Choices (5 page)

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Authors: H.M. McQueen

BOOK: Choices
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"Are you sure?" Rachel said covering his large hands with hers.  "Maybe we should remain and talk to him again.  Surely he'll reconsider it.  I can't believe he's letting you go."

Although she didn't know Roderick as much as she'd come to, it was interesting to her how the same man who fought, a warrior, could be so patient.  "He'll come around.  It may take him a couple years, but he will.  Just need him to get over being pissed at me." There was warmth when he looked at her.  "We have other things to do.  Much to discuss. Let's go home."

Rachel allowed Roderick to lead her from Julian's home.  Although she did not see the Roman, she felt something as they went to her rental car.  From one of the many windows he watched them.  She was sure of it.  Whether in anger or still puzzled, she wasn't sure, but one thing she did know.  When she saw Julian again, once more, she'd beg him to reconsider.



Roderick tried not to be angry at the entire situation.  It was not fair.  As hard as he tried to seem nonchalant for Rachel's sake, his gut churned at the thought of returning to Atlanta.  Cyn would be paired up with someone else.

For lifetimes he's fought as a protector, the war was far from over and every single fighter was required just to keep some semblance of control over the situation.

Needing time to adjust, he'd convinced Rachel to stay in Italy for a couple weeks.  It would give Julian time to get his replacement and hopefully a few days for him to adjust to the idea of being benched.

His cell rang and he eye'd the display.  Rachel had gone out to the small villa patio.  From inside he could see her sitting in the sun with a glass of lemonade reading a book.  She was the picture of serenity.

"Hey Cyn," he spoke in a quiet tone, "What's up?"

"What the fuck?" Cyn's voice exploded.

"You'll have to give me more of a clue," Roderick paced, the cursing in his ear making him cringe. His partner was livid.

Finally Cyn stopped the string of obscenities and formed a sentence that made sense.  "I've been partnered with James Fucking Bond." The male's Scottish brogue became heavy with anger.

"Bond is cool."

"This fucker is not."

"Then call him something else."

Silence, he could see Cyn staring at the ceiling trying to come up with a better nickname.  "I already kicked his ass once."

"What did he do?"

"Go back and see Julian.  Tell him this shit is not going to work."

"Give the new guy a chance. I won't go back right now."

There was another long silence.  Cyn read between the lines.  Both of them knew Julian would not change his mind, not for a while.  It could be a couple years or it could be twenty.  Nothing he could say at the moment would change their leader's mind.  "I'm weakening too fast.  I can't put you or anyone in danger until this shit is controlled."

"Yeah." Cyn let out a breath.  "Thor said once you get married and live with her, you'd get straight."

Thor had never been mated, it would take a woman with a lot of patience or supersonic strength to tame that one.  "How the hell would Thor know?"

"His last partner, another Viking is married."

Only Cyn would hold a conversation with Thor.  "Besides, I called what's his name, the Spaniard.  He said the same thing."

It touched him that his partner was scrambling to find a solution to his situation.  "Thanks for that.  I suspected as much.  Since we've been together here, I notice the difference."

"Well anyway.  I'll see you when you get back.  We'll figure this out. Got your back."

Roderick nodded, even though Cyn couldn't see him, not trusting his voice.

"You okay?" Rachel stood at the door, her eyes pinned to his face.  "Bad news?"

Manning up, he arranged his puss into happy happy joy joy.  "Nah, just Cynden being a pain as usual.  He's mad about his new partner, some British guy."

"Do you know him?"

"Who?" He went to her and pulled her against him.  Two reasons, she felt good there and it was hard to keep up the fake smile.  She'd see through it.

"The British guy."

"Damn I forgot to ask his name.  I know a couple British protectors.  Both are capable, very good."

"Want to go out to get a bite?" She looked up at her.  At once he was lost in the pools of blue.  Her beautiful lips moved, probably saying something important.  But the only thing he heard was the thudding of his heart and the echo of blood rushing.  She had become his everything, worth every loss as long as she and his child were safe nothing would matter as much.

"Roderick?" She pouted and at once his attention came into focus. "You're ignoring me."

"Not at all.  Yeah, so I didn't hear a word you said, I was too busy concentrating on your lips, your eyes, your face."

She softened a soft smile curving her lips.  In that moment he vowed she'd always know how much he loved her.  "Never doubt how I feel about you.  Promise me."

Although she gave him a curious look, she nodded.  "I promise."

"Because you are the single most important thing that's ever happened to me.  The greatest gift."

She dug her face into his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist.  "You're going to make me cry.  That is so sweet." The words were muffled, but he felt an expansion in his chest when she let out a sigh and laid her head against him.  "I love you so much."

There it was the reason for his long life.  It wasn't all the bullshit with Julian or even the demon slayer gig.  His soul purpose was Rachel.

"I'll love you always, for eternity."

They left a few moments later, his entire being lighter at acknowledging how he truly felt.

"How do you know if someone is dark Fae?" Rachel asked as they strolled down a cobble-stoned street in Florence.  He smiled as he'd spotted one not but a few moments earlier.

"They have a bluish tint to their skin.  Humans can't see it."

She was thoughtful for a few beats.  "Do you think I'll be able to see it?"

Good question.  "I don't know.  Probably not."

As they passed a small shop, Rachel tugged him toward it. "Let's check out the pretty pottery."



Roderick took everyone's attention.  Not just because he was a tall, broad-shouldered man, but because he was drop dead gorgeous.

It was hard to look away from him. Rachel figured it was how people that dated celebrities must feel like.  Their partner getting all the attention, while they were more of a backdrop.

Only a few days left in Italy and she'd yet to bring up the subject of their marriage or ask about the bonding ceremony.  Each time she wanted to bring up the subject, a part of her was hurt that he'd not asked of his own free will.  After all, he was the man and as old fashioned as it seemed, she wanted him to ask her and not have to bring it up.

Now standing inside the small ceramic shop in he dwarfed the space and immediately she felt bad for him as he tried to maneuver about and not accidently hit anything.  "We can leave.  I don't see anything I like," she lied eyeing a beautiful set of bowls.

"I think you should take your time and look about.  I'll wait outside." He kissed her brow and left the shop having to bend down to get through the door.

"Grosso!" the shop owner exclaimed looking relieved as Roderick walked out.  "Bello." She smiled.

"Si," Rachel grinned.  Her man was very

A few minutes later she walked out into the bright afternoon sunshine. She'd purchased several items for her mother and her friend, plus some bowls she planned to keep for herself. Roderick sat on a short wall that surrounded a beautiful fountain. 

Something was off.  Rachel wasn't sure how she knew.  In spite of the cold air, there was a light sheen of perspiration on his upper lip and he didn't look her in the eye, but somewhere past her right shoulder.  When he swallowed hard, she swiveled and checked behind.  Nothing out of the norm.

"Rod?  Are you all right?"

His smile was more of a grimace and he inhaled deeply.  "Yeah why?"

"Because you look like you have a stomachache."


He took her packages and placed them on the short wall next to him. It could be Julian called him and offered him the job back.  In exchange Roderick had to break up with her.  If he was about to break up with her, then she'd take it with as much grace as possible.  Once in the privacy of the villa, and away from him, she'd cry her eyes out.

"Is there something you have to tell me?"

He nodded and her stomach flipped.  Then his face softened.  Just as she was about to ask another question, her handsome man fell to his knees and held her hands up to his mouth kissing each knuckle. 

His resplendent eyes met hers.  "Rachel, I love you more than you'll ever know.  I can't picture continuing life without you.  That you carry my child is a blessing I never expected.  Make me the happiest man alive and marry me."

It was her turn to swallow. The ground swayed and she let out a breath she'd been holding.  "Of course I'll marry you.  I love you so much." She threw her arms around his neck and pressed kisses to his face until their mouths met.  He held her hard against him, his large strong hard body the warmest of refuges.

A moment later he dug in his pocket and brought out a ring.  The stone sparkled in the sunshine and in spite of her happy tears, she noticed it was a huge pear shaped diamond set in a simple gold setting.  He slipped it on her finger and she turned to the sound of applause and pictures being taken.  The woman from the ceramic store clapped smiling widely and cried out "Bravo!"

"Let's go back to the villa and celebrate in private," Roderick whispered in her ear and she turned his face to her and kissed him again.  "Not until I get some gelato.  You promised me gelato."

"You sure you want gelato now?  It's freezing out here."

"Yep.  I have to have it.  Not sure if it's a craving or that it's so good.  Even the cold won't stop me." She lifted a brow at him.

"As you wish beauty, but I think I'll find some hot steaming coffee."

"We don't have to walk to the gelato stand.  I can wait."

His eyes were so full of love, she had to blink back tears again.  "Oh you're getting it.  Lots of it.  And I'm going to buy extra in case you want some later. Anything for you.  All you have to do is ask and I will do it."

"Wow." Rachel sighed.  "If this is a dream, I don't want to ever wake up."

They walked hand in hand down back up toward a gelato stand she'd spotted earlier.  The holidays were upon them, the light breeze was crisp, and the bright decorations began lighting, as the shorter day came to an end.  Roderick glanced at her. 

"I love you."

She could only nod, her heart filled to overflowing.

Chapter Seven





"What do you think?" Rachel stepped back from the ten-foot Christmas tree her face tiled up as she studied the latest of many decorations she'd placed on its branches.

"It's perfect," Roderick told her and glanced at the other two men in the room, who also nodded.

His beautiful new wife frowned at them.  "You guys keep saying that, or just nodding.  Look at it, does one side have more ornaments that the other?  How about the lights are they well balance. I don't want people to come over and it be all wonky."

"It's not wonky," Cyn said between bites of the pizza they'd ordered.  "It's nice. A bit frilly, but nice."

"Frilly?" Rachel's voice rose an octave and all three of them froze.

"Now you've done it," Fallon Trent, the Brit and Cyn's new partner muttered earning a glare from the Scot.

Roderick wanted to punch Cyn in the head, but figured it would only upset Rachel.  "We like frilly.  It's good to have a female here to soften things."

"True," Cyn agreed with haste.  "You make things smell good."

Rachel laughed and the men let out a collective breath.

For the first time in centuries, he looked forward to the holidays.  He was married now and offered a position at the local hospital.  Yes it would be strange to work with humans and somehow keep them from noticing he was different.  He would have to wear contacts to keep the luminescence of his eyes hidden and would have to pretend not to notice any dark Fae when in the presence of humans.  But in spite of all the adjustments, he was happy.

Leaving Rachel to continue decorating, the men went to the office space.  Roderick sat at his desk, Cyn and Fallen on a couch and a chair.

"They're organizing, forming some sort of coven. Some master level Fae is taking the helm." Fallon Trent, an 1800s British lord, remained every bit the dandy.  Although now he dressed in modern clothing, Roderick ventured to guess every piece was exclusive designer wear.

Cyn nodded.  "Yeah Dickhead and I followed some lesser ones and at dawn they traveled north toward Dahlenega, we lost them thanks to some trucker convoy.

It was bad news.  They'd suspected for months something was up, but the dark Fae had kept it well hidden.  Most of the trouble lately had been younger ones doing stupid stuff, not smart enough to hide.  But there was a rash of deaths in Atlanta that was getting the human police department's attention.  Strange disappearances and reports of humans being chased by strange men, who moved so fast, they almost caught their car when driving away.

With an exhale Roderick looked from one man to the other.  "Does Julian know?"

The Brit nodded.  "Yes, he is coming next week.  Right now he's dealing with a problem in Ireland.  Seems the friendly Fae are calling a summit of sorts.  Julian is meeting with the Queen."

Cyn went to the bar and poured a drink. "Must be related to what's happening here." He motioned to the others and both shook their heads not wanting a drink. "We need you, not enough of us to fight."

As if on queue his phone rang.  It was Julian.  Roderick put it on speaker.  "Julian.  The three of us are here in the same room." Roderick said by way of greeting.

The Roman's voice was measured.  "I trust you are aware of what happens with the dark Fae.  Several high level demons have taken over and are forming groups, small parts of a larger army.  The highest leader is somewhere in Europe."  Julian paused.  "I am sending another protector to join you.  Not enough to fight all of them.  Your role is to be guardians, not fighters.  Only attack when a life is in danger."

"Who are you sending?" Cyn asked his eyes on Roderick.

"Your brother Kieran."

"Five is not enough," Fallon said scowling.  "We need Roderick back."

"Three," Julian interrupted.  "Thor and the Moor are being transferred to New York.  There is a larger army forming there."  It sounded as if someone came into whatever room Julian was in and he responded to whoever it was with a curt, "I'll be right there.

Julian let out a breath.  "Roderick you are not to be on the street unless I direct it."

Roderick bit back a curse.  Instead he replied.  "Very well."

The conversation ended without any further convo. They sat in the room in silence.  They faced a new dynamic. Changes to the war against the dark Fae meant they'd have to be more alert.

"Guardians?  What the fuck does that mean?  I can't believe this shit." Cyn swallowed the amber liquid and got up to refill.  "It's all kinds of fucked up."

It seemed both he and the Brit agreed as they asked for a drink this time.




“Move it a bit over to the right,” Rachel studied the placement of the crib, her pretty face pinched in concentration. “What do you think?”

Roderick came over to where she sat and pressed a kiss to her brow, his hand moving automatically on her swollen belly.  “What I think doesn’t matter.  I want you to be happy.”

The curve of her lips brightened the room, and he kissed her again lightly.

They’d moved into the log cabin, the spare bedroom next to the master was to be the baby’s nursery.

He bent to pick up a framed photograph of them in Italy from its box. “I’m glad we finally emerged from that hotel in Rome to go for a walk that day.”

Her fingers traced across his forearm, her eyes meeting his. “Yes, I had to have a souvenir of our honeymoon for the baby.”

Rachel slid to the edge of the seat and he helped her to her feet. Placing the picture of them against the wall over the crib, she turned to look at him. “What do you think?”

Love for her and the happiness she’d brought into his long and lonely life filled him. He could only nod in response, words not getting past the knot in his throat.

Her eyes softened. “I’m glad you are able to take a couple days off from the hospital to help me set up the nursery. Our son will be here soon and I want everything just right.”

She watched him hammer a nail into the wall and carefully hang the picture. He turned to see that her eyes had filled with tears. 

He came closer to cradle her in his arms, and pushed the hair out of her face. “What’s wrong sweetheart?”

“You hate your new job don’t you?” She sniffed and pushed her face into the space between his neck and shoulder. “Because of me you can’t do what you were born to do. I know you miss being a Protector.”

“I don’t hate being a doctor. I save lives instead of taking them, it’s rewarding. And I still help the guys out when they need me. Besides, not putting my life in danger on a regular basis means I’ll definitely be around for you and the baby.” 

“That’s true.” With a wide smile she threw her arms around his neck and pulled his face to hers.  “I love you so much,” she pressed kisses all over his face.

A chuckle escaped from his mouth and she frowned up at him. 

“What’s so funny?”

“That I never thought I could be so happy.  I’ll love you forever.” He said, not quite being honest. He wasn’t sure of her reaction to him thinking it comical how pregnancy affected her emotions.

“Oh Rod, you make me so happy.” Rachel sighed against him.

That after all these years he’d find a new purpose in life beside a woman didn’t cease to surprise him.  Yes, he missed spending his nights out on the Atlanta streets battling those that sought to hurt innocents, but he wouldn’t trade his life with Rachel and the son he’d soon meet for anything in the world.

Perhaps Julian would change his mind one day and allow him to join the Protectors again. But for now, he accepted the punishment.

Secretly he hoped the Roman would not seek his sword arm until his son was old enough to understand.  Especially since one day his son would join the Protectors himself. 

There was no choice; any son sired by a Protector was predestined.  Rachel didn’t know there was plenty of time for that conversation. 

“I’m hungry.” Rachel tugged his hand toward the kitchen. “Want some ice cream?”

Roderick followed her from the room.  “Anything is good as long as I share it with you.”

Her delighted giggled died as his lips moved over hers.

The walked hand in hand down back up toward a gelato stand she'd spotted earlier.  The holidays were upon them, the cold air

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