, 29.

39    Harry Gelman,
The Soviet Far East Buildup and Soviet Risk-taking Against China
(Santa Monica CA: Rand, 1982), 39.

40    Shevchenko,
Breaking with Moscow,

41    Hinton, “Conflict on the Ussuri: A Clash of Nationalisms,” 53.

FBIS Daily Report
, Communist China, International Affairs, A17, 15 September 1969. Paris AFP in English 1105 GMT 13 September 1969 C.

43    Chinese communique released by NCNA,11 September 1969, reported in
Radio Peace and Progress
(Moscow) in German to Germany 1530 GMT 22 September 1969.

44    Harrison E. Salisbury, “Kosygin’s Offer to Chou Detailed,”
The New York Times
, 25 September 1969.

45    Hinton, “Conflict on the Ussuri: A Clash of Nationalisms,” 54.


47    “Text of Government Statement on Border Talks,”
FBIS Daily Report
, Communist China, International Affairs, A1,8 October 1969, Peking NCNA International Service in English 1400 GMT 7 October 1969 B.

48    Hinton, “Conflict on the Ussuri: A Clash of Nationalisms,” 54.

49    “Articles Stress Preparedness During Talks,”
FBIS Daily Report
, Communist China, International Affairs, A2-A3, 20 October 1969. Nanking Kiangsu Provincial Service in Mandarin 2200 GMT 17 October 1969 B.

50    Hinton, “Conflict on the Ussuri: A Clash of Nationalisms,” 50.

51    Hinton,
The Bear at the Gate,

52    Hinton,
The Bear at the Gate,

53    “Sino-Soviet Border Talks Open in Peking,”
FBIS Daily Report
, Soviet Union, International Affairs, A1,20 October 1969, Moscow TASS International Service in English 0837 GMT 19 October 1969 L.

54    “No Sign Yet of Progress in Sino-Soviet Border Talks,”
Ta Kung Pao Weekly Supplement
, 6-12 November 1969.

55    “USSR Reportedly Offered Border Islands to CPR,”
FBIS Daily Report,
USSR, International Affairs, A31,13 January 1970. Bombay PTI in English 0134 GMT 13 January 1970 B.

56    “Kuznetsov Returns to Peking for Border Talks,”
FBIS Daily Report
, Communist

China, International Affairs, A1, 2 January 1970. Peking NCNA International Service in English 1131 GMT 2 January    1970 B.

57    Wishnick, “In the Region and    in the    Center:    Soviet Reactions to the Border Rift.”
(accessed 4 July 2003).

58    “Soviet Threat,”
FBIS Daily Report,
USSR, International Affairs, B6,10 March 1982. Moscow in Mandarin to China 0700 GMT 23 February 1982.

59    Hinton,
The Bear at the Gate,
47, n77, n78.

60    Qj,
Zhen Bao Dao Shi Jian Zhen Xiang,

61    Hinton,
The Bear at the Gate,

62    Lowell Dittmer,
Sino-Soviet Normalization and Its International Implicatms, 1945-1990
(Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1992), 193.


64    Hinton,
The Bear at the Gate
, 59.

The Military Balance,
1969-1970 to 1977-1978; and
Strategic Survey,
1969-1977, both published by the International Institute for Strategic Studies, London.

66    Barry Naughton, “The Third Front: Defense Industrialization in the Chinese Interior,”
China Quarterly,
September 1988, no. 115, 351-386.

67    Day (ed.)
China and the Soviet Union 1949-84,


69    Elizabeth Wishnick,
Mending Fences: The Evolution of Moscow^s China Policy from Brezhnev to Yeltsin
(Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 2001),68.

70    R. Menon and D. Abele, “Security Dimensions of Soviet Territorial Disputes with

China and Japan,”
Journal of Northeast Asian Studies,
spring 1989, vol. VIII, no.1, 16-17.    "

71    “China and the Soviet Union Resume Border Talks,”
(Hong Kong), 9 February 1987, 1.

72    Day (ed.)
China and the Soviet Union 1949-84,

73    “Chenpao Island Has Always Been Chinese Territory,”
Peking Review
, 14 March 1969, vol.12, no.11,14-15.

74    George Ginsburgs,
The Damansky/Chenpao Island Incidents: A Case Study of Syntactic Patterns in Crisis Diplomacy
(Edwardsville IL: University Graphics and Publications, 1973), 37.

, 23-24.

, 24.

77    Christian F. Ostermann, “New Evidence on the Sino-Soviet Border Dispute, 1969-71: East German Documents on the Border Conflict, 1969 - Document no. 3: Soviet Report on 11 September 1969 Kosygin-Zhou Meeting,” in Cold War International History Project,
Bulletin 6-7
(Washington DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 1995), 93.

78    Dittmer,
Sino-Soviet Normalization and Its International Implications,
186. See also Donald S. Zagoria,
The Sino-Soviet Conflict: 1956-1961
(Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press, 1962); and William E. Griffith,
The Sino-Soviet Rift
(Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1964).

79    Hans J. Morgenthau,
Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace,
5th edn (New York: Knopf, 1978), 27-92.

80    Ginsburgs,
The Damansky/Chenpao Island Incidents,

Far Eastern Economic Review,
31 March 1993, 23-24.

82    James Clay Moltz, “Regional Tensions in the Russo-Chinese Rapprochement,”
Asian Survey,
June 1995, vol. XXXV no. 6, 514.

The Current Digest of the Soviet Press
, “Vladivostok Speech by Mikhail Gorbachev,” 1986, vol XXXVIII, no. 30, 7.

The Current Digest of the Soviet Press
, “Soviet-Chinese Border Talks,” 1987, vol. XXXIX, no. 8.

85    Chi Su, “The Strategic Triangle and China’s Soviet Policy,” in Robert S. Ross (ed.)
China, the United States, and the Soviet Union: Tripolarity and Policy Making in the Cold War
(Armonk NY: M. E. Sharpe), 53.

The Current Digest of the Soviet Press
, “Soviet-Chinese Border Talks,” 1987, vol. XXXIX, no. 8.

87    “USSR Compromise in PRC Border Talks Expected,”
FBIS Daily Report
, China, International Affairs, C1,2 March 1987. Tokyo KYODO in English 1250 GMT 28 February 1987.

88    “Rogachev Comments on Sino-Soviet Border Talks,”
FBIS Daily Report
, China, International Affairs, B1,7 August 1987. Hong Kong AFP in English 0451 GMT 7 August 1987.

The Current Digest of the Soviet Press
, “Soviet-Chinese Border Talks,” 1987, vol. XXXIX, no. 8.


91    “Photography Group Meets in Beijing,”
FBIS Daily Report
, USSR, International Affairs, 29, 25 September 1987. Moscow TASS in English 0612 GMT 25 September 1987.

92    “Eastern Soviet-Chinese Border Surveyed by Air,”
FBIS Daily Report
, USSR, International Affairs,10,16 August 1988. Moscow International Service in Mandarin 0600 GMT 13 August 1988.

The Current Digest of the Soviet Press,
“Press Conference in Beijing,” 1989, vol. XLI, no. 5.

Wen Wei Po
(Hong Kong), “Zhenbao Recognized as Chinese Territory,” 12 March 1989,1.

95    See paragraph 3 of “USSR-PRC Joint Communique on Summit Issued,”
FBIS Daily Report,
Soviet Union, International Affairs,16,18 May 1989. Moscow TASS in English 1026 GMT 18 May 1989.

96    See paragraphs 7 and 8 of “USSR-PRC Joint Communique on Summit Issued,”
FBIS Daily Report,
Soviet Union, International Affairs,17,18 May 1989. Moscow TASS in English 1026 GMT 18 May 1989.

97    See paragraph 11 of “USSR-PRC Joint Communique on Summit Issued,”
FBIS Daily Report,
Soviet Union, International Affairs,17,18 May 1989. Moscow TASS in English 1026 GMT 18 May 1989.

98    “Soviet Sinologist Considers Border Issue,”
FBIS Daily Report
, Soviet Union, International Affairs,18, 5 May 1989. Moscow Radio Peace and Progress in Mandarin to Asia-Pacific Region 1300 GMT.

99    “Commentary on Demilitarization of PRC Border,”
FBIS Daily Report
, Soviet Union, International Affairs,11,28 June 1989. Moscow in Mandarin to Southeast Asia 1300 GMT 18 June 1989.

100    “Ministry Confirms Transfer of Islands,”
FBIS Daily Report,
Soviet Union, International Affairs, 27 June 1991. Moscow Russian Television Network in Russian 1700 GMT 25 June 1991.

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